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Cambridge English Empower B2 READING PLUS

n i t
ULive well 5
1 Students scan the text for adjectives. Make it clear they
a Begin by telling the class about a place that is special
are only looking for words that describe things. Set a
for you. In pairs, students discuss the questions. Monitor
and help with language if necessary. Take feedback as time limit of one minute to ensure students read quickly.
a class and ask for two or three example answers to Take feedback as a class, and check that students have
the questions. identified all the words in exercise 3a. Ask them what
other words they thought were adjectives in the text, but
2 VOCABULARY:  Words to describe it’s not necessary to check every single adjective in the
text – just the ones students thought of.
a Individually, students match the words to the definitions 1 All the adjectives in exercise 2a are in the text together with
then check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a many more.
class. Language note: three words have first-syllable stress: 2 Students discuss the question in pairs and then check the
isolated, mystical, captivating, and two words have answer as a class. Or if your class is strong, you could elicit the
second-syllable stress: enclosed, enchanted. answer as a class.
Answers Answer
1 c b
2 d
3 a
4 e b Before reading, you may wish to pre-teach the words
5 b in the box below. The word longevity may already have
been taught when teaching lesson 5A of Cambridge English
b Put students in different pairs from those in exercise Empower B2.
1a. Tell them to use the adjectives to describe different
places they know. They can talk about the same place they VOCABULARY SUPPORT
talked about in exercise 1a as well as other places. They longevity (n) living for a long time. (Example: ‘A healthy
should give a reason for the adjective, for example, when diet and regular exercise is the most likely way of
there is some mist on the hills it feels like a mystical place. achieving longevity.’)
Take feedback as a class, and get one example for each
convenience (n) a small machine that is usually used in a
adjective from different pairs.
house and makes jobs like cleaning easy to do. (Example:
3 READING ‘The modern convenience I like the most is my automatic
a In small groups, students make a list of adjectives to acknowledge (v) to recognise a thing or person is there.
describe the picture. Quickly take feedback as a class and (Example: ‘When I entered the room, she acknowledged
get some examples. me with a small nod of her head.’)

Tell students to gist read the text and set a longer time
limit of about four minutes. In pairs, students compare
their answers. Take feedback as a class and get two or
three example answers.

Cambridge English Empower B2 © Cambridge University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Unit 5
c Students work individually to answer the questions, and 4 SPEAKING
then check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a
class. a If your class is in a monolingual context, elicit or
suggest a popular tourist city or town of the students’
home country. If your class is in a multilingual context,
1 Longevity; people say its inhabitants can live up to 130 or 140
elicit or suggest a popular tourist city or town of the
2 It’s an enclosed and isolated valley far from urban centres. It has country you are in. Put students in small groups, where all
a magical, mystical quality. students are either A or B. Students discuss the questions
3 The climate is mild, and the soil is rich – plants grow easily, so for their role together and think about what they’re going
everything feels fresh and healthy. to ask and say. Monitor and help with language.
4 North American and European foreigners are retiring there. The
population is growing, and the foreigners bring a more modern b Put students in A and B pairs to have a conversation.
lifestyle with them. Student A begins speaking. Monitor to help and listen to
5 It wasn’t easy. It took four days for Teresa to acknowledge language.
Natasha. It seems that Natasha had to prove herself by showing
she could speak Spanish and buying Teresa a cake.
c Put students in new pairs – both As and Bs together.
6 She is perhaps shy or more likely cautious. However, she has a They discuss the questions. Take feedback as a class,
sense of humour and jokes with Natasha about old age. Rather and get two or three example answers. Give feedback
than being worried about living for a long time, she just gets on on language you heard when monitoring – both good
with her life. She comes across as being sure of herself. examples and errors.


Please note: There are no instructions on the worksheet for this
Write the following expressions on the board:
the rest of the
a sense of being
the population is made up of
I was just another
Ask students to scan the text looking for these expressions
and find what word or phrase comes after the expression.

the rest of the world, a sense of being enclosed, the population is
made up of foreigners, I was just another young tourist

Cambridge English Empower B2 © Cambridge University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Unit 5

Exercise 4b and 4c
role cards

Student A Student B
You’re a tourist visiting the most popular You’re an old person who lives in the most
town in the country. What do you think of the popular town in your own country. How old
town? Would you like to live there or stay for are you? How long would you like to live?
a while? You are going to meet an old person Have you lived there all your life? What do
from Vilcabamba. What questions would you you think about your town? What’s your
like to ask them? opinion of recent changes?

Student A Student B
You’re a tourist visiting the most popular You’re an old person who lives in the most
town in the country. What do you think of the popular town in your own country. How old
town? Would you like to live there or stay for are you? How long would you like to live?
a while? You are going to meet an old person Have you lived there all your life? What do
from Vilcabamba. What questions would you you think about your town? What’s your
like to ask them? opinion of recent changes?

Student A Student B
You’re a tourist visiting the most popular You’re an old person who lives in the most
town in the country. What do you think of the popular town in your own country. How old
town? Would you like to live there or stay for are you? How long would you like to live?
a while? You are going to meet an old person Have you lived there all your life? What do
from Vilcabamba. What questions would you you think about your town? What’s your
like to ask them? opinion of recent changes?

Cambridge English Empower B2 © Cambridge University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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