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XVII International AIDS Conference

3-8 August 2008

Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

General Instructions for the Programme Activity Planning Meeting

1. Introduction

The Programme Activity Planning (PAP) meeting is a pivotal event for programme
development at the XVII International AIDS Conference. It is at this meeting that
decisions will be made on activities for the final programme.

The purpose of this document is to outline the following features of the PAP meeting:

1. The meeting objectives

2. Background information
3. Main tasks
4. Process and instructions

1. Meeting objectives

The main purpose of the PAP meeting is to select applications for the final
programme. Meeting participants will also ensure the programme is diverse and
dynamic and is a true reflection of all working groups’ objectives.

2. Background Information:

Meeting Participants

Meeting participants include the entire Global Village (GV) working group, committee
representatives and local members of the youth and cultural programme working
groups. Secretariat staff will also be onsite to help facilitate the selection process and
will be joined by a team member from Toronto local host office at AIDS 2006. A list
of participants will be included in your binder.

Application Selection

On day one of the PAP meeting, participants will be asked to select activities from
top scoring applications that are to be included in the Global Village, youth and
cultural programmes. The number needed for each type of activity is outlined in the
table below, along with the total number applications that scored 2.5 or above.

As many working group members are aware, there a number of spaces and activities
reserved for the conference international partners, programme committees and
sponsors (see Annex 1.). These activities and spaces have already been accounted
for and are excluded from the numbers in the tables below.

In addition, the Joint Programme Committee has asked for the following issues be
picked up in the Global Village:

• Travel and entry restrictions (Migration issues)

• HIV in Prisons
• Palliative Care (Critical issues in pain and death)

XVII International AIDS Conference
3-8 August 2008
Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

Activity scheduling and the allotment of sessions/booths/exhibition


On day two of the meeting, participants will break into groups to work on the
scheduling of activities and to place sessions, booths and exhibitions in the spaces

A vast majority of programme activities will take place in the Global Village
- an 8000 m² marquee or tent in the infield of the Las Americas Hippodrome. A draft
of the Global Village layout is included in your binder.

It will also possible to accommodate activities in Centro Banamex. This space is well
suited to cultural programme activities - see Annex 2 for a list of spaces available.
Much of the transitional space will be available for decoration and there are alcoves
which could accommodate art or photographic exhibitions. The Global Village
sponsors - GSK Positive Action - have also donated a 9m² exhibition booth in the
commercial exhibition area. It will be up to PAP meeting participants to decide on
what is scheduled in this space.

Access: Please remember that the Global Village is open to conference delegates
and the general public. Centro Banamex is accessible to conference delegates only.

3. Main tasks

Applications will need to be selected for the following activities:

Booths Number needed Number that scored 2.5

or higher
NGO booths 79 138
Marketplace booths 35 41
Networking zones 23 50
Total 138

Debates 8 20
Panel Discussions 12 42
Presentations and Q & A 16 62
Workshops 16 71

Total 52
Cultural Activities

Live performance 40 93
Photo/art exhibit 22 43
Screening 16 78
Other - Radio TBD 1
Total 101

For clarification on the definitions of activity types, please consult the glossary at the
back of your binder.

XVII International AIDS Conference
3-8 August 2008
Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

3. Process and instructions

Each activity working group will be allocated a specific area of the meeting room at
the hotel venue. In each area there will be:

a. A binder containing the top scoring activities (2.5 and above) per
b. Reports on scores for all applications within your category

i. Booths:

Information on booths:

• There are three different booth types. These include NGO Booths, market
place booths and networking zones.
• On Sunday 3, August booths may open from 13:00 to 18:00. From Monday 4,
to Thursday 7, August booth opening hours will be from 8:00 – 20:00.
• Booth location does not change throughout the week.
• If there is more than one networking zone application for a specific issue or
theme, the applications should be merged and the applicants should be
encouraged to work together. No more than 3 organizations should work on
any networking zone.
• See Annex 3 for details on what booth packages include.

The procedure for selecting booth applications is as follows:

• The booth activity working group should divide into three subgroups. Each
subgroup will select a booth type (NGO Booth, market place booth or
networking zone) to review.
• It will be up to each subgroup to produce the final list of booths needed – see
table below.

Booth type Number needed Number that scored 2.5

or higher
NGO booths 79 138
Marketplace booths 35 41
Networking zones 24 50

• To fill your quota, you may choose to select those booths which have the
highest score and work down. If applications have the same score, you can
use the scoring criteria in your binder to help you make your decisions.
• Four back up applications must be selected for the three booth types. This
means there should be a total of 12 back up booths for all booth applications.
• Once a booth is selected fill in the summary sheet and record the booth titles,
id numbers and submitters’ organizations. There will be a summary sheet for
each booth type. Attach (coloured) copies of the selected applications
including back-ups.
• The booth summary sheets should be delivered to the staff member
supporting your group.

XVII International AIDS Conference
3-8 August 2008
Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

• One point person should be nominated to report back to the group at the end
of day one.

ii. Sessions

Information on sessions:

• There are four different session types. These include debates, panel
discussions, presentation Q & A and workshops.
• There will be daily concurrent sessions for the each of the four session types.
Sessions run from Monday 4 – Thursday 7, August, between the hours of
10:30 - 18:30
• Sessions have varying lengths:
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
90 minutes
• Sessions must have 30 minutes break in between to allow for room set up
and audience seating.
• Sessions can be scheduled in the following rooms GVSR1 (300 pax), GVSR2
(100 pax) and GVYP (100 pax).

The procedure for selecting session applications is as follows:

• The session activity working group should divide into four subgroups. Each
subgroup will select a subcategory (debate, panel discussion, presentations
with Q and A and workshops) to review.
• It will be up to each subgroup to produce the final list of sessions needed –
see table below.

Session type Number needed Number that scored 2.5

or higher
Debates 8 20
Panel Discussions 12 42
Presentations with Q & A 16 62
Workshops 16 71

• To fill your quota, you may choose to select those sessions which have the
highest score and work down. If applications have the same score, you can
use the scoring criteria in your binder to help you make your decisions.
• Two back up applications must be selected for each session type. This means
there should be a total of 8 back up sessions for all session applications.
• Once a session is selected fill in a summary sheet and record the session
titles, id numbers and submitters’ organizations. There will be a summary
sheet for each session type. Attach (coloured) copies of the selected
applications including back-ups.
• The session summary sheets should be delivered to the staff member
supporting your group.
• One point person should be nominated to report back to the group at the end
of day one.

XVII International AIDS Conference
3-8 August 2008
Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

iii. Cultural Activities

Information on cultural activities

• There are four different types of cultural activities. These include live
performances, photo/art exhibits, screenings and miscellaneous (TBD).
• Activities can be scheduled/placed in the following areas:
i. Inside the Global Village: Main Stage, Visual Art Gallery, GVYP,
external walls of session rooms.
ii. Inside Centro Banamex: Please see Annex 2.

• Cultural activities will run daily during the following times:

The Global Village:
Sunday 3, August 13:30– 18:00
Monday 4 – Thursday 7, August 10:30 – 20:00
Centro Banamex:
Sunday 3, August 9:00 – 18:00
Monday 4 – Thursday 7, August 10:30 – 20:00

• Cultural activities have varying lengths:

30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
90 minutes
• Performances/activities on the main stage must have 30 minutes break in
between to allow for stage set up and audience movement.
• Activities such as exhibitions and displays should stay in one location for the
conference week.

The procedure for selecting cultural activities applications is as follows:

• The activity working group should divide into four subgroups. Each subgroup
will select an activity type (Live performance, photo/art exhibit, screening,
miscellaneous - TBD) to review.
• It will be up to each of the subgroups to produce the final list of cultural
activities needed – see table below.

Cultural activity type Number needed Number that scored 2.5

or higher
Live performance 40 93
Photo/art exhibit 22 43
Screening 16 78
Other - Radio TBD 1

• To fill your quota, you may choose to select those cultural activities which
have the highest score and work down. If applications have the same score,
you can use the scoring criteria in your binder to help you make your

XVII International AIDS Conference
3-8 August 2008
Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

• Two back up applications must be selected for each cultural activity type. This
means there should be a total of 8 back up activities for all cultural
• Once an activity is selected fill in a summary sheet and record the activity
titles, id numbers and submitters’ organizations. There will be a summary
sheet for each activity type. Attach (coloured) copies of the selected
applications including back-ups.
• The summary sheet should be delivered to the staff member supporting your
activity group.
• One point person should be nominated to report back to the group at the end
of day one.

XVII International AIDS Conference
3-8 August 2008
Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

Annex 1.

Organizations and activities to accommodate in the Global Village

The table below lists international partners, sponsors and key organizations that
should be accommodated in the Global Village as a result of commitments from AIDS
2006 and recommendations from the programme committees. PAP meeting
participants do not need to include these in their final listing of activities.

Organization/Group Activity/space Contact/affiliation

ICASO Booth Int. Partner
AHRN Booth Int. Partner
GNP+ Booth Int. Partner
ICW Booth Int. Partner
WYWCA Booth Int. Partner
UNDP and UNAIDS The community dialogue Int. Partner

Federal Government Booth (60m²) Local Partner


Local Government Booth Local Partner

IAS Booth Organizer

Mirka, Ida, Hector

CONCASIDA Booth Eugenia

GSK Positive Action Booth/ Session Commercial Sponsor

ILO/ Labour NWZ Craig

Global Fund Access to Life Photography Pauline Mazue and Craig
Exhibition McClure
Community Community office space Ron Rosenes

Meet the Plenary Speaker GV session room 1 Programme Dept

sessions Mon – Thurs,13:00- 14:00
Ecumenical Advocacy NWZ Bernard

All applications for the Global Village have been through the application and review
process. The programme activity coordinators will ensure that any feedback or
requests for clarification are passed on to the applicants.

XVII International AIDS Conference
3-8 August 2008
Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

Annex 2.

Space available in Centro Banamex for activities

Code Area Size Type of activity that

would be suitable
Exhibition level – level 2
HC Hall C (Plenary Hall) Capacity for 6,000 pax Dialogue, singing,
Available from 8:00- poetry reading, short
8:45am film
HD Hall D (at main entrance of About 50 sqm (irregular Small performance
industry exhibition) shape); see photo 1 ,
room for a small platform
GSKI GSK Island (in commercial 36 sqm (6m x 6m); room Small performance
exhibition area) for a small platform
Al Alcove by the restaurant Space for 3 single booths Preferably a photo
‘Galeria’ (2m x 8m area ) or 1 big exhibition
booth (48 sqm); see
photo 2, small platform
may be possible
HS Hallway space outside Space inside Hall B. Wall hangings
session rooms Space for 20 posters (1m
x 6m); see photo 3
Palacio level – Ground
PL1 Alcove - Session rm 11 50 sqm; room for a small Short, ‘quiet’
platform performance
PL2 Main entrance/lobby 36 sqm (6m x 6m) See Well suited for
photos 4, 5 projections, wall
Casas level –level -1
CL1 Outside positive lounge Space for 3 posters (2m x Wall hangings,
2m); see 6 photographs
Other (outside – should be
weather proof
O1 Tunnel between Centro Space for 13 posters Wall hangings
Banamex and infield, tunnel (3.20 x 2.45 m mounted
between Hippodrome and light boxes at USD 408
infield each); see photo 7
O2 Bus pick up 5m wall (TBC). Wall hangings; free
standing sculptures
(pieces must be secure
ie. large or hard to
O3 Ramp area and pillars Ramp on the way to the Wall hangings, small
Global Village and exhibition areas
registration (5m wide and
80m long); see photo 8

XVII International AIDS Conference
3-8 August 2008
Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

Annex 3.

Booth Packages

NGO booths (6 square meters)

Package includes:
3 x hard white walls: 2x (2mw x 2.48mh), 1x (3mw x 2.48mh)
1 header sign (including name of organization)
2 shelves
2 chairs
1 table (skirted)
1 wastebasket
1 light and electricity
Services included: insurance, cleaning

Applicants may bring their own additional furniture or items required for the booth.
Additional furniture or services may also be ordered online at a later stage. Charges
will apply for orders placed online. Details will be provided to successful candidates.

Marketplace booth (4 square meters)

HIV-related income-generating projects only
Proof of non-governmental /non-profit or charitable status is required.

Package includes:
2 x hard walls: 2 x (2mw x 2.48mh)
1 booth identification sign (including name of organization)
2 chairs
1 table (skirted)
1 wastebasket
1 light and electricity only for the light
Services included: insurance, cleaning

Applicants may bring their own additional furniture or items required for the booth.
Additional furniture or services may also be ordered online at a later stage. Charges
will apply for orders placed online. Details will be provided to successful candidates.

Networking Zone (60 square meters)

Proposals must demonstrate partnerships/collaborations, as well as concept/ideas for

Package includes:
3 x hard walls: 1 x (12mw x 2.48), 2x (5mw x 2.48)
1 header sign (including name of Networking Zone)
1 speakers’ platform (approx. 1m x 2m)

2 chairs
1 table (skirted)

XVII International AIDS Conference
3-8 August 2008
Programme Activities Planning Meeting, 8-9 April 2008

1 wastebasket
1 light and electricity

1 computer

Services included: insurance, cleaning

A subsidy will be provided for programming and additional setup costs. The amount
is yet to be specified.

Applicants may bring their own additional furniture or items required for the
Networking Zone. Furniture or services required in addition to the above may be
ordered online at a later stage at the organizers’ own cost. Details will be provided to
successful candidates.


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