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By Rahul Guha, Kshitij Vijayvargiya, Mustafa Rangwala and Anang Swapnesh

I ndian Pharmaceutical Industry has

been a global powerhouse for supply of
affordable medicines. Leveraging on low
mote operations. Lack of consolidated
managerial data brought the management
to pull together make-shift solutions to sup-
labor cost and advanced R&D capabilities, port informed decision making.
India supplies over 20 percent of global
generics medicine volumes. Indian industry The industry has taken multiple short-term
is also at the forefront of bringing biosimi- measures to mitigate impact of COVID-19
lars to the global population. on manufacturing operations. These in-
cluded redesign of shifts, deployment struc-
The last 3-5 years have seen the industry tures, basic systems for remote work, and
focused on strengthening quality systems enhanced coordination with suppliers and
and building stronger compliance in the logistics partners for facilitating material
endeavor to provide high-quality low-cost movement. Companies also set up a make-
medicines. In this journey, however, the in- shift control room with data flow to enable
dustry has lagged in leveraging power of decision making. The companies that had
the digital revolution to enhance productiv- invested in digitization were able to orches-
ity and optimization. Often, more people trate quicker and more efficient response
have been deployed in order to address op- to disruptions.
erational problems, leading to low produc-
The Digital Opportunity Ahead
COVID-19 has given an impetus to the The measures taken during COVID allow
much-awaited digital transformation jour- companies to rethink their operations
ney in operations. During the COVID pan- structurally. Companies could step back
demic, the industry faced unprecedented and chart out a transformative journey to-
challenges—with severe lack of manpower wards a digitized and integrated manufac-
and lack of infrastructure supporting re- turing function, with data available in an
analyzable format to deliver transparent Asset performance
decision making and productivity. Like shop floor processes, this is a core op-
erating pillar. Asset productivity and reli-
We believe that organizations could think ability will play a crucial role with opportu-
through the Future of Manufacturing nity towards mechanization of repeated
along 5 core pillars, as outlined in Exhibit tasks, improvement in reliability through
1 below: elimination of minor stops and data driven
condition-based optimization, & simulation
Data acquisition and analytics of potential outcomes
The backbone enabling Future of Opera-
tions. Key is to capture data in a structured People organization of the future
format from the shop floor (both Manufac- A significant shift in talent and capabilities
turing and Quality) and build analysis lay- of the operating team would be critical to
ers on top towards optimization traverse the journey. Currently, a large por-
tion of shop floor manpower comprises of
Shop floor processes semi-skilled operators. With mechanization
The core driver of impact - simplification, of tasks, and data based operating controls,
optimization and improvement in the oper- we expect to see a shift towards more
ating processes to achieve higher produc- skilled taskforce, capable of decision-mak-
tivity and outcomes. Data and digital inter- ing using analytics. The journey would also
ventions could simplify the operating require technology skills to build and man-
processes which have become complex age analytics logic & process controls
with additional layers of checks and bal-
ances over last few years. Solutions could Control tower
eliminate duplication, enable better oper- The central nerve center for managerial
ating control on parameters and generate decision-making leveraging data. Availabili-
higher accuracy ty of data in a digital analyzable manner

EXHIBIT 1 | Future of Work Thinking Around 5 Core Operating Pillars for Manufacturing


1 3
performance &
& analytics

5 4
People org of
Control tower
the Future

Source: Interviews with industry experts, BCG analysis.

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  2

would enable decision making for ongoing lars along the four levels of maturity is pre-
real time optimization, and move from de- sented in Exhibit 3
partment level optimization to organiza-
tion and ecosystem level optimization The following section outlines the details
of this journey

The Journey towards Future of Level 1: Enabling Operations Con-

Operations tinuity and Descriptive Analytics
The journey towards Future of Operations The 1st level in this journey is aimed to-
would involve traversing a 4-stage journey. wards transparency of information and en-
This progression is outlined on a maturity suring operations continuity. This would
framework in Exhibit 2. start with building standardized ways of
working, measuring performance against
Many of the plants in India are currently the standards and optimizing at a depart-
operating at Level 1 of maturity in this ment level. Data transparency across de-
journey, with initial steps and pilots of partments would allow better informed de-
Level 2 and 3 capabilities. Given the tech- cision making (versus individual driven
nology infrastructure required to traverse ad-hoc decisions). This level would also see
the journey, older generation plants basic remote working infrastructure to sup-
would aspire towards reaching Level 2 in port operations continuity in times of dis-
the short term, and subsequently invest ruption. The 5 pillars would shape up as
towards Level 3 and 4. The new genera- outlined below:
tion plants could aspire to reach at Level
3 and Level 4 of performance as the up- Data acquisition & analytics
front goal. At Level 1, shop floor data would need to
be available in a digital manner, to support
A summary description of the five core pil- decision making. This level is defined by:

EXHIBIT 2 | 4-Step Journey for Achieving the "Future of Work" in Manufacturing

Lights out plants

Level 4 • Org of techno-digital experts to drive close collaboration and optimization across eco-system
New plants
strive to Step-jump in capability
L3 and L4 Prescriptive systems and control logic process management
• Real time feedback loops for enhanced outcomes on a continuous basis
Level 3
• Quality integral part of manufacturing

Predictive analytics and Optimization of integrated outcomes

Old legacy • Data driven decision making using analytics on historical performance
plants Level 2 • e2e optimization across departments
strive to
achieve Enable operations continuity through transparency and descriptive analytics
L1 & L2 • Transparency of performance with localized optimization and smooth information flow
Level 1 • Multi-skilling to reduce dependence on specific individuals



Source: BCG analysis.

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  3

EXHIBIT 3 | "Future of Work" is a Journey Towards Global Competitiveness

• Lights out plant: analytics to deliver 'outcome profiles'

• Plug & play systems for manufacturing
• Org of Technical and digital experts
Level 4 • Integrated ecosystem optimization including suppliers and customers

Step-jump in capability

• Predictive analytics • Control logic driven • Real time perf. • Operators handling • Organization level
& synchronous process operations simulations exceptions E2E optimization
Level 3 feedback loops • QC built into process • Integrated QC with
(Predictive Manufacturing

• Descriptive data • Harmonized • Condition based • Operators taking • Site level E2E
analytics processes across optimization data based decisions optimization
network • Integrated lines • Remote working for • KPIs beyond output
Level 2 • Profile driven ops support teams (e.g.: energy,
(Integrated • Error proofing using sustainability)
Outcomes) digital

• Digital data • Localized • Localized equipment • Operators focus on • Departmental

acquisition optimization of performance SOP execution optimization and
Level 1 • Integration of data, processes with std. optimization • Gamified multi- localized scheduling
(Operations 1 version of truth work skilling



Source: Expert discussions, BCG analysis.

• Implementing base digital data acquisi- operating process to achieve highest

tion systems such as E-logbooks, LIMS etc. productivity

• Building a unified data repository to • Enabling standard work instructions, with

enable ‘one version’ of truth for the tools such as role cards and digital SOPs
This also gives an opportunity for organiza-
• Making data transparently available tions to harmonize processes in the net-
across departments for decision making work by leveraging unified work templates
and optimization on a real time basis
Asset performance & automation
Process simplification Level 1 is characterized by optimization of
Operations today often struggle with multi- operating efficiency, by focusing on en-
tude of SOPs, with complex instructions hanced asset reliability. This would include
and data entries. While operating SOPs
and BOMs are defined, nuances of effective • Eliminating minor stops and other OEE
process execution often come with experi- loss drivers
ence and lead to high reliance on individu-
al operators. Level 1 simplification at- • Enhancing operating speeds of the
tempts to enable any operator in being equipment by working with OEMs
efficient in executing the task by:
• Focusing on reliability through trigger
• Reviewing, refining and simplifying the or condition-based maintenance (versus
SOP pyramid traditional preventative maintenance)

• Simplifying instructions, eliminating At this level, companies should also consid-

subjectivity or ambiguity from the er investing in mechanizing the heavily

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  4

manual repetitive tasks through low invest- With the building blocks of shop floor data
ment solutions (for example, Hydraulic systems & processes in place; Level 2 focus-
loading, GMP washer etc.). es on bringing the power of analytics to-
wards E2E optimization across depart-
Org of the future ments. Introduction of predictive analytics
Simplified processes and standard work is the key thrust area for Level 2.
would enable significant shift in organizing
the workforce. Currently, operators are of- Data acquisition & analytics
ten deployed on select processes basis their Implementation of predictive systems re-
skill and experience. Standardization and quire availability of large-scale historical
enhanced reliance on data would allow data at one place to make it amenable for
productivity increase through: analytics. This could be achieved by:

• Deploying operators on multiple • Integrating various shop floor and

processes through multi-skilling supply chain data feeds in a unified
data repository. The data feeds could
• Reducing the flex ‘workforce’ require- include shop floor systems (for example,
ment in system by efficient utilization e-Logbook, LIMS); machine data (for
of manpower across processes / example, from SCADA); supply chain
departments data (ERP); targeted sensors (for
example, vibration sensors deployed to
• Capability building leveraging digital build condition-based monitoring
solutions, like digital SOP, enabling solutions) etc.
faster time to productive deployment
• Instituting Machine learning models to
Digital solutions also allow a strong track optimize the outcomes
on deployment linked to training and skill-
ing, further enhancing productivity Today’s technology systems allow execut-
ing these 2 steps in parallel, with early ana-
Control tower lytics starting with limited data and then
Level 1 control tower would enable compa- the quality of analytics improving as depth
nies to optimize decisions basis data at a of data improves with time
department level, with transparency of in-
formation from across different depart- Process simplification
ments. This optimization would support At level 2, analytics on historical outcomes
enhanced resource productivity and re- enable identification of the most optimal
duced time spent towards cross functional process parameters to achieve highest pro-
debottlenecking ductivity—on yield, cycle time, and other
quality parameters; and set up process con-
• Optimizing operating schedule for trols to achieve these parameters on each
different equipment, with knowledge of run. This involves:
upstream bottlenecks
• Building Golden batch profiles through
• Performance monitoring on a real time analytics on historical performance
basis, enabling corrective actions (yield, cycle time, quality parameters
like dissolution, hardness etc)
• Supporting remote video enabled shop
floor visits—for example, for audit / • Creating operations profile on the
gemba purposes, and enabling opera- equipment to achieve the desired
tions continuity in times of disruption parameters at each run and enable
recipe-based operations
Level 2: Predictive analytics and
optimization of outcomes in an in- • Error proofing operations (for example,
tegrated manner through visual confirmation and

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  5

alarms) to limit excursions from desired and control systems, leading to changes in
process parameter the deployment pattern of operating crew

Solutions like AR enabled instruction, digi- Control tower

tal SOPs and checkers would also enable Integration of data systems at Level 2
operators do their job first time right would provide integrated E2E visibility
across functions (production, warehouse,
Asset performance & automation: quality, procurement, engineering etc.).
Level 2 sees the focus towards much higher This would enable significant shifts in deci-
reliability and productivity in asset perfor- sion making processes, including:
mance and move towards automation of
manual complex tasks. This level involves: • Cross functional data enabled planning
(for example, through a digital twin)—
• Assuring higher uptime: through for example, order acceptance, integrated
predictive maintenance capabilities scheduling and inventory management
(basis analytics on failure modes of
equipment) to pre-empt and avoid • Transparent performance review and
breakdowns; and AI enabled assist optimization—for example, through a
systems for faster resolution of failures digital control tower

• Enhancing productivity and quality • Optimization of cost and productivity

through mechanization of complex drivers—for example, inventory,
processes like inspection, sampling, consumables, utilities etc.
material transfer and completely
mechanize in-suite operations—for Three level 2 use cases: digital twin, site
example, in warehouse. COBOTs could control tower, and integrated site schedular
also be utilized for repetitive tasks such could be particularly valuable for pharma-
as maintenance of HVAC systems, ceutical companies
cleaning etc.
Level 2 Use cases in action
People org of the future: Exhibit 4 provides an illustrative example of
Level 2 would necessitate strong upskilling ‘AI Golden Batch optimizer’ that could be
of the teams, including: used towards optimizing yield and cycle time.

• Deploying and leveraging analytics talent Exhibit 5 provides an example where ma-
towards building optimization logic chine learning is leveraged to pre-empt the
occurrence of breakdown and trigger re-
• Strengthening shop floor organization quired maintenance
towards data-based decision making.
Autonomous operating teams. in the Exhibit 6 provides an example of a Digital
organization could become the norm, twin solution in context of Pharma plant.
with end to end responsibility of This creates a virtual representation of
outcomes from an area given to a team plant’s assets and processes through statis-
tical and physical models and could be
• Remote working could also be enabled used towards decision making through real
for non-shop floor functions by leverag- time scenario creations. Digital Twin is of-
ing the digital data. Functions like ten used towards decisions such as:
supply planning, QA, document review
etc. could be served through a remote • Equipment utilization and capex
shared service set up across sites planning

• On shop floor, machines with integrated • Monthly manufacturing planning

controls (for example, coating) could be
managed remotely through digital feeds • Scheduling

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  6

EXHIBIT 4 | AI-Based Performance Optimizer

Client context:
Increase cycle time variation due to minor stops and speed variation for a vial filling line for an Indian PharmaCO


40,000+ data points Random forest does

inputted into one scenario-simulations
database suitable via 10,000+ decision- OPTIMAL TIME PERIOD BETWEEN
Data for machine learning ML trees running PM IDENTIFIED TO REDUCE
Engineering model Modelling concurrently CYCLE TIME BY 6%

Identify optimal ranges 10 key variables Current PM Optimal

for key variables that influencing cycle Machine Frequency PM Period
maximize cycle time time identified from
Feature identified via decision Maintenance random forest Vial capping Monthly/
Engineering trees to drive action trigger simulations > 4 days
machine Half-yearly

Vial and stopper dimensions and preventive maintenance are the two major
infeed Quarterly < 45 days
themes driving cycle time
Theme Variable measure Variable
Vial Monthly/
Vial Dim. Average Overflow capacity 80.4 filling and Half-yearly/ < 19 days
Vial Dim. Average Weight 69.7 stoppering Annual

PMP Days since PMP Vial Capping 68.7

PMP Days since PMP Vega Conveyor 63.3
Stopper Dim. Average Head Diameter 60.3

Source: BCG experience.

EXHIBIT 5 | Predictive Maintenance

Client context:
Injectable formulation site of global pharma manufacturer with frequent breakdown on heating tunnel of filling line


Model Inputs Sensor data from
Sep'18 to Nov’18
Tree 1 for prediction VALUE DELIVERED
Design Tree 2

Tree 3 Combined
Classifier random
70 Derived forest model to predict Predicted machine
features from breakdowns breakdowns at with 50–75%
tunnel sensor accuracy
data Tree 200 Separate models prepared for
prediction windows of 2, 4, 12
Ensemble of and 24 hours
decision trees

1 Top 3 features for breakdown prediction Prediction used by
• Average of Cooling Zone 1 airflow in past 2 hours engineering team to reduce
• Max make up zone 1 airflow in past 2 hours instances of breakdown by
• Deviation in Cooling Zone 1 airflow in past 4 hours 50%

2 Probability of breakdown for the prediction window

Source: BCG experience.

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  7

EXHIBIT 6 | Digital Twin: Virtual Representation of Plant's Assets and Process Through Models


Breakdown module
Identify issues Simulate Sends notification to
based on operations and Digital Twin and
real-time data production notifications goes in
and events log real-time to
responsible users

Maintenance team
receives (in real-time)
Twin conducts rectifications

Tool identifies the

Manage activities Highlight real- failure fixed and sends
remotely time issue with
communication to all
(maintenance geo-localization
process stakeholders

Issue solved

Source: BCG analysis.

• Redeployment of resources profiles of outcome

Level 3: Prescriptive systems and • Incorporating real time assessment for

control logic driven process each batch / process
Level 3 would see the analytics system • Building control logic and synchronous
evolving from being predictive (basis as- feedback loops to reset parameters
sessment of historical outcomes) to being
prescriptive. The control systems would Process simplification
evolve to assess real time performance sta- Level 3 would see processes being con-
tus, build scenarios of potential outcomes, trolled through synchronous loops, which
and prescribe the most optimal course of would involve:
action executed through real time feedback
loops. The product quality would become • Validating control logic (versus validat-
an integral part of outcome (rather than as ing robustness of a fixed, pre-defined
parameters that need to be tested post-fac- process to deliver a desired output)
to). The evolution would be driven by prog-
ress along all 5 operating pillars, outlined • Integrating quality as a default part of
below: manufacturing (versus testing for
output parameters at end of manufac-
Data acquisition & analytics turing process)
The machine learning algorithms would
couple with control logic and feedback • Enabling a wider variability in input
loops to bring real time optimization. Tech parameters (for example, raw material
stack would evolve towards: specs, process specs, asset parameters
etc.) with a combination that drives the
• Including parameter-wise optimal desired output

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  8

The controls will ensure that only excep- control logic; along with redesign of the en-
tions are taken up for review by operating tire performance management systems
team. Prescriptive systems would also al-
low for parametric real time product re- Control tower
lease. Development of such process param- At level 3, the control tower starts optimi-
eters would involve close engagement of zation of decisions across the entire net-
product development, manufacturing and work and incorporating all organization
quality teams, to determine effective con- functions (including beyond the site)—for
trol logic example, R&D.

Asset performance & automation • Creating transparency across the

At Level 3, analytics would allow leverag- network (for example, all API and
ing simulations of machine runs to en- Formulation sites)
hance productivity, quality and compliance,
including: • Creating integrated optimization across
functions (for example, manufacturing,
• Tracking impending breakdowns and R&D, technology transfer etc)
failures in advance and take corrective
actions With availability of org wide data, compa-
nies could achieve organization wide opti-
• Simulating scale up and tech transfer mization—for example, E2E network opti-
scenarios to enhance productivity mization, distribution system optimization,
throughput at a network level etc.
• Integration of lines (for example, filling
and packaging lines) and move towards Use case in action:
continuous operations (for example, Exhibit 7 demonstrates a control tower that
coaters) will enhance productivity for integrates data from various sources spread
organizations across the supply chain to provide real-time
visibility and optimization to prevent any
People org of the future supply disruption to customer
As Quality become an integrated part of
the manufacturing process in Level 3, the Level 4: Lights Out Plant
organization structures would also see a At level 4, various core pillars will come to-
significant integration: gether to deliver an automated, integrated
and optimized manufacturing system, man-
• Increasing collaboration across func- aged by digital and technical experts with
tions (manufacturing, quality and the ultimate objective of achieving a
development) towards ensuring robust- “Lights Out” plant.
ness of the process control logic
The Lights out plant would be character-
• Restructuring of operating roles—for ized by:
example, QC moving away from product
testing roles to parametric release • Synchronous feedback loops along a
multi-point optimization logic
• Transitioning of multiple shop floor
roles to remote operations—for exam- • Plug and play modular processes that
ple, control of machines through central allow combinations of different equip-
Operations Command Rooms, focused ment to manufacture different products
on monitoring of the run versus the
control logic driven parameters • Highly reliable assets, with predictabili-
ty of performance and ability to control
The organization would involve significant remotely, with minimal physical
digital upskilling of the operating crew, to intervention by human during the run
run the processes remotely and basis the time

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  9

EXHIBIT 7 | Control Tower

Flow of information
Use case in action

Control Tower Check production schedules

1 2 Check inventory health 3 Channel inventory
and makes changes in plan across the network is low—expecting a big
Analytics/Insights and RM/PM orders order to drop

E2E Visibility
EM/Plant Scheduling Inventory Planning Customer Service

Control tower integrate data from across the supply chain to provide E2E visibility


1 2
Raw Mat. Distribution GPO/IDN
Suppliers Manufacturing Consumer
and Logistics
Transport Pharmacy chain

Connect to data Leverage New digital Additional Value-added Connect to data

from suppliers data technology in sources to digital from customer
within 4 walls operations capture data services

End-to-end orchestration: Visibility and analytics via control towers

Source: BCG experience.

As companies transition to “Lights Out” on the maturity grid, at a site level. Setting
plants / section, workforce will be trans- the aspiration depends on the digital start-
formed into a lean organization of dedicat- ing point of a plant, and the strategic ob-
ed technical and digital experts (for exam- jectives in medium term. For example, a
ple, process scientists) legacy First Generation site could aim to
reach level 2 and attempt level 3. While for
Companies will also initiate data integra- a Next Gen plant, the aim should be to
tions with suppliers and customers that reach level 3 and strive for level 4 in cer-
would allow real time decisions for the tain sections.
overall ecosystem.
Such a journey could drive significant im-
provement in manpower productivity,
Digital Use Cases Along The yield, OEE, OTIF, deviations per batch and
Maturity Framework conversion cost outcomes. While the exact
In this journey, different digital use cases impact would be different for different
would need to come together at different sites considering the starting point, a typi-
levels to drive integrated outcomes. An il- cal magnitude of impact is laid out in Ex-
lustrative set of such use cases is laid out in hibit 9.
Exhibit 8
A full scale journey towards building the
future manufacturing function could be a
Roadmap and Impact 2+ year process. As a starting point, compa-
Globally, many organizations have em- nies should conduct a maturity assessment
barked on small scale pilots of different of their sites to identify current technical
use cases in different parts of their net- capability and lay out strategic objectives
works. Their experience suggests that it is and aspirations on the maturity grid. Sub-
crucial to upfront set-up a right aspiration sequent to the assessment, a more detailed

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  10

EXHIBIT 8 | An Integrated Approach to Describe the Journey vs. Sporadic Use Cases for Enabling
The "Future of Work" for Manufacturing

• Lights out sections/plant

• Plug and play production systems with platform archetypes linked to development
Level 4 • Techno-digital experts
• Ecosystem Control Tower and Optimizer

Step-jump in capability
• Parametric control and • Parametric process • Continuous process – e.g. • Remote operations – • Org wide Control Tower
feedback control and real time coaters Digital Ops Command • Real time optimization for
• Real time PAT quality feedback • Integrated pkg / filling lines Room EBITDA vs sales
• Process robustness – • Exception based review • Suite simulator • Integrated Quality with
CPP range and Manufacturing
Level 3 parameters

• Analytics data lake • AI golden batch profile • Run time efficiency & minor • Dynamic crew scheduler • Digital Twin
• Full data integration - • AI assisted cycle time stop elimination • Remote work (selective • Dynamic site scheduler
LIMS, MES, Historian, optimization • Predictive maintenance operations) • Integrated control tower
ERP, SCADA etc. • Google of investigations • AI Breakdown assist • Multi-suite deployment of • Indirect cost optimizer
• Outcome predictor • Error proofing enabled by • Process automation – e.g., operators • Consumables
Level 2 video/ digital monitoring material transfer, sampling • Remote Shared Services • Spare parts
• AR instructions • COBOTS for maintenance, – Support functions • Utilities
• Unified work templates cleaning etc. • Inventory

• Foundation data • Optimal Standard work • Local OEE optimization • Resource matrix model • Functional dashboards
systems: E-logbook, E- • Role cards (incl digital) • Base automation: GMP • Shift deployment tool • Local Granular scheduler
BMR, LIMS for critical processes washer, hydraulic lifts • Safe-at-work norms • Remote enabled shopfloor
• BMR free of manual • Trigger based maintenance • Gamified multi-skilling Gemba
Level 1 entry



Source: Expert discussions, BCG analysis.

EXHIBIT 9 | Basis our Experience, We Expect Significant Impact Potential Through this Journey

Impact potential depends on starting point

of the site on outcomes & digital maturity

Category Performance Metric Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Extrapolation Productivity Small scale

Perf. of
from pilots at at global sites pilots at global
Source of estimates avg India
India sites & with large sites: 3-5
global examples digital int. product blocks
Mfg doer productivity1
(# of doers / 1000 80-120 65-75 50-60 40-50
People & batches)
asset Yield 92-96% 95-97% 96-98% 98%+
OEE 40-60% 60-65% 65-75% 70-80%

OTIF 60-85% 80-90% 90-95% 95%+

Deviations per 100
10-30 8-20 5-15 1-5
Conversion cost
Cost ($ per 1000 tablet) 5.5-8 4-5.5 3.5-4.5 2.5-4

Could be the Could be the

immediate Goal for Goal for New
Gen 1 plants Gen plants
Source: Expert discussions, BCG analysis.
1 Includes only manufacturing related doers.

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  11

road map could be charted with different journey would deliver value through
use cases being implemented in conjunc- intensive change management
tion over time. A typical journey is laid out
in Exhibit 10 • Upskill team. Creating internal capabili-
ties to drive transformation and
continue the journey core to success of
Embarking on The Journey— the program
Our Perspective
As companies think about embarking on • Value steering for partners. Technology is
the journey, we believe they should consid- available in abundance to support the
er 5 important aspects during the design of journey and need not be build inhouse.
their transformation program: Many initiatives could be delivered
through external partners with a robust
• Business Value Focus.Lead journeys value steering
around high impact ‘Value Strikes’
(delivering business imperatives like
productivity, growth) while laying the
foundations for future W e are confident that the Future of
Work in Operations could unlock sig-
nificant value for the industry and be an
• Quick wins. Deliver early wins to fund the ongoing source of competitive excellence
journey and mobilize the organization globally

• Change management is key. While tools

and data are critical, transformation

EXHIBIT 10 | Future of Work—Manufacturing: Roadmap for Implementation

Starting point 6-9 months 1.5-2 year 2+ years


• Standard work • Initiate descriptive • Initiate predictive • Build sections for

analytics analytics with control Lights out execution
• Process logic execution.
simplification; local • Multi-skilled crews; • Integrated network of
optimization with data & analytics • Work with quality & supplier and
literacy product development customers
• Base data capture for optimization
systems; creation of • Leverage data and • Dedicated techno
data lakes digital solutions to: • Enablement of remote digital experts with
– Build E2E operations, with digital competencies
• Multi-skilling transparency connected asset. Focus
– Error proofing on asset reliability
– Optimize in an
integrated manner • Quality integrated with
– Selective operations. Exception
mechanization based reviews

Source: BCG analysis.

Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  12

About the Authors
Rahul Guha is a Managing Director and Partner at BCG, based at the Firm’s Mumbai office. He leads the
firm’s healthcare practice in India.

Kshitij Vijayvargia is a Partner in the Healthcare practice, based in Gurugram, India.

Mustafa Rangwala is a Principal in the Healthcare practice, based in Mumbai, India.

Anang Swapnesh is a Consultant, based in Mumbai, India.

The authors thank IPA Executive Council and all member companies for their valuable contributions.

The authors also thank Vikash Agarwalla (MD & Partner, Gurgaon); Roberta Mckee (Senior Advisor, BCG);
Frank Cordes (MD & Partner, BCG) and Daniel Kuepper (MD & Partner, BCG) for their valuable inputs and
guidance to design the future of manufacturing function. Jamshed Daruwalla, Pradeep Hire and Ratna
Soni are also thanked for their support in the editing and formatting of the article.

Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA) represents 25 research based national pharmaceutical companies.
Collectively, IPA companies account for over 85 percent of the private sector investment in pharmaceuti¬-
cal research and development. They contribute more than 80 percent of the country’s exports of drugs
and pharmaceuticals and service over 57 percent of the domestic market. For more details please refer

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Boston Consulting Group X Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance  13

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