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wave ndlure of Light — = prpsd by Hy) ke ® Gy lind tical ulavefionts® > proved by + Thoma Yoong Whove front Suvfac which all particles have same, ph ase. Et vibyation. Plie — differece bus Wwe Phase diffarna bye We oa“ teenne ye 9 0" O Spherical Wave fontss+)) ) ) seer —» concorliic sphere 2} inciea ing radii —+ Produced due to pool snus. @ Plane Wave fronts 2-* LI) yw » Limited —Yeqion _on spherica$ wavefron —> Mt ven lage distance from the SOUYE Light eh Sun seaching Barth ts» plane ws frend. —» produced due to Line Source y= Radivs f ——» 24 waves propa: dor to wove et that ! Line shows direction ef propagation 2 (ial. t— Beam i 2 | Collechon el Raw | | Vv v | i H | ds convert gphtrcal ewes Lace j | Prac therome tints plone ist "at the fou S OEvey point _on wusveot omen. 4 second any wovcety hich “spread eu | in fold deck | = i Wilh speed al te t speed 4 asta j | terete af | eee a i if ~ Qe) the Now Wave fren t S position H = i | Con be located b chawing | ‘a Wine that toche, all the points 2 1 | he | Hl I a E vlan | prowt —» wave naluie el _tiehit ' T U 4 if fraction rinciple Interference —p(prerninen) Trl x Inleference peitten iw _ecbtained due ion ——~ Division of & Interference accue n L Al) Agpes oh waves CONLenivated {sino “et nterference ence ciest=crest west ~frouah Trough —Traueh Tush - crest Bright Marina Datk | ini ! firdee / frincge Reirivip i dd. duin® em path difference dine = {os +4 | Go,1,23-- Lol 1 m=O m= | E 4s= 0. b ds =; L Zew Bright le st v contiad find ge 1 I ie ak t | BS 20 A. on, Bn Ab 2 0 9x. Un, OR AS = %, 8, Sr IL. E 3 2 Pod 4,25, on |. Zelo_oidev Bere oxdey 1 brgn exist dark Not exit i) | Ze order maxina—» m=0 || u r Border maxima —» med j 24 order _maxima —> m= 2 god miniina—» mzo | 24 odes —mrinima— met ql Pine dad. fgg Ln ee ; eet Date: [20 on the : ae’ [oto Gy 7 I mi] 2 (Yo may certs” ; Position _o {inte “a on the __scyeens Slangin tine fot on Yuotere 1-33. & VOX o Dyas ~ 1.5 are ee [ay as | x an p hed Black (op Aleerl Ee) 5. Sepa : pile. Ro Rprs Diffactinf x r»f | H Ared_2 2 Avil | +ynarnonm diffrachan —p ted | | | x minimum __dliff tacton -» violet Ia CAmplitede) * [r= 4) Ce Tinox = (A+ As)” Tan = (ACR) — 4 re rrr xlWhin source is moved __toward L the slit then Brightness t Intensity tT — DavRness 4 u / OR VICE _vERsA 1 eH ~ Diffraction of Light ~))| = k Bending 4 Aight aiound the _ sb stacd i >= iX__talled dle ffackan EF Liat i Fa — I Diffraction is__guopninent iwhen.— t x_Gize f Aperture _ah__stit must be -_ cernperable ti the wavelength ; ~ sh tie . t = + Yu rm > Apentoie = ‘Y Veoh, slit “said =e ~ if fraction Grati __| cL % A glass plate having large € 7 ft : of lines ruled _on_ its - | ff K Space blo lines ac as slit j Tupical diffraction qratting hars : q . {4 4ov - $000 _ lines Jem 4000 - 3.00000 lines /m tl Yo - $00 linet [nm { 1 ; | dach ) 5 4 ‘ nave! HA aD wt o teen | | *n od : | ‘ TT | For heighot ovder: | ‘ TI v | é I in@ = 4 @ zatin 040° ; Ditgne ble Spe" {| ‘ swe lladjacent dekEt on d= 4 , hte celled N N | shog ene Te = Ti é I Tints permit ene s [ I 7 Ho Bright fiindgos Dit of lenkl Ginges “S | u Uae v Wr 0k iL ' + Recase ceobd) ie al bright A = = | a 7 wn Conditions fos [Tnlerference | - eh nl ee sar Lea! pe fuberert. —» Constant phase 4 lisTance blu source and shl becomes double thon ; AY = + yeqnaros same Fringe sspoacine (S_maximum fy —» Red Fringe Spacing 1 Minimum fer —» violit SF FP YM REI HHH A aI He Hae ee ey AY og = 2A ured 2 Base) Mce oy = 10°, then Distance ef STV bright for centse is: Ys m 4 Ye Sx We) Distance of Sth dark From centre is ¢ | Y= (mn +3 ») sy! Ya(ur s)ay afyeus xe J Date:_/_/20__ 4 Slits are coveted with Red = 34 and ~geen filles: then: No in terFerense aff eal will_be obsewed ax $n case of white light, cone ics conte —» while wis a tuo yesult 4 niegome coherent _ beams : & dishibuled £ redidrib but Buergy i W yemainc _Consloml. Light we ind _Sourees —p cannot be coherent yi colours * Sunlight ts —> while Licht G Reserbmtt | i einai pe pep ly # Sf sli; are not eqpi distant from. the Sovtee then contval _Sringe nay bi "4 ¢ bright_| v or__dork depending pan the posi bina SOUree . o Jsn 9-2 = sind= dd eo de => B= swt () aK phat angle andere di ffactel beam s ae served 9l9 7 CALAIS i Ss z AY —+ decene 7 : nt = VE > AL = ov) | = 1 s = Huygens principle enable us = to __find ——_. x Shape wavelyont v tT * Position oh wawehrent_W y v i |» IMP_Pomnts i diffcetion oc 4 eae MAXIMUM wap Ri aif Stitlering of +. =p Maxi yy v olet x Blue colowt 4h hy is due te 2 catering come Wf *hensvee netine of light folanzalon —_ ~

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