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Writing String to Binary file - To store string in binary file, we must convert it to binary format either by prefixing the string with ‘b’ or using the encode() function. - For e.g. We can use ‘a’ in place of ‘w for # Storing String in Binary Fi cl aa msg="Welcome!" £ = open('myfile. bin', f£.write (msg-.encode ()) £.write(b' To Python Learning') f£.close() Welcome! To Python Learning Reading Binary file in String # Reading String from Binary File f=open('myfile.bin','rb') print (msg) print (msg.decode()) f£.close() b'Welcome! To Python Learning —=— Welcome! To Python Learning We can observe, italelnl decoding it aT lei nae Program to create Binary file and store few records in it # Program to Create Binary File and storing Few Names size of_rec = 20 #£ach name will occupy 20 bytes with open(*Names.dat','wb') as £: mo while ans.lower ( name = input ("Enter Name : 1 = len (mame) name = name + (size_of_rec-1)+' # To add extra space with name to make it of length 20 name = name.encode () f£.write (name) ans=input ("Add More 2") } Enee. Name SAMI? aa tote “ey Babor seme Ada More ?y pias ees aa soso oe Enter Namo :NOTIN AaG More oy scoeaue ei 2 Ada More ?7n VIKAS SsUMIT Accessing record randomly from Binary File # Brogram to Random Access any Name + First Name will be at position 0, second will be at 20 and so on size_of rec = 20 ffach name will occupy 20 bytes nun = int (input("Enser Record Number :")) with open(*Names.dat', 'rb') as f: of rect (mm-1)) #Sending read pointer to desired position str = £.read(size_of rec) Lf (Len (str) ==0) : print ("Incorrect Position ") else: Enter Name :AMIT print (str.decode () ) Add More ?¥ Entex Name :VIRAS Ada More 7y Enter Name :SUMIT Add More ?y Enter Namo :NITIN Ada More ?y Enter Namo = SANcAY Aaa Mors 7n RECORD ORDER Enter Record Number : SUMIT >>> == RESTART: C:\Users\vin\Desk Enter Record Number :10 Incorrect Position

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