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7/31/22, 2:25 AM 4.

5 Homework-Kelly Columbia

Instructor: Kristine Trevino

Student: Kelly Columbia

Course: ONLINE (Summer 2022) - MATH Assignment: 4.5 Homework
Date: 07/30/22
1314 TD041 - 05/31 through 08/05

1. The exponential model A = 576.6 e 0.03t describes the​population, A, of a country in​millions, t years after 2003. Use the
model to determine the population of the country in 2003.

The population of the country in 2003 was 576.6 million.

2. The exponential models describe the population of the − 0.009t

Country 1​: A = 145.7 e
indicated​country, A, in​millions, t years after 2006. Which 0.005t
country has the greatest growth​rate? By what percentage is Country 2​: A = 125.1 e
the population of that country increasing each​year? Country 3​: A = 1080.9 e
Country 4​: A = 26.2 e

Country 4 has the greatest growth rate.

The population of that country is increasing by 2.6 ​% each year.

​(Round to the nearest tenth as​needed.)

3. The exponential models describe the population of 0.004t

Country B A = 1163.3 e
the indicated​country, A, in​millions, t years after 0.017t
2010. Which countries have a decreasing​ Country C A = 31.5 e
− 0.003t
population? By what percentage is the population Country D A = 123.7 e
of these countries decreasing each​year? − 0.002t
Country E A = 143.9 e

Select the correct choice below and fill in the answer boxes to complete your choice.

​(Simplify your answers. Type integers or decimals rounded to the nearest tenth as​needed.)

A. Country B and Country D have the decreasing populations. The population of Country B is
decreasing by ​% and the population of Country D is decreasing by
​% each year.

B. Country C and Country D have the decreasing populations. The population of Country C is
decreasing by ​% and the population of Country D is decreasing by
​% each year.

C. Country B and Country C have the decreasing populations. The population of Country B is
decreasing by ​% and the population of Country C is decreasing by
​% each year.
D. Country D and Country E have the decreasing populations. The population of Country D is
decreasing by 0.3 ​% and the population of Country E is decreasing by
0.2 ​% each year.

4. The exponential model A = 233.5 e 0.01t describes the​population, A, of a country in​millions, t years after 2003. Use the
model to determine when the population of the country will be 291 million.

The population of the country will be 291 million in 2025 .

​(Round to the nearest year as​needed.) 1/4
7/31/22, 2:25 AM 4.5 Homework-Kelly Columbia

5. a. In​2000, the population of a country was approximately 5.87 million and by


Population (millions)
2040 it is projected to grow to 9 million. Use the exponential growth model Projected
kt 9 2000:   
A = A0 e ​, in which t is the number of years after 2000 and A0 is in​millions, to
6 5,870,000
find an exponential growth function that models the data.
b. By which year will the population be 8 ​million? 3
1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050

a. The exponential growth function that models the data is A = 5.87 • e .
(​ Simplify your answer. Use integers or decimals for any numbers in the expression. Round to two decimal places as​

b. The​country's population will be 8 million in the year 2031 .

​(Round to the nearest year as​needed.)

6. 2007    Projected 2034 Projected

Complete the table shown to the right for the
Population​(millions) Population​(millions) Growth​Rate, k
population growth model for a certain country.
60.4 0.0156

The projected 2034 population is 92 million.

​(Round to one decimal place as​needed.)

7. 2007 Population​ Projected 2032 Projected

Complete the table shown to the right for the
(millions) Population​(millions) Growth​Rate, k
population growth model for a certain country.
48.5 45.4

k= − .0026
​(Round to four decimal places as​needed.)

8. An artifact originally had 16 grams of​carbon-14 present. The decay model A = 16 e − 0.000121t describes the amount of​
carbon-14 present after t years. Use the model to determine how many grams of​carbon-14 will be present in 8593 years.

The amount of​carbon-14 present in 8593 years will be approximately 6 grams.

​(Round to the nearest whole​number.) 

9. The​half-life of the radioactive element unobtanium-37 is 10 seconds. If 32 grams of unobtanium-37 are initially​present,
how many grams are present after 10 ​seconds? 20 ​seconds? 30 ​seconds? 40 ​seconds? 50 ​seconds?

The amount left after 10 seconds is 16 grams.

The amount left after 20 seconds is 8 grams.

The amount left after 30 seconds is 4 grams.

The amount left after 40 seconds is 2 grams.

The amount left after 50 seconds is 1 grams.

​(Round to one decimal​place.) 2/4
7/31/22, 2:25 AM 4.5 Homework-Kelly Columbia

10. Prehistoric cave paintings were discovered in a cave in France. The paint contained 8% of the original​carbon-14. Use the
− 0.000121t
exponential decay model for​carbon-14, A = A0 e ​, to estimate the age of the paintings.

The paintings are approximately 20874 years old. ​(Round to the nearest integer.)

11. Complete the table shown to the right for the​half-life of a ​Half-Life  
 Decay​Rate, k
certain radioactive substance. 16.9 days

k = − 0.041015
​(Round to six decimal places as​needed.)

12. Use the exponential decay​model, A = A kt

0 e ​, to solve the following.

The​half-life of a certain substance is 27 years. How long will it take for a sample of this substance to decay to 74​% of its

It will take approximately 11.7 years for the sample of the substance to decay to 74​% of its original
​(Round to one decimal place as​needed.)

13. The​half-life of a certain tranquilizer in the bloodstream is 42 hours. How long will it take for the drug to decay to 82​% of the
original​dosage? Use the exponential decay​model, A = A0 e ​, to solve.

12. hours
​(Round to one decimal place as​needed.)

14. 119,000
The logistic growth function f(t) = describes the number of​people, f(t), who have become ill with influenza t
1 + 5800 e − t
weeks after its initial outbreak in a particular community.

a. How many people became ill with the flu when the epidemic​began?
b. How many people were ill by the end of the fourth​week?
c. What is the limiting size of the population that becomes​ill?

a. The number of people initially infected is 21 .

​(Round to the nearest whole number as​needed.)

b. The number of people infected after 4 weeks is 1110 .

​(Round to the nearest whole number as​needed.)

c. The limiting size of the infected population is 119000 .

​(Round to the nearest whole number as​needed.) 3/4
7/31/22, 2:25 AM 4.5 Homework-Kelly Columbia

15. ​y, Population​

Shown to the right is a certain​population, in​billions, for seven ​x, Number of Years after 1949
selected years from 1950 through 2004. Using a graphing​utility's 1​(1950) 2.8
logistic regression​option, we obtain the logistic growth model 11​(1960) 3.2
shown below for​population, f(x), in​billions, x years after 1949.
21​(1970) 3.9
How well does the function model the data for 2004​?
31​(1980) 4.7
16.72 41​(1990) 5.5
f(x) =
− 0.023x 51​(2000) 6.3
1 + 5.25 e
55​(2004​) 6.7

For 2004​, the function accurately predicts the population to one decimal place. 4/4

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