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FSN Analysis and calculation
FSN analysis makes use of a few parameters to arrive at the three categories of goods in the
inventory. Since it is a scientific analysis and not based on the judgment of a few individuals,
formulas are used to arrive at figures which tell us if a good belongs to a fast-moving or slow-
moving or non-moving category.

Average Stay: Number of cumulative days inventory is held

(Opening Balance of the good + Number of goods received during the period)

Consumption Rate:  Total number of goods issued

Total period

The next step is to calculate the Cumulative average stay and Cumulative consumption rate.

Cumulative average stay: Average stay of the item + Average stay of all goods having an
average stay more than itself

Cumulative consumption rate: Consumption rate of the item + Consumption rate of all goods
That are consumed faster

Percentage average stay: (Cumulative average stay of the item/ Cumulative average stay of
All goods) x 100

Percentage consumption rate: (Cumulative consumption rate of the item/ Cumulative

Consumption rate of all goods) x 100

As per Cumulative consumption rate, the three categories will be12:

 Goods with 70% or less of consumption rate are fast-moving.

 Goods with 20% of the cumulative consumption rate are slow-moving.
 Items with 10% or lesser of the cumulative consumption rate are non-moving.
Therefore, again we see that as per the classification, goods that are consumed the quickest are
the fast-moving goods. Those with the lowest consumption rates are non-moving goods.

Both the parameters, i.e., the average stay of goods in the inventory and consumption rate of that
product, should be simultaneously calculated and used. It helps to arrive at accurate FSN analysis
results, and inventory management decisions can be effectively taken based on it.

Inventory Days

The formula to calculate days in inventory is the number of days in the period divided by the
inventory turnover ratio. This formula is used to determine how quickly a company is converting
their inventory into sales. A slower turnaround on sales may be a warning sign that there are
problems internally, such as brand image or the product, or externally, such as an industry
downturn or the overall economy.

The numerator of the days in inventory formula is shown at the top of this page as 365 to denote
365 days in a year. However, it is important to match the period in the numerator with the period
for the inventory turnover used. For example, suppose that a company is calculating the days in
inventory held based on a inventory turnover of 4.32 for one year. This can be divided into 365
days of the year for an average days in inventory of 84.49. If the same company has an inventory
turnover of 2.31 for 180 days, the average days in inventory would be 77.92.

How is the Days in Inventory Formula Derived?

To understand the days in inventory held formula, one must look at the inventory turnover
formula used in the denominator.

It is important to remember that the average inventory for the period is used. From here, the days in
inventory formula can be rewritten as the numerator multiplied by the inverse of the denominator.
The 2nd portion of this formula is essentially the % of goods left to be sold, in terms of cost. This % of
goods left to be sold can be used to estimate the % of time it is held prior to sale. The % of time products
are held prior to sale can be converted into actual days by multiplying by 365 days in a year, or in a

Considerations of the Days in Inventory Formula

As with any financial formula, knowing how to compute days in inventory does not imply the
ability to apply deductive reasoning to understand the formula in practice. One issue to consider
with the days in inventory formula is how cost of goods sold and inventory is calculated. Is one
company using LIFO to calculate inventory and another company using the weighted average

Another issue to consider is companies with seasonal sales. If a company sales primarily at the
beginning of the year, perhaps their inventory will be extraordinarily high at the end of the year
to prepare for the following month.

It is important to work towards holding all things constant when comparing one company to the
next, or even one year to the next.

Average Inventory Defined: Formula, Use, & Challenges

Inventory management is key to managing costs and maintaining customer satisfaction. Too
much inventory on hand means capital is tied up unnecessarily and may even be at risk. For
example, some perishable, trendy or seasonal items may not last for long. Too little inventory on
hand can lead to missed sales opportunities and empty store shelves. Just the right amount of
inventory propels a company forward and mirrors its strengths in managing costs, sales and
business relationships.

Calculating average inventory is a useful accounting measure to track changes and activities over
time. This is often a better lens to view a company’s inventory standing than a single point in
time or accounting period.

What Is Average Inventory?

Average inventory is an estimation of the amount or value of inventory a company has over a
specific amount of time. Inventory balances at the end of each month can fluctuate widely
depending on when large shipments are received and when there’s a buying surge or peak season
that may markedly deplete the inventory. An average inventory calculation evens out such
sudden spikes in either direction and delivers a more stable indicator of inventory readiness.

What Is Inventory? Inventory can be raw materials or finished products, and the term refers to
the number of goods on hand ready for sale or the amount of raw material on hand to produce
salable goods.

Key Takeaways
 Average inventory is the average amount or value of your inventory over two or more
accounting periods.
 It is the mean value of inventory over a given amount of time. That value may or may not equal
the median value derived from the same data.
 Average inventory can be used for meaningful comparisons to other data points. For example, in
tracking inventory losses due to shrinkage, damage and theft by comparing average inventory to
overall sales volume in the same period.

Average Inventory Explained

Average inventory is a calculation of inventory items averaged over two or more accounting
periods. To calculate the average inventory over a year, add the inventory counts at the end of
each month and then divide that by the number of months. Remember to also include the base
month in fiscal year average inventory calculations which also means you would divide that sum
by 13 months rather than 12. Average inventory figures for other stretches of time are similarly

Here’s one way to use average inventory for a comparison. Take the revenue from your last
fiscal year and compare it to your average inventory from the same time. This will show you
how much inventory each month on average you needed to supply and support that amount of
sales. You could perform the same exercise for any given period—year-to-date, a quarter or even
a month.

Importance of Average Inventory

Your inventory will fluctuate. You might get a massive delivery at the end of the month. Or you
might be stocking up for a specific sale. Or maybe your business is seasonal—like ice cream in
the summer or holiday decorations in winter. Looking at a single point in time won’t necessarily
give you an accurate picture of your inventory.

When negotiating with suppliers and making strategic decisions about how much stock to order,
you need to have a good grasp on the big picture. How much inventory will you need to support
the sales to fund the bottom line? The average inventory can help by giving you the overview for
a given period.
The average inventory is also a key component of understanding how quickly you’re able to turn
inventory into sales. This is done with the inventory turnover ratio and the days sales of
inventory (DSI).

What Is Inventory Turnover Ratio?

The inventory turnover ratio is a way to look at how much time passes between when you buy
inventory and when the final product is sold to your customers. It also shows if you’re holding
onto too much stock. A higher turnover ratio means you’re replacing your inventory and moving
product. But it can also be an indicator of lost sales if you’re not holding onto enough inventory
to meet demand. Benchmark your business against peer company ratios to see how you’re

To calculate the inventory turnover ratio, start by finding the average inventory and the cost of
goods sold (COGS), which is a measure of how much it takes to produce your goods including
materials and labor. It is usually listed on your income statement. Then follow this formula:

Inventory turnover ratio = Cost of goods sold / average inventory

The DSI is a measure of how many days it takes for your inventory to be sold. You’ll need the
average inventory again for this formula.

DSI = average inventory / COGS X 365

Lower DSI is usually desirable, but like inventory turnover ratio this will vary by industry.
Benchmark your DSI against peer companies to get idea of performance.

Average Inventory Formula and Calculations

Determine average inventory for two or more accounting time periods using the following
formula. Keep in mind, you could extend this formula to cover extended periods of time, like
adding up the inventory at the end of each month in a year and dividing by 12. You can also look
at smaller timeframes, like looking at a single month by taking the inventory at the beginning of
a month and end of a month and dividing by 2.

Average Inventory = (current inventory + previous inventory) / number of periods

Average Inventory Examples

For example, if the monetary value of inventory at the close of October, November and
December is $285,000, $313,00 and $112,000, the average inventory for the fourth quarter
would be the sum of all three divided by the number of months.

October ending inventory: $285,000

November ending inventory: $313,000

December ending inventory: $112,000

Total: $710,000
Average inventory = $710,000 / 3 = $236,667

Calculating average inventory in terms of number of units instead of monetary value is done the
same way. If a bakery’s previous month’s inventory balance is 30,000 pallets of flour and the
current inventory balance is 45,000 pallets, then the average inventory for the two months is
30,000 plus 45,000 divided by 2—or 37,500 pallets of flour.

October: 30,000 pallets of flour

November: 45,000 pallets of flour

Total: 75,000 pallets of flour

Average inventory = 75,000/2 = 37,500 pallets of flour

Moving Average Inventory

Companies using the perpetual inventory method in accounting have a continuous real-time
record of inventory. Computerized point-of-sale systems and inventory management software
immediately reflect changes in inventory by tracking sales and inventory depletion or restocking.

Companies that use the perpetual inventory method can use a moving average inventory to
compare inventory averages across multiple time periods. Moving average inventory converts
pricing to the current market standard to enable a more accurate comparison of the periods.

3 Problems, Drawbacks and Challenges with Average

While average inventory is useful in inventory management, it does have a few drawbacks:

1. Inaccuracies due to seasonal cycles. If a company makes a large portion of its sales in a specific
season it skews inventory balances and the average inventory. Typically, inventory balances are
abnormally high just prior to a seasonal sales spike and abnormally low afterwards.
2. The quota factor. Month end inventory balances may reflect a push to meet sales quotas. This
can lead to an artificial drop in month-end inventory levels that are far below the daily inventory
3. Estimated balances lead to errors. Using estimated inventory balances isn’t as accurate as using
physical counts of inventory.

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