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CUITM 201 Database Systems Group Assignment 3

Due date 17 March 2023 @1400hrs


 Submit hardcopy to class rep before 1400 hours

 Maintain groups from previous assignments

Question 1
Given a relation schema R(A,B,C,D) and a set of FDs F= {A →B, B→C, C→D }
a) Determine attribute closure for attribute C [2]
b) Use Armstrong’s Axioms to show that AD [3]
c) Determine candidate key(s) for R [4]

Question 2
Consider relation R(ABCDE) with a set of FDs that hold on R:
F= {A → C, AC → B, BC → A, D → CE}
Find the minimal set of F. [10]

Question 3
Use the Part table given below to answer questions below
PartNum Description VendorName VendorAddress VendorCity UnitCost
A1234 DRAM chip Keisy Tech 123 Mukwa Chinhoyi 10.00
Smart 5 Hove street Harare 12.00
ABC Chips 25 Main street Masvingo 10.00
B5678 CPU Chip Keisy Tech 123 Mukwa Chinhoyi 25.00
Technologies 5 Hove street Harare 20.00
C1233 Logic Chip Mega Chips 6 Hove Street Harare 15.00
a) Normalise table to 1NF [5]
b) Specify all the FDs for table in a) [6]
c) Determine the primary key for table in a) [2]
d) Normalise the table in a) to 2NF [6]

Question 4
Project Project Project Project Employee Employee Dept Dept Name Hr
Code Title Manager Budget No Name No Rate

PC010 Pensions M. Phillips 24.500 S10001 A. Smith L004 IT 22.00
PC010 Pensions M. Phillips 24.500 S10030 L. Jones L023 Pensions 18.00
PC010 Pensions M. Phillips 24.500 S21010 P. Lewis L004 IT 21.00
PC010 Pensions M. Phillips 24.500 S00232 R. Smith L003 Programming 26.00

a) Determine all FDs that hold on the Project Management relation given above [10]
b) Determine primary key for the relation [2]
c) State and justify the highest normal form of the Project Management Table [2]
d) Use the table to explain the following anomalies
i. Insertion [3]
ii. Deletion [3]
iii. Update [3]
e) Perform a loss less decomposition of Project Management relation into
i. 3NF [5]
ii. BCNF [5]

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