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Binalonan, Pangasinan

First Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023

Lesson Plan




Content Standards (C): Performance Standards (P):

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types The learner skillfully performs in a one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and non-
serve as means of connecting to the world; also how to use ways of analyzing one-act play and verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and
different forms of verbal for him/her to skillfully perform in a one-act play Dramatic Conventions

Learning Competencies:

1. Identify what is a one-act play,

2. Cite the different elements of one-act play.



Value Integration: Analyze the one-act play as a means of valuing the importance of being true to oneself to others



References: DepEd Self-learning Module in English 9, K TO 12 Curriculum Guide (A journey through Anglo-American Literature Leaner’s Material for English)
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023


A. Preliminary Activities Greeting:

Good morning and happy Monday, Grade 9 students! Good morning, Ma’am!

How are you today? (Student’s answer may vary.)

That’s good to know my dear students.

Checking of Attendance:
Who is your class secretary? May I know how many students in this class are
absent today?

Alright! Thank you, Miss Secretary!

Class rules:
As we go on with our lesson, I just want to remind you of my 4 CLASS

1. SPEAK ENGLISH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. I want you to express

your thoughts and opinions in English. As your language teacher for the next
two months, one of my goals is for you to improve your oral and written
communication skills in English. Nothing to worry because I am not expecting
all of you to speak in English perfectly. It is just part of our practice and no
one will laugh at your if ever you commit any grammatical errors or lapses.
Exemption: You can always freely ask in Filipino if you have any doubts or
questions regarding our topic.

2. GADGETS ARE NOT ALLOWED. No using of gadgets in this class.

Please keep your phones, earphones, tablets and such inside your bag. You
can use it during your free time.

3. CLEAN AND GREEN. Put all your trash inside of your bag for the mean
time and throw it away in trash bins during your break. Make sure to pick up
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
all the litters around you so we can maintain the cleanliness of your room.


of my time in making your lesson material so I want all of you to focus on our
lesson so you can get the utmost understanding of the topic I will discuss to all
of you.

Yes, Ma’am!
Alright, so let’s begin with our lesson.

B. Reviewing the Let’s recall what you have learned with our previous lesson. What was our
Previous Lesson topic last time, Grade 9 students? Figures of Speech “Ma’am.

How many types of figures of speech did we tackle? Six, Ma’am.

Great work.

So what are the 6 types of Figures of Speech? Simile, Metaphor, Euphemism, Oxymoron, Personification, and Hyperbole

What are the 6 types of figures of Speech again?

S is for? “Simile”
M is for? “Metaphor”
E is for? “Euphemism”
O is for? “Oxymoron”
P is for? “Personification”
And H is for? “Hyperbole”

Well done, Grade 9 students!

Type of figures of speech that has contradictory words? “Oxymoron”

Good job!
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
Type of figures of speech that uses object and human abilities? Personification

Great work!

Type of figures of speech that uses “like” or “as” in comparing? “Simile”

Type of figures of speech that doesn’t use “like” or “as” in comparing? “Metaphor”

Type of figures of speech which replaces words that are impolite, harsh, or
unpleasant? “Euphemism”

And lastly, type of figures of speech that uses exaggerated words?

Great work, Grade 9! You were able to completely understand our subject

C. Establishing a Purpose Grade 9 students, let’s all read this statement.

for the Lesson
“We can be anything we want to be, but we can’t be anyone we want to be.”

What do you think does it mean?

(Student’s answer may vary.)
That’s correct my dear Grade 9 students. We have no choice but to be
ourselves. Rather, we have no other wise choice than to be ourselves.
Pretending to be someone you’re not will cause you to lose the person you Yes, Ma’am we can now enjoy literary pieces with ease.
really are, which may cause unhappiness – and eventually cause you to fail –
crash and burn.

In this lesson, my aim is to give you a simple and concrete understanding on

how a one-act play works. This will help you improve your reading,
comprehension, and analytical skills through the activities and tasks that you
will have to do.

D. Presentation and Grade 9 students, what is your idea of a play? (Student’s answer may vary.)
Development of the
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
Lesson Thank you for sharing your thoughts Grade 9. Now, let’s proceed with our
lesson proper.


 One act plays are confined in one act only.

 The scenes may be multiple and in variations.
 The write up of the play is concise and precise.
 The aim of the play is intended towards producing one effect.
 The scenes are dominated by a single situation.
 It has a beginning, a middle and an end, like the dramas.

Plot - The plot in terms of literary genre refers to the sequence or series of
events. The events together form the plot. It is a part of storytelling. (Asking concept checking questions regarding about the topic throughout the
discussion and student will give their insights about it.)
What is the importance of one act play?
Like all fiction, the primary purpose of drama is to entertain, evoke feelings,
and teach the audience a lesson about life.
What is a One-Act Play?
A one-act play is to a full-length play as a short story is to a

What is an act in a play?

An act is a part of a play defined by elements such as rising action, climax,
and resolution. To be more specific, the elements that create the plot of a play
and divide it into acts include the exposition, which gives information, setting
up the rest of the story.

What is plot in one-act play?

For a full-length play, the plot is the sequence of events that leads the hero
(and the audience) on the journey. In a one-act play there is really only time
for one significant event. This is the determining place for the hero, where all
is won or lost.

What is a one-act play called?

Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
In recent years, the 10-minute play known as "flash drama" has emerged as a
popular sub-genre of the one-act play, especially in writing competitions. The
origin of the one-act play may be traced to the very beginning of drama: in
ancient Greece, Cyclops, a satyr play by Euripides, is an early example.

How do you start a one-act play?

Develop the action first, then compose the dialogue before you decide
anything else. Keep the plot simple for a one act play and it should move
consistently throughout the play. Develop the characters. Write out a character
sketch beforehand to help you flesh out your characters and bring them to life.

What are the six elements of one act?

In a one act play, all elements that are mentioned are usually present. There is
a setting, a plot, a structure, characters, conflict, and theme. In one act plays,
there is only one setting and the plot or conflict of the story is rather simple.

What is the difference between an act and a scene?

Both an act and a scene are part of a play or performance. The
main difference between the two is the length and depth of each.
An act consists of several scenes and can run for a long length in
a performance. On the other hand, a scene features a brief situation of action
and dialogue.

What is conflict in one-act play?

Conflict generally occurs when a character cannot achieve an objective due to
an obstacle. This obstacle may be internal or external – between characters or
between characters and
their environment. Conflict can be shown in a variety of ways, for example
through physical, verbal or psychological means.

E. Developing Master y The six elements of one act:

(leads to Formative 1. Setting - the time and place in which the story takes place
Assessment) 2. Plot - refers to the sequence or series of events.
3. Structure - how the plot or story of a play is laid out, including a beginning,
a middle and an end
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
4. Characters - People involved in the story.
5. Conflict - when a character cannot achieve an objective due to an obstacle.
6.Theme – it is what the story is truly about at its core. It is often the lesson or
moral we are meant to take away from this particular story.

The plot diagram shows how the main events in the play are organized into a
plot. Come up with a plot diagram as to the presentation of the character’s
thoughts, feelings and

A. Introduction or Exposition: explains the situation with which the story

begins. It introduces the characters and describes the setting.
B. Rising Action: presents the complication.
C. Climax: is the highest point of interest, usually a question is raised.
D. Falling Action: presents the solutions to the problem.
E. Conclusion: situation with which the story ends

F. Finding practical Have you ever been tempted to pretend that you were someone else?
application of concepts
in daily lives Do you think people will respect you more if they think you are rich? (Student’s answer may vary.)
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023

Can you judge people by their appearance?

G. Making generalization Grade 9 students, let’s have a recap.

and abstraction about
the lesson What is a full-length play, as a short story is to novel? One-act play Ma’am.

How about this consists of several scenes and can run for a long length in a Act, Ma’am.
What features a brief situation of action and dialogue? Scene, Ma’am.

What are the six elements of one-act play? ‘Setting, Plot, Structure, Characters, Conflict, and Theme, Ma’am.

How about what are the five parts of a Plot? Introduction or Exposition, Rising action, Climax, Falling Action, and
Job well done, Grade 9 students!


I. Directions: Fill in the blanks about the meaning of one-act play.

A one-act play is a play with only one 1. _______________. An act is a part of a 2. _____________ defined by 3. ______________, 4. _______________, and 5. ________________.

II. Modified TRUE or FALSE. Write true if the statement is correct, if False change the underlined word/words to make the statement correct.
_______________1. The resolution explains the situation with which the story begins. It introduces the characters and describes the setting.
_______________2. In terms of a literary genre, the play refers to the series of events.
_______________3. A play features a brief situation of action and dialogue.
_______________4. The write up of a play is concise and precise.
_______________5. A one-act play is a play that has only one act, as distinct from plays that occur over several acts.


Search for the “WHILE THE AUTO WAITS” by O. Henry. Make sure you have a copy of this dialogue as a preparation for tomorrow’s activity and topic.
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
VII. REFLECTION (Please accomplish after execution for your lesson)

a. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

b. No. of learners who require additional activities for


c. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have

caught up the lesson.

d. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

e. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did

these work?

f. What difficulties did I encounter which my

Resource/Cooperating Teacher can help me solve?

g. What Innovation or localized materials did I use/discover

which I wish to share with other pre-service teachers?

Prepared by: Checked & Approved by:

Teaching Intern: Cooperating/Critic Teacher:

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