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Cesar Montano played the lead part and gave a flawless and fantastic

performance and nothing was more touching than the movie retelling and
showcasing Jose Rizal's life story. The movie gave an excellent representation
of how our Jose Rizal lived his life, outlived his past, and became a national
The story of Rizal is told in the movie through a series of flashbacks that
show his early years of life and work, the struggles he faced as he tried to
protect his countrymen's rights from abuse, how he grew up, and finally his
execution by Spanish forces in the late nineteenth century.
The movie tells the story of the oppressed Filipinos who fought for their
liberation from the Spanish. Rizal, however, chose to utilize his intellect,
writings and scraps of paper rather than bloodshed to win the war for
freedom. Due to the fantastic representation of Filipino history that it
provides, heroism and with a nationalist spirit are displayed nonviolently.
Conflicts will not be resolved by violence against violence; rather, they will
I find it very heartbreaking at a particular point in the narrative or in the
last part of the story where Rizal falls facing the sky and is able to observe the
lovely sunrise as he draws his final breath. It only shows us that he did not die
for nothing, not in vain, that his cause will not be defeated by his death, and he
will never be forgotten because of that. In reality, he won the battle and every
Filipino's fire was lit by his flame, which motivated everyone of us to strive
arduously for Philippine freedom.

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