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IBS, Hyderabad MBA: Class of 2012: Business Ethics & Corporate Governance Course Objective: To help students understand

the nature of Business Ethics and issues in Corporate Governance and application of these very important aspects to the contemporary Indian scene Text Book: Business Ethics and Corporate Governance by A.C. Fernando, Pearson Education Session Topic No. 1 Introduction to Business Ethics 2 Introduction to Business Ethics Concepts Covered Introduction Ethical frameworks Case title along with ref no. Reading material

1. Ethical Frameworks for Management (HBS: 9 384 105)

3 4

Introduction to Business Ethics Introduction to Business Ethics

Ethical frameworks Same as above Ethics & values 2. Ethical Values of the Murugappa Group: A Case Study ((ICFAI Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol. 8, No. 2) 3. On Weldon s watch: recalls at Johnson & Johnson (HBS: 9 311 029)

Chapter 2. Ethical Principles in Business In Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases by M. G. Velasquez Same as above Same as above

Typical problems in Business Ethics

Marketing ethics

Typical problems in Business Ethics Typical problems in Business Ethics Typical problems in Business Ethics

Ethics in Operations Ethics & HR

4. Martha McCaskey (HBS 9 403 114) 5.Hitting the Wall: Nike & International Labour Practices (HBS 9 700 047) 6. Hollywood in India (A) (HBS 9 711 017)

Chapter 4. Ethics in Marketplace In Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases by M.G. Velasquez Same as above

Same as above

Intellectual Property Issues

Same as above

Typical problems in Business Ethics Typical problems in Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility

Ethics & business

Video Clip from the documentary The Corporation Three small videos related to Vedanta s Niyamgiri project 7.State Grid: Corporate Social Responsibility (HBS 9 410 141)

Same as above


Ethics, Business & Society CSR

Same as above




Corporate Social Responsibility Complexity of Ethical issues

CSR Ratings

Role of business in society

Karmayog s Rating of CSR activities of Indian firms 8.Royal Dutch Shell in Nigeria (A) (HBS 9 399 126) 9. Exit Strategy (HBS N9 311 075) Clipping from the Hindi movie Corporate 10. Hewlett Packard company: CEO succession in 2010 (HBS 9 411 056)

An Indian Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility in HRM Review Jan 2008 Study of website Ethical Dilemma: Managerial View In MBA Review Jan 2007 Same as above


Complexity of Ethical issues Complexity of Ethical issues Ethical leadership

15 16

Individual vs. client and Organisation conflicts Ethical dilemma Ethics & leaders

Same as above Role of Ethics in Leadership: Leading by Setting Examples in Effective Executive July 2005 Agency Theory and Managerial Rewards: Effective Executive March 2003 Same as above


CG: History of Corporate form & models

Rationale for Corporate Governance


CG: History of Corporate form & models

Basic models


Corporate CG in practice Governance: History of Corp. form & models


11.Mergers & Acquisitions: legal context: basic framework for Corporate Governance (HBS 9 803 200) 12. Note on Corporate Governance Systems: US, Japan & Germany (HBS 9 292 012) 13.Action Aid International (HBS 9 311 004)

Same as above


Nature & Evolution of Corporate Governance

CG, restructuring and responsibilities to stakeholders


Nature & Evolution of Corporate Governance Nature & Evolution of Corporate Governance Internal CG mechanisms Internal CG mechanisms Internal CG mechanisms External CG mechanisms

Improving board performance


The road ahead

14. Marriott Corporation (A) Chapter 1: (HBS 9 394 085) Governance Redefined in the book titled Corporate Governance by Erik Banks 15.Measuring & improving Same as above performance of corporate boards using Balanced Scorecard (HBS B 0303 D) 16.The future of Corporate Same as above Governance (HBS BEP 029)

23 24



Managerial 17. A letter from prison responsibility (HBS 9 110 045) Processes & 18.Accounting fraud at changes to prevent Worldcom frauds (HBS 9 104 071) Internal decision 19. Internal governance & making & control at Goldman Sachs oversight (HBS 9 904 026) Role of investors 20. The Hermitage Fund and the media &CG in Russia the media (HBS 9 703 010)


External CG mechanisms External CG mechanisms


Steps taken institutionally to improve CG Challenges in standardising across countries Presentation of group assignment

21.Corporate reforms in the USA (HBS 9 304 091) 22. International Accounting Same as above Standards Board (IASB) at a crossroads (HSB 9 111 084)

Chapter 3: External Governance Mechanisms in the book titled Corporate Governance by Erik Banks Same as above


CG Ratings

Corporate Governance Ratings: Saviour of the Stakeholders? ICFAI Reader July 2004 3


CG Ratings

Presentation of group assignment Study of Indian CG practices 23.Company Governance fulfilling broad mission & purpose :What the India way can teach us (HBS 5821 BC)

Same as above


CG in India

Revitalizing Clause 49 Portfolio Organizer Feb 2006 The Changing Face of Family-owned Business in India, ICFAI Journal of Business Strategy , June 2004

32 33

CG in India CG in India

Study of Indian CG practices An example of a proactive Indian company

Same as above 24.Corporate Governance in Infosys (ICMR-BECG038)

Same as above Same as above

Evaluation: 1. 2. 3. 4. y Class participation : 40% End term examination: 30% Group presentation: 20% Individual assignment: 10% Class participation to be evaluated in two slots with 20 % weight each the first one at the end of the Business Ethics part (16 sessions) and the second at the end of the Corporate Governance part. Individual assignment: details will be informed later Group presentation will be made by each student group consisting of not more than 5 students to the class. Each group would have to identify at the beginning of the term one company and collect information during the semester on its corporate governance. Using CGI / GMI ratings, they should rate the company of their choice and justify this rating during the 5 minute presentation. End term examination would examine grasp of concepts, analytical ability and familiarity with contemporary developments. The examination will be based on small cases.

y y

RM: 26 May 2011

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