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Com 100

Agrawal Janvi Rajeev


Chimp Haven

From the given topic named ‘The Haven for Chimps’, the given paragraph clearly tells that all the
chimps were used for scientific experiments to study contagious diseases, reproduction, etc. and
after conducting it the retiring research apes (old chimps) were sent to a place named ‘Chimp Haven’
which was a safe place where they can play, socialize, and enjoy.

In the whole paragraph, there is a dual contradiction between conservationists and scientists in
using chimps for invasive experimental purposes. If I would be there, then I would support the
conservationist side because the scientists are always keeping chimps behind the bars and they
don’t allow them to move out in the open air to play, socialize and enjoy their lives. Many of the
research chimps have not seen other chimps as well. Because of this, chimps have to suffer a lot and
go through hard days filled with pain and tears. As scientists have been using them for lab research
on some diseases like HIV, Hepatitis, etc. the chimps were given viruses of such diseases in order to
be lab tested and because of this, it changes their genetic structure and DNA. Not only that, but
scientists also use chimps for experiments on making new medicine, inventions, etc. and due to that
many chimps suffer from heart diseases, skin diseases, mental disorders, and changes in genetic
structure, some also suffer from the side effect of medications, change in behavior, many of them
suffer from death, etc.

Thus, I would support the conservationists that chimps should be saved and they should be given the
right to live. If this can be done, then the species of chimps can no longer be endangered. The law
passed by the National Institute of Health (NIH) has done a great job of protecting the chimps that
were used by the scientists for the experimental purposes.

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