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| Pokémon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 Redux |

| Evolution Changes (v1.3.0) |

General Notes

A number of Pokémon have had their evolution methods modified in Redux.

This is usually either to allow the player to obtain them in a single player
setting, make some Pokémon more available, or in some cases to act as a buff or
nerf to the Pokémon.

The Link Cable and Ice Stone have also been introduced to the game as evolution
- On top of that, most items that are normally used in trade evolutions have been
modified to be able to work the same as an evolution stone.

In most cases, the listed evolution method replaces the Pokémon's original method
unless explicitly stated otherwise.

These changes are found in all versions of the game.

Evolution Changes

Pokémon New Method

--- ---
021 Spearow Now evolves into Fearow at Level 21.
023 Ekans Now evolves into Arbok at Level 21.
048 Venonat Now evolves into Venomoth at Level 28.
054 Psyduck Now evolves into Golduck at Level 25.
061 Poliwhirl Now evolves into Politoed via the use of a King's Rock.
064 Kadabra Now evolves into Alakazam via the use of a Link Cable.
067 Machoke Now evolves into Machamp via the use of a Link Cable.
075 Graveler Now evolves into Golem via the use of a Link Cable.
077 Ponyta Now evolves into Rapidash at Level 35.
079 Slowpoke Now evolves into Slowbro at Level 33.
Now evolves into Slowking via the use of a King's Rock.
088 Grimer Now evolves into Muk at Level 35.
093 Haunter Now evolves into Gengar via the use of a Link Cable.
095 Onix Now evolves into Steelix via the use of a Metal Coat.
104 Cubone Now evolves into Marowak at Level 27.
111 Rhyhorn Now evolves into Rhydon at Level 36.
112 Rhydon Now evolves into Rhyperior via the use of a Protector.
117 Seadra Now evolves into Kingdra via the use of a Dragon Scale.
123 Scyther Now evolves into Scizor via the use of a Metal Coat.
125 Electabuzz Now evolves into Electivire via the use of a Electirizer.
126 Magmar Now evolves into Magmortar via the use of a Magmarizer.
133 Eevee Now evolves into Espeon via the use of a Sun Stone.
Now evolves into Umbreon via the use of a Moon Stone.
Now evolves into Leafeon via the use of a Leaf Stone.
Now evolves into Glaceon via the use of an Ice Stone.
137 Porygon Now evolves into Porygon2 via the use of an Up-Grade.
138 Omanyte Now evolves into Omastar at Level 30.
140 Kabuto Now evolves into Kabutops at Level 30.
183 Marill Now evolves into Azumarill at Level 21.
207 Gligar Now evolves into Gliscor via the use of an Razor Fang.
215 Sneasel Now evolves into Weavile via the use of an Razor Claw.
218 Slugma Now evolves into Magcargo at Level 30.
220 Swinub Now evolves into Poliswine at Level 29.
233 Porygon2 Now evolves into Porygon-Z via the use of a Dubious Disc.
239 Elekid Now evolves into Electabuzz at Level 29.
240 Magby Now evolves into Magmar at Level 29.
300 Skitty Now evolves into Delcatty at Level 25.
304 Aron Now evolves into Lairon at Level 24.
305 Lairon Now evolves into Aggron at Level 40.
307 Meditite Now evolves into Medicham at Level 34.
328 Trapinch Now evolves into Vibrava at Level 30.
329 Vibrava Now evolves into Flygon at Level 55.
345 Lileep Now evolves into Cradily at Level 30.
347 Anorith Now evolves into Armaldo at Level 30.
349 Feebas Now evolves into Milotic via the use of a Prism Scale.
353 Shuppet Now evolves into Banette at Level 32.
355 Duskull Now evolves into Dusclops at Level 32.
356 Dusclops Now evolves into Dusknoir via the use of a Reaper's Cloth.
361 Snorunt Now evolves into Glalie via the use of an Ice Stone.
363 Spheal Now evolves into Sealeo at Level 21.
364 Sealeo Now evolves into Walrein at Level 40.
366 Clamperl Now evolves into Huntail via the use of a Deep Sea Tooth.
Now evolves into Gorebyss via the use of a Deep Sea Scale.
406 Budew Now evolves into Roselia by leveling up while at 220+
friendship at any time of day.
412 Burmy Now evolves into Wormadam at Level 25 if Burmy is female.
Now evolves into Mothim at Level 25 if Burmy is male.
431 Glameow Now evolves into Purugly at Level 27.
433 Chingling Now evolves into Chimecho by leveling up while knowing the
move Heal Bell.
434 Stunky Now evolves into Skuntank at Level 27.
438 Bonsly Now evolves into Sudowoodo at Level 25.
439 Mime Jr. Now evolves into Mr. Mime at Level 25.
440 Happiny Now evolves into Chansey at Level 30.
447 Riolu Now evolves into Lucario by leveling up while knowing the move
Aura Sphere.
451 Skorupi Now evolves into Drapion at Level 39.
453 Croagunk Now evolves into Toxicroak at Level 33.
458 Mantyke Now evolves into Mantine at Level 27 in addition to its normal
evolution method.
525 Boldore Now evolves into Gigalith via the use of a Link Cable.
527 Woobat Now evolves into Swoobat at Level 25.
533 Gurdurr Now evolves into Conkeldurr via the use of a Link Cable.
540 Sewaddle Now evolves into Swadloon at Level 21.
543 Venipede Now evolves into Whirlipede at Level 20.
551 Sandile Now evolves into Krokorok at Level 27.
559 Scraggy Now evolves into Scrafty at Level 30.
574 Gothita Now evolves into Gothorita at Level 30.
577 Solosis Now evolves into Duosion at Level 30.
582 Vanillite Now evolves into Vanillish at Level 29.
588 Karrablast Now evolves into Escavalier via the use of a Metal Coat.
Now evolves into Escavalier by leveling up when a Shelmet is
in the party.
595 Joltik Now evolves into Galvantula at Level 39.
599 Klink Now evolves into Klang at Level 30.
602 Tynamo Now evolves into Eelektrik at Level 30.
605 Elgyem Now evolves into Beheeyem at Level 37.
607 Litwick Now evolves into Lampent at Level 27.
616 Shelmet Now evolves into Accelgor via the use of a Reaper Cloth.
Now evolves into Accelgor by leveling up when a Karrablast is
in the party.
622 Golett Now evolves into Golurk at Level 40.
624 Pawniard Now evolves into Bisharp at Level 40.
627 Rufflet Now evolves into Braviary at Level 40.
629 Vullaby Now evolves into Mandibuzz at Level 40.
633 Deino Now evolves into Zweilous at Level 38.
634 Zweilous Now evolves into Hydreigon at Level 58.

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