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Analysis and Design of R.C.C Building (G+2) A Mini Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of B.Tech (Civil Engineering) by D,HANURAG REDDY (14BCLO118) SOUPTIK RAKSHIT(I4BCLO1S1) PARAS TANEJA (14BCLO155) VIT UNIVERSITY VELLORE = 632 014, TAMILNADU. VIT —_—-_ a / UNIVERSITY VIT University November 2016 DECLARATION BY THE DIDATE We hereby deckire that the project report entitked "ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF R.C.C BUILDING (G+2)" submitted by us to Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore in partial fililiment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in CIVIL ENGINEERING is a record of bonafide project work carried out by us under the guidance of Dr. P. Rami Mohan Rao, We firther declare that the work reported in this project has not been submitted and will not be submited, either in part or in fall, for the award of any other degree or diploma in this institute or aty other institute or university. Phe: Vellore Date: SCHOOL OF CIVIL AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “(Analysis and Design of R.C.C Building (G*2)"" is submitted by D.HANURAG REDDY (14BCLO118), SOUPTIK. RAKSHIT(I4BCLOIS1), PARAS TANEJA (14BCLO1SS) to the School of Civil and Chemical Engineering , VIT University, Vellore, for the award of the degree in B.Tech is a bonafide record of work carried cout by them under our supervision. ‘The contests of this report, in full or in parts have not bees submitted to any other Institute or University for the award of any degree or diploma. Guide Programme Manager Internal Examiner External Examiner iit ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to express our profound sense of deepest gratitude to our guide and motivator Dr. P. Rama Mohan Rao, Associate professor, Civil Engineeting Department, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore for his valuable guidance, sympathy and co-operation for providing necessary facilities and sources during the entire period of this project. We wish to convey our sincere gratitude to all the faculties. of Civil Engineering Department who have enlightened us during our studies. The facilities and co- openttion received from the faculties of Civil Engineering Department is thankfully acknowledged. We express our thanks to all those who helped us in one way orother. Last, but not least, we would like to thank the authors of various research. articles and books that were referred to. ABSTRACT ‘The principe objective of this project i to analyze and design a multi-storied building [G + 2(3 dimensional frame)] using STAAD Pro, The design involves load calculations: manually and analyzing the whole structure by STAAD Pro. The design methods used in STAAD-Pro analysis sare Limit State Design conforming to Indian Standard Code of Practice, STAAD.Pro features a state-oF the-art user interfice, visualization took, powerfil analysis and design engines. with advanced finite element and dynamic analysis capabilities. From model generation, analysis. and design to visualization and result veriication, STAAD.Pro & the professional's choice. Initia ly Wwe started with the andlysis of simple 2 dimensional frames and manually checked the accuney ‘of the sofiware with our resulis. The results proved to be very accurate, We analyeed and designed a G +1 storey building (2-D Frame) initially for all possible load combinations. (dead and live], STAAD.Pro has a very interactive user interface which allows the users to draw the frame and input the load values and dimensions. ‘Then according to the specified criteria assigned it ahlyses the structure and designs the members with reinforcement details for RCC frames. Our final work was the proper anabsis and design ofa G +2 3-D ROC fame under various load combinations. We consilered a 3-D RCC frame consisting of 3 bays, The y-axis consisted of G +2 floors. The total numbers of beams in each floor were 137 and the numbers ofcohumns were 140, The ground floor height was 3.5im and rest of the 3 foors had a height of 3.5m.The structure was subjected to self weight, dead load, five load under the load case details of STAAD.Pro. The materials were specified and cross-sections of the beam and column members were assigned, ‘The supports at the base ofthe structure were abso specified as fixed, The codes of practice to be fbllowed were ako specified for design purpose with other important details. Then STAAD-Pro was used to afulyze the structure and design the members, Ini the post-processing mode, afler completion ofthe design, we can work on the structure and study the bending moment and shear force vabies with the generated diagrams. We have abo check the deflection of various members under the given oading combinations. ‘The design of tho building is dependent upon the minimum requitements as prescribed in the Indian Standard Codes. The minimiim requirements pertaining to the structural safety of buiklings are being covered by way of ying down minimum design loads: Which aye 10 be assumed for dead loads, imposed loads, and other extemal loads, the structure woul! be required to bear. Strict coniormity to bading ‘standards recommended in this code, it is hoped, will ensure the structural safety of the buildings whieh are being designed. Stuctewe std sthictural elements were normally designed by Limit State Method, Complicated and highrise structures need very time taking and cumbersome calculations ting ‘conventional manual methods, STAAD.Pro provides us a fast, efficient, casy to use und accurate phtform for aralysing and designing structures, CONTENTS. Chapter Noz Title ABSTRACT LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF SYMBOLS , ABBREVATION AND NOMENCLATURE INTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW EXPERIMENTAL SETUP RESULTS AND DISCUSSION CONCLUSION REFERENCES LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page No. No. 31 DESIGN PARAMETERES OF BEAM a3 DESIGN PARAMETERES OF SLAB 3a DESIGN PARAMETERES FOR CONCRETE AND REBAR PROPERTIES 20 22 35 SOIL PROPERTIES FOR FOOTING 22 41 APPLIED LOADS-SERVICE STRESS LEVEL FOR | 36 FOOTING #2 APPLIED LOADS-STRENGTH LEVEL FOR 36 FOOTING a FINAL SIZE OF FOOTING 36 vii LIST OF FIGURES Table No. | Title Page No. 3.1 PLAN 18 3.2 ASSIGNMENT OF LOADS 20 41 SHEAR FORCE DIAGRAM 23 42 BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM 24 43 DEFLECTION DIAGRAM 25 44 GEOMETRY OF A BEAM 26 45 DESIGN DETAILS OF A BEAM. 27 46 CONCRETE DESIGN OF A BEAM 28 47 DESIGN DETAILS OF A COLUMN 29 48 CONCRETE DESIGN OF A COLUMN 30 49 DESIGN DETAILS. OF A SLAB 31 4.10 DESIGN DETAILS. OF A SLAB 32 411 DESIGN DETAILS OF A SLAB 33 412 DESIGN OF AN ISOLATED FOOTING 34 4B PLAN OF AN ISOLATED FOOTING 35 4.14 DETAILING OF FOOTING 36 415 VOLUME OF MATERIAL USED 37 vill List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature FM Fixed moments FC Characteristic Compressive strength of concrete Fy main Yiek! strength of main reinforcement Fy see Yee! strength of secondary reinforcement Max main Maximum diameter of main reinforcement Max see Maximum diameter of secondary reiiforcement Min min Minimum diameter of main reiniorcement Min see Minimum diameter of secondary reinforcement Ratio Permissible ration of actual load to section capacity SED Shear force diagram BMD Bending moment diagram D Depth B Breadth L Length w Transverse Load A Area KN Kill newton m Meter om Millimeter LL Live load DL Dead load Dia Diameter xi CHAPTER I NTRODUCTION ‘Our project involves analysis and design ofmulti-storied [G +2] using a very populir designing sofiware STAAD Pro, We have chosen STAAD Pro because of ts following advantages: = easy to use interface, = conformation with the Indian Standard Codes, © versatike nature of solving any type of problem, * Accuracy of the solution, STAAD.Pro features a state-oF the-art user interfice, visualization tools, powerful analysis and design engines with advanced finite clement and dynamic analysis capabilities, From maclel ‘generation, analysis and design to visualization and result verification, STAAD.Pro is the professional's choice for steel concrete, timber, alwninium and coki-formed sicel design of ow and high-rise buildings, culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, pikes and much more, STAAD.Pro consists of the following: The STAAD.Pro Graphical User Interface: tis used to generate the model, which can then be analyzed using the STAAD engine. Afier analysis and design is completed, the GUI can also be wed to view the results. graphically, The STAAD analysis and design engine: It's a genera-pumpose cakubition engine for structural analysis and integrated Steel, Concrete, Tanber and Aluminium design To stant with we have solved some sample problems using STAAD Pro and checked the accuracy of the results with manual calculations. The results were to satisfaction and were accurate. In the initial phase of our project we have done calculations: regarding loadings on buildings and ako considered seismic and wind loads. Structural analysis comprises the set of physical laws and mathematics required to study and predicts the behavior of structures, Structural analysis can be Viewed more abstractly as a method to drive the engineering design process oF prove the soundness of a design without a dependence ‘on directly testing it. ‘To perform an accurate analysis. structural engineor must determine such infornmtion as strictural toads, Geometry, support conditions, and materials properties. ‘The results of such an analysis typically include support reactions, stresses and dispicements, This: information is then compared to criteria that indicate the conditions of faiure, Advanced ‘structural analysis may examine dynamic resportse, stability. and non-linear behavior. ‘The aim of design is the achievement ofan acceptable probabilay that structures ‘being designed will perform satisfactorily during their intended: it, With an appropriate: degree of saftty, they should sustain dill the loads aid deformations of normal construction and use and have: deduaie durability and adequate resistance (0 the effects of seismic and wind, Structime and structural elements shall normally be designed by Limit State Method, Account should be twken of -aecepted theories, experiment and experience and the need to design’ for durability. Design, inching design for duabilay, construction and use in service should be consilered as a whole “The realization of design objectives requires compliance with clearly defined standards fir materials, production, workmanship an! also maintenance and use of structure in service. ‘The design of the building. s dependent upon the minimum requirements as prescribed in the Indian Standard Codes. The misimun requirements pertaining to the structural safety of buildings ane boing covered by way of lying down minimum design ioads which have to be assumed fir dead loads, imposed ads, and other extemal Ioads, the structure would be required to bear, Stict conformity to kading standards recommended in this code, it is hoped, will_ oot only ensure the structural saiely of the buildings which are bebig designed, CHAPTER2 LITERATURE REVIEW thod of analysis of s: ally indeterminate portal frames: 1. Slope deflection method + In this method, the joints are considered to be rigid ie, the joints rotate as a whole .The rotation of the joints are treated as unknowns . + A series of simultaneous equations, each expres: ig the relation b/w moments acting at the ends of the members, are written in terms of slope and deflection + The solution of the slope deflection equation along with equilibrium equations, gives the values of unknown rotations of the joints. Knowing these rotations, the end moments are calculated using the slope deflection equations. Limitations:- A solution of simultaneous equations makes methods tedious for manual computations. This method is not recommended for frames larger than two storeys 2. Moment distribution method:- + Usefil for analysis of indeterminate beams and rigid jointed frames + Less tedious compared to slope deflection and strain energy methods. Limitation: 1. This method is eminently suited to analyze continuous beams including non- prismatic members but it presents some difficulties when applied to rigid frames, especially when frames are subjected to side sway. 2. Unsymmetrical frames have to be analyzed more than once to obtain FM (fixed moments) in the structures. CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT ‘This project & mostly based on software and it i essential to know the details about these Software's. List of software's used 1. Staad pro (¥8i) 2. Staad foundations 5(v8i) 3. Auto cad STAAD Staad is powerful design sofiware licensed by Bemey .Staad stands for structural analysis and design Any abject which is stable under a.given loading can be considered as structure, So frst find the outline of the structure, where as analysis i the estimation of what are the type of loads that acts on the beam and calculation of shear force and bending moment comes under anakais tugs. Design phase is designing the type of materials and its dimensions to rest the load, This wwe do atfer the analysis. To cakulate s.fd and ofa complex koading beam it takes about an hour, Sowhen i ‘comes into the buikling with several members it will take a week. Staad pro is a very powerfil tool which does this job in just an hour's staad is a'best skemative for high rise buikings. Now a days most of the high rise buildings are designed by staad which makes a compulsion for a civil engineer to know about this software. These software can be used to camry ree steel, bridge , triss ete aevording Wo various country scales. 3.1 Alternatives for stand: ‘struts, robot, sap, adds pro whieh gives details very clearly regarding reinforcement and manual calcukttions, But these soffware’s are restricted to some designs only where as stand can deal with several types of structure 4.2 Staad Editor: Staad has very great advantage: to other software's i.e, staad editor, staad editor % the programming For the structure we created and lads we taken all details are presented in programm in staad editor, This program can be used to analyze another structures abo by just making some modifications, but this require some programming skill, So load cases created fir a stricture can ‘be used for another structure using staad editor Limitations of Staad pro: Huge ouput data 2:Even analysis of asnall beam creates large output 3.Unable to show plinth beans, 3.3 Staad foundation: Stiad fOimdation. is a powertil tool used to calcukne different types of foundiitions. It is ako licensed by Bentky software's. All Bentley sofiware’s cost about 10 lakhs and so all -tngineeis can’t use i due to heavy est. Analysis: and design carried in Stisd and post processing in staad gives the load at various Ssuppotts. These supports are to be imported into these software to calcubte the footing sdetails Le, regarding the geometry an reinforcement details, ‘This sofiware can deal different types of foundations SHALLOW (D=B) 1. Isulted (Spread) Footing 2.Combined (Strip). Footing 3.Mat (Rafi) Foundation DEEP (D>By L Pile Cap 2. Driller Pier |. Isokited footing ‘ spread ihoting which is common type of thoting, 2, Combined Footing or Strap footing & generally kid when two cohwms are very near Wo cach other. 3. Mat foundation is generilly bid at places where soil has kess Soil beating capacity. 4. pile foundation is keel at pkices with very loose soils and where deep excarations are required So depending on the sail at type we has to decile the type of foundation required, Ako lot of input data is required regarding saféty factors, soil, materials used should be given ‘in respective units, Afier input data is give software design the details for each and every footing and gives the detail, regarding 1. Geomeuy of footing 2, Reinforcement 3. Column layout 4. Graphs 5. Manual calculations ‘These details will be given in detail for each and every eohmmn. Another advantage of foundations is even alier the design; propertics of the members can be updated if required. The following properties. can be updated Cohiiin Position Column Shape Column Size Load Cases Support List I is very easy deal with this software and we don't have any best alternative to this, AutoCAD: AutoCAD is powerful sofware licensed by auto desk. The word auto came from auto desk company and cad stands for computer aided design. AutoCAD is used for drawing different layouts, details, pins, elevations, sections and different sections ean be shown in auto ead. It is very usefll software for civil mechanical and also electrical engineer, ‘The importance of this software makes every engineer a compulsion to kam this soffware’s. We wed AutoCAD for drawing the plan, elevation of wresidential building. We also ued AutoCAD to show the reinforcement details ani design detaik ofa stair case, AutoCAD is very easy software to am and much user tiendly for anyone to handle and can ‘be kam quickly Leaming of certain commands is required t-draw in AutoCAD. ASSUMPTIONS:- BEAM DIMENSIONS — ; SPAN/I0 COLUMS DIMENSION ; SPAN/I4 SLAB THICKNESS : 150mm, WALL THICKNESS — 300mm FLOOR HEIGHT. 235m LOAD ADDITION AND CALCULATION:= Du: SELF WEIGHT. FLOOR FINISH ==) 2KNint BRICK LOADING = - —_.20X0,25X3.5=17.SKN/m PARAPET LOADING - — 20X0.25X1.2=6KN/m_ LIVE LOAD - 2 SKN/ nF LOAD COMBINATION: 1.5[D.L+L.L} FOUNDATION-FOOTING GEOMETRY: FL + 305.000mm (FI) :1000,000rnm ZEW) 31000,000mm, Cee iagetin Chesterton Hes 7 Cha ofa ieee = gh rin oe oe Figure 3.2 ASSIGNMENT OF LOADS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS:~ TABLE 3.1: DESIGN PARAMETERS OF BEAM ENO, DETAILS VALUES: 1 FC 25000 KNin? z Fy main F1s000 KN F Fy see 415000 KNW + Max man 20mm 5 Max see 16mm 6 Min main 12mm \7 | Msc ———s—<“is«‘“CimS—

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