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Short Tricks To Remember Currencies Of Different Countri

Currencies of different countries are asked in many exams. In Banking , SSC (CGL, CHSL, CPO ) , Railway
and all other state government exams “currency – country “ carry good weightage. But it’s very difficult
to remember and recall all these currencies and countries in the exam. Thus we have come up with the
short trick for this. With these simple 7 one-liners students can learn 63 countries and their currencies.
Let’s seekhe these one-liners ….

1. SIM SIM PN ~ ( total 8 countries are included )

Currency : – Rupee

SIM : – ( S – Sychelles ; I – India ; M – Maldives )

SIM : – ( S – Sri Lanka ; I – Indonesia ; M – Mauritius )

PN : – ( P – Pakistan ; N – Nepal )

( Note :- Indonesia :- Rupiah )

2. CCC PUMA ~ ( total 7 countries are included )

Currency : – Peso

CCC : – ( C – Chilli ; C – Cuba ; C – Columbia )

PUMA : – ( P – Phillipines ; U – Uruguay ; M – Maxico ; A – Argentina )

3. IRON BODY MAN / MEN ~ ( total 4 countries are included )

Currency : – Rial

Iron – Iran

Body – Cambodia ( NOTE :- its currency is Riel )

Man – Oman

Men – Yemen
4. U CAN SING NZ E HATT ~ ( total 9 countries are included )

Currency : – Dollar


Can – Canada

Sing – Singapore

NZ – New Zealand

E – Ecuader

HATT : – ( H – Hongkon ; A – Australia ; T – Taiwan ; T – Trinidad Tobago )

5. SU LESS Hai ? ~ ( total 7 countries are included )

Currency : – Pound

SU : – ( S – Sudan ; U – United kingdom )

LESS : – ( L – Lebanon ; E – Egypt ; S – Syria ; S – South Sudan )

Hai :- Helena

6. VC ( vice – captain ) GF ko nahi , SPAIN ko dekho ~ ( total 9 countries are included )

Currency : – Euro

VC : – ( V – Vatican City ; C – Cyprus )

GF : – ( G – Germany ; F – France )

SPAIN : – ( S – Spain ; P – Portugal ; A – Austria ; I – Italy ; N – Netherland )

7. IRAQ , JORDON , LIBYA in TINO ki BAHT KuMar ko SERB se ALG lagti hai ~ ( total 9
countries are included )

Currency : – Dinar

Iraq – Iraq

Jordan – Jordan

Libya – Libya

Tino – Tunisia

Baht – Bahrain

KuMar – ( Ku – Kuwait ; Ma – Macedonia )

Serb – Serbia

Alg – Algeria

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