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KT Documents


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Confluence Spaces (all docs) => 1. Common -

2. Aquatics -
3. Architecture Runway -

Common Architecture KT docs => Residential and Comertial Platform/product design documents

Common/Platform Architecture

KT plan for Backend team

HOW TOs How to setup node-red simulator in local machine? => Setup node-red locally to run device

All Data Flows:

Input => Flow Name => Output

Device to IOT rule => Ingress Flow => Alarm Service

=> Timeseries Data

=> Database Update

=> WebSocket Push

Device to IOT rule => Raw History Data => used in Web Admin Export Feature

(Saved in S3 via Kinesis Firehose Stream) => export API call

rawhistdownloademail lambda

(Glue and Datamodel Logic)

Ingress Flow => Timeseries Data => ES Push Lambda (Saving Data)

=> Common Jobs (Processing Data)

=> Graph APIs (Fetching Data)

Ingress Flow => Alarm Service => Notification Service

Device Connect events => (Device Alarms and Resolved


Alarm Service Output => Debounce Jobs => Notification Service

Alarm Service Output => Resolved Alarm Flow and Jobs => Database Updates

(In alarm2-service) (resolved_alarm)

=> S3 push

=> Notification Service

Alarm Service => Notification Service => Admin Emails

Request remote monitoring => => Device Alerts

Admin APIs - export data email => => Inapp / PES (push, email and sms)

Dealer App =>

Alexa Alexa Alexa Flow

All API Services:

Device Service 1. Add Device V2 API (Consumer)

2. List User Devices (Consumer)
Locator Service 1. mdevice (Dealer)

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