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IN THIS chapter we will discuss some of the charateristcs of motion which we can deduce from the equations of motion

when it is assumed that the F term in equations (6.1) or (6.2) (i.e friction, gravitation of the moon and sun, etc.) are zero and that there is a steady state, that is the volocities at any poitn do not change with time. (i.e u/t = v/t = w/t = 0). Except for the example of inertial oscilation whe shall also assume that the advective acceleration terms may be neglected. These approximations for the large-scale mean circulation in the oceans interior were justifed in the previous chapter. 8.1 hydrostatic equilibrium As a preliminary to disscussing moving fluids, let us first look at staionary ones. Let us assume that (1) u = v = w = 0, i.e that the fluid is stationary ones. (2) dV/dt = 0, i.e. the fluid remains stationary, and (3) all the F terms are zero then, from equations (6.2) we are lefth with only RUMUS YAK LAH MAPOSANG The first two mean that the isobaric (constant pressure) surface are horizontal, i.e. there is no pressure term, I fact no force at all in this case, to cause horizontal motion. The third can be written as RUMUS YAK LAH MAPOSANG Which is the hydrostatic (pressure) equation in differential form, i.e. it gives the pressure dp due to a thin layer dz of fluid of density . If is constant (independenth of depth) it becomes p = - g z. this is not a very exciting result realy all that it does is confirm that the equations of motion do give a previously known answer (as shown from first principles in Appendix 1) when the fluid is stationary. As we showed in section 7.3, this equation remains an excellent approximation even for flows at tipycal ocean speeds. The reason for the minus sign on the right is because we take the origin of the coor dinates at the sea surface 8.2 inertial motion We first assume that (1) rumus (i.e. there is now slope of the sea surface and all the pressure surfaces insede the fluid are also horizontal;we shall look at the situation when these terms are not zero presently


Geopotential In preparation for the discussion of the geostrophic method for calculating current we must introduce the concept of geopotential. The quantity RUMUS is the amount of of work done ( = potential energi gained ) in raising a mass M through a vertical distance dz against the force of gravity (ignoring friction). We then define a quantity called geopotential ( ) such that the change of geopotential d over the vertical distance dz is given by Rumus pole
z 1

Md = dw = M
z 2

The quantity (2-1) is called the geopotential distance between the levels


where the pressures will be p2 and p1. the first quantity on the right of equation

(8,5) is called the standard geopotential distance (std, a function of p only) while the second is called the geopotential anomaly (, a function of S, T and p). in size , the second term is of the order of one-thousandth of the first. The reader reminded that although (2 1) is called the geopotential distance in oceanographic jargon, it really has the units of energy per unit mass (J kg -1 or m2 s2

) and for g=9.8m-2 and z = 1m, then d = 9.8 J kg-1. for nomerical convinience,

oceanographers in the past have used a unit of geopotential called the dynamic metre such that 1 dyn m = 10.0 J kg -1. to indicate that this unit is being used, it is usual to use the symbol D for geopotential. The geopotential distance (D2 D1) is then nomerically almost equal to (z1 z2) in metres, e.g. relative to the sea surface:


8.31 Geopotential surfaces and isobaric surfaces A surface to which the force of grafity, i.e. the plumb line, is everywhere perpendicular is called a Geopotential surface because the value of the geopotential must be the same everywhere on the surface. The term level surface is taken to mean tha same thing. An example of such a surface is tha smooth surface of a lake in which there are no currents and where there are no waves, or of a billiard table set up correctly. The reason for specifying no currents will be explained in the next section.

An isobaric surface is one on which the pressure is everywhere the same. In the above stationary lake the water surface would be the isobaric surface p = 0 (atmospheric pressure being assumed constant and ignored). Isobaric surface for higher pressure would be deeper in the lake an would be geopotential (level) surface as long as the lake was still. Isobaric surface must be level in the stationary state. (do not confuse this stationary state when u = v = w = 0 with the steady state when u, v and w may be non-zero but do not change with time, i.e. when u/t = v/t = w/t = 0, see Appendix 1.) Suppose for the moment that and isobaric surface (dashed line in Fig. 8.3(a)) were inclined to the level surface (full line in Fig. 8.3. (a)). ((((((rumus 67)))))))))) To stop the acceleration to the left it is necessary

In priciple, this geostrophic equation should permit us to determine the speed V1 by measuring the slope i of the isobaric surface. In practice we cannot do this because we cannot determanie p from the hydrostatic equation p = - gdz after having determined the distribution of densty with depth. Even with this method we cannot determine the anggle i absolutely. The reason is that we make our measurements from a ship on the surface of the sea and we do not know if the sea surface is level or not (neglecting wind effects which we shall add in Chapter 9), and motion gives rise to a Coriolis force which requires the water surface to be sloping so that the horizontal component of the pressure gradient can act to balance the Coriolis force. All that we can do is determine the difference between i1 at level z1 and i2 at level z2 as described shortly. This defference estimate of the velocity shear (V/z).

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