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slab, 36m box girder and 10m T-girder all simply supported.

Only the slab bridge will be designed.

Roadway Grade = 1660.00m asl = above sea level

HWM (high water mark) = 1643.56 - roadway grade dictates elevation of superstructure
and not minimum free board requirement.

I. Slab II. T-Girder III. Box-Girder

Clear span = 10m Clear span 10m Clear span = 36m
Road way width = 7.32m Road way width = 7.32m Road way width = 7.32m
Curb width = 0.8m Curb width = 0.80m Curb width = 0.80m

Concrete: Class ‘A’ concrete: Cylinder strength f’c = 28Mpa [A5.4.2.1]
√ [A5.4.2.4]
= 24

Steel: fy = 400Mpa
Es = 200Gpa

 Design method is Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRDF)

 Reference: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, SI units, 2nd Edition, 2005.

Slab Bridge Design

1. Depth Determination [A2.]

Minimum recommended depth for slabs with main reinforcement parallel to traffic is

table on AASHTO pg 30

Where S is the span, S=c/c of supports ≤ clear span + d, S=10+0.4/2+0.43/2=10.415m

Use D=540mm, d= 540- ø/2-25 = 499mm S=10.415m≤Clear span + d = 10000 + 499 = 10.499m Ok!
(cover) assuming diam =32

2. Live Load Strip Width [Art.]

a) Interior Strip
i) One lane loaded: multiple presence factor included [C.]

L1 = modified span length = min(actual span(S), 18000mm)
L1 is smaller of 10415 or 18000. W1 is the smaller of 8920 or 9000 8.920 = 7.32+0.05*2+0.75*2
L1 = 10415 W1 = 8920 W1 =modified edge to edge width of bridge
=min( actual width,18000) for multilane loading
√ =min ( actual width,9000) for single lane

ii) Multiple lanes loaded

√ W=Actual edge to edge width = 8920mm

NL = Int(clear roadway width/3600)
int= integer

Use E=3256.63mm

Equivalent concentrated and distributed loads

Truck: P1’=35/3.2566=10.75; P2’ = 145/3.2566 = 44.52

Tandem: P3’=110/3.2566 = 33.78 AASHTO pg 73

Lane: w’ = 9.3/3.2566 = 2.856

b) Edge Strip Longitudinal edge strip width for a line of wheels [Art.]

E= distance from edge to face of barrier + 300+1/4* strip width<=either of ( 1/2 of full strip width
E= 800 + 300+3256.63/4 = 1914.08mm > 1800mm or 1800mm

3. Influence Lines For Shear Force and Bending Moment

Slab bridges shall be designed for all vehicular live loads specified in AASHTO
Art, including the lane load [Art.]

a) Inter Strip
i) Maximum Shear Force

This governs

Impact factor = 1+IM/100 = 1+33/100 1.33, not applied to lane load [Art.]
VLL+IM=1.33*72.52+14.87 = 111.32

ii) Maximum Bending Moment

Truck: MTr = 44.52(0.703+2.553) + 10.75(0.103) = 146.06 kNm
Tandom: MTa = 33.78(2.304*2) =156.2 kNm this →governs
Lane: MLn = 2.856*(1/2)*2.595*10.415 = 38.59kNm
MLL+Im = 1.33*156.2 + 38.59 = 246.34kNm

b) Edge Strip
Because E= 1800mm, one lane loaded with a multiple presence factor of 1.2 will be critical

3.2566 = E

4. Select resistance factor, φ [Art.]

Strength Limit States (RC) φ
Flexure & Tension 0.90
Shear & Torsion 0.90
Axial Compression 0.75
Bearing On concrete 0.70
Compression in strut and tie model 0.70

5. Select Load Modifiers, η1

Strength service fatigue
i) Ductility η0 0.95 1.0 1.0 [Art. 1.3.3]
ii) Redundancy ηR 1.05 1.0 1.0 [Art. 1.3.4]
iii) Importance ηI 1.05 1.0 1.0 [Art. 1.3.5]
η0 * ηR * ηI = 1.0
6. Select Applicable Load Combinations sum(ηiγiQi)= Q [Table 3.4.1-1]
Strength I U= η(1.25DC + 1.50DW + 1.75(LL+IM)+1.0FR+γTG TG
Service I U=1.0(DC+DW)+1.0(LL+IM) + 0.3(WS+WL) +1.0FR
-1.25 for DC b/c it's dead load of structural component
Fatigue U=0.75*(LL+IM) - 1.50 for DW b/c it's dead load of wearing surface &
7. Dead Load Force Effects utilities
-some of the forces stated on the table r not included
b/c of ---------------------------------------------------
a) Interior Strip:- We take 1m Strip, ρcm=2400 kg/m3 [Table 3.5.1-1]
-3 3 2
WDC = (2400*9.81)* 10 KN/m * 0.54 m = 12.71kN/m 0.54= the depth of the slab
WDW = (2250*9.81)* 10-3KN/m3 * 0.075m = 1.66kN/m2 0.075 = thickness of asphalt layer
75mm bituminous wearing surface, ρbit = 2250kg/m3 [Table 3.5.1-1]
VDC = ½ * 12.71*10.415 = 66.21kN/m VDW = ½ * 1.66*10.415 = 8.64kN/m

by drawing the sfd

12.71KN/m and bmd of this

b) Edge Strip:
( )

wearing surface not

included.not divided
by 1.8 b/c it's per 1m

VDC = ½ * 16.06*10.415 = 83.63kN/m

8. Investigate Service Limit State

i) Durability: Cover for main reinforcement steel for [Art. 5.12]
 deck surface subjected to tire wear = 60mm
 bottom of cast in-place slab = 25 mm
ηD = ηR = ηI = 1.0 η = 1.0

a) Moment – Interior Strip

M=1.0(172.34 + 22.51 + 246.34) = 441.2 kNm
Assume j=0.875 and fs = 0.6 fy = 0.6*400 = 240

b) Moment – Edge strip:

M=1.0(217.76 + 0 + 534.81) = 752.5 kNm

ii) Control of Cracking [Art.]

a) Interior strip

190 <394.6 Okay!

b) Edge Strip

140<418.98 Okay

A- Area of concrete having the same controid as the principal tensile reinforcement and bounded
by the surfaces of the cross-section and a line parallel to the neutral axis divided by the
number of bars (mm2), clear cover here also ≤ 50mm

The concrete is considered cracked if tensile stress in concrete ≥ 80% of the modulus of rupture,
√ [Art.]

a) Interior Strip – check concrete tensile stress against 0.8fr

Mint = 440.61kNm/m

[ √ ]

Now, steel stress should be calculated for elastic cracked section. The moment of inertia of the
composite transformed section should be used for the stress calculation

N=7, nAsprove = 7*4232.88 = 29630.16mm2 Equivalent concrete area

Determine x from ½*1000*x2 = 29630.16(499-x) x=144.87mm
Now Icr = 1/3*1000*144.87 + 29630.1(499-144.86) = 4.729*109 mm4/m.
3 2

Steel stress over n, fs/n = M(d-x)/Icr =(440.61*106*354.13)/(4.729*109) = 32.99MPa

Now, fsa can be computed:

fs = 230.93≤fsa = 240Mpa OK!

b) Edge Strip
Medge = 751.32KNm/m

½*750*X2 = 7*4882.93(749-x) x = 219.655mm<250mm Curb height

Icr = 1/3*750*(219.655) + 7*4882.93(749-219.655) = 12.227*109mm4
3 2

fs/n = M(d-x)/Icr = 751.32x106*(749-219.655)/12.227x109) = 32.53Mpa

fs = 7*32.53Mpa=227.71Mpa
fs<fsa Ok!
iii) Deformations
Deflection and camber calculations shall consider dead load, live load, erection loads, concrete creep
and shrinkage. [Art.]

Immediate (instantaneous) deflections may be computed taking the moment of inertia as either the
effective moment of inertia, Ie or the gross moment of inertia, Ig

The long-term deformation (due to creep and shrinkage) may be taken as the immediate deflection
multiplied by the following factor

3.0-1.2(A’s/AS) ≥1.6 if immediate deflection is calculated using Ie.

4 if immediate deflection is calculated using Ig.

a) Dead Load Camber:

Total dead load of the bridge and the whole bridge cross-section is considered
WDC = 12.71*8.62+(2.53+0.59+0.23)*1.8*2=121.62KN/m

( ) ( ( ) )

Ma – actual maximum moment (Nmm)

fr – modulus of rupture
yt – distance from N.A to extreme tension fiber (mm)
fr = 0.63√ = 0.63√ = 3.33Mpa,
Location of N.A,

( )


Since the section does not crack under DL, Ig should be used

Camber 5*4.53=22.65mm upward

b) Live Load Deflection (Optional) [Art.]

Use design truck alone or design lane plus 25% of truck load. [Art.]
When design truck is used alone, it should be placed so that the distance between its resultant and the
nearest wheels is bisected by span centerline. All design lanes should be loaded.

MDC+DW+LL+IM = 1813.79+1.33*146.06*3.2566*2*1.0 = 3079.04kNm>Mcr

Multiple presence factor

( ) ( ( ) )

Design Truck Load

First load, P=385.7KN,a=8.78,b=1.635m,X=4.48m

Second load, P=385.7,a = x = 4.48m, b = 5.935m

Third load, P=93.1kKN,a=10.235,b=0.18m,X=5.935

(ΔLL+IM)1=1.804+4.06+0.054=5.92<<13mm Ok!

Design Lane Load +25% of design Truck Load:

ΔLL+IM=1.33+1.48=2.79mm<<13.0mm Ok!
Tandem Load
Single concentrated tandem load at mid-span (spaced at zero meter)
P=1.33*220*2*1 = 585.2KN

With average Ie over the entire span used instead of Ie at section of maximum moment as done here,
smaller deflection would result. The contribution of compression steel is also neglected. For these
reasons, live load deflections are made optional in AASHTO.

9. Investigate Fatigue Limit State.

U=0.75(LL+IM), IM=15%

Fatigue load shall be one design truck with 9m axle spacing.

Maximum moment results when the two from axles are on the span and the rear axle is out of span.

a) Tensile Live Load stress:
One lane loaded E=4298.2mm

fs max = 7*5.58 = 39.06 Mpa

b) Reinforcing Bars:
The stress range in straight reinforcement bars resulting from fatigue load combination shall
not exceed.
ff-is stress range fmin-minimum LL stress, where there is stress reversal=0 for our case

39.06<161.5 Ok!

10. Investigate Strength Limit State

i) Flexure: Equivalent Rectangular stress Distribution [Art.]

a) Interior strip
Mu=ηΣγiQI=1.05[1.25MDC + 1.5MDW + 1.75MLL +IM+γTGMTG]

For simple span bridges, temperature gradient effect reduces gravity load effects.
Because temperature gradient may not always be there, assume γTG=0
Mu=1.05 [1.25(172.34) + 1.5(22.51) + 1.75(246.34)] = 714.3kNm/m
Mu = φAsfyd(1-0.588 ρfy/f’c)
D=540-32/2-25 = 499mm

√ ( √ )

 = 0.0086 > ρmin = 0.03*f’c/fy = 0.03*28/400=0.0021

As = 0.0086*1000*499=4291.4mm2


b) Edge Strip
Mu=ηΣγiQI=1.05[1.25(217.76) +0+ 1.75(534.81)+0) = 1268.52KN/m
D=540 + 250 – 32/2-25 = 749mm

* √ + √

ρ=0.00906 > ρmin=0.0021

As =ρbd = 0.00906*750*749=5089.46m2

ii) Shear
Slab bridges designed in conformance with AASHO, Art may be considered satisfactory for
shear. Art. deals with approximate method of analysis of slab bridges using equivalent strip

But if longitudinal tubes are placed in the slab as in pre stressed concrete, and create voids and reduce
the cross section, the shear resistance must be checked.

iii) Distribution Reinforcement: The amount of bottom transverse reinforcement may be taken as a
percentage of the main reinforcement required for positive moment as

a) Interior strip:
Transverse reinforcement = 0.1715*4347.34mm2 = 745.6mm2

b) Edge strip:
Transverse reinforcement = 0.1715 * 5061.93 mm2 = 868.44mm2

iv) Shrinkage & Temperature Reinforcement: Reinforcement for shrinkage & temperature stresses
shall be provided near surfaces of concrete exposed to daily temperature changes. The steel shall be
distributed equally on both sides

a) Interior Strip:

m, transverse.


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