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Course: MCA SY
Guide Name: KARAN GORE
Kamala Education Society’s PratibhaInstitute of Business
Management Chinchwad, Pune-411019

Introduction to project:

To contribute to the development of nations, knowledge of agriculture sectors is crucial.

Agriculture is a one-of-a-kind source of wealth that develops farmers. For a strong country, the
development of farming is a necessity and a need in the global market. The world’s population is
growing at an exponential rate, necessitating massive food production in the next 50 years.

The paddy crop cultivation is an integral part of Indian agricultural economy ranking first in the
area of cultivation with 43.92 million hectares with the production of 111.50 million tons
(Anonymous, 2018). Although the overall numbers are impressive, the rice production has come
under increased pressure in Asia due to population growth and changing socio-economic
factors. The major paddy producing belts in Asia regions achieves only 40% of total production
efficiency due to damage caused by drought, diseases, and pests. A more integrated approach
involving optimum crop improvement and resource management practices such as nutrient
management, irrigation regime, and other agronomic management factors for paddy crop with
the existing farmers' practices is a potential option for minimizing the crop yield gap.

Today, we have Agriculture data set with us for better understanding and we’ll be focused on
how to think about these projects, rather than their implementation as many of us getting
trouble in initiating and doing the ending of projects.

Purpose(need) of System

1. Proposed System:
Agriculture is an important source of livelihood. Crop classification has become important for
precision agriculture and helps making many decisions for crop production. However, it's
challenging to achieve that precision in this field. Remote Sensing helps to achieve that crop
yield assessment, crop health and other parameters. My project focusses on how machine
learning algorithms can be used for the crop classification with the data images from satellite.
The model proposed and studied give highest accuracy for crop identification

Project Overview. (Functionality of Models)

To deal with the stated challenges, a deep learning-based approach has been introduced to
recognize and classify the paddy crop stresses. The proposed methodology consists of two main
stages, namely, image dataset preparation and deep learning-based classification.
In this project we are trying to classify the type pf crop from the image.
Methodology adopted, aims at predicting the crop yield of a particular area by providing the
required dataset from that area. It involves the following steps.
• Collection of the dataset for agricultural crop mapping and monitoring.
• Performing the pre-processing on the satellite image for extraction of data features for further
• Classifying the type of crop using various approach.

• Applying the machine learning for accurate results.

Dataset Description:

Training data:
Dataset (Crop Images) contain 40+ images of each Agriculture crop(Maize, Wheat, jute, rice and
Dataset (kag2) contains 159+ augmented images of Crop Images of each class. Augmentation
contain Horizontal flip, roatation, horizontal shift, vertical shift.
Agriculture crop images | Kaggle

Testing data:

Technology and Platform used:

Tools/Technology: Python
Platform: Kaggle
Packages: numpy, pandas, sklearn, matplotlib, tensorflow, keras
Modelling: Deep learning (vgg model)

CNN model configuration and architecture:

The proposed work has employed the pre-trained VGG-16 CNN model for the classification. The
VGG model, or VGGNet, that supports 16 layers is also referred to as VGG16, which is a
convolutional neural network model. In VGG architecture, all the convolutional layers use filters
of the size of 3 x 3 with stride =1 and same padding, and all the max-pooling layers have a filter
size of 2 x 2 with stride = 2. With each set of a convolutional layer, the number of filters doubles
and with each pooling layer, the width and height of the image reduces by half.

1. Input: The VGGNet takes in an image input size of 224×224. For the ImageNet
competition, the creators of the model cropped out the center 224×224 patch in each
image to keep the input size of the image consistent.
2. Convolutional Layers: VGG’s convolutional layers leverage a minimal receptive field,
i.e., 3×3, the smallest possible size that still captures up/down and left/right.
Moreover, there are also 1×1 convolution filters acting as a linear transformation of
the input. This is followed by a ReLU unit, which is a huge innovation from AlexNet
that reduces training time. ReLU stands for rectified linear unit activation function; it
is a piecewise linear function that will output the input if positive; otherwise, the
output is zero. The convolution stride is fixed at 1 pixel to keep the spatial resolution
preserved after convolution (stride is the number of pixel shifts over the input matrix).
3. Hidden Layers: All the hidden layers in the VGG network use ReLU. VGG does not
usually leverage Local Response Normalization (LRN) as it increases memory
consumption and training time. Moreover, it makes no improvements to overall
4. Fully-Connected Layers: The VGGNet has three fully connected layers. Out of the
three layers, the first two have 4096 channels each, and the third has 1000 channels,
1 for each class.

Steps involved are:

Step1: Load the data (Set up the working directories, initialize the images, resize, and perform
test-train splits)
Step2: Configure the model (Data augmentation, build the model, set up the callbacks and other
Step3: Train the model (Train and monitor the progress)
Step4: Evaluation and prediction (Get a classification report and predict class labels of new
unseen images)

5. Results:
The complete system is designed using Python. The output of the used algorithm shows
an accuracy of 0.94.

Scope of the Project

The best performing pre-trained deep learning model VGG-16 has been used in the classification
The results obtained are encouraging as the work considers more number of paddy crop
classification. But still, there is a scope for improvement. The classification performance of the
VGG-16 model will be compared with the similar state-of-the-art models such as ResNet,
GoogLeNet, Inception-v3, and LeNet as a future scope. The generality of the proposed approach
can make it applicable to a wide range of field crops, such as wheat, maize, barley, soybean etc.
The effects of environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures and soil factors, the
presence of combinatorial stresses, the quantification of stresses, and the prediction of the gap
between yield potential and yield under stress can be the factors for further studies.

2. Hardware & Software Requirements

2.1 At Server Side:

Hardware Configuration

Name Details

Processor Intel Pentium IV or more

RAM At least 128 MB RAM is required (formally 4 GB

Hard Drive 1 TB

Software Environment

Name Details

Operating System Windows 10,11

Language Used Python Programming

Browser Localhost (Chrome)

Tool Jupiter Notebook

Future Scope of Project and Conclusion:
The best performing pre-trained deep learning model VGG-16 has been used in the classification
The results obtained are encouraging as the work considers more number of paddy crop
classification. But still, there is a scope for improvement. The classification performance of the
VGG-16 model will be compared with the similar state-of-the-art models such as ResNet,
GoogLeNet, Inception-v3, and LeNet as a future scope. The generality of the proposed approach
can make it applicable to a wide range of field crops, such as wheat, maize, barley, soybean etc.
The effects of environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures and soil factors, the
presence of combinatorial stresses, the quantification of stresses, and the prediction of the gap
between yield potential and yield under stress can be the factors for further studies.


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