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Siti Fitrianingsih (221012100206)

Renia Ariani (221012100209)

Hafiany Aulia (221012100203)

Siti Nadroh (221012100158)

Abdul Mufti (221012100397)

Mardion (221012100391)

CLASS : 02 MPIE 003




All praise and gratitude we offer to the presence of Allah SWT for his blessings and mercy that
we can complete a paper which is an assignment in the English course.
Shalawat and greetings may continue to be bestowed upon the prophet Muhammad SAW for
his family,friends-friends and those who follow him who have guided the people human beings
on the right path towards a life of happiness in the world and the hereafter.
This paper is entitled “PROGRESSIVE TENSE AND PERFECT TENSE” which is the
assignment of the supervisor .Given that this material is our task to dig more broadly and in
depth,however.we realize that this paper is still far from perfectiondue to the limitations of the
authors,both regarding the knowledge and literature that we have.therefore,we reall hope for
constructive criticism and suggestions to achieve this better paper and hopefully this paper can
be useful for writers in particular and for readers in general.

Pamulang ,06 Maret 2023


List Of Contents.............................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I.....................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background.........................................................................................................1
1.2 Formulation Of The Problem .............................................................................1
1.3 Objective.............................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................2
2.1 Progressive Tense................................................................................................2
2.2 Perfect Tense.......................................................................................................3
2.3 Function Of The Perfect Tense............................................................................4
CHAPTER III...................................................................................................................6
3.1 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................6


1.1 Background

English is the international language. By mastering English well, we will be able to

communicate with other nations in this world. Tenses are important in English language
education. And also a rule in English. If someone wants to master English well, then he must be
able to master tenses well. Among the forms of tenses, we will discuss the progressive tense and
perfect tense in this paper.

1.2 Formulation Of The Problem

1. What is the meaning of The Progressive Tense?

2. What is meant by perfect tense?
3. What is the function of the perfect tense?

1.3 Objective

1.To know what the progressive tense means.

2.To know what the perfect tense.
3.To know is the function of the perfect tense.


2.1 Progressive Tense

A.Meaning Of Progressive Tense

Progressive Tense or formerly better known as Present Continuous Tense is usually used to
describe an event that is currently taking place now (present) or plans in the future (future). For
example, we say 'I am eating', meaning at that time we were indeed doing an 'eating' activity. a
simple example of Present Progressive in Indonesian:
1.I'm playing guitar.
2.The woman in the red riding hood is picking flowers in the garden.
3.My father is repairing his car.
the general form of the Present Progressive Tense formula is:
S + to be + V1-ing
As usual, the subject is very influential for the 'to be'. examples of previous sentences into
1.I'm playing guitar.
==> I am playing guitar.
2.The woman in the red riding hood is picking flowers in the garden.
==> The veiled woman is picking flowers in the park.
3.My father is repairing his car.
==> My father is repairing his car.
S + to be + V1-ing ==> simplest form of Present Progressive.
S + to be + V1-ing + O ==> use object.
S + to be + not + V1-ing + O ==> negative form.
To be + S + V1-ing + O ==> interrogative form.

2.2 Perfect Tense
B.Meaning Of Perfect Tense
The present perfect tense is formed with a present tense form of "to have" plus thepast
participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form).
Present Perfect Tense (finish time now) is a tense used to express actions, events,events that
happened in the past and still have something to do with it now or toindicate an event that is
completed in a short time.
To form the Present Perfect Tense sentence we need to know about:
o The shape of the auxiliary used in the present perfect tense is "to have".Present perfect tense is
composed of subject, auxiliary (have / has), and thepast participle (past tense verb Verb forms III
or III), for example:
1. I have eaten some food.
2. You Have gone to school.
o Auxiliary Verb is divided in two forms, namely:
1. SingularI
have, You have, she / he / it has
2. Plural
We have, You have, They Have
o Past participle or verb in the present perfect tense is used Verb III. Pastparticiple is divided in
two parts:
1. Regular verb, for example: talk = talked
2. Irregular verb, for example: go = gone
Present perfect tense dibentuk dengan bentuk present tense dari "memiliki"ditambah past
participle dari kata kerja (yang dapat berupa teratur atau tidak teraturdalam bentuk). Present
Perfect Tense (waktu selesai sekarang) adalah suatu tensesyang digunakan untuk menyatakan
perbuatan, peristiwa, kejadian yang terjadi padawaktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya
dengan sekarang atau untuk menunjukkansuatu peristiwa yang selesai pada waktu yang singkat.

Untuk membentuk kalimat Present Perfect Tense kita perlu mengetahui tentang :
o Bentuk auxiliary yang digunakan dalam present perfect tense adalah “tohave”. Present perfect
tense terdiri dari subject, auxiliary (have/has), dan pastparticiple (kata kerja lampau bentuk III
atau Verb III), contoh :
1. I have eaten some food.
2. You have gone to school.
o Auxiliary Verb terbagi dalam dua bentuk, yaitu :
1. Bentuk Tunggal
I have, You have, she/he/it has.
2. Bentuk Jamak
We have, You have, They Have.
o Past participle atau kata kerja dalam present perfect tense yang digunakan adalah Verb III. Past
participle terbagi dalam dua bagian :
1. Reguler verb, contoh : talk = talked.
2. Irreguler verb, contoh : go = gone.

2.3 Function Of The Perfect Tense

Functions of Examples of Present Perfect Tense Sentences
1. The present perfect tense is used to express past events regardless of when exactly they
Can you recommend the most delicious seafood restaurant in this town? Yes, I've visited
all of them.
(Can you recommend the most delicious seafood restaurant in this city? Yes, I've visited
all of them.)
I've read this book.
2. Present perfect tense to show that an action occurred repeatedly in the past (adverb of
number can be used).
She has called you three times.
(He has called you three times.)

3. Present perfect tense to express activities or situations that started in the past and then
continued until now (not yet finished).
I have lived in Cilegon for 3 months.
(I have lived in Cilegon for 3 months.)

She has studied in French since April.

(I has been studying in France since April.)

5My brother has worked already/lately/ up to now.

(My brother has worked already/lately/ up to now.)

4. The present perfect tense is used to talk about an event that just happened (the adverb
“just” can be used).
I've just sent you an email.
(I just sent you an email.)

The rain's just stopped.

(The rain has just stopped.)
[ the rain's = the rain has; see contraction & apostrophe]

Description of the Time

The description of the time used for the Present Perfect tense is one that explains that
the work has just been completed, such as: just now (just), already (already), yet (already)
and also a description of the time that shows it has been many times or has been even if
only once like: ever (ever), 3 times (3 times) etc.


Progressive Tense or formerly better known as Present Continuous Tense is usually used to
describe an event that is currently taking place now (present) or plans in the future (future). For
example, we say 'I am eating', meaning at that time we were indeed doing an 'eating' activity.
The present perfect tense is formed with a present tense form of "to have" plus thepast
participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form).
Present Perfect Tense (finish time now) is a tense used to express actions, events,events that
happened in the past and still have something to do with it now or toindicate an event that is
completed in a short time.
Functions of Examples of Present Perfect Tense Sentences :The present perfect tense is used
to express past events regardless of when exactly they happened, Present perfect tense to show
that an action occurred repeatedly in the past (adverb of number can be used), Present perfect
tense to express activities or situations that started in the past and then continued until now (not
yet finished), The present perfect tense is used to talk about an event that just happened (the
adverb “just” can be used).

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