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Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 117 (2019) 109086

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The mechanism of anticancer action and potential clinical use of kaempferol T

in the treatment of breast cancer

Xueni Wanga, Yuting Yanga,b, Yating Anc, Gang Fanga,d,
Guangxi Zhuang Yao Medicine Center of Engineering and Technology, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, 13 Wuhe Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning, 530200, China
Faculty of pharmacy, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, 13 Wuhe Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning, 530200, China
Department of pharmacy, Tianjin Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital, 354 North road, Hongqiao District, Tianjin, 300120, China
Laboratory of Zhuang Medicine Prescriptions Basis and application Research, Guangxi University of Chinese medicine, 179 Mingxiudong Road, Xixiangtang District,
Nanning, 530001, China


Keywords: In the last century, natural compounds have achieved remarkable achievements in the treatment of tumors
Kaempferol through chemotherapy. This inspired scientists to continuously explore anticancer agents from natural com-
Breast cancer pounds. Kaempferol is an ordinary natural compound, the most common flavonoid, which is widely existed in
Mechanism vegetables and fruits. It has been reported to have various anticancer activities, including breast cancer, prostate
cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, leukemia, etc.
Meanwhile, we found that there were more reports on breast cancer among these cancers although there are
limited clinical studies that have addressed the benefits of kaempferol as an anti-cancer agent for breast cancer
treatment. Then we realize that although kaempferol has been reported to have anti-breast cancer effect many
times, it is still far from becoming a real anti-breast cancer agent. Therefore, in this review, we talk about the
options for improving the anti-breast cancer effect of kaempferol, including various techniques and methods to
improve the bioavailability of kaempferol, the idea of combining other compounds to produce synergistic effects,
and the possibility of developing kaempferol into a targeted drug delivery system.

1. Background Anti-estrogens are very effective on reducing the risk of breast

cancer, but long-term use can cause multiple side effects [8–10]. Ar-
Breast cancer is one of the deadliest diseases for women in western omatase inhibitors also have been shown to be effective in treating
countries [1]. The global incidence of breast cancer has been rising women with early stage breast cancer [11]. However, some studies
since the late 1970s. In the United States, a woman is 12.4 percent more suggest that aromatase inhibitors may have potential cardiotoxicity
likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. In other words, [12]. Anti-angiogenesis drugs can inhibit the development and growth
each eight women in the United States have one breast cancer in their of breast cancer and lead to its ischemic death [13]. Mounting studies
lifetime [2]. China is not a country with high incidence of breast cancer, showed that the monoclonal antibody drugs had a significant antic-
but it is not optimistic. Although Asian women have a lower incidence ancer effect and could improve the survival ability of patients. How-
of breast cancer than white women, the incidence of breast cancer in ever, these agents were only applicable to patients with HER2-positive
China has been on the rise [1]. Current treatments for breast cancer breast cancer, and most of them were expensive and could cause serious
include surgery, medicines, and radiation therapy [3]. And the medi- side effects after administration [6,14]. Anthracyclines are better for
cation of breast cancer mainly includes anti-estrogen drugs [4], ar- breast cancer than many other chemotherapy drugs. But it also has side
omatase inhibitors, [4], Anti-angiogenesis drugs [5], Monoclonal anti- effects, such as damage to the heart and nail pigmentation [15,16].
body drugs [6], Anthracyclines [7], and other drugs. Clinical data have shown that many natural molecules isolated from

Abbreviations: Bax, BCL2-Associated X; Bcl-2, B-cell lymphoma-2; CDK1, cyclin-dependent kinases; EMT, Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition; ERR, estrogen-related
receptor; ER, estrogen receptor; E2, estradiol; FAS, fatty acid synthase; G1, first gap; G2, second gap; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor-2; irs-1, receptor
matrix 1; LNCaP, prostate cancer cell line; MMPs, matrix metalloproteninases; NQO1, quinone oxidoreductase 1; NRF2, nuclear fac-tor erythroid 2-related factor 2;
PARP, poly ADP-ribose polymerase; PR, progesterone receptor; SN, Solanum nigrum Linn; TNBC, triple negative breast cancers

Corresponding author at: Guangxi Zhuang Yao Medicine Center of Engineering and Technology, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, 13 Wuhe Road, Qingxiu
District, Nanning, 530200, China.
E-mail addresses: (X. Wang), (Y. Yang), (Y. An), (G. Fang).
Received 4 May 2019; Received in revised form 2 June 2019; Accepted 4 June 2019
0753-3322/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
X. Wang, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 117 (2019) 109086

herbs have significant anti-breast cancer efficacy, such as Paclitaxel, inhibit the glucose uptake of MCF-7 breast cancer cells, leading to a
[17] vincristine [18], cantharidin sodium injection [19], Magnolol significant decline in cell viability and proliferation ability, thus in-
[20–22]. hibiting the growth of breast cancer cells. Furthermore, they found that
These natural compounds have achieved remarkable therapeutic kaempferol could also inhibit the absorption of lactic acid in MCF-7
effects in the treatment of cancer by chemotherapy. In addition, sci- breast cancer cells, leading to cancer cell death [31]. (Fig.1B)
entists are constantly developing new ways to treat cancer. Among The anticancer action of Kaempferol role also can be mediated by
them, the rapid development of immunotherapy methods is particularly ER. Hung et al. reported that kaempferol could induce the degradation
eye-catching. Immunotherapy has continued to bring new evangelism of ERα and prevented the estradiol-induced cell proliferation at
to patients in recent years. As a researcher developing natural medicine, 17.5–70 μM in MCF-7 cells [32]. Kim et al. found that kaempferol could
when our eyes leave the microscope, we may suddenly feel unseeing. markedly repress 17β-estradiol or triclosan-induced MCF-7 breast
Do our work still meaningful, can our work save more lives, or what cancer cells growth via nongenomic ER signaling pathway associated
changes can our work bring to patients? with IGF-1R. It is noteworthy that they have obtain consistent result in
Flavonoids, the most abundant polyphenols in the human diet, are an in vivo xenografted mouse model [33]. (Fig.1C)
found mainly in vegetables, fruits and botanical drinks and are the main
ingredient in many herbal products. Large amounts of flavonoids can 3. Kaempferol induces apoptosis of breast cancer cells
reduce the risk of cancer, according to epidemiological and animal
studies [23,24]. Kaempferol is one the most common dietary flavonols. PARP is the cutting substrate of caspase, the core of cell apoptosis. It
Mounting studies have confirmed that kaempferol has a certain ther- plays an important role in DNA damage repair and cell apoptosis. PARP
apeutic effect as a chemotherapy drug for breast cancer [23,25]. shear is considered as an important indicator of apoptosis. The apop-
Herein, we summarized the mechanism of kaempferol in the treat- totic-preventing protein Bcl2 and the pro-apoptotic protein Bax were
ment of breast cancer. We found that kaempferol mainly produced anti also involved in the process. The study of Yi et al. showed that
breast cancer effects in three following ways:(1) inhibiting the growth kaempferol could effectively induce the cleavage of PARP expression in
of breast cancer cells; (2) inducing the apoptosis of breast cancer cells; MCF-7 cells, moreover, they detected that the outcome was accom-
(3) inhibiting migration and invasion of breast cancer cells. However, panied by downregulating Bcl2 protein expression and promoting Bax
these are common ways of many natural compounds against cancer, protein expression [34]. (Fig.2A) Brusselmans and his team provided a
and they cannot kill cancer cells rapid and specifically. Moreover, new mechanism that Kaempferol and four other flavonoids induced
kaempferol's bioavailability was reported to very low, as low as 2% apoptosis of MDA-MB231 cells, which was strongly associated with the
[26,27]. All These findings illuminate that kaempferol has a prospect in properties of inhibiting fatty acid synthesis [35]. (Fig.2, B) However,
treatment of breast cancer while there are still many problems to be other scientists have different findings. Liao et al. found that kaemp-
resolved. ferol could also induce apoptosis in MCF-7 cells, whereby the reactive
oxygen species were the cause of induction of apoptosis [36]. (Fig.2C)
2. Kaempferol inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells
4. Kaempferol inhibit the migration and invasion of breast cancer
Kaempferol arrests cell cycle at G2/M stage through downregulation cells
of CDK1 in human breast cancer MDA-MB-453 cells [5]. Similar find-
ings were obtained by Zhu’s team in triple negative breast cancer cells. Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) is considered to play a
Their study showed that after treatment with kaempferol, the number major role in the development of breast cancer. Studies have found that
of cells in first gap G1 phase decreased significantly from 85.48% to EMT of breast cancer cells will resist chemotherapy, so that the effi-
51.35%, and the number of cells in G2 phase increased significantly ciency of chemotherapy will be reduced or even failed [37]. studies by
from 9.27% to 37.5% [28]. These findings indicate that kaempferol can Lee et al. showed that Kaempferol can effectively inhibit the metastatic
inhibit cell growth by destroying the cell cycle. (Fig.1A) behavior of breast cancer caused by endogenous estrogen and exo-
Since stability of glucose concentration is critical to maintaining genous heterologous compounds evidenced by Kaempferol could ef-
cancer cells, inhibiting glutamate-mediated glucose transport is con- fectively inhibit the expression of E2 or triclosan-induced EMT and
sidered to be a potential strategy for cancer treatment [29,30]. Study by metastatic proteins [38]. (Fig. 3A)
Claudia Azevedo and her team showed that kaempferol can effectively As a marker of poor prognosis of breast cancer, matrix

Fig. 1. Overview of the mechanism of kaempferol inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cells.

X. Wang, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 117 (2019) 109086

Fig. 2. Overview of the mechanism of apoptosis induced by kaempferol in breast cancer cells.

metalloproteinase has been used as a target for the treatment of breast 15%–25% of all pathological types of breast cancer, mostly occurring in
cancer [39]. Some studies suggest that MMP1, MMP3 and MMP9 gene premenopausal women [45,46]. Systemic therapy for patients with
polymorphisms have synergistic effect on breast cancer. MMPs inter- nonmetastatic TNBC is chemotherapy alone. Local therapy for patients
action has shown a strong correlation with clinical risk factors (such as with nonmetastatic TNBC Including surgical resection and, if necessary,
lymph node metastasis) and may affect the 5-year survival rate [40]. radiotherapy [47]. Scientists found that low doses of kaempferol
MMP-3 is an enzyme related to tumor invasion and metastasis, Chu (20 μmol/L) reduced RhoA and Rac1 activation in TNBC cells and then
et al. confirmed that microRNAs (miR-519d) can inhibit the occurrence inhibited its migration and invasion via blocking RhoA and Rac1 sig-
and metastasis of breast cancer [41]. Mounting studies have shown that naling pathways [48]. In addition, some other scientists reported that
the most aggressive breast cancers express highest level of MMP-3, and kaempferol was a strong NRF2 inducer, it can regulate the expression of
suppress MMP-3 expression could reduce invasion and migration of NRF2 and its NQO1 enzyme in MCF-7cells, thus inhibiting the trans-
various human malignant cell lines [42]. In the study of Phromnoi formation of oncogenes [49]. (Fig. 3C)
et al., they found kaempferol could dramatically inhibit the invasion
ability of MDA-MB-231 cells, with IC50 values of 30 μmol/L. Simulta- 5. Discussion
neously, they also found kaempferol could reduce MMP-3 activity with
IC50 values of 45 μmol/L. It is noteworthy that kaempferol could Although scientists around the world have been developing new
markedly inhibit the hydrolytic activity of MMP-3 casein and then in- treatments, the latest global cancer data show that breast cancer has the
hibit the invasion ability of breast cancer cells [43]. Li et al. also found highest morbidity and mortality among women in the world [50]. Ac-
that Kaempferol inhibited the invasion of breast cancer cells was related cording to the latest cancer statistics, the highest incidence of breast
to matrix metalloproteinases. Their study showed that kaempferol in- cancer is in Australia and New Zealand (94.2 Age-standardized (W) rate
hibited cancer cells invasion through blocking the PKCδ/ MAPK/AP-1 per 100,000), followed by Western Europe (92.6 Age-standardized (W)
cascade and subsequent MMP-9 expression and its activity [44]. rate per 100,000) and Northern Europe (90.1 Age-standardized (W)
(Fig. 3B) rate per 100,000), while the incidence of breast cancer in East Asia is
Triple negative breast cancer refers to the type of breast cancer that relatively low (39.2 Age-standardized(W)rate per 100,000) [50]. Stu-
is negative for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and dies have shown that the low incidence of breast cancer in East Asia,
human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (her-2), accounting for especially in China, is related to their daily consumption of foods

Fig. 3. Mechanism of kaempferol inhibiting migration and invasion of breast cancer cells.

X. Wang, et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 117 (2019) 109086

containing large amounts of flavonoids [51]. In addition, a number of overexpression, they found that the system had a stronger inhibitory
studies have confirmed the role of flavonoids in the prevention and effect on tumor cells in vivo and in vitro, and it also reduced damage to
treatment of breast cancer [52,53]. Actually, the anti-breast cancer normal tissue [64]. In addition, Wang et al. established a mesoporous
effect of natural compounds has always been one of the areas of concern targeted drug delivery system for the treatment of triple negative breast
to scientists. In this review, we reviewed several approaches of cancer. The system is mediated by intercellular adhesion molecule-1
kaempferol in the treatment of breast cancer, and concluded that antibody and can load a large amount of doxorubicin. It takes more
kaempferol has certain curative effect on breast cancer, which provides doxorubicin into and accumulate in triple-negative breast cancer cells,
certain basis for the follow-up study of breast cancer. resulting in stronger therapeutic effects [65]. Inspired by the above
By analyzing the collected literature, we found that kaempferol studies, kaempferol can also be designed as a targeted drug delivery
produced anti-breast cancer effects in vivo and in vitro mainly by in- system to achieve stronger and more accurate anticancer effects.
hibiting cell proliferation, preventing cell migration and inducing However, more research is needed on which targeted drug delivery
apoptosis. However, the oral bioavailability of kaempferol is very low. system kaempferol could be developed into.
If it is to be developed into a good oral preparation, it is necessary to
use other auxiliary means to improve its bioavailability. Qian et al. 6. Conclusions
greatly improved the oral bioavailability of kaempferol by preparing
kaempferol into a nanosuspension, by using pressure homogenization In general, a large number of preclinical studies have confirmed the
(HPH) techniques. [54] Xu et al. prepared kaempferol and poly- role of kaempferol in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. But
saccharide arabinogalactan and disodium glycyrrhizinate into com- there is still a lot of uncertainty about kaempferol acting as a drug for
plexes, by mechanochemical technique, which also increased the so- clinical treatment of breast cancer. The factors include how to improve
lubility and bioavailability of kaempferol [55]. According to a recent bioavailability, enhance activity, construct targeted drug delivery
study, scientists prepared kaempferol and Poloxamer 407 into a solid system etc. These situations need to be addressed through the joint
dispersion, greatly improving the water solubility and oral bioavail- efforts of different professional scientists around the world.
ability of kaempferol [56]. These studies indicate that scientists have a
variety of ways to improve the oral bioavailability of kaempferol. Ethical approval and consent to participate
Several types of malignant tumors, including breast carcinoma,
whose cells proliferate intensively, represent very dynamic structures The authors have no ethical conflicts to disclose.
that create numerous mutations resulting in new tumor cell lines with
different genotypes and phenotypes within the tumor mass. In such Consent for publication
malignances, a highly variable sensitivity to therapeutics can be ob-
served and some of cell lines develop resistance to the treatment [57]. All authors reviewed and approved the manuscript.
The biological effects of combining various phytochemicals to target a
range of signaling pathways within the cancer cells should be superior Availability of data and material
compared to single compound targeting only one signaling pathway
[57,58]. Kaempferol administered in the combination with other fruit All data generated during this study are included in this published
peel polyphenols such as myricetin, quercetin, rutin, catechin, epica- article.
techin, anthocyanidins, or resveratrol demonstrated excellent antic-
ancer activity in robust preclinical study using the model of chemically- Competing interests
induced rat mammary carcinogenesis and MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231
breast cancer cell lines [59]. Ackland et al.’s research also have shown The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
that kaempferol combined with quercetin has a stronger inhibitory ef-
fect on the proliferation of PMC42 breast cancer cells than each of them Funding
alone [60]. Other scientists have also found synergistic effects of
kaempferol in combination with other compounds in ovarian cancer This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of
cells. Luo et al. 's study reveals that kaempferol enhances the anti- Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Grant
ovarian cancer effect of cisplatin by promoting apoptosis [61]. In ad- No.2018GXNSFBA281043), the Guangxi first-class discipline construc-
dition, Zhang et al. found that kaempferol combined with several other tion project of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine (Grant
flavonoids could produce a stronger inhibitory effect on the expression No.2018XK062) and the Development Program of High-level Talent
of ABCG2, the breast cancer resistance protein [62]. These studies Team under Qihuang Project of Guangxi University of Chinese
suggest that kaempferol can be combined with other compounds to Medicine (Grant No.2018005).
enhance its anticancer effect and drug resistance. Scientists can do
deeper and broader research in this area. In the following, scientists can Authors’ contributions
do more research in this area to improve the anti-breast cancer effect of
kaempferol. Gang Fang initiated the study; Xueni Wang and Yuting Yang wrote
In addition to improving bioavailability and anticancer effects, the manuscript; Xueni Wang draw the figures; Yating An and Gang Fang
kaempferol, like other anticancer compounds, faces the problem of how revised the manuscript.
it can be accurately transported to breast cancer tissues and cells, then
produce precise anticancer effects. Obviously, if kaempferol can be Acknowledgements
developed into a targeted drug delivery system, then it would exert the
anticancer effects in designated sites or tissues. It is worth noting that We thank Prof. Pang (Yuzhou Pang) of Guangxi University of
some progress has been made in the study of targeted agents for breast Chinese Medicine for his critical comments.
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