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Dy aR aAL, ABVIRORY COMMITTEE, mete NSeD Ps FOR AERONAUTICS ee en = wae "enn MAILED e SE gs e a ell : TECHNIOAL NOTES NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTED FOR AERONAUTICS No. 236 PROPELLER DESIGN EXTENSION OF TEST DATA ON A FAMILY OF MODEL PROPELLERS SY MEANS OF THE MODIFIED BLADE ELEMENT THEORY - IZ By Fred E. Welok Langley Memorial Aeronsutical Laboratory FILE GOP* Va ba returned to . : the ftasnfthetangley Memorial Aeronautical Luhoratory Washington Kay, 1926 ‘ NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTIOE. TEOHNIOAL NOTE NO. 236. EXTENSION OF TEST DATA ON A FAMILY OF MODEL PROPELLERS BY MEANS OF THE MODIFIED BLADE ELEMENT THECRY - II By Fred E. Weick. Summary . This report is the second of a series of four on propeller design, and describes the method used to extend the data ob- tained from tests on a family of thirteen model propellers to include all propellers of the same form likely to be met in practice. This necessitates the development of a method of propeller analysis which when used to calculate the powers and efficiencies gives results which check the tests throughout thein renge. Airfoil characteristics are derived from the model| propeller tests thenselves and used in the single section method of analysis (given in the first of this series, N.A.0.A. Technical Note No. 235) to calculate the powers and efficien— cies for propellers outeide of the test range. Introduction NeA. Cn, + Technical Report Ho. 237, entitled "Tests on Thin teen Navy Type Model Propellers," by W. F. Durand, gives the test data on a family of thirteen Navy model wood propellers. These tests are the basis of the Navy design system. waned N.A.C.As Technical Note Ho. 236 2 Tho terms used in describing propellers of Navy fom are given in Table I. In the family of models tosted the basic series consisted of geven propellers, each having an aspoct ravio of 6 and a canber ratio of 1, but with pitch-diameter ratios varying from +5 to 1.1. Variations of aspect ratio and canber ratio wore made at a pitch-diameter ratio of .7 only. The aspect ratios tested were 5, 6, 6.5, and 7.5, each with a camber ratio of 1. The camber ratios were 1, 1-1, 1.2, and 1.5, each with an es- pect ratio of 6. The results of the tests are recorded in terms of power v absorbed and efficiency, for various values of 25. The power is given as a dimensionless power coefficient, -—?. Se . where P= power in ft. lb. per sec. The efficiency is also in dimensionless unite and the results may be applied to any size propeller working under the same conditions as the model. Corrections for tip speed and fuselage interference are given in N.A.G.A. Technical Note No. 225 (Reference 1)- The fomily of Navy propellers tested yas relatively small. This report describes the method used in extending tho data to * include all piton-dtones gp. 754 3 2p ee and camber ratios Likcly to be noted. Pnye ‘tee 5 Fag extended date in - propeller design is shown in eGhniddleha@to. 237. Memorial Aeronautical : Laboratory + Technical Note No. 226 3 Uethod of Extending Model Propeller Test Data The first step in this method of oxtending the test re sults of the family of propellers was to develop @ system of propeller analysis which gives computed perfomance agreeing with the test results throughout the range of the family. For this purpose, special airfoil characteristics have beon calculated from the model propeller tests themselves, and used in connection with the single section blade elemont analysis deserved in the first of thie series, N.a.0.d. Technical Note No. 235. Using the single section method with airfoil oharacteris- tics obtained in the McCook Field high speed wind tunnel, cal~ culations of the power coefficient and efficiency were made for the model propellers covering the range of the family test- ed. Since these tems sre in dimensionless units, the size of the propeller does not affect then, and 10 ft. propellers re- volving at 1800 R.P.M. were taken for convenience. The compu- tation for the propeller of pitch-dirmeter ratio .9, aspect v ratio 6, and camber tio 1, operting at a Js of +70 was made as follow: Spced of advance = 210 ft. per sec. r/R = .75 » hy/'d +66 ft. " s107 ." i+ Technical Note No. 236 * r= 5.75 ft. = Oz. yy. 8 ME = 17.8 = pitsh = 29,90 % = aro tan PESGR = 20.9 @ = are tan Y= 16.6° an ma a = M2 = 4,39 O, = -748 (from U.S. Air Scrvice Propeller Manuel) Boy, = .042 Oty, = Oy, = Op = +704 € = 47° oe! = a-e = 3.6° L/D (a') = 19.6 (from U.S, dir Service Propellor Menual) y = are tan (2 (a!) + tance) = 5.6? b Oty, 2D ein?e = 285 mR = Kp X Fx sin(gyy) = .0368 Q = -272 p V? DF B Qty P= 21nQ ft. Ib. per seo. 2 and Gp = B= 1.71 3 Qt, (G) pa De nD / = 1.71 % 2X .0368 x «7 = .0617 ot 4 ce +416 x qn = We 2 tan(o+¥) From the model tests, Cp = -0631 and "= .762. In order to find the airfoil characteristics which yould have made the cal- N.A.G.A. Technical Note No. 236 5 culations agree with the test results, the lest few steps can be reversed using the test results as a basis. Thus from the efficiency equation above tan(o+¥) = .378 D+Y = 20,49 and Y= 20.8-8 = 5.8° Then tany = B (a!) + tane, and since € remains practically constant for oe obanges in: efficiency or power in the same propeller B (a!) = tany - tane : = .0664 - .0122 = .0542 and B (a') = 18.4 for a’ = 3.6° 5 The power coefficient depends om v, D, r, 0, O'y andy, all put the last two rewaining constant. Therefore, the Oty, which would have given the test value of Op can be obteined as follows: oe see sin(® +7) (oalc.) the FF —“— sss = .704 x +881 x £in 20:2° _ 1975 ol? c FILE SOPY Then 6, = O'y, + 80, = -713 + -dagieen7364 Wor a= 4.30 the files uf the Langley ‘Mamoriai Aeronautical Laperatory NeAsQeAs Technical Note Ko. 236 . 6 The velues of G, and L/D obtained from the model propel- ler tests in the above manner are plotted in Fig. 5 for pro- pellers of camber ratio 1. The values of O, all lie very close to a smooth curve indicating the essential correctness of this method of analysis. The values of L‘D are more scattered but the accusecy is within the experimental error of the model tests, since a small change in propeller efficiency results from a comparatively large change in L/D. In Fig. 6 the faired curves are shown for all the canbor ratios tested. Using these values of 0), and L/D calculations of Op and m check the propeller tests throughout their ronge to within 2 or 3 per cent. The propeller section characteristics in Fig. 6 have soon ‘sed in the single section method of analysis to calculate val- ues of Cp and m for propellers of all aspect ratios, canbor ratios, and pitch-diameter retios likely to be needed in prac- tice. The use of these date in designing and analyzing pro- pellers is shown in the third of this series, N.A.0.A. Technical Note Ko. 237. N.A.G.A. Technical Note No. 236 7 TABLE I. Explanation of Terms - Diameter of propeller in feet. Geometrical pitch in feet. mw 8 1 + Tip redius in feet = 0/2 4 1 Radius of any section of propeller in feet. ° ' Maximum blede width in feet. ~ Blade width at any section in. feet. ~ Munber of blades in propeilor.. Velocity of advance in it./sec. Badu go 1 = Revolutions of propeller per second. AR— Aspect ratio. an= 2 OR - Camber standard of propeller blade ase whole. This is the ratio of the thickness of the entire propeller blade to that of a standard blade, the variation in thiclmess along the radius being the same for all plades. (The standard variation of section thickness ratio along the radiue is shown in Fig. 1. If the curve is increased by 10 per cent at every point the camber ratio is 1-1.) , Standard Navy Form - A wood propeller having a variation in thickness retio in accordance with Fig. 1, distribu- tion of blade width as shown in Fig. 2, blade sections in accordance with Fig. 3, and the centers of gravity NeA.Ceds Technical Note No. 236 8 op P a of its sections located as shown in Fig. 4, is said to be of standard Navy form. - Power coefficient of propeller. - Power in ft. lb. per sec. Reference Weick, Fred E. : Propeller scale effect and body interference. Canber 1.00 = 20- .107 0 -15) 7-30) 45 +60 75 +80 Radius,r/R Fig.l Curve of cambors for oR = 1. geg"ON OFON TROTUGOOL “¥"O'W'N TST 1,00 945 945 7 o 00 “8 . _— ma 6 540 “2 ol 0 “15 +30 345 4.60 +75 +30 Radius, r/R Fig.2 Blode width based on maximum width. 1.00 QREOK OFON TROTUYOSS “VOTH esta station |ra-[oas|.os| il .2{ sia] sis [7] a] volnae| Ordinate | .10] .41] .59].79].95 !.998| .99] .95] .87] 74 |.58 |.35].07 Fig.3 Navy etandard blade section. R.A.F.No.6 modifisd,flet face. 9ee°ON 40K TeoTMOE, *y'D“W'H e'8ta Radivs, r/R 45 : 5 a +60 6 a 0 : " ~ ~~ skid view +010: ee coc +0085 70058 TOES oa Radius, r/t OL OL pape as -60, 275. a ; 780 1 Front | view oe Fig. 4 Path of centers ‘of gravity of sections. Offaste in terms of tip radius, 9ge°ON cgoN TeoTEMOEZ “y-O'y'K v8te N.A.C.A. Technical Note No.236 Fig.5 20 _ ° & ° | oAnlD L -19 LY c L/D ié| La / eS Z| o 14) [ ‘oO L444 4 Le a , 6 SL 2B | fn I -10 aT lay a eee Cet 1 ee Angle of attack” 0 oa ie Fig.5 Propeller: section characteristics. Obtained from propellers of CR = 1.° N.A.C.A, Technical Note No.238 20 1s [L/D 16 14] nr a eT (607 70) (01 0c) 100) 2 adjusted. Fig.é Propeller section characteristics. Curves faired and

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