Midterm 6503

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EEE 6503 Laser Theory

October 2021 Semester

Mid-Term Examination
Time: 1 Hour
Answer the following questions. All questions have equal value.
1. Briefly answer the following:
a. What are the essential components of a laser?
b. What does coherent amplification mean?
c. Write short notes on spontaneous and stimulated transitions.
d. What is the dephasing time T2?

2. Consider the classical model for the refractive index of a material. We suppose that the electron is
bound to the atom by a harmonic restoring force − m02 x and is damped by a force − mx .
a. Write the equation of motion in presence of an electric field Ex (t ) = E0 exp( jt ) .
b. Find out the steady-state solution of this equation of motion. [Hint: use x(t ) = x0 exp( jt ) in
the equation of motion].
c. Given that the dipole moment of the atom is equal to  = − ex , find the polarization of the
medium. Assume N is the density of such atoms.
d. For an isotropic, non-magnetic medium the polarization of the medium is related to the electric
field by p = (  r − 1)  0 E , where  r is the relative permittivity of the medium. Find out the

expression for the refractive index n =  r .

e. Find out the real and imaginary parts of n and briefly describe how the real and imaginary parts
of n determine the way a plane wave propagates through this medium.

3. (a) Using the energy levels for a Hydrogen atom, what is the level n that would yield a 4 GHz photon
frequency for emission to the level n–1?
(b) What energy, frequency, and wavelength would a photon have if its energy=kT , where T =77K,
T=4K, and T=1000K?

4. Consider a Nd:YAG laser (λ = 1.06 microns). Suppose due to pumping it initially has an upper laser
level that is almost fully inverted, i.e., N2 = 1×1016 Nd3+ ions in state 2 per cm3. Thus, the lower level
(state 1) is almost empty (N1  0). If a fast electro-optic switch suddenly turns the laser on, a short
intense pulse is emitted via stimulated emission. In this process the ions lose energy (go from state 2 to
state 1) and with a final result that N2 = N1. If the Nd laser rod has a length = 50 mm, and diameter = 5
mm, and assuming the pulse is rectangular in time (i.e., has a constant intensity for the duration of the
pulse) and has a duration of 1 nsec:
(a) What is the total emitted energy in this laser pulse?
(b) What is the total emitted power in this laser pulse?

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