Diagnostic Test

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A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test that is used to assess your overall health and to

diagnose a variety of illnesses, such as anemia, infection, and leukemia. For the patient’s

laboratory test findings, the result indicates that the patients White Blood Count (WBC) is below

normal range as well as the Hemoglobin count. White blood counts are an important part of the

immune system. It helps the body to fight off infections and other diseases. The White blood

count of the client is 3.9L which does not reach the normal range which is 4.5-11.0 for adult.

Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that transfers oxygen to the body's organs and

tissues while also transporting carbon dioxide back to the lungs. Low levels of Hemoglobin may

indicate anemia due to insufficient iron. This occurs when the body does not have enough iron in

the blood then the rest of the body cannot obtain the required amount of oxygen. The

Hemoglobin count of the patient is only 10.8L and the normal range of the Hemoglobin count of

a pregnant woman is at 11-14L.

A Fetal Ultrasound (sonogram) is a type of imaging that employs sound waves to create images

of a fetus inside the uterus. Upon regular prenatal visit of the patient, according to the test being

held by the doctor, there is no presence of Fetal Heart Tone.

An ERPC (Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception) is a simple operation that removes

pregnancy tissue from the womb after a miscarriage. This test was ordered directly by the doctor

because there was no response or presence of FHT during the ultrasound which is a sign of


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