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Sub : English Bersivy basic school time : 40 min

4th class / mid-term exam 2nd course Date : / /

Name : ______________ ( 2022 – 2023 )

Q1 / R. comprehension : ( 3m )
Read the passage carefully then answer the following questions .

My name is Polly. I live in Koya , Koya is a nice town in Kurdistan. Shvan

is my friend , we are 10 years old , we speak Kurdish.

1- My ____________ is Polly.
2- I _____________ in Koya.
3- we are 10 ____________ old.

Q2 / Odd one out : ( 3m )

1- Lion - arm - horse - elephant .

2- Lemons - graphs - figs - sleep .
3- Banana - fish - jam - honey .

Q3 / Choose the correct word : ( 4m )

1- There ___________ a bed. ( is - are - aren’t )

2- Can you swim ? No, I ____________. ( aren’t - can - can’t )
3- _____________ name is Polly. ( his - her - there )
4- I get up ___________ 7:15. ( in - on - at )
Q4 / Match : ( 3m )

1- Do you like tigers ? a- on Friday ?

2- Monkey Likes . b- Yes, I do
3- I don’t go to school ? c- Banana

Q5 / Fill the gaps with suitable words : ( 5m )

( play - likes - this - doesn’t - lives )

___________ is my friend. She ____________ apples. She __________

like figs. She ____________ in house. She doesn’t ____________
computer games.

Q6 / write the right word between the brackets in the space for the words :
( 2m )

(a - I - e - u )
1- ice cre _ m.
2- ha _ r.
3- r _ ler.
4- gr _ en.

Teachers in charge :
Sozman Joseph Z. michelle


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