International Covid 19 Response

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International Covid 19 response: Impacts, Challenges and Directions

The world has changed fundamentally after long years of battling against world war and

infectious diseases that affected the economy, the global trade, national security and civil society

yet the world has found itself battling to another global concern in relation to deadly and

infectious disease. In historical context, there were many infectious diseases existed in the past

centuries like Bubonic Plague, Cholera, and SARS mostly dominated by viral infection

manifesting a flu-like symptoms that are not easily cured, however, some of this are just treated

normal diseases in the modern times but there are infectious diseases that are still under study by

experts and use intervention drugs as a resort to cure such. It’s been one hundred years or 1

century had passed where the world swiftly experienced the Spanish Flu that challenged the

global health practitioners for having no effective drugs or vaccines made to fight the spread of

infection (

In the realms of infectious diseases, pandemic has swiftly taken millions of people while

affecting many more paralyzing the global economy and stricken the exchange of trade across

country’s boarders and that caused intense fear for the future generation. Covid 19 has become

the center of concern in current time due to its intense effect on people and economy. United

States along with countries across the globe are finding ways to manifest an effective and

efficient response to the disease while expanding resorts for life saving strategies and

humanitarian assistance. More than ever before, the United Nations are giving insights on

affected countries with health crisis, however, the association are also struggling to make a

lifesaving response to Covid 19. Some countries are now expressing an outcry like Italy, India

and Brazil that has now more than thousands of fatalities dominated by elderlies and people with

poor health conditions.

This global concern is more than a health crisis. Countries are struggling to stabilize its

economy; the peoples’ livelihood are paralyzed due to frequent “lock down” declarations on

boarders to contain the spread of the pandemic. The challenge now is vested for the international

leaders to convene for a strategy or intervention that will stabilize the global concern. Leaders

around the globe are confronted with comprehensive response without compromising the health

and lives of people especially the frontline services while responding to immediate necessities of

its constituents creating a paralyzing effect on civil society as a whole.

In general, the crisis requires the global leaders to conduct an in-depth analysis on what

steps to manifest in addressing fragilities and gaps creating ways for common good that will

benefit everybody. Apparently, this crisis would require the whole society and government

across the globe to conduct united approaches assuring that no country will be left behind in

making comprehensive response and recovery. Along the way, there are still obstacles in

building a community of leaders that supports for this claim. Some obstacles are driven by

international conflicts, governmental feuds influenced by self-interests taking advantage of the

issue and international blaming.

Moreover, this research aims to dig deeper on the joint international response strategies

and its implication on countries while fighting to recover from the global pandemic. This study

will provide a collective literature on Covid 19 response and recovery approaches. Along the

way, there might answers to questions posed on this research that will benefit the wider

community and recommend policy directions on countries struggling from the pandemic. This

form of inquiry includes: How international relation is affected by global pandemic? What are

life saving strategies that global leaders used following the recommendation of the World Health

Organization in relation to countries’ economy and global trade? Is there really international
blaming? If so, what are United Nation’s interventions to resolve the issue? When it comes to

vaccine related concerns, how would the world manage to test and approve the vaccines that may

pose harmful effects on people? This global concern is very timely and I am eager to look deeper

on what impacts countries on their response on Covid 19, what are the challenges that hampers

the way to comprehensive response and recovery and how will countries manage to create a

policy direction as an international cooperation architecture providing a scaffold for recovery and

solidarity designed to resolve the concern on the global pandemic.

Work Cited:

United Nations Comprehensive Response to COVID-19: Saving Lives, Protecting

Societies, Recovering Better. United Nations.

19_june_2020.pdf . Accessed October 24, 2020.

Pandemics That Changed History.

Editors Accessed October 24,


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