MCK Airport

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Case 9: Airport Parking, McKinsey (Round 1)

Problem Statement

§  Our client is a provider of parking services in major metro areas around the United States. The CEO
recently was driving to the DTW airport and noticed a rise in private providers of parking. She thought
to herself, should we enter this space? She has asked you to help her think about this and wants to
brainstorm with you.

Type of Case Interviewer Guidance

§  Industry: Airlines §  This case is focused on estimating the market size of airport
parking lots by taking into consideration the flight details
§  After market sizing there is a brainstorming exercise to
§  Difficulty: Medium
identify possible threats to entry into the market
§  The case ends without looking into the costs so the
§  Format: Market Entry interviewee should consider in next steps

§  Concepts Tested: Market Size,

Threat to Entry
Clarifying Information and Case Guidance

Clarifying Information on Request Interviewer Guide to Case and Exhibits

•  The ultimate goal is based on the •  Candidate should have mentioned the market
attractiveness of the opportunity and the size within the framework
measure is open to the interviewee to decide
•  Ask the candidate to estimate the market size
•  Airport opportunity to be analyzed is O’Hare in for O’Hare in Chicago
Chicago (although candidate should recognize
•  After candidate realizes that there is an
the ability to scale this)
opportunity ask them to brainstorm possible
•  We are a US based firm with parking lots threats to entrance
located in the cities and not the airports
•  When interviewee asks you the differences
between what we currently do and what the
opportunity is, have them brainstorm
•  New service will have attendants, may
need shuttle service, valet service, etc.

Possible Framework

Market Size (we will come back to this)
•  Existing customer base
•  Industry growth

•  Existing parking structures (local at airport)
•  Other offsite parking
•  Public transit (train, taxis, shuttles, etc.)

Existing Capability
• What are the differences between running urban parking lots from those at an airport?
•  Busing/shuttle system, to drive customers to and from the airport
•  Is customer service a major factor?

•  Number of spaces sold
•  Add on services (car wash, newspaper sales, etc.)
•  Pricing (consider probing about unique pricing – frequent park programs, packages, etc.)

•  Land (rent or own)
•  Labor (bus drivers, ticket attendants, maintenance and security)
•  Insurance
•  Promotion (e.g. coupons)
•  Fuel

Math Questions and Solutions

Math Question

§  What is the market size for O’Hare in Chicago?

Provide the following facts as the right questions are asked but do not give them away freely:
§  Flights per day
§  Average passengers/flight
§  % of fliers that drive to the airport and hence need to park at the airport
§  Average parking stay
§  Average price/day for parking

Math Solution

§  Total Passengers / Year = 2600 X 80 X 360 = ~ 75M

§  Divide by 2 to avoid double counting departing and arriving passengers = 37.5M

§  Airport parking market size

§  Passengers/Year = 20% of 37.5M = 7.5M
§  Parking Days/Year = 7.5M X 3 = 22.5M
§  $/Year = 22.5M X $10 = $225M

Brainstorming Questions and Solutions

Brainstorm Question

Brainstorm possible threats to the attractiveness of this opportunity…

Brainstorm Solution

Decline in airline travel growth caused by

• Higher fuel prices
• Security concerns (e.g. terrorism)
• Substitutes (high speed rail network)

Alternative travel to the airport such

• New public transit
• Improved ride sharing possibly the result of social networking

Number of competitors and their response to client’s entry into the market


Recommendation Next Steps

Recommendation •  We need to look carefully at the

•  There is about $225M of parking business at O’Hare competitive landscape and the
•  Take advantage of our knowledge gained from urban economics at each airport and evaluate
parking, this large, and probably growing, market could local competition and costs
present a real opportunity for our growth •  Determine if any new transportation
•  Appears an opportunity to explore further substitutes are in the pipeline
•  If candidate does say go forward,
Risks (Make sure interviewee mitigates)
piloting before full scale
•  Those gained from brainstorming
implementation would be ideal
•  Costs could outweigh the benefits
•  Certain markets may be oversaturated

Excellent Case Answers

•  Star candidates will realize that this is an opportunity to explore further before determining if the
company should implement the idea or not
•  Start candidates will also point out benefits of diversification with their current portfolio offsetting
declines in business travel
•  Candidates should not forget that we are in many cities and are able to scale beyond this airport


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