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A New Approach to Explosion

Frank Theré, A. Harmanny, P. Van Gelder
Stuvex International, Heiveldekens 8, B-2550, Kontich, Belgium

One of the most widely applied protective systems, to explosion pre s s u re of up to 10 barg, in tens of mil-
reduce the effects of an explosion, is explosion pre s s u re liseconds. By using effective explosion suppression
techniques the maximum explosion pressure can be
release (venting). There is a disadvantage to venting in reduced to a fraction of its expected intensity.
that, with an explosion, there is considerable (fire) damage Although there are differences between the explo-
which can result in major repair costs and production losses. sion suppression systems of the various manufactur-
In addition there is a growing resistance against the venting ers, the basic principles of virtually all such systems
of large flame jets and combustion products, because of are identical. All systems use detectors (usually pres-
environmental and safety issues. sure but sometimes optical), suppression devices and
A good alternative to explosion venting is explosion sup- a control unit to perform power control and process
pression. If designed, installed and maintained properly, interface functions. The working principle of explo-
explosion venting is a reliable protective technique. The sion suppression is illustrated in Figure. 1.
main obstacle to the widespread acceptance of suppression The majority of explosion detectors are membrane
technology, apart from the initial investments, is the inten- detectors: the increasing explosion pressure deforms
s i ve maintenance, which can have considerable impact the membrane until an electrical contact is closed. The
both on production costs and efficiency. disadvantage of these membrane detectors is that they
a re exceptionally sensitive and their settings can
change very quickly. Any small deformation in the
membrane can bring about significant changes in the
In response to the requirements of their customers
settings. It is there f o re necessary to inspect these
and based on more than 20 years of experience in
detectors at regular intervals.
installing and maintaining explosion protection sys-
Sometimes “dynamic detectors” are used: these
tems, Stuvex embarked on developing a revolutionary
explosion protection system. The result is the Stuvex detectors continuously measure the acting pressure
Flash explosion suppression system. In this paper, and activate the system when either a pre-set static
after a short review of the principle of explosion sup- p re s s u re level or a pre-set rate-of-pre s s u re-rise is
pression, this new system is discussed in detail. recorded. Sometimes a combined dynamic
pressure/optical detector is used for certain applica-
tions. The reliability of the diff e rent components
PRINCIPLE OF EXPLOSION SUPPRESSION requires close attention especially for these advanced
When a cloud of gas or fine combustible particles detectors. The suppressors are usually pressure ves-
(dust) is ignited, a very rapid combustion ensues. The sels, filled with a suppressant agent and pressurized,
speed at which the flame spreads through the fuel usually with nitrogen. In order to open the suppres-
cloud is dependent on a number of factors, including sors within milliseconds high explosives are used.
the type of fuel, the geometry of the cloud and the ini- These classical suppressors have a number of dis-
tial conditions (pre s s u re, temperature, turbulence). advantages:
The deflagration speed can range from less than 10 • Regular inspection is required, in order to detect
m/s to over 100 m/s. Compared with high explosives, leaking suppressors in time.
w h e re the flame speed is measured in km/s, this is • The suppressors must be handled and stored as
relatively slow. This offers the possibility of extin- pressure vessels: all regulations with respect to testing
guishing the explosion before it assumes catastrophic and certification have to be followed.
p roportions, provided that it is detected at an early • High explosives are sensitive to ageing and
stage and the extinguishing agent is injected quickly. therefore have to be replaced frequently, before they
Depending on the fuel characteristics and the size of become unreliable.
the vessel, the explosion can generate a maximum • Depending on the country, the application of

74 Summer 2000 Process Safety Progress (Vol.19, No.2)

Frequent calibration of detectors can often be the
cause of high maintenance costs. It was, there f o re ,
decided to develop a detector with fixed calibration.
Once the detector is installed there is no need (or no
way) to check the calibration level. Maintenance is
limited to checking for excessive powder accumula-
tion or hard deposits on the sensing face.
On activation the detector sensing membrane is
p e rmanently deformed, providing conclusive evi-
dence of over-pressure. The detector is then removed
and replaced with a new unit. In order to pre v e n t
false activations detectors are always used in pairs,
FIGURE 1. Principle of explosion suppression. where both units are required to respond in order to
cause activation.
high explosives means a lot of paperwork, in order to
obtain the proper licenses for transport, storage and GAS GENERATORS
installation. If propellants, such as black powder or other
In summary: If traditional systems are to function pyrotechnical mixtures, are burned, large amounts of
reliably, the detectors and suppressors need to be gas are produced. This principle is used in gas gener-
inspected regularly. As a result maintenance costs are ators. Gas generators are widely used for aerospace
relatively high, possibly leading to a reduction in pro- applications. A better known, more or less similar,
ductivity. The use of pressure vessels and explosive application is then used in cartridges for airbags,
substances means that proper certification and licens- much as they are used in the automobile industry. By
ing are inevitable, for each individual application. The choosing the proper igniter, pyrotechnical mixture
relatively short life expectancy of explosive sub- and combustion chamber very fast gas generators can
stances causes high replacement costs. be obtained.
The main re q u i rements for the gas generator for
the FLASH system were:
In order to overcome the disadvantages of the clas- • Non-toxic combustion products
sical explosion suppression systems, the target for the • Non-corrosive combustion products
FLASH explosion suppression systems is to develop a Again specialist help was sought: a company at the
suppression system without: leading edge of rocket motor development and gas
• Drifting detectors generators for aerospace applications developed and
• Pressurized vessels produced the FLASH gas generators.
• High explosives The final result is a range of gas generators that
• Maintenance are very fast: time between ignition pulse and maxi-
The outcome of the development is the new Stuvex mum pre s s u re in the suppressor ranges from less
FLASH explosion suppression system that use detec- than 5 ms to about 8 ms for the different gas genera-
tors with a fixed setting and non-pressurised suppres- tors. A typical example of the pressure inside a sup-
sors. The suppressant is expelled with the help of gas p re s s o r, pressurised by a gas generator is given in
generators. When an explosion is detected the gas Figure 2.
generator produces large amounts of gas, which are Remark: the point of ignition of the gas generator
blown into the suppressor and subsequently, disperse was not at time 0.00 seconds!
the suppressant into the vessel to be protected. High-
quality (mil-spec) plug-in connectors aid electrical
connections to detectors and gas generators. This way
faulty connections or crossover of wires is avoided
and, at the same time, maintenance has been simpli-
fied considerably.
Because the detection and firing system are differ-
ent from the classical systems, a new control unit had
to be developed. Much attention needed to be given
to the user friendliness and reliability of the new con-
trol unit. As a suppressant FLASH uses sodium bicar-
bonate. This food compatible powder is used in most
explosion suppression systems. In addition new sup-
pressing agents are under investigation, which seem
to be very promising. In the next sections the detector
and the gas generator, together with the different test- FIGURE 2. Typical pressure-time curve inside suppresser
ing, are discussed in more detail.

Process Safety Progress (Vol.19, No.2) Summer 2000 75

It turned out to be possible to produce very clean
combustion products: they are non-corrosive and the
only toxic substance that is produced is a small quan-
tity of CO, which was judged to be acceptable. Like
the detectors, the gas generators are submitted to
thorough testing, in order to determine the reliability
at extreme temperature, moisture and vibration con-
ditions. In order to prove that the gas generators are
harmless during transport, they are exposed to a long
lasting, very fierce bonfire. The result is gas genera-
tors that can be stored and transported in a simple
cardboard box without the need for special licenses.

Because a suppression system is a safety system,
very high demands are required regarding the relia-
bility of these systems. At the moment a not yet pub-
lished European guideline on explosion suppression
is consulted and followed. This upcoming guideline
is more detailed than the existing NFPA 69 or the ISO
6184/4. The guideline stresses particular attention to
reliability and the development of the FLASH system
is already based on these future guidelines. As far as
we know the FLASH control unit (and of course the
cabling) are the only system that has fully been EMC
tested and approved. Apart from all important control
functions the control unit is also equipped with a
memory which stores all data on alarms and faults.

For several years Stuvex has been working on the
FIGURE 3. FLASH suppresser and faults. development of a numerical code in order to simulate

FIGURE 4. Measured pressure-time curves, during a successful suppression test

76 Summer 2000 Process Safety Progress (Vol.19, No.2)

the course of (dust) explosions. The model enables to expansion and by contact with the “cold” suppressor
study both the pressure-time-course and the external and suppressant, results in a rather low gas pressure.
flame jet of a vented dust explosion. This model was After completion of the different components many
further elaborated into a tool that could be used to tests were executed. The tests were with St1 dusts, in
p redict the reduced explosion pre s s u re of a sup- vessels of 4.5 and 9.4 m3. The tests were used to validate
p ressed explosion. Many tests were necessary to the calculation model and to determine the limits of the
determine the different parameters that are required suppression system. A typical example of the pressure-
as input data for the model: response time of the sup- time-curves, as these were registered during a successful
pressor, mass flow rate of the suppressant, throw and suppression test, is given in Figure 4.
shape of the suppressant cloud.
VALIDATION TESTING In close co-operation with specialists in diff e re n t
The (draft) guidelines re q u i re validation testing. domains, Stuvex has been able to develop a new
Therefore Stuvex set up a test program together with explosion suppression system that is user friendly and
FSA in Mannheim (Germany), chosen to be the third requires very little maintenance. The system does not
party test house for the explosion suppression testing. use pre s s u re vessels nor high explosives, meaning
During the development stage of the FLASH suppression that no special licenses are re q u i red. Although the
system a number of explosion suppression trials were system is very new, several hundreds of suppressors
executed. These tests provided much additional insight have already been installed at a wide variety of
into the characteristics of the system, which resulted into processes in various countries all over the world: Aus-
modifications and optimisations of the different compo- tralia, Belarus, Belgium, France, Germany, Gre e c e ,
nents. From the tests it was also concluded that the con- Israel, Netherlands and United Kingdom. A number of
tribution of the gas pressure to the reduced explosion explosions occurred in equipment protected by the
pressure is much less than for the classical systems. This FLASH-system, which responded very well to kill the
is because with the FASH system a major part of the gas explosion without further damage, human suffering
pressure is caused by the temperature of the gas from and protecting large investments.
the gas generator. The cooling of this gas, due to gas

Process Safety Progress (Vol.19, No.2) Summer 2000 77

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