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7/30/22, 2:30 AM Section 5.

6 Homework-shadae whitelocke

Instructor: Nely Hristova

Student: shadae whitelocke

Course: Summer 2022 MAC1105 CRN Assignment: Section 5.6 Homework

Date: 7/29/22

Complete the following table.

Population Growth​Rate, k Doubling​Time, T

Country A ​1.5% per year
Country B 58 years

To find the doubling​time, note that a growth rate of k indicates P = P0 e .

For Country​A, k = ​1.5% per year.​First, convert this into a decimal.

k = ​1.5%

 = 0.015

The doubling time will be the time t when P = 2P0 . Write this equation.

2P0 = P0 e


 ln 2 = 0.015t

 t = 46 ​(rounded)

Thus, the population of Country A will double in 46 years.

Now find the growth rate of Country​B, given that its doubling time is 58 years.

2P0 = P0 e

Solve this equation for k.


 ln 2 = 58k

  k = 0.012

To convert this into a​percentage, multiply by 100.

k = ​1.2% per year

Population Growth​Rate, k Doubling​Time, T

Country A ​1.5% per year 46 years
Country B ​1.2% per year 58 years 1/1

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