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‘uel 262 (2020) 116807 Contents lists availble at ScienceDirect, Fuel journal homepage: www.slsevier.comilocate/fuel Full Length Article Diesel injector nozzle optimization for high CNG substitution in a dual-fuel | @) heavy-duty diesel engine ‘Sunyoup Lee*, Changgi Kim", Seokhwan Lee*, Jeongwoo Lee*, Junghwan Kim”* *beparman of tg Revere Korea Ite of Machinery and Mati, 1 Gang, Doin 310% ep of Korea > Scao of Energy Spe Engeeang Chang Ang Unie 84 Heese Sel 08974, Rp of er room any ovo aia Have weno be dl Wenge etl gs HO Ree te prt gon spr, on ban febce Cyan tot cn Howes the CNG eee ion cae aad csr hes, a pron te et of er econ Sop {ne minimum econ ety eee rene tec ver se her CRG ent ce ‘meson nth a age pets ee prac 70, 0 Ne sen ee teres BR an greet ees acne 8 hel ng seme he ‘combustion and emission characteris at various CNG subrtituion rater. The 80% CNG cate exhibited the highest thermal efceney and largest CO, redtion with an elevated combution noise level of 92:3€B. The thermal efficiency inereave and! CO, redvction with 80% substation were 279% and 18.7%, respectively. A ‘ree-dimensional engine combustion simulation was performed optimize the éiese injector nozzle ele size and rateof-neetion (ROD for 80% CNG substtion, whereby the mass af ese ijetion quanly was reduced 0 2086 that ofthe enveational desl ease. The computational result emonstrated that a 25% smaller diameter nozzle (150m) with an advanced ROK exhibited 33.46 inerease in the gros indicated mean effective presse 1. Introduction ‘A.use of compressed natural gas (CNG) asa primary fuel for internal ‘combustion engines has shown promising results for the reduction of both greenhouse gases and other harmful emissions. Several studies Ihave shown that the use of CNG ean substantially reduce CO, and soot ‘emissions compared to conventional diesel combustion (1-3). Garcia ‘etal. [4] observed that the brake efficiency decreased by 14% when the CNG substitution rate increased from 50 to 90%, Moreover, & CNG substitution rate of 40% reduced CO, emissions by 10% during high speed and load operation in an automotive diesel [5]. Tarabet etal. [5] ‘observed that CO, was decreased by 1.5% in a 70% natural gas sub- stitution at brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) of 0.5 MPa. Yang ‘etl. (7) reported that, when the CNG substitution gate increased fom 81 90%, both total and ultrafine particle mass and number con- centrations were reduced consistently under various load conditions. “There have also been efforts to develop a reduced mechanism dedicated forthe natural ges and diesel dual fvel combustion (8) Since being frst presented in [9], the diese injection strategy has ‘been considered one of the most influential factors in optimizing the ‘combustion timing under the dual fuel combustion regime. Although ~Coresponing author. mal kr @. Kim). Iuaps://do.o1g/10-1016/) ue 2019.116607 some studies have focused on gas compositions and their effects (10 12), previous research has shown thatthe diesel injection strategy ex Iibits more effective combustion control in CNG dual-fuel combustion {13-15}. Papagiannakis etal. [16] found that 10 CAD advance of the diesel injection timing resulted in 3 CAD longer ignition delay and |LMPa higher maximum in-ylinder pressure inthe CNG diesel dual-fuel ‘engine experiment The consequent 10 CAD shorter combustion dura ton led to 10% reduction in terms of indicated specific energy con ‘sumption, Several other studies [17.18.19] investigated the effects of diesel injection with a wider range of diesel injection timing under the similar operating conditions. Both experimental and computational results agreed that 40 CAD advance of diesel injection timing elongated ignition delay by 30 CAD, whilst the combustion duration was shor tened by 30 CAD. The changes of the combustion by the injection timing advance resulted in 6% increase of the indicated thermal eff ciency [17]. However, when the diesel injection was further advanced {from ~25 to —40 CAD after top-dead center (ADO, the combustion period was retarded and elongated along with significant NOx decrease and CO inerease, which indicated the efficiency reduction [20]. Yousefi ‘etal, [21] also found that double injection of diesel fuel improved the efficiency farther owing to more adequate combustion control. Another Received 19 July 2019; Received in revised form 14 October 2019; Accepted 6 November 2019 ‘Available online 15 November 2019 (0016-2461/ © 2019 Eleevier Ld. Al rights reserved, Nomenclature Terminologies NG Compressed natural gas GAD Crank angle degree NOx Nitric oxides IMEP Indicated mean effective pressure RDI Common-ail direct-injection ROI —_Rate-ot-injection EC Bddy.current MEC Mass flow controller ECU Engine control unit, ELD Chemiluminescence detector study showed that dual split dese injection showed great potential for ‘combustion noise reduction along with marginal soot reduetion in an- ‘other simulation study (22). The importance of diese injection timing ‘on combustion timing is greater for larger CNG substitution. Wang eta. 28} showed that the combustion processes of CNG and diesel are se- parable at 70% or lower CNG substations, but merge at 75% CNG substitution in light load condition, The convergence of the two com Dbustion processes occurred at lower CNG subsitation in higher load ‘condition. Maurya etal. 24] showed in numerical investigation that 90% GNG substitution le to single-peak heat release rat, whereas 70% substitution exhibited double-peak heat release rate, which indicated two separate combustion processes of CNG and diesel. Zhang etal. (25) determined that a diesel injection timing delay of 4 CAD (erank angle degrees) decreased nitric oxides (NOx) emissions by 50%. Lower diesel, injection pressure and a narrower spray angle also increased gross in- dicated mean effective pressure (MEP) by 5% and 4%, respectively 26]. Furthermore, dese fuel injection pressure was selected as one of the decision variables in a multhabjective optimization study to ime prove the performance of CNG diesel dual-fuel combustion (27) Appropriate diesel injection in the CNG dual-fuel combustion is, significant because a higher substitution rate is more beneficial in terms ‘of CO; reduction. However higher substitution rates inevitably ead to 2 smaller quantity of diesel injection, which becomes problematic at light load conditions. Papagiannakis etal. (28] found that CO and HG ‘emissions increased by $~8 and 40~50 times, respectively, in 74 ~ 81% CNG substitutions with a stock diesel injector. Mast modern diesel common-rail direct injection (CRDI) systems suffer from sig- nificant cycle-o-cyce variation when the injection quantity reaches the lower boundary. Asa result, the substitution rate is limited for an sc- ceptable level of combustion stability under low load operations, al- ‘though more CNG substitution can achieve greater CO, and soot re duction, Vavra et al. [29) investigated the performance of stoichiometric CNG and diesel dual-uel combustion to remove CO and THC emissions with a three-way eatalyst. However, the stoichiometric ‘operation leads to some level of fuel penalty. Therefor, itis ertical to ‘optimize the diese injection sytem, particulary the injector nozzle, for smaller quantity injection during high CNG substitution dual fuel ‘combustion. Despite this, no previous studies have attempted to opti- mize the diesel injector nozale for CNG dual-fuel combustion. In this study, optimization ofthe diesel injector nozzle fr high CNG substitution in dual-fuel combustion was investigated using both engine ‘experiments and numerical simulations, Prior ta the engine experiment, the injection characteristics ofthe stock CRDI injector were determined through an injection rate measurement experiment at various injection pressures and curations. The subsequent engine experiment determined the combustion and emission characteristics under various CNG sub- stitution rates. Then, a threedimensional (3-D) engine combustion si- ‘mulation was conducted using the validated KIVA V model to in- vverigate the performance of various injector nozzles and rate of Pu 28220209 118607, FID Flame jonigation detector IRD Infrared detector AQ. Data acquisition AOS crank angle at 59% total heat release CASO crank angle at 50% total hear release RR Heat release rate TDC Topdead center EGR Exhaust gas recirculation SOC Start-of-combustion BSFC Brake specific fuel consumption SOI Starcof.injection CNL Combustion noize level, ADC Aer The injection (ROD shapes. 2. Experimental apparatus and 3-D simulation model 2.1. Engine experiments The experimental engine was a sit-ylinder diesel engine equipped with a CRDI system, Two turbochargers were integrated into the intake system in combination with the external EGR (exhaust gas recircule Lon) levels system. A chilled-water heat exchanger was employed for intake temperature contol instead ofthe stock si-cooling intercooler. The engine specifications are listed in Table I. The engine was coupled with an eddy-current (EC) dynamometer (ESE-H300, Fuchino Mant facturing, Japan) to control engine speed and torque. A starter motor connected to two 12-V batteries was used for engine startup. As soon as the engine speed reached 500 rev/min, diesel fuel injection was in inated to operate the engine. The stock engine was equipped with an intake boosting system consisted of two turbochargers and aircooled intercooler. The inter ‘cooler was replaced with a water-cooled heat exchanger since the sir cooled heat exchanger cannot perform properly under the stationary operation. The engine inhaled the fresh air at she standard condition in the test call, Then the boosted intake ar from the compressors went into the water-cooled heat exchanger that utilized chilled water from the laboratory to maintain the intake ait temperature at 60°C. ‘A gas injection system was installed downstream of the intercooler +o supply the natural gar into the intake runner. Fig. 1 shows a sche matic ofthe ges fuel injection system and the location of ga injection. ‘The gas fuel injection system consisted of a shutoff valve, heat ex changer, and mass flow controlles (MFC). A CH, and No ges mixture was prepaced as the synthetic natural gas. The two-gas mixture was then heated to 300K through a heat exchanger. The shutoff valve on ‘the gas supply tube was placed at the exit ofthe gas injection system to ensuze complete gas shut-off when shutting down the engine. Two MEC (Model 8502, Brooks Instrument, U.S.A.) were employed to control the mast flowrates of the two gases, The MFC was equipped with two temperature sensors which were located on the upstream and dove: stream of the electric heater. The upstream temperature deviated from tet Engine speifiatons Number of ener = . Stee eat heater (= (7 Dynamometer aa Co Emission Bench Fig. 1. A schematic of the dovinstream temperature only when flow presented, The tempers ture discrepancy was directly proportional to the mass flow rate of the flowing gas. The specifieations ofthe MFC from the manufacturer are listed in Table 2. Since the stock MEC was calibrated using N gas as ‘mentioned in Table 2, recalibration was performed with CHy ges using «2 calibration device (ERSA DTM-100, Treseal, U.S.A), Diesel injection was controlled by a custom engine control unit, (ECU) developed in Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials. The ‘custom ECU provided the high-current, peak-and-hold type signals to the six solenoid injectors at the desired timings, which were determined by the stock crank postion sensor and crank angle sensor. The fuel pressure was also managed by the custom ECU using the stock rail ressure sensor on the fuel rail and suction control valve on the high- pressure pump. A Coriolis flow meter (Mier Motion CMFSO10, Emerson, US.A) was employed for the diesel mass owrate measure ‘ment. The specifications of the flow meter from the manufacturer are listed in Table 3, ‘The gaseous exhaust emissions were measured by an emission bench, (MEXA.7000, Horibe, Japan). The exhaust sampling line was heated to minimize hydrocarbon loss due to condensation. The emission bench ‘was equipped with a chemiluminescence detector (CLD), flame ioni- ‘zation detector (FID), and two infrared detectors (IRD) for NOx, HC, CO, and CO;, respectively. A smokemeter (4155, AVL, Austria) mea sured soot in units of iter smoke number, which was then converted to mass per unit volume according to the correlation provided by the smokemeter manufactrer ‘The in-ylinder pressure was measured for combustion analysis as well as performance evaluation. A through hole was machined on the Ist cylinder of the engine head to install a piezoelectric pressure transclacer (60258, Kistler, Swiss), The pressure transducer was con- nected to a data acquisition (DAQ) system (DT-120, Dewetron, South Korea) to record 300 consecutive cycles. The average in-ylinder pressure trace of the 300 consecutive cycles provided the combustion ‘analysis including IMEP and heat release rate (HRR). The HRR analysis provided various important combustion timings, such as 586 of heat release in crank angle (CAOS), 50% of heat release in erank angle (CASO), ané total combustion duration. It was unfortunate thet in-

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