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^ ^'w^, nmnf f^cfl^-^Tifr

(tT.?. ?TKFT ^ d'fr'fittn f^gfT. ^^?Tgr f^cfrm T?? '{IvH^IK f^-HHI t^)
-:;^gn -ijlviHI::-
(3l) 3f^—^ftwRT :—
^^TT 3Rflr
3f?Rfis^ ^ WTRI ITFT 150 3 "Ef^
HSTT ^ 3||fclK'*j5l ITFT

f^- t^, <t>1lild ft^RT 3ftY cznwrf^ 300


tiliillC^R 50
tiel 31 c^j 500

(^) ^ illvjlHI :-
1. ^ (3t) fcp^- xTcf w ^ >HiHM w cbw^e>j cf^
3TmR^ ^ ^ ^-'3r' 50 pr?n ^ ^9TT ^-'w' iWrt sff^
cZTTcmrte ^r%mT ^ ^f ioo y^ bW i yw y^ y^ ^ 150
y^ #1" I y^^ y^ 03 3fy^f yy #tt 1 yyy^ y^-y^ yy ^jyrfy^ 450 sfy^ yy Btyr 1
2. yyy y^ y^gPr^ (yff^my^) yyyy yy im\\ y^ ^ ^ ^ fcry^
(A,B,C,D) #r I sn^aff y^ ^y^ fctyy^ ^ ^fty^ yy yyy y^yr #tt [
3. yyy yy y^ aryf^ 3 ^^ 1 yyy yy yy^ 'sr' c^ 50 y?y y^^Rr^ yyyy ^ #t 1
y^^ yyy 03 sryTf yy Btyr 1 ^ 'y' ^ yy|^ 100 yyy yyyy ^ bW
ysy y?^ yyy 03 sfy^ c^ Blyr 1
4. yyy yy ^ yt yry ^^-(y) yrypy btft ^ yyy yy ^f 4o yfrfyiy 3fy> yy yTy-(y)
fijyy y]y%r 4o yfrfyry sfyr ^jary? tja^^ yjyr y^yr yRfyT4^1 yyyy ^
<aVt ^ sfy^ y^t yiteyR y^^ti yfl^ ^ ytyicyy? yyyfyyr (3R-W)=yFyfy> hc^Ri
{R=^"erRt" ^ yiw, W = ^3xrY ^-y^}
3[9rfy y^^ yyy ^ 3 3fy> yyjy yny^ yy y?^ y^ yyy ^ fery 1 sry? y?RT

^'y' yeyy^, yr^ yy smyf^hr yyy yy yryyy bth yay yy^^ yy sny^yy btpt yy
yyy yy yy sfMr ^ yryryf ^f #yT ye^i y^fyier f^iyy^ sfty
cyryynf^ yfesry yy yyy-yy 3fMr yryr #y 1
5. "^nsnwK
^TTSllccj^K 50 cfTl 1 ^ailc^K viTlVlI^ Pl^IRcl f

(^) :-

1) 'ErJR-Tffi^Err ^ TfSR if i^cfj ira ^ affwn^ Wcf (OMR Sheet STTETTfeT) Rto
cCT,3tFito tsnw I
2) RJtarr xsirrt R^tsrr if ^^ tr^rf eft tncite tjtR ^iir -sir sTPfti- ^ tsRn^ R? wtHm ^ afprarf^ Hcgla ft 07 f^eRT ftt atftft if
anftrRff tTRf eft tjTRftfi ^ arftft ft ■cRcncT trM fftftt ft sTRftft^ ^ ftl^ ftEfR ^
WEIR ^ ftRiT tsfPRTT I anftft fftm w ^ifeEP anft^ ^ ^ tsnft qR atHtft ftt
fftftt ft feifft if cTTw ^ fftm tiuw 1 ura suftftft qR anftq utrt ftqRr-fitftw
Rifqfci iTRT anftftft qR fftiR w PiMl^Rgq argRHR wftnft eft qqqft :—
1. ftft qqq iftqqq qiqlfteit if fftq qq fftfteft if ft qcRi ^3rr fftir w t ailR fftuWf
^ apq fteuw Rift t ciq qiftftft wr ftt Rfftlfti fftqr qnqqr 1
2. qqq ft fiftf qan afftft arjqK ^ fftw ftt f^-erlft if ftq^ fftft arjqK ft qpRi ftqy 1
3. ^ qqq fftRiefq fftj qq fftpeft ^ qq? ft arfftit Rift tjxR t. Rift Rift qRift eft qqq
fftqr qqqqr 1
4. ^ q?q fuiRiehi ftq qq fftucft if qq? ft Rift ^tr q ft, qqq eft qqq-qq ft fftftffti
fftqr qqqqr 1
5. fefqq—fcRfqH RTfftft IfTRT RFIRcI aqqielqft qR fcRnR qrft ft qWcI affftq qrR cgyfl qqif
qqqft qsq anftq 5TRT ftiRii^ qR qqftftq qff qqqft 1 aff^q
qqR cgyft ft qqqqiq ft qwq arjq^qf ft eftf ft aqqfft/qq RiqgTR qqq qft fftqr
qnqqr i fEfqq-fftftqn Rifftft qq fftfti affftq ftqr 1
6. qqftqqrjRTR Rriftei HRr fftftfftr fftq qq trftf ftt ftq qqft ft aimR qR affftq
t3tr ^ftf ft arjRiR ariqfftft qq ^jeqfqrq qR qftsq-qfWi ftffti fftqr qnqqr 1

3) qftsq ^ yikiift ft tT'irjq^ ^ qqft fWrfftr fftftift ft arfftuqq 3

^ qaq RiqR afqr rnqr qR^ qift arwrWqf qif RqarqqqR if 3ififft7q qR^ qR^ mqfftp
RiqrR ftfftr fftqr qnqqri
4) qftqq if qftft arftqq) qft 40 qfftqq sfqr ft® ft' qqr r^ -'q' if Tjsiqr-ijsrqr qrqr
qRqr arfftnft ftqr 1 qsqtftqi ft 3#Rjf%icr arjRjpicr ftifri (SC), argRjf^ ftqftrfei (ST) qair
aqq fftcTgr qft (QBC) ftif^ Riq ft qrqftR qft (EWS) qft fftftqarq' (PH) ftftt ft
ftiftqeft eft qftsq if "yfttft ftft 10—10 qfft?RT sieft qft tj® ftt qqqftt ^rt qqqR esqa
ftofr ft anftqeft qft qftgq ft ^rM ftft Rj^ 30 qfftqicT afqr qiqr qRqr arfftqrft ftqr 1
5) mRuhh ^ RiarfRcr ^ ^
^ ^ ^ 3TPr^ TTRT craTT ^^3^ ar^rRW ^
WT?^ %g 3im%T xmw ^ ^ ^W?KT 31# iTR W?^ I
6) ^ SI^pRa^cr ^ 3TRrf^ ^ xm ^ fM 3r€ ^fTFTT W^IT I ^fTmir^ ^
^ ^ ^ W Rnife 3Tfrm ?t^| S{\^ ^ ^6j>Hl^e \34el^ *<^^11 1
7) vdM^cW TT^ ^ 3fj^ xT^H pItRM tT^STT cfaiT ^ TTM ^ c^ "qW ^
STMN ^ #ni

8) ^fRT^T ^ yuiiefl y,H^eiJ|ci?H/^HJluM| W TTFI^^11 ^ ^T

^ c^l4c||^ ^^ WFft I r


J!^ 3i'c1ilf'sn^ q)T ^
1. sRlgM. t1t<l>f^ ^
^ ^frTiRT ^ TfSccnjyf "er^, i
31KleH ^f m -mVkh I
yBsra^ar ci5t yy ti'Mjfa i
yBznj^iT Ef't y^>!a vjiMvjiiRidi tjcf ®ftfeRTT I
yt?i ^ y^ ^Eft?R,^^fr4^ yy cTte i
wrytiT y^ yy Byy5t wny i
yeyy^ yg^ y^ey ^far^i
yeyytar yg^ oqf^y?y i

2. ysqy^?T yy gyld
wiy^ yy, y^y yay yf^ i
ysyy^ y5t vTefyrg|
yEyy^ yicf%y5 yy ^aPivii ^yyiyy i
X3^ ^tfwry : ywyyy yy ^ TRyyyy I
ysyyty y?t yg^ f^iyi^ yy f^rgy yMyryry i

yEyytar y5t yiyrftf^ (yyyyM, yf^yser^ fcTEnyRmr)

y^yy^ ^f ywytfRM cycRefr i
yeyytyr ySt wnf^ yryw I
ysyy^ yft ^diRbchl yy vryyyyri
yByy^?r yy anWy^ fciy>RT i
ysyy^ c^ ygpy I
yByy^yr ^ y^R yy snwRy yeil'i i
• -^-^ yg^^ yfMf^mR gy cTstt^ wsjig i
• wry^^ >;i^ yg^ ■^^pt yK^yTwr^t ytupng |
• wry^^ ^ "ciRlci ^rflvpy gy i

5. gggLj^y^^N

^c^y^iPicKi ypg^, -gpyr gy ^ffyR yMf^ i

3iif^f^f^iyd yy ynyy^ RiygR<£l
#-yy^ I
ysy yftyra" ^ccjf^-t| i


Principal Class-1, Deputy Director,Principal Class-2
Assistant Director (Technical) Exam-2023



(Section-'A ^VGeneral Knowledge of Madhya Pradesh, National and

International level

1. History culture and literature of M.P.

• Important Historical events and Major dynasties of M.P.

• Contribution of Madhya Pradesh in the Independence movements.
• Art, Architecture and culture of M.P.

• Main Tribes and Dialects of M.P.

• Main festivals, folk music and folk art of M.P.

• Important literary figures of M.P. and their literature.
• Main Tourist places of M.P.
• Important personalities of M.P.

2. Geography of the Madhya Pradesh


• Forest, Mountain and Rivers of M.P.

• Climate of M.P.

• Natural and mineral resources of M.P.

• Energy Resources: Conventional and Non- conventional.

• Main irrigation and Power projects of M.P.
3. Politics and Economy of M.P.
• Political system of M.P.(Governor, Cabinet, Legislative Assembly).
• Panchayati Raj in M.P.
• Social system of M.P.
• Demography and census of M.P.
• Economic development of M.P.
• Main industries of M.P.

• Agriculture and Agri based industries in M.P.

4. Current events of International, National and M.P.

• Important Contemporaneous events.
• Famous sports competitions; awards and sports institution ofthe State and

• Welfare schemes of M.P. state.

• Famous personalities and Places.

5. Information and Communication Technology

• Electronics, computers, information and communication technology.
• Robotics, artificial intelligence and cyber security.
• E- Governance.

• Internet and Social networking site.

• ■ E- Commerce.


Engineering, Skili Development and Vocational Training

1. National and International scenario of Skill Development:
• Vocational Education System in India
• Current National Policy on Skill Development in India
• Objective and Need for Skill Development In India
• Recommendations of various Committees on Vocational Education
• Scope of Skill Development

2. Status of Vocational Education in Madhya Pradesh:

• Technical and Vocational Education System In the State
• World Bank assisted and externally aided projects In Skill Development: -Phases, purpose,
outcomes,the projects taken up so far for skill development.
■ • Various Policies and programmes of the State Government for Skill Development.
• Enhancement of employability, Industry institute linkage, Role of training and placement officer,
Entrepreneurship Development Programme.
• Regulatary bodies of Technical education:- All India Council of Technical Education (AlCTE) and
National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET).

3. Academic and Administrative Management:

• Organization structure of Government ITI's,
• Reporting systems, reporting authorities and General Administration
• SWOT analysis. Vision and mission, goals. Strategic Planning, Internal/external environment
management. Resource mobilization, library management, maintenance of academic facilities.
• Problem solving techniques, personal management, value analysis, faculty norms
• Madhya Pradesh Civil Service Rules(MPCSR)

4. Skill Development Schemes:

• Various Skill Development schemes run by Central and State Government like Craftsmen
Training Scheme,
• Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF),
State Skilling Schemes.
• Crafts Instructor Training System (CITS).
• National Apprentice Promotion Scheme (NAPS)
• SANKALP Scheme, STRIVE Scheme

5. Engineering Mechanics and Engineering Drawing:

• Force and System of forces, equilibrium of rigid bodies,free body diagram, Lami's theorem. Laws
of Coulomb friction, Equilibrium of bodies involving dry fiction, belt friction.
• Centre of gravity and moment of inertia.

• Stress and strain; Concept of stress and strain, simple stresses, tensile, compresslve,
shear, bending and torsion, stress- strain curves, elastic constants.
• Engineering Graphics/Technical Drawing: Drawing equipments and use of instruments.
Conventions in drawing practice. Dimensioning, Scales.
• Theory of Projection of Planes and Solids, Orthographic Projection.

6. Fundamentals of Thermal Science:

• Introduction to thermodynamics. Properties, forms of energy, thermodynamic systems,
steady flow systems,
• Types of work,thermodynamic processes, laws of thermodynamics, Carnot theorem
• Concept of enthalpy & entropy.
• Introduction to I.C. Engines: Two,four stoke S.I. and C.l. engines. Otto cycle, Diesel cycle.
• Basic Idea of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning cycle.

7. Basic Knowledge on Workshop Science:

• Measuring Instruments & gauges, Introduction to manufacturing processes, Basic
terminology used. Materials properties and their application: Different engineering
materials. Properties, Nomenclature, Basics of heat treatment.
• Fitting: Introduction, Tools used in fitting, measuring and marking, sawing. Filing,
Tapping and die. Introduction to drills.
• Welding: brief introduction. Electric Arc, Gas welding process and equipment. Soldering
and Brazing process. Types of sheets (ferrous/non-ferrous), Standard sheet sizes and
their measurement, Tools used in sheet metal.
• Metal cutting: Introduction, Classification of machine tools and cutting tools, Basic
operations on lathe, Drilling, Shaper, Milling, Cutting tool material, Work-holding
devices. Cutting parameters i.e. speed,feed and depth of cut.
• Casting : Pattern types, moulding sand and its properties, casting process and defects.
8. Basic Electrical Science:-

• Network Laws and Theorems: Network Laws for D.C. networks-Kirchhoffs laws, network
elements. Superposition theorem, Thevenin's and Norton's Theorems, Maximum Power
Transfer Theorem.
• Single Phase A.C. Circuits: Single-phase EMF generation, form factor, peak factor, rms
value, areage value, Phasor diagram, Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive circuits. A.C.
series and parallel circuits. Analysis of simple RLC-series circuits, Resonance, Q factor.
Three Phase A.C. Circuits (General relations)
• Magnetic Circuits and Transformers: Analogy between electric and magnetic circuits.
Magnetic Circuits, B-H Curve, Hysteresis Loop, Inductances In series and parallel.
Hysteresis and Eddy current losses.
• Transformers- constructional details.EMF equation, rating and phasor diagram on no-
load and loaded conditions.
• Electrical Machines: Three phase Induction motors construction, principle of working
and their applications. Electrical Instruments: Basic principles of Moving iron, PMMC,
dynamometer and Induction type instruments, torque equation, Dynamometer type
., _^ r

9. Basic Electronics & Communication Science:-

• Electronic Instruments: Role and importance of general-purpose test instruments, CRO,
CRT, Semiconductor Diodes and Applications, Review of PN Junction Diode, V-1
Characteristics, Ideal diode, LED,Tunnel Diode, Photodiode.
• Halfwave, Fullwave and Bridge rectifiers, Passive filters. Regulators, Line regulation and
. load regulation, Zener Diode as voltage regulator, concept of switched mode power
supply(SMPS), Bipolar Junction Transistor, FET, MOSFET.
• Operational Amplifiers, Applications of op-amp as summing amplifier, differentiator and
integrator. Digital Electronics: Number system and logic gates, NAND and NOR as
universal gates, SR and JK flip-flops.
• Introduction to Computers: Generation of computers, Characteristic and classifications
of computers. Components of Computer, Types of memory. Computer Software and
their types. Operating System, Algorithm and flow chart.
• Computer Networks & Commtmication: LAN, MAN, WAN, Network Topologies, Modes
of Data Communication. Introduction to Internet and its Safeguard, Router, switches.
Hub, Bridges.

10. CIVIL :-

• Surveying instruments and their uses, various civil engineering survey, building by- laws.
Properties and tests on construction materials like bricks, cement, course aggregate,
steel reinforcement.
• Units of different fluid properties, types of fluid and types of flow,flow measurement.
• Construction management techniques like bar chart, milestone, network CPM/PERT,
construction equipments, notice inviting tender, administrative approval, technical
sanction, specification.
• Test on water and waste water, environment protection act, sources of air pollution.
National clean air program. "
• Types of dams and canals, rain fall measurement, safe bearing capacity of soil, methods
of building estimates,forms used in public works department.

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