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Bangladesh University of Business &Technology

Bad impacts of
Drug Addiction
Youth, Economics and Society

Course information:
Course Title: Research Methodology

Title of Research Proposal

Course Code: BUS 502

Submitted To:

Prof. Md. Abdul Hakim

Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

Submitted By:

Roni Halder
MBA 31st Intake (Sec-2)
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

Date of Submission: 31st December, 2015


Sl No Type of Content Page Nos.

01 Executive Summary/Abstract 2
02 Statement of the Problem 3
03 Objectives of Research 3
04 Review of Relevent Literature 4
05 Benefit of the Study 5
06 Methodology 6
07 Data Collection 7
08 Work Plan 7
09 Plan for Data Analysis 7
10 Qualification of the key persons 8
11 Budget 8
12 Limitations 9
13 Anticipated Results 9
14 Reference 10
Executive Summary/Abstract

Every nation of the beautiful world has badly affected by the drug abused. Bangladesh is no
exception.There are millions of drug addicted people in Banglade sh and most of them are
young between the age of 18 and 30(teenagers). But it is very alarming that the children
(i.e. street children) are also additcted to drug due to various reasons. Drug abuse directly
cause health hazard of the addicted people and influences the economic and social aspects
of a country. So i f we unable to removed this problem , our next generation will be
dropped to the edge of destruction.

The objectives of the study is to find out the present scenario of drug addiction especially
among the young generation in Bangladesh, to identify different types of drugs, to find the
impact of drug addiction, to find the cause of taking drugs , to find the bad effects on our
next generation and economy & Society, discussion and data analysis and finally to give
recommendation how to save the problem.

Recent trend in Drug Addiction in Bangladesh is most talked topic in our country. It is
impossible for me to collect the primary data due to shortage of time. For this I have
dependent on secondary data. So it is a descriptive assaignment basically. In this regard
data has been collected from different type of newspaper, research reports and website.

Drug addiction of young generation and its impact is a sensitive subject. Even I don’t get
enough time to make this paper innovative , resourceful and effective. But there is no
lackings of my hard work and cordial effort.
Statement of the Problem

Bangladesh the beautiful country in the world has badly affected by the drug abused . There
are millions of drug addicted people in Bangladesh and most of them are young between
the age of 18 and 30 (teenagers) even the street children. Drug abuse directly cause health
hazard of the addicted people and influences the economic and social aspects of a country.
So if we unable to removed this problem, our next generation will be dropped to the edge
of destruction.

Drug addiction of young generation and its impact is a sensitive subject. Even I don’t get
enough time to make this paper innovative , resourceful and effective. But there is no
lackings of my hard work and cordial effort.

Objectives of the Research

The main aim of my study is “to identify the present situation of drug addiction in
bangladesh and whats the effects of drug on our Econimics & Society”

And other objectives are:

• To know what type of drugs used in Bangladesh.

• To know the average age, area, education and occupation of the addicts

• To find out the main cause of taking drugs.

• To identify the bad effects of drug on health, economics & society.

• To show the relationship among drug, next generation & economics.

• To find out the trafficking route, available area of drugs in bangladesh.

• To recommend how the problem can be uprooted.

Review of relevant literature

For conducting this study we have reviewed a number of relevant literatures to get clear idea on this

topic. We have studied different literatures from online journals, thesis papers, articles and other

relevant literatures through internet. By reviewing these we find that the prevalence of street children

has been escalating in most of the developing world mostly in Bangladesh. As Narayan Sharma and

“The problems of street

Suresh Joshi (2013) have said - children are more significant in the developing

than developed world and it was estimated that more than 100 million children live and work on the

streets in the developing countries.” There are various reasons for being street children i.e. poverty,

over population, illiteracy etc. In this context Narayan Sharma and Suresh Joshi (2013) have said -
“It was found that most of the street children were from joint families and higher percentage of street
children had illiterate parents.” Most of the cases the street children are addicted to drugs for different
causes. Vivek Benegal, Kul Bhushan, Shekhar Seshadri and Mani Karott (1998) have said - “Much of
the drug use is not mindless or necessarily pathological. Relief of boredom or hunger or depression
and frustration, wanting to feel good, to keep awake or get to sleep or to dream may be some of the
functions served by drug use.”

Benefits of the Study

• Raise awareness on the significance of the issue of Drug Addiction and its negative impact that
it has on addicts, national economics and Society.
• Review the existing situation of Drug Addiction and legal frameworks in Bangladesh to
prevent, protect, and rehabilitation.
• Discuss the various dimensions of drug addiction in Bangladesh.
• Share key study findings which highlight promising practices to reduce drug addiction.
• Proper inplementation of “Narcotics Control Act 1990”
• Create social awareness and expedite the anti-drug movement to save our future generation
from the aggression of the drugs.
• Necessary steps should be taken by the government like addicted rehabilitation, smuggler
arrest, launching awareness programs on anti-drug movement, creating special force etc.
• Increased Personal and Social ability.
• Be gained general knowledge about dangerous of Drug.
• Government and NGOs should undertake programs to ensure proper treatment and
rehabilitation of drug abusers.
• Roles of the department of narcotics control, police, RAB, BGB are not up to the satisfactory
level. So, it must be assured.
• Life skills education, peer education training, and economic and legal empowerment.
• Community, youth, and family mobilization and campaign creation

Methodology of the Study

This study is related with field work and survey methods. At first I have selected all division and some
district than I would survey my selected topic. For data collection; I will be randomly selected spots
with high concentration of street children from each location like Shahbagh, High Court premises,
Kamlapur railway stations, Syedabad, Karwanbazar, Gabtoli, Khilgaon, Mohakhaly, Gulshan,
Gulistan, and Sadarghat Launch Terminal.

Sampling & Sample size:

Before the main survey, a quick field visit to the selected study areas will give an idea about the
concentration of street-dwelling children and their characteristics. This also will help to determine the
way for approaching the ultimate study samples. Five enumerators, who will brief about the study and
visit the specified areas from mid-day to mid-night to do a head count and prepare a map with spots
indicating different concentrations of street-dwelling children, From each spot, around 100
respondents will be drawn through repeated visits within one week. The children who sleep in the
same spot for the last one month will be eligible to be included in the survey. Snow ball technique will
be used to identify the respondents. In the sample, attempts will be made to include all the street
children. Thus, a total of 300 street children from 3 spots will be included in the study

 Sources of data:
## Primary Source of data

• Questionnaire Survey
• Interview
• Counseling
• Focus Group Discussion
• Observation

## Secondary Source of data

• Literature Review
• Journals
• Newspaper
• Website

Data Collection Procedure

This study will be based on survey method. Skilled interviewers will be recruited for data collection.
A seven-day intensive training will be given to them which will consist of lectures, mock interviews,
role play, and field practice at the community level. An instruction manual explaining the key terms in
the questionnaire will be developed, and provided to the enumerators as a guide. Three teams of five
members each will be formed. On the day of interview, the team will identify the first respondent
according to the definition of street children and criteria for selection. Secondly, they will apply snow
ball technique to identify further respondents present in the spots for interview. The study will include
only those who will be interested. Verbal consent will be taken before the interview. The field
activities will be supervised by the researchers.

Work Plan

Data Analysis

The data will be analyzed using both descriptive and Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS).

Qualification of the Key Perso ns

The study team will consist of-

• One principal investigator

• One co-investigator
• One secretarial service
• One Research assistant
• Two data entry operator


The budget spells out research project costs and usually consists of a spreadsheet or table with
the budget detaile as line items and a budget narrative ( also known as a budget justification )
that explains the various expenses. Which are discussed following :
SL.N Element of cost Rate Total cost
01 Selection of interviewers 12,000
02 Training of the interviewers 20,000
03 Designing of the questionnaire 30,000
04 Conduct of interview 1,00,000
05 Questionnaire printing 5,000
06 Administrative Supply 15,000
07 Editing and Computer programming 15,000
08 Travelling 25,000
09 Dissemination seminar 5,000
10 Reporting ,Printing and mailing 10,000
11 Miscellaneous expenses 15,000
Total cost 2,52,000

Limitations of the Study

• The study will be confined to only different specific spots in Dhaka city due to time


• Shortage of relevant book, journals, magazines.

• Inefficient facilities of library relevant research paper on this title.

• High Risk to collect data.

• Inadequate legal support.

Anticipated Results

Drugs become horrible things in our societies, increasing crime, spreading and killing
our youth and our future. Drug addiction has grabbed the whole society. It is
spreading like mushroom and invading the every level of our society like home,
educational institution and affecting individual of all classes.

Drug addiction rapidly decreases the educational, cultural, moral and family values.
The people who take drugs most of them are young and due to taking regular drugs,
they lose their productivity. The addicts lose their professional and educational
capabilities, self-dignity, and get involved in serious or petty criminal activities. The
drug addicted youth drops out from the school/college or university education,
service holder loses his job because of irregularities.

Drug addicts become involved in various anti-social activities to earn money and their
deviant behavior causes many problems in our daily life and appears as obstacles to

our socio-economic and cultural growth and development.

So, it is our moral and social responsibility to rectify the drug addicts and bring them
back from life killing habit and deviant behavior to normal life and rehabilitate them
in society as productive ones.

Source: Various Articles, newspapers, assignment & others

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