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DIRECTIONS: Copy and solve the following problems correctly.

1. Using a psychrometric chart, determine the humidity ratio of air at 65 percent

relative humidity and 34°C when the barometric pressure is 101.3 kPa.
2. What is the specific volume of an air-vapor mixture at 30 oC and a relative humidity
of 40 per cent at 101.3 kPa pressure?
3. Moist air at a dry bulb temperature of 25°C has a relative humidity of 50 per cent
when the barometric pressure is 101.4 kPa. Determine (a) the partial pressures of
water vapor and dry air, (b) the dew point temperature, (c) the specific humidity,
(d) the specific volume, and (e) the enthalpy.
4. Air at a temperature of 33°C has a relative humidity of 50 percent. Determine (a)
the wet bulb temperature, (b) the dew point temperature, (c) the humidity ratio, (d)
the enthalpy, and (e) the specific volume.
5. An air-vapor mixture has a DB temperature of 30°C and humidity ratio of 0.015
kg/kg d.a. Calculate for two different barometric pressures, 85 kPaa and 101 kPaa,
a.) enthalpy; and b.) the dew-point temperature.

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