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 Ellis dream as an adolescent was to become a writer.

In 1934, he graduated in business from the

city college of New York and worked in business world until the mid- 1940s.

 His literary efforts proved unsuccessful and decided to study in psychology . In 1943 Ellis
received a master’s degree from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 1947.

 Ellis wanted to become a psychoanalytic clinical psychologist . He succeeded in obtaining

analysis from Karen Horney group and practiced classic psychoanalysis in early
1955s.Dissatisfied with that approach , he began practice of his own theory in1955.

 Rational emotive therapy was primarily a cognitive theory in the beginning . Main theory first
published in Ellis Reason and Emotion in psychotherapy(1962).RET has since broadened and
now include behavioral and emotional concept.

 Ellis has established two nonprofit institute to promote RET -

 The institute for rational living , a scientific and educational foundation in 1959

 The institute for Rational Emotive Therapy , an institute for professional training
and clinical services established in 1968

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