Chapter 12 - Practical Application of Interference and Pulse Tests

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Chapter 12

Application of
I n t e r f e r e n c e and
Pulse Tests

12.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses two well-testing techniques not yet discussed in the
text: interference tests and pulse tests. This chapter also discusses various
cross plotting techniques, the appearance of common flow regimes, log-log
diagnostic, Homer, and specialized plots, and their field applications. Details
and supporting materials are also presented in this chapter for the benefit of
those who would like to learn more.

12.2 Interference Test Analysis Techniques

Interference tests are used to determine whether two or three wells are in
pressure communication (i.e., in the same reservoir) and, when communication
exists, to provide estimates of permeability k and porosity/compressibility
product ~ct in the vicinity of the tested well. Convenient analysis techniques
for interference tests are the use of type curves. Figure 12-1 shows these type
curves, presented by Earlougher, 4 which are plot of the logarithm of P D(rD, tD)
versus the logarithm of tD/r 2. Using the following equations generate these
type curves:

1 (-0.25 r2 )
po(to, ro) -- --~ Ei tD (12-1)


l [In(tD/r2) + 0.80907]
po(to, rD) -- -~ (12-2)

Practical Application of Interference and Pulse Tests 537

, ,

.i ro i ! '
I i I I
I i i i
; i '
_ I i i

. . . . . . 1.4 I ........... ~ / / ....... ~................... ~....................
i i "

r i.,.../jj/~//// i !! I integralsolution J


II /

/ / ~/"~\----Z
1 0 -2 ' i i i
1 0 -2 0 -I 1 10 10 2 103
to / (rz))2

Figure 12-1. Type curves for interpretation of interference tests (after Mueller
and Witherspoon SPE, JPT, April 1965). 1

khk (Pi) -- (Pwf )J
P o -- dimensionless pressure = (12-2a)
141.2qg flgi lZgi
z i ( T + 460)
i~gi -- 0 . 0 0 5 0 4 • 106 (Rbbl/mmscfd)
to -- dimensionless time - (12-2b)
flplZiCti r2
ro - dimensionless distance between active and observation well, r / r w

Evaluation of Eq. 12-1 gives the type curves shown in Figure 12-1.
Figure 12-1 shows pD as a function of td and r o , the dimensionless radius
distance from the well, for the infinite-acting system. When r o > 20 and
t D / r 2 > 0.5, or when t D / r 2 > 25, rd - 20 and the "exponential-integral
solution" lines on Figure 12-1 apply. Equation 12-2 may be used when

to/r 2 > 100 (12-3)

but the difference between Eq. 12-1 and 12-2 is only about 2% when t o / r 2 >
5. The exponential-integral solution is also called the line-source or the Theis
solution to the flow equation. Figure 12-1 is useful for analyzing interference
538 Gas Well Testing Handbook

Interference Test Analysis by Type Curve Matching

The type curve analysis method is simple, fast, and accurate when the
exponential integral PD applies, that is, when r D -- r/rw > 20 and t D / r 2 >
0.5. Type curve matching can be performed as follows:
1. Plot pressure drawdown in an observation well, Ap = Pi - Pr, versus
elapsed time t on the same size log-log paper as the full-scale type curve
version of Figure 12-1 using an undistorted curve (the reader can prepare
such a curve easily).
2. Slide the plotted test data over the type curve until a match is found.
(Horizontal and vertical sliding both are required.)
3. Record pressure and time match points,(PD)Mp(Ap)Mp and [(tD/rD2)Mp,
4. Calculate permeability k in the test region from the pressure match point:

141.2qgflgi#gi (PD)MP
k = 9 (12-4)
h (Ap)Mp

5. Calculate 4~ct from the time match point using the following equation:

0000 64[
where r is the distance between the two wells. The following example
illustrates interference-test analysis by type-curve matching.

Example 12-1 Analyzing Interference Test Data

An interference test was run in gas reservoir. The producer well, well 2,
produced 6.45 mmscfd gas. Pressure responses in shut-in wells 1 and 3 are
plotted in Figures 12-3 and 12-4 and the locations of the producer and ob-
servation wells are shown in Figure 12-2. Addition reservoir/well data are as
follows: T = 250 o R; Pi -- 3700 psia; Zi - - 0.9491; ].L i = 0.0235 cP; 4~ --
0.1004 fraction; h = 41 ft; rw = 0.4271 ft.

Solution We assume that a gas reservoir is infinite-acting; we use the Ei

function type curves to estimate k and the product of 4~ct. The data fit the Ei
function type curve well. A pair of match points is (At -- 160 hr, t D / r 2 -- 1.0)
and (Ap = 2 psi, PD = 0.1) (see Figure 12-5).
Calculate reservoir permeability k from Eq. 12-4:

k- 141.2qgflgi#gih . [PD]~ppMP ---- 141.2 X 6.45 X0917.91

. 0 2 3 5 4X
1 .0.12

= 23.96 mD
Practical Application of Interference and Pulse Tests 539

Figure 12-2. Location of producer and observation wells.

10 3

10 2 - -p .',~-.~. . . . . . . . . .
I o~
I oo~
I oo~
II ~ ~176
lO --
. . . . . . . . . . .t._ _ - -

0.1 I
1 10 100 1000
Time, hours

Figure 12-3. Interference data of well 3.


.005040.9491 • (460 + 250)

~gi 3700
x 10 6 -- 917.91 rbbl/mmscfd

Calculate product ~Ct from Eq. 12-5:

~)Ct - -
(oooo 64,) [ , ]
1"2 " --
0.000264 • 23.96 160
~bgi to/r~ MP 0.0235 • 13602 1

= 23.284 x 10 -6 psi-1
540 Gas Well Testing Handbook


i g
10 -'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

; ,
; !
9 I
9 !

u , i
I m ~
~ 9 I

•' -" o~
1 l0 100 1000
Time, hours

Figure 12-4. Interference data of well 1.

~ ,
~ ~


10 2

10 . . . . . . . . . . "*'--i . . . . . . .

i I
L--i--~---- AP = 2 psi

L il ,or;=,.o
, ' Ti'- . . . . ri. -____1
1 10 100

1 l0 100 1000
Time, t

Figure 12-5. Match of interference data of well 3.

Practical Application of Interference and Pulse Tests 541


~Ct 23.284 x 10 - 6
Ct m = 2.32 x 10 - 4 psi -1

12.3 Analysis of Pulse Test Pressure Response

Pulse tests have the same objective as conventional interference tests: to
determine whether well pairs are in pressure communication and to determine
reservoir permeability k and product of dpct in the area of the tested wells. The
tests are conducted by sending a coded signal or pulse sequence from an active
well (producer or injector) to a shut-in observation well. The pulse sequence
is created by producing from (or injecting into) the active well, then shutting it
in, and repeating, that sequence in a regular pattern. An example is indicated
in Figure 12-6. Highly sensitive pressure gauges usually are required to detect
these small coded pulses, which may have magnitudes of less than 0.1 psi.
Analysis techniques for pulse tests usually are based on simulating the pres-
sure response in an observation well with the familiar Ei function solution to
the diffusivity equation, using superposition to model the rate changes in the
pulsing sequence. From the simulations of pulse tests, Johnson et al. 3 have de-
veloped charts relating key characteristics of the tests to reservoir properties.
Before we discuss these charts (Figures 12-9 through 12-16) and their appli-
cation, it will be useful to introduce nomenclature used in pulse test analysis,
using the system of Earlougher 4 and his schematic pulse-test rate and pressure-
response history. Pulses can be analyzed for k and (Pct. It is good idea to analyze
several pulses and compare the results.

Figure 12-6. Typical rate schedules in pulse test.

542 Gas Well Testing Handbook

Figure 12--7. Pressure response in pulse test.

Characteristics of Pressure Response

For each pulse the pressure response (very small) at the observation well
is recorded with a very sensitive pressure gauge. The pressure response in the
pulse test is schematically illustrated in Figure 12-7. In pulse tests, pulse 1
and pulse 2 have characteristics that differ from those of all subsequent pulses.
Following these pulses, all odd pulses have similar characteristics and all even
pulses also have similar characteristics. Any one of the pulses can be analyzed
for k and cPct. It is good idea to analyze several pulses and compare the results.

Pulse Test Responses with Flow and Shut-in Time

Figure 12-8 shows pulse testing for a two-well system. The lower portion of
the figure illustrates the pressure behavior at the observation well and correlates
the pressure pulses with the rate pulses. The upper portion of the curve shows
the constant production rate before the test and the rate pulses The flow time
and shut-in time are equal as shown in Figure 12-8. Pulse testing can be done
with unequal flow and shut-in times.
Practical Application of Interference and Pulse Tests 543

Figure 12-8. Rate history and pressure response for a pulse test (after
Johnson et a/.). 3
544 Gas Well Testing Handbook

Pulse Test Analysis Method

The following equations are used to calculate permeability and the porosity-
compressibility product (~ct)"

141.2qg~gi#gi ( ApD(tL/Atc) 2)
k -- hap 9 (tL/Atc) 2 (12-6)

0.000264k tL
~Ct m #g 1,2 [ (tL)o/r2] (12-7)

where Ap = amplitude of a pulse, Atc = total cycle length (including both

shut-in and flow periods), tL = time lag (time elapsed between the end of
a pulse and the pressure peak caused by the pulse), ApD = dimensionless
pressure response amplitude and is equal to

ApD --


Bgi = 0.00504zT x 106 rbbl/mmscfd

(tL) o - dimensionless time lag and is given by
(tL)o =
~#~ctr 2

r o = r/rw = dimensionless distance between the tested wells (rw is for the
observation well). The values of the terms ApD(tL/Atc) 2 and [(tL)o/r2j are
obtained from Figures 12-9 through 12-16. These figures use tL/Atc and
F' -- Atp/Atc, where Atp is the length of the pulse period. Example 12-2
illustrates how these figures are applied.

Pulse Test Design Procedure

A prior knowledge of the expected pressure response is important so that
the range and sensitivity of the pressure gauge and the length of time needed
for the test can be predetermined. To design a pulse test follow these steps:
1. The first step in designing a pulse test is to select the pulse ratio. If a
specific pulse ratio is more convenient for gas field operations, this ratio
should be used. Otherwise, a pulse ratio near 0.7 or 0.3 is recommended,
depending on whether the odd pulses or the even pulses will be used to
Practical Application of Interference and Pulse Tests 545


..q OOO40




r~ 0.0020


~2 3 4 5 6789
2 3 4 5 6 78g

(Time lag) / ( cycle length), tL / Ate

Figure 12-9. Time lag and response amplitude relationship for the first odd
pulse. 2

5" o ~
c~ o.175

E oloo


3 4 5 6 ? Sg 3 3 4 5 6 7 0 g
10" 1 I

(Time lag) / ( cycle length), tL/Ate

Figure 12-10. Time lag and cycle length relationship for the first odd pulse. 2

analyze the results of the test. In no case should the ratio be below 0.2
or above 0.8.
2. Calculate the dimensionless time lag using the following equations:

(tL)O = 0.09 + 0.3R' (odd pulses)

(tL)O --0.09 X 0.3(1 -- R') (even pulses)
546 Gas Well Testing Handbook

.......... l_ I__] ] 111 [i'i"[lil

I ~",~'.~-.LI I I.II
0.0025 I II.IIIIIIIIIII ~,~ :-~I~_I I I I
"~ 0.0020 I.I I..III IIIIIiIII./~'7~, r~
I I I fillIIIIIIl.J///l-.Sb~
I I I-IIIIII.I.J,I~I~ X7 --I13"~J1:0;
,-. r

-q-~111"I1 II
E~ o~o15
_I I iIiI~L/
[ o.oolo
9l~ot,Llll I!1
oI--4 0.0005
12f.Hlq llllikl
o .Id, l lllll
~ o
4 5 6789 2 3 4 .S 6 7 8

(Time lag) / (cycle length), tl. / At~

Figure 12--11. Time lag and response amplitude relationship for the first even
pulse. 2


(~ 0.175



3 4 5 6 7 89 2 :3 4 5 6 7 89
lO't 1
(Time lag) / (cycle length), tt. / Ate

Figure 12-12. Time lag and cycle length for the first even pulse. 2

3. Determine the dimensionless cycle period using the dimensionless time

lag and the appropriate curve in Figures 12-10, 12-12, 12-14, or 12-16.
4. Determine the dimensionless response amplitude using the dimension-
less time lag and the appropriate curve in Figures 12-9, 12-11, 12-13,
or 12-15.
Practical Application of Interference and Pulse Tests 547
,-...., 0,0035
.,.o x,,'~<,';:,~,'llllli_; ~...'o.L
"zrxcepl the fir~ ~
" I1t1111~
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ ..~_~"~ i11111]:
i !11111111 A'~,,, ;~'~< illlll] ~,

ci - 1111111ll o.,.~,0~/ ~:~lllllll

~llilliil'o,~r i ~7 ",~ "~]_Illll
llilllli'l//.i 7'.,:o,_-'~ '1%1IIII1
. ,,.,, " l iiilUV'/ '7-lll'l,liii
_ _I.I],ltB( ~'/ o.,,"-, lJ]_!fill
~'IVi '~ .. II[IIill
0.0010 - - -
~LI~ , '
=0.2 ..... Itllilll
i-,"2~1 i1~ ,~.z_.., IHilII]
o~ - ,,.~.
,,~ ~1111 .... ,+o.,
_.| Illllll!
~. o ~ ~ JCPtl"11"lTl--. I 1--'i_"7_~i1 l llillll
3 4 5 6 789 2 3 4 5 6 789
I0" ~ 1
(Time lag) / (cycle length), tL/ Ate

Figure 12-13. Time lag and response amplitude relationship for all odd pulses
after the first. 2


0.',75 - 9i iJ liilulll T ! llilllli

]I1111~ ~ ' 1111111
'~' 0.150
:~ |11111111 -'-, . . . . . . . llllllll
- !1II11111 '~ "-, I1111III
"" 0.125
- 111111111 - ' ~ , , , "~,[IIi11Ii

,. ?;,~rlll]!
r .

~ ~ ^ ,
_-.',.~~ 'L0.=? ~ " , - s r ' P [ l l i l l l l l
0050 -~"~~- .I%L .--""" J ll III!1111
""~!II111111 l J ~'~':'il !11IIill
O,O25 11Ii1111Ili" 1 l[I !i111111
3 4 5 8'/81 2 3 4 5 6 789
10" ~ 1

( Time lag ) / (cycle length ), tL / Ate

Figure 12-14. Time lag and cycle length relationship for all odd pulses after
the first. 2

5. Using approximate known values of the formation permeability, porosity,

and thickness, the viscosity of the gas, and the total compressibility,
together with the dimensionless cycle period, the dimensionless response
amplitude, and Eqs. 12-8 and 12-9, calculate the cycle period and the
response amplitude.
548 Gas Well Testing Handbook

~';~. ~,~.;+,~;~',,, ~=, 1 I l ili]llll
r II]IIll "';= o,~-~,, ! lJl[[Ill
...... lilllll..l ,b,,.~,'~, llll_llIll
0.OO35 __ IIIIIIIi .~.... ~.~ IIIIIIIII
<~ IIIIl]I ~I/./\~, X ~,NIIIIIII
G IIIIIII /,v/ ~ ~ 3,1311111]
"~ 0.oo3o
, ,..., IIiIIII/Z/.,.---., ~,INIIIIII
0,0025 IIIIIIV///~" ~ III.IIII

0.0020 .I,IN~/ .~-. 0.7
I" 0.0015 [,,~lll IIIIIIII
__ ,'

~-, 0.OOl0 __~" IIIIIII .11I!I

3 4 $ 6 789 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10-1 1
( Time lag ) / (cycle length ), It./Atc

Figure 12-15. Time lag and response amplitude relationship for all even
pulses after the first. 2


0.175 //i';iiiiii o,
0.150 9 0.2 ,
.9 _ _ = . ~_

~5 0.12$ ;'IH1/- '

oz "~', ~ i..II111

",,~, o.loo
! " 0.6 "" ",.i
N O.O75

E aosa
-- " r--,llilll- k., HI
0.025 .... ;llilit -Y, :J;]il
3 4 5 6 7Bg 2 3 4 5 8 7 89
I0-~ I
(Tirne lag ) / (cycle length), tL / Ate

Figure 12-16. Time lag and cycle length relationship for all even pulses after
the first. 2
Practical Application of Interference and Pulse Tests 549

Figure 12-17. Schematic of pressure response in pulse test.

Dimensionless cycle period:

k mtcy c
AtcycD (12--8)
56,900 dpctlZgr2w
" -

Dimensionless response amplitude:

kh AP
APo = 70.6 flg#gqsc (12-9)

6. Using the pulse ratio and the cycle period, calculate the pulsing period
and the shut-in period.
The following example illustrates how to analyze a pulse test.

Example 12-2 Analyzing Pulse Test Data

A pulse test was run in a gas reservoir in which the distance between wells,
r, was 660 ft. Formation gas viscosity,/Zg, was 0.0235 cP, formation thickness
h 41 ft, and porosity ~b 0.105. In the test following rate stabilization, the active
well was shut in for 2 hr, and then produced for 2 hr, shut in for 2 hr, etc.
Production rate qg was 5.25 mmscfd, and formation volume factor fig was
917.91 rbbl/mmscfd. The amplitude Ap of the fourth pulse (Figure 12-15)
was 0.625 psi, and the time lag was 0.4 hr. From these data, estimate formation
permeability k and ckct.

Solution To analyze the fourth pulse, we use Figures 12-14 and 12-15.
From these figures determine ApD(tL/Atc) 2, and thus k. We note that

F' = Atp/Atc = 2/(2 + 2) = 0.5, tL/Atc = 0.4/4 = 0.1

550 Gas Well Testing Handbook

Then, from Figure 12-14:

A p o ( t L / A t c ) 2 -- 0.00221

and from Eq. 12-6:

141.2qgflgilZgi Apo(tL/Atc) 2
k m ,

hap (tL/Atc) 2
141.2 • 5.25 x 917.91 x 0.0235 0.00221
= 9 =169.43 mD
41 x 0.625 0.12

From Figure 12-15" (tL)D/r 2 -- 0.091. Thus using Eq. 12-7"

0.000264k (tL)
dDC t ~
#gr 2 [(tL)o/r 2]

0.000264 x 169.43 0.4

~_ 9 = 19.21 x 10 -6 psi -1
0.0235 x 6 6 0 2 0.091

References and Additional Reading

1. Mueller, T. D., and Witherspoon, R A., "Pressure Interference Effects within
Reservoirs and Aquifers," J. Petroleum Technol. (April 1965) 471-474;
Trans. A I M E 234.
2. Kamal, M., and Brigham, W. E., "Pulse Testing Response for Unequal Pulse
and Shut-In Periods," Soc. Petroleum Eng. J. (Oct. 1975) 399-410; Trans.
AIME 259.
3. Johnson, C. R., Greenhorn, R. A., and Woods, E. G., "Pulse-Testing: A
New Method for Describing Reservoir Flow Properties between Wells," J.
Petroleum Technol. (Dec. 1966) 1599-1604; Trans. AIME 237.
4. Earlougher, R. C., Jr., Advances in Well Test Analysis. Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Dallas, TX, 1977.
5. Wattenbarger, R. A., and Ramey, H. J., "Well Test Interpretation of Vertical
Fractured Gas Wells," J. Petroleum Technol. (May 1969) 625-632.
6. Kamal, M. M., "Interference and Pulse Testing~A Review," J. Petroleum
Technol. (Dec. 1983) 2257-2270.
7. Katsner, E E., "Effects of Linear Boundaries on Pulse Testing." M.Sc.
Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 1970.
8. Matthews, C. S., and Russell, D. G., Pressure Build-up and Flow Tests in
Wells. SPE of AIME Monograph, Vol. 1, 25, Henry Doherty Series, 1967.

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