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Tech I MID-EXAM-- I, Aug 2011 PSOC (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)

1) a) what is the need of optimal operation of power systems? b) The fuel costs for two plants are given by

C1 = 0.04 P1 + 15 P1 + 25 ,

2 C 2 = 0.05 P2 + 13P2 + 20 , where C is in Rs / Hr and P is in MW. If the total load varies between 100MW and 400MW.Find the incremental cost and allocation of load between the two units for minimum total cost for various loads

2 a) The fuel cost of two units are given by C1 = 0.2 PG1 + 24 PG1 +1.0 Rs / hr C2 = 0.2 PG 2 + 34 PG 2 + 1.5 Rs / hr If the total demand on the generators is Pd= 250MW, find the economic load scheduling of the two units b) Discuss about the incremental fuel cost and production cost
2 2

3) Derive optimal generation allocation of thermal plant when line losses neglected and write an algorithm. 4) a) Explain in detail the terms production costs, total efficiency, incremental efficiency and incremental rates with respect to thermal power plant. b) Explain about equality and inequality constraints 5) a) Draw the incremental fuel cost curve. b) A Constant load of 400MW is supplied by two 210MW generators 1 and 2, for which the fuel cost characteristics are given as below. C1 = 0.05 PG1 +18 PG1 + 27 Rs / hr C2 = 0.06 PG 2 +14 PG 2 + 38 Rs / hr
2 2

The real power generations of the units P 2 and P 1 are in MW .Find 1) the most G G economical load sharing between the generators.2) the saving in Rs/day there by obtained ,compared to equal load sharing between two generators. 6)a)Discuss the methods of scheduling of steam plants. 2 b) The fuel costs for two plants are given by C1 = 0.15 P1 + 30 P1 + 25 ,
2 C2 = 0.175 P2 + 28 P2 + 20 , where C is in Rs / Hr and P is in MW. If both units operate at all time and maximum and minimum load on each unit are 100MW and 20MW respectively determine the economic operating schedule of the plant for loads of 40MW, 120MW

1) a) The incremental fuel cost for two plants are
dC1 = 0.075 PG1 +18 Rs / MWh dP1 dC 2 = 0.08 PG 2 +16 Rs / MWh dP2

The loss co-efficients are given by B11 = 0.0015 / MW , B12 = 0.0004 / MW and B22 = 0.0032 / MW for = 25 Rs / MWh . Find the real power generations, total load demand and the transmission losses. b) Derive the transmission loss formula and state any assumptions made 2) a) obtain the condition for optimum operation of a power system with n plants when losses are considered b) On a system consisting of two generating plants the incremental costs in Rs/MWh with P 1 and P 2 in MW are G G
dC1 dC 2 = 0.007 P 1 + 7.5 and = 0.0011 PG 2 + 9.0 G dPG1 dPG 2

The system is operating on economic dispatch with P 2 = P 1 =500MW and G G Find the penalty factor of plant 1.

PL = 0.2 . P 2 G

3) Draw the flow chart for obtaining scheduling of generating units by neglecting the transmission losses 4) The cost curves of two plants are 2 C1= 0.05 P 1 + 20 P 1 +150 G G C 2 = 0.05 PG 2 +15 PG 2 +180 The loss co-efficients for the above system are given as B11 = 0.0015 / MW , B12 = B21 = 0.0004 / MW and B22 = 0.0032 / MW . Determine the economical generation scheduling corresponding =25 Rs/MWh and corresponding system load that can met with.

If the total load connected to the system is 120MW taking 4% change in the value of , what should be the value of in the next iteration. 5) a) Determine exact coordination equation and derive the penalty factor. b) A system consists of two generating plants with fuel costs of C1=0.05P12+20P1+1.5 Rs/hr C2=0.075p22+22.5p2+1.6 Rs/hr The system is operating on economic dispatch with 100MW of power generation by each plant the incremental loss rate of the plant 2 is 0.2, find the penalty factor of plant1 and incremental cost of receive power. 6) a) A system consisting of two generating plants. The incremental costs in Rs/MWh with 2 2 P 1 and P 2 in MW are G G dC1 dC 2 = 0.006 P 1 + 7.2 And = 0.01PG 2 + 5 G dPG1 dPG 2 PL = 0.25 , the system is operating on economical dispatch with P 1 = P 2 =350MW and G G P 2 G Find the penalty factor of plant 1. b) Obtain the condition for optimum operation of a power system with n plants when losses are considered

1) Explain the problem of scheduling hydro-thermal power plants and what are the constraints in the problem 2) A two plant system having a thermal station near the load centre and a hydro power station at remote location The characteristics of both stations are C1= (26+0.045PGT) PGT Rs/hr W2= (7+0.004PGH) PGH m3/sec And =Rs.4*104/m3 The transmission loss coefficient, B22=0.0025 MW-1 Determine the power generation at each station and the power received by the load when =65 Rs/MWhr 3) Determine the objective function is minimize the cost of generation of hydro thermal scheduling 4) a) Explain about spinning reserve in hydro power plants b) Explain about co-ordination in hydro thermal system. 5) Using dynamic programming method, how do you find the most economical combination of the units to meet a particular load demand? 6) a)Explain about kirchmayers method of co-ordination b) What are the advantages of hydro-thermal co-ordination?

Unit-4 1) a) Explain the simplified model of a synchronous machine b) Draw the block diagram of IEEE type-1 excitation model and explain its functioning. 2) Two generating stations A and B of capacities 20MW and 10MW and speed regulation of 2% and 3% respectively .two stations are connected through are interconnector and motor generator set. The set is connected to bus bar of A and has a capacity of 3MW and full load slip of 4%. Determine the load of the inter connector when there is load of 8MW on bus bar B due to its own consumers but A has no external load. 3) Describe the mathematical model of Speed governing System. 4) A 210MVA turbo alternator operator at 50HZ,operates at 3000rpm.Aload of 75MW is suddenly applied to the machine and the stem valves to the turbine commence to open after 1sec due to the time lag in the governor system. Assuming inertia constant H=5KW/sec per KVA of generator capacity.calcullate the frequency to which the generator voltage drops before the steam flow commence the increase to meet the new load. 5 )Two generating stations A and B have full load capacities of 500MW and 210MW respectively. The inter connector connecting the two stations has an induction motor/synchronous generator (plant c) of full load capacity 50MW near station .A percentage changes of speeds of A, B and C are 5,4 and 2.5 respectively. The loads on bus bars A and B are 250MW and 100MW respectively. Determine the load taken by the set C and indicate the direction of power flow. 6) a) Briefly explain static excitation system. b) Explain about hydraulic turbine

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