Data Driverless car-DNL-PC2021

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Baccalauréat Épreuve orale de DNL Thème 

Session Anglais / Physique chimie Data

Driverless Car

Watch the video “Driverless Cars: A New Challenge to Cybersecurity“

When people first learn about the concept of autonomous cars, right away, most of them intuit the system’s
incredible reliance on data.

The car needs to be in constant communication with location-tracking satellites, for instance, and have the
ability to send and receive messages from other vehicles on the road.

Whether it’s to find a destination or swerve around an unexpected obstacle, everyone knows that self-driving
cars must be constantly hoovering up data from the outside world, and often feeding that data to advanced
neural network algorithms to sift meaning from it in real-time.

Comment on the document(s) as you like. Part of your presentation must include your point of view
about the importance of data in our daily activities.
You may use the following questions as a guide:

- Using the documents and your personal knowledge, explain the great change bring by data in the way we
- Explain to what extend data could influence our way of thinking?
- Discuss about the document above “Cars in the future will run on data not gasoline”.

ATTENTION, ces sujets ne doivent pas être annotés et doivent rester dans la salle d’examen.
Data has brought about significant changes in the way we move,
especially with the emergence of self-driving cars. These vehicles
require constant communication with satellites and other vehicles on the
road, using data to navigate and make informed decisions. The ability to
process vast amounts of data in real-time has made self-driving cars
safer and more efficient than traditional vehicles.

Data can also influence our way of thinking to a great extent. With the
vast amount of information available to us, we can access new ideas,
opinions, and perspectives, which can broaden our horizons and shape
our worldview. However, we must also be mindful of the quality and
accuracy of the data we consume, as false or misleading information can
lead to erroneous decisions and beliefs.

The document "Cars in the future will run on data not gasoline"
highlights the increasing importance of data in the automotive industry.
While traditional cars rely on gasoline to function, self-driving cars rely
on data to operate efficiently and safely. This shift represents a
significant change in the way we move and underscores the critical role
that data plays in our daily lives.

As self-driving cars become more prevalent, cybersecurity will become

increasingly important
Who knows which data would be collected by the car itself. It might be
able to hear us, analyse our trips, or even gather all our information. All
this data would be stored somewhere, monitored by governments,
without us even knowing. The main issue with the idea of automated car
would be privacy.
On another hand, cybersecurity would be needed to protect us against
potential cyber-attacks. Hackers could potentially gain access to a car's
data and systems, causing dangerous situations on the road. Therefore,
automated cars need to have strong cybersecurity measures in place,
such as encryption and authentication protocols, to ensure the safety of
passengers and others on the road.

In conclusion, data has become an integral part of our daily activities,

influencing the way we move, think, and make decisions. The
emergence of self-driving cars represents a significant shift towards
data-driven transportation, highlighting the importance of data in
shaping the future of mobility. However, we must also be mindful of the
potential cybersecurity risks associated with this technology, and take
steps to protect against them.

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