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Instructions for Nature E-Photo contest


The Nature E-Photo contest encompasses all forms of photography where the main subject has
something to do with nature.


Main aim of the nature E- Photo contest is to educate people about the beauty of nature, often
with the hope that more people will be inspired to help protect the environment. The
photographer should not cause destruction, harming the flora or fauna, in his attempt to
photograph his subject. It also is not advised to try and interact with wild animals or attempt to
manipulate a subject to obtain the desired shot.


• Landscape – Images without wildlife or people that feature dramatic vistas in the natural

• Wildlife – Images that showcase the amazing diversity of wildlife around the world in the
air, on the ground, or under water.

• Environmental Impact – Images depicting either positive or negative effects on the

environment from human or animal activity. Subject matter could include outdoor
adventure or sports, clean energy alternatives, or the destruction of forests, to name a few.
People or animals should not be included in the image.

Important dates

• Call for Entries Deadline:March 31, 2023

• Notification Date: May 15, 2023
• Awarding at SLAAS Annual Session 2023

Nature photographers require a camera that gives them total control over camera settings. The
photographer cannot rely on the camera’s internal light meter and needs to be able to manipulate
the shutter speed and aperture manually. Tripods are necessary to obtain the sharpest quality
image in any lighting situation.

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Eligibility criteria

All participants must be students from Higher Education Institutions with proof of student ID.

Contesters must have full copyrights to the submitted material. By submitting an entry, you will
be presumed to have agreed to accept the Competition rules and the Terms and Conditions. As
each entry will be handled separately, contestants need to fill out the online submission form for
each entry.


1. Images will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact and
artistic merit for sustainable development in nature.

2. To ensure functionality on our submission platform, please submit files no larger than 25 MB
at the time of entry.

3. High resolution (300 DPI)-original files will be requested should an entry make it into the
final round of editing to be considered for an award.

4. All photographs should accurately reflect the Nature related subject matter and the scene as it
appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization (cropping,
spotting for dust, reasonable adjustments to exposure, color and contrast, etc.) will be

5. Entries may originate in any format—including in digital files submitted electronically in a

.jpeg, .jpg, or.png format. HDR images are acceptable.

6. Previously published material will not be considered.

7. You cannot include co-authors in your submission

8. The Conservancy will not accept watermarked submissions.


The winners in each category (Landscape, Wildlife, Environmental Impact will be awarded a
certificate from SLAAS

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Selection process

The SLAAS - EC will appoint a pre-selection committee consisting of communication and

environment experts that will select 30-50 finalists. These will then be submitted to an external
jury to be composed of environmental communication experts, who will determine the winners.
The winners will be notified by email and the official announcement of the winners will follow on
October 2022. All awards are finalized and confirmed by awards committee of SLAAS

Dr. D. S. Kalana Mendis Section E1

Dr. Medha Gunaratna Section E2

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