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Germany: “Land of Poets and Thinkers”

Intercultural communication is the process of communication between two

individuals with different cultural backgrounds. This in turn makes the way they
communicate with each other difficult, since it involves factors beyond their scope of
knowledge as the method of learning and the knowledge they gather differs from one
another due to history and cultural difference. With these people have a sense of
uniqueness with them the creation of their personalities and traits as a human being.

Germany is a very well-known country by its stability and structure when it comes
to engineering and many job opportunities in Germany could be earned when applying
or looking for a job, this also increases the chances of proper communication and
avoidance of misunderstanding among many people as German is one of the most
spoken language around the world. Based on the information we had gathered
Germany is famous in their arts and music specifically classical music, and their famous
tourist destinations and cuisine. The objectives and evidences we give are to motivate
people to take an interest outside of their depth of expertise this is why we also made
the decision of choosing the country Germany, as many neighboring countries we don’t
just get to use the knowledge we earn in the country of Germany itself but also at other
countries that consist of many people who know the language as well. With this
changes could be made within them, and us with the flow and concepts of one another
may differ but could be adjusted or adapt to meet the requirements. The country of
Germany varies in many ways with their style of clothing both traditionally and
modernly, in the earliest years they prefer and have the style of suspenders rather than
belts. Yet nowadays even if their style in modern times is similar to the trending clothing
choices and options, German people dress the same as others but prefer the color of
dark or neutral and rather than having jeans ripped or distressed they rather have it
smart and clean. They also take pride in engineering as could be seen from the
infrastructure and buildings constructed example of these are Munich, Hamburg,
Frankfurt, Cologne, and many more. They also have a variety of cuisines and dishes
just like their structures they have unique set of food like the veal sausage which is very
rare since it is not easily sold in supermarkets, German also has a unique letter that’s
not used in any other language, the ß, called "Eszett" which is pronounced like a
double-s in their vocabulary. Fun facts about Germany is their celebration of the
German Oktoberfest festival, together with each New Year’s Eve that each and every
one gathers around their TV’s in order to watch “Dinner For One” a cult viewing in
Germany but not to other places, This indicates our lack of understanding about
Germany and why we should give value and effort in learning new ideas and thoughts.
Altogether, my overall thoughts about our gallery walk was intriguing with our very
own topic and the information I was able to learn from our presentation and help me
make sense and better understanding of the different countries around the world. This
also taught me many lessons on how to interact with different people and establish a
much better relationship and perception upon the main basis and the goal of the topic.
The whole point of the gallery walk in gathering knowledge about the world around us
will ultimately help us in the long run from the many possible scenarios and encounters
that could occur from our journey in life, having contact while also learning something
useful and at the same time enjoying the experience and moment we created all

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