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The Next 100 Years (published 2009)

“In this book, I am trying to transmit a sense of the future. I will, of course, get many details
wrong. But the goal is to identify the major tendencies—geopolitical, technological,
demographic, cultural, military—in their broadest sense, and to de>ne the major events
that might take place. I will be satis>ed if I explain something about how the world works
today, and how that, in turn, de>nes how it will work in the future." (from Author’s Note)

Overture: An introduction to the American Age

“At a certain level, when it comes to the future, the only thing one can be sure of is that
common sense will be wrong. There is no magic twenty-year cycle; there is not simplistic
force governing this pattern. It is simply that the things that appear to be so permanent and
dominant at any given moment in history can change with stunning rapidity. Eras come and
go. In international relations, the way the world looks right now is not at all how it will look
in twenty years….or even less. The fall of the Soviet Union was hard to imagine, and that is
exactly the point. Conventional political analysis su0ers from a profound failure of
imagination. It imagines passing clouds to be permanent and is blind to powerful,
long-term, shifts taking place in full view of the world.”

Summaries Of Important Forecasts

On Population Decline And Technology On Iraq And Afghanistan Wars (

“But underlying all of this will be the single most important fact of the “…In fact, the region is more fragmented than ever, a
twenty-9rst century: the end of the population explosion. By 2050, advanced close the book on this era. U.S. defeat or stalemate
industrial countries will be losing population at a dramatic rate. By 2100, is the likely outcome, and both wars will appear to h
even the most underdeveloped countries will have reached birthrates that United States. There is no question that American ex
will stabilize their populations. The entire global system has been built since Iraq had been clumsy, graceless and in many ways u
1750 on the expectation of continually expanding populations. More
workers, more consumers, more soldiers—this was always the expectation.
In the twenty-9rst century, however, that will cease to be true. The entire
system of production will shift. The shift will force the world into a greater
dependence on technology—particularly robots that will substitute for
human labor, and intensi9ed genetic research (not so much for the purpose
of extending life but to make people productive longer).”

The Paci!c Basin (Chapter 4) Poland (Chapter 8)

“The western shore of the Paci9c has been the fastest growing region in the “The most enthusiastic participants in the American
world for the past half century. It contains two of the world’s largest Russians will be the former Soviet satellites, particu
economies, those of Japan and China. Along with other East Asian they will be leading the Americans as much as being
economies they are heavily dependent on maritime trade, shipping goods to everything to lose from Russia’s reemergence and li
the United States and Europe and importing raw material from the Persian the Russians. As the Russians come back to its fron
Gulf and the rest of the Paci9c Basin. Any interruption in the ?ow of the rest of Europe to support it through NATO. There
commodities would be damaging. An extended interruption would be enthusiasm in Germany or France for any confronta
catastrophic….The Paci9c now has two major Asian powers that are heavily what it historically did when confronted by Russia o
dependent on imports to fuel their economy and on exports to grow their an outside power to protect it. …..To Poland’s pleasa
economy. Japan and China, along with South Korea and Taiwan, all depend States will be strong enough to block the Russians.”
on access to the Paci9c in order to transport their goods and commodities. …..
Since the U.S. Navy controls the Paci9c Ocean, they rely on the United States “Eastern Europe will become the most dynamic regio
for their economic well-being. That is a huge bet for any nation to make on collapses, the Eastern European countries will exten
another.” power to the east. The Slovaks, Hungarians and Rom
least vulnerable to the Russians because the Carpath
barrier. The Poles, on the northern European plain, w
vulnerable, yet at the same time the largest and mos
European nation…”
“… Eastern European countries might not surpass We
countries in absolute size of their economies, but ce
will surpass Western Europe in terms of dynamism.”


China & Trade (Chapter 4)

“The United States consumes massive amounts of Asia’s industrial products, which beneMts the United States as a whole by providing
goods. At the same time, this trade pattern devastates certain American economic sectors and regions by undermining domestic indus
consumers can simultaneously increase unemployment and decrease wages, creating complex political cross-currents within the Unite
characteristics of the United States is that it tends to be oversensitive to domestic political concerns because it has a great deal of roo
foreign policy. Therefore, regardless of the overall beneMts of trade with Asia, the United States could wind up in a situation where dom
considerations force it to change its policy toward Asian imports. That possibility, however remote, represents a serious threat to the in

China sends almost one-quarter of all its exports to the United States. If the United States barred Chinese products, or imposed tariffs th
goods uncompetitive, China would face a massive economic crisis. The same would be true for Japan and other Asian countries. Count
disaster become unpredictable. They can become aggressive in trying to open up other markets, sometimes through political or military
“The United States is also susceptible to internal political pressures from those groups disproportionately affected by cheaper Asian im
that the United States, responding to domestic pressures, might try to reshape economic relations in the PaciMc Basin. One of the tools
protectionist legislation, backed up by its military strength. So East Asia has no real effective counter to an American military or econo

Subjectively, the last thing any nation in the region wants is con]ict. Objectively, however, there is a massive imbalance of power. Any shif
could wreak havoc on East Asia, and a shift in American policy is far from unimaginable. The threat of American sanctions on China, for
the United States might seek to limit Chinese importation of oil, strikes at the very heart of the Chinese national interest. Therefore, the
their growing economic strength to develop military options against the United States. They will simply be acting in accordance with the
of strategic planning: hope for the best, plan for the worst….China and Japan will therefore have no choice but to try to increase their mili
century, which the United States will see as a potential threat to US control of the western Paci9c. It will interpret a defensive move as ag
objectively it is, whatever their subjective intent. Add to this the ever-evolving nations of South Korea and Taiwan, and the region is certain
during the twenty-9rst century.”

Chapter 8

“China’s economic crisis will kick off a regional phase in Chinese history that, during the 2020s, will intensify…
…A second possible path is the recentralization of China, where the con?icting interests that will emerge and compete following an eco
controlled by a strong central government that imposes order and restricts the regions’ room to maneuver. That scenario is more proba
fact that the apparatus of the central government is 9lled with people whose own interests oppose centralization would make this diccu
government can’t necessarily rely on its own people to enforce the rules. Nationalism is the only tool they have to hold things together.”


Chapter 4

“The Orange Revolution in Ukraine from December 2004-January 2005, was the moment when the post-Cold War world genuinely ended
saw the events in Ukraine as an attempt by the United States to draw Ukraine into NATO and thereby set the stage for Russian disintegrat

“After what Russia regarded as an American attempt to further damage it, Moscow reverted to a strategy of reasserting its sphere of in
the former Soviet Union. The great retreat of Russian power ended in Ukraine. Russian in?uence is now increasing in three directions:
toward the Caucasus, and, inevitably, toward the West, the Baltics and Eastern Europe. For the next generation until roughly 2020, Russ
be reconstructing the Russian state and reasserting Russian power in the region.

The former Soviet satellites – particularly Poland, Hungary and Romania – understand that the return of Russian forces to their frontiers
to their security. And since these countries are now part of NATO, their interests necessarily affect the interests of Europe and the United
question is where the line will be drawn in the west. This has been a historical question, and it was a key challenge in Europe over the pas

Russia will not become a global power in the next decade, but it has no choice but to become a major regional power. And that means it w
The Russian-European frontier remains a fault line.”

Chapter 8

“…The Russians must dominate Belarus and Ukraine for their basic national security. The Baltics are secondary but still important. East
so long as the Russians are anchored in the Carpathian Mountains in the south and have strong forces on the northern European plain. B
can get complicated.

Ukraine and Belarus are everything to the Russians. If they were to fall into an enemy’s hands –for example, join NATO- Russia would b
Moscow is only a bit over two hundred miles from the Russian border with Belarus, Ukraine less that two hundred miles from Volgograd,
Russia defended against Napoleon and Hitler with depth. Without Belarus and Ukraine, there is no depth, no land to trade for an enemy’s
absurd to imagine NATO posing a threat to Russia. But the Russians think in terms of twenty-year cycles, and they know how quickly the

Turkey (Chapter 8)
“By 2020, Turkey will have emerged as one of the top ten economies in the world. Already ranked seventeenth in 2007, and growing stead
economically viable country but a strategically crucial one. In fact, Turkey enjoys one of the strongest geographic locations of any Euras
easy access to the Arab world, Iran, Europe, the former Soviet Union, and above all the Mediterranean. The Turkish economy grows in p
the center of regional trade as well as a productive economic power in its own right.

By 2020 Turkey will be a surging, fairly stable economic and military power in a sea of chaos. Apart from the instability to its north, it w
every other direction as well. Iran, which has not been economically or militarily signiMcant for centuries but whose internal affairs are
unpredictable, lies to the southeast. To the south, there is the permanent instability and lack of economic development of the Arab wor
there is the perpetual chaos of the Balkan Peninsula, which includes Turkey’s historic enemy, Greece.”
“The broader issue, though, will be the extreme fragmentation of the entire Islamic world. Historically divided, it has been badly destabiliz
war. During the US-Russian confrontation of the late 2010s the Middle East will be further destabilized by Russian attempts to create p
States to the south of Turkey. The Islamic world in general, and the Arab world in particular, will be divided along every line imaginable
“Just as the Russians will work to contain Turkey (through the Arab countries to Turkey’s south) so they will attempt to contain Hungary a
turn Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia against them. …”

“The Islamic world is incapable of uniting voluntarily. It is, however, capable of being dominated by a Muslim power. Throughout history, T
Muslim power most often able to create an empire out of part of the Islamic world—certainly since the Mongol invasions of the thirteenth
between 1917 and 2020 has been an anomaly, because Turkey has ruled only over Asia Minor. But Turkish power- the Ottoman Empire or
out of Iran – has been a long-term reality in the Islamic world. In fact, Turkey once dominated the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Arabian Pen

During the 2020s, that power will begin to reemerge. Even more than Japan, Turkey will be critical in the confrontation with the Russian
strait connecting the Aegean and the Black Sea, blocks Russian access to the Mediterranean. Turkey historically controlled the Bospor
Russia historically saw Turkey as a power that was blocking its interests. It will be no different in the 2010s and 2020s. The Russians w
Bosporus to counter the Americans in the Balkans. The Turks know that if the Russians are given such access and succeed in achievin
goals, Turkish autonomy will be threatened. The Turks, therefore, will be committed to their alliance with the United States against Rus

As a result, the Turks will be instrumental in America’s anti-Russian strategy. The United States will encourage Turkey to press north in th
want Turkish in]uence in Muslim areas of the Balkans, as well as in the Arab states to the south, to increase. It will help Turkey increase i
– naval, air and space—to challenge the Russians in the Black Sea. It will ask the Turkish navy to share the naval burden in the Mediterran
to block Russian adventures in North Africa. The United States also will do everything it can to encourage Turkish economic developmen
stimulate its already surging economy.

When the Russians 9nally collapse, the Turks will be left in a position they haven’t been in for a century. Surrounded by chaos and weakne
an economic presence throughout the region. They also will have a substantial military presence. When the Russians collapse, the region
reorganize – without real effort on their part- around the Turks, who will become the dominant power in the region, projecting in]uence in
will not be a formal empire yet, but it will be, without a doubt, the center of gravity of the Islamic world.”

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