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Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC

SAP Profitability and Performance Management

Document Version: 3.0 SP17 – 2022-03-22

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash

Processes and Functions supporting Sample Business Scenarios
Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen
titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.

Textual cross-references to other documents.

Example Emphasized words or expressions.

EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names,
transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language
when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.

Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths,
messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of
installation, upgrade and database tools.

Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system
exactly as they appear in the documentation.

<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and
characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.

EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F 2 or E N T E R .

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 2

1 Introduction and Basics............................................................................................................................ 6

1.1 About this Guide .................................................................................................................................... 6

1.2 Constraints ............................................................................................................................................. 6

1.3 Related Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 7

2 Business Example..................................................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Scope and Business Definition ............................................................................................................... 9

3 Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash in Detail .................................................................... 10

3.1 Integrate Data Sources ........................................................................................................................ 11

KNA1 – Customer Master Data ........................................................................................................... 12
VBFA – SD Documents Flow ................................................................................................................ 12
LIKP – Delivery Documents Header ..................................................................................................... 12
VBAK – Sales Documents Header ........................................................................................................ 13
VBRK – Billing Documents Header ....................................................................................................... 13
LIPS – Delivery Documents Items ........................................................................................................ 13
VBAP – Sales Documents Items ........................................................................................................... 14
VBRP – Billing Documents Items ......................................................................................................... 14
CDHDR – Change Documents Header ................................................................................................. 15
CDPOS – Change Documents Items ................................................................................................... 15
BKPF – Accounting Documents Header ............................................................................................. 16
BSEG – Accounting Documents Items ............................................................................................... 17
USR02 – Logon Data .......................................................................................................................... 17
Automatic Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 18
Process Compliance Rules ................................................................................................................. 18
Process Forecast Data ....................................................................................................................... 18

3.2 Data Review and Update ..................................................................................................................... 18

Review Customer Master Data ............................................................................................................ 19
Review SD Documents Flow ................................................................................................................ 19
Review Delivery Documents Header ................................................................................................... 19
Review Sales Documents Header ........................................................................................................ 19
Review Billing Documents Header ...................................................................................................... 19
Review Delivery Documents Item ....................................................................................................... 20
Review Sales Documents Items ........................................................................................................... 20
Review Billing Documents Items ......................................................................................................... 20
Review Change Documents Header .................................................................................................... 20
Review Change Documents Items ..................................................................................................... 20
Review Accounting Documents Header ............................................................................................ 21
Review Accounting Documents Items ............................................................................................... 21
Review Logon Data ............................................................................................................................ 21

Sample Content for Process Mining on S/4HANA - Order to Cash PUBLIC 3

Update Automatic Transactions ........................................................................................................ 21
Update Process Compliance Rules .................................................................................................... 21
Review Process Forecast Data ........................................................................................................... 22

3.3 Processing ............................................................................................................................................ 22

Generating Case ID .............................................................................................................................. 23
Enrichment .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Header Level Enrichment ............................................................................................................. 24
Item Level Enrichment ................................................................................................................. 24
Customer Data Enrichment .......................................................................................................... 25
Join Change Documents Data .............................................................................................................. 25
Join Accounting Document Data ......................................................................................................... 25
Prepare for Activity Generation .......................................................................................................... 25
Derive Activities ................................................................................................................................... 25
Join Variant ID to Activities.................................................................................................................. 26
Calculate KPIs ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Determine Automation and Compliance............................................................................................. 26
Determine Happy Path ...................................................................................................................... 27
Start and End ..................................................................................................................................... 27

3.4 Reporting ............................................................................................................................................. 27

Most Common Variants ....................................................................................................................... 28
Automation Trend ............................................................................................................................... 28
Automation Trend [Side-by-Side Simulation] ...................................................................................... 29
Process Compliance ............................................................................................................................. 29
Process Compliance [Side-by-Side Simulation] ................................................................................... 30
Right First Time .................................................................................................................................... 30
Happy Path Rate .................................................................................................................................. 31
Order Processing Performance ........................................................................................................... 31
Throughput Days of Case..................................................................................................................... 32
Throughput Days of Case [Side-by-Side Simulation] ......................................................................... 33
Order to Cash Results ........................................................................................................................ 33
Order to Cash Results [Side-by-Side Simulation] ............................................................................... 34

Sample Content for Process Mining on S/4HANA - Order to Cash PUBLIC 4

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Digital Imperative .................................................................................................................... 8

Figure 2: Sample Content Information and Calculation Model ............................................................ 9

Sample Content for Process Mining on S/4HANA - Order to Cash PUBLIC 5

1 Introduction and Basics

1.1 About this Guide

This guide provides information about the sample content for Process Mining on SAP S/4 HANA –
Order to Cash, which can be installed on top of SAP Profitability and Performance Management. This
sample content describes a project accelerator, ideas, and best practices for modeling an end-to-end
profitability and cost calculation model that is feasible for actuals, planning, forecasting and
simulations. It covers the full contribution margin scheme at a granular product level. It also contains
references to further documentation that you should read before performing these tasks.

The structure of this document is organized around the following topic:

Business Example
This part of the guide covers the main features of the sample content. It describes the information
model and calculation model.

Target Audience:
• Business experts
• Solution consultants
• Presales teams

It is essential that you are familiar with the content of the corresponding guides and documents
related to this topic before beginning with this example. For more information about the available
guides and documents, as well as integration with other systems, roles, configuration information,
users and authorization concept, see Related Documentation.

1.2 Constraints

This guide does not provide information about the installation of the sample content. For more
information about this, see Related Documentation.

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 6
1.3 Related Documentation

The following table lists related documents.

Topic Guide/Tool/Title Links

Administration Guide Administration Guide
• Installation and planning of
your system landscape
• Activities to keep the system
• Information about how to
ensure the required security
for your SAP landscape

Sample content for

• SAP Note for Sample content
Process Mining on SAP SAP Note 2901631
for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to
S/4HANA – Order to Cash

Technical Operations

• Operation of SAP NetWeaver Manual
Detailed Application SAP Profitability and Performance Management
• Application Help
help for SAP Profitability
and Performance
Administration guide for
• SAP HANA Administration SAP HANA; supported
SDA databases

• SAP Notes

1.4 Glossary

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning System

KPI Key Performance Indicator
O2C Order to Cash

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 7
2 Business Example

The market is at the dawn of the next big technology change where everything is connected and
software is imbedded in people’s lives. This technology change is bringing new opportunities and new
threats. Cycle time for innovation is 5–10 times faster, and enterprises can reduce complexity to be
more competitive. Business efficiency is ahead of the market and product and service profitability are
constantly tracked and optimized.

That is why digital performance management will be the game-changer for companies who want to
be successful in the digital economy. A digital performance management solution for 21st century
business needs to measure and manage enterprise efficiency and drive product and service
profitability in real time.

Built on SAP HANA, SAP Profitability and Performance Management is a next generation digital
performance management solution that provides breakthrough real-time business data aggregation
capabilities for SAP and non-SAP systems, a high-speed finance and risk calculation engine and
comprehensive simulation and scenario management.

Figure 1: Digital Imperative

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 8
2.1 Scope and Business Definition

This sample content covers the analysis of sample process data coming from standard SAP tables in
the area of Order to Cash, comprising certain aspects of data integration, data input, processing
(including derivations and calculations), as well as reporting.

The result of this, hopefully, will allow business users to gain useful insights into their organization’s
processes and equip them with information that they can use as basis for managing these processes.

The following screenshot shows the function hierarchy of the sample content and the process

Figure 2: Sample Content Information and Calculation Model

You can also find the information contained in the following chapters on the respective
Documentation tabs for the model.

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 9
3 Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash in

Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA for Order to Cash module aims to extract event information from
standard ERP tables and use this information to understand how processes flow within an organization
and gain insights on where improvements can be made in the process chain.

This Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash (Environment ID=SXM,
Version=OC06) covers an end-to-end example of order to cash process with focus on some important
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like Throughput Time, Happy Path, Level of Automation and
Compliance to standard processes.

This sample content comes with the SAP Profitability and Performance Management Software

It consists of one Calculation Unit function and is structured underneath by description functions in
the following sections:

Integrate Data Sources

Defines manually loaded data, as well as an option to fetch data from a remote SAP system, as input
for the subsequent functions.

Data Review and Update

Provides specific review and update options for the tables.

All the processing functions such as data enrichment, derivation of activities and calculation of KPIs
are defined in this section.

Basic processes:
• Collection of main data from header and item tables, as well as data from change tables and
accounting tables
• Data enrichment where some characteristics are fetched from other tables such as customer,
country/region, etc.
• Derivation of activities
• Calculation of KPIs
• Determination of Activity Automation and Compliance
• Determination of Happy Path
• Finalization of data for use in reporting, such as generation of a START and END activity ID for
all cases and ranking of variants according to their frequency of occurrence

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 10
There are self-service reports where all the relevant key figures and characteristics are included,
which, through selections and filters can produce reports tailor-made for the user's requirements.

All execution activities are configured without dependency, so that they can be executed in parallel
for demo purposes. In implementation projects dependent activities can be defined instead if needed.

Please note, that for execution activities no performer and reviewer teams are assigned, that means
every execution user can run the activities. In implementation projects teams need to be assigned to
restrict the authorizations to relevant users.

3.1 Integrate Data Sources

In this section the necessary data sources are defined. This sample content works with own data and
cannot presume any custom specific system landscape, application or interface.

The integration of data sources uses therefore functions of type Model Table to make test data
available and these Model Tables need to be exchanged with other model functions in an
implementation project to connect to actual production data sources.

A selection is done on the Client (MANDT) in the top views as it is what is expected in the
implementation project. These views can also be redirected to own data for testing purposes.

Standard SAP ERP tables and fields are used but the information model is kept lean to ease the
adaption in an implementation project. For example, it assumes that just some fields from each table
are used, which is enough in most cases and obviously much easier to provide.

This section defines manually loaded data used in the subsequent functions:
• KNA1 – Customer Master Data
• VBFA – SD Documents Flow
• LIKP – Delivery Documents Header
• VBAK – Sales Documents Header
• VBRK – Billing Documents Header
• LIPS – Delivery Documents Items
• VBAP – Sales Documents Items
• VBRP – Billing Documents Items
• CDHDR - Change Documents Header
• CDPOS - Change Documents Items
• BKPF - Accounting Documents Header
• BSEG - Accounting Documents Items
• USR02 – Logon Data
• Automatic Transactions

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 11
• Process Compliance Rules
• Process Forecast Data

KNA1 – Customer Master Data

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

• MANDT: Client
• KUNNR: Customer Number
• LAND1: Country / Region
• NAME1: Customer Name
• ORT01: City

VBFA – SD Documents Flow

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

• VBELV: Preceding SD Document

• POSNV: Preceding SD document Item
• VBELN: SD Document
• POSNN: Subsequent SD Document Item
• VBTYP_V: Preceding SD Document Category
• VBTYP_N: Subsequent SD Document Category
• MANDT: Client
• STUFE: Level of the document flow record
• ERDAT: Document Creation Date
• ERZET: Document Creation Time

LIKP – Delivery Documents Header

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 12
It contains the following fields:

• MANDT: Client
• VBELN: SD Document
• VBTYP: SD Document Category
• KUNNR: Customer Number
• WAERK: SD Document Currency

VBAK – Sales Documents Header

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

• MANDT: Client
• VBELN: SD Document
• VBTYP: SD Document Category
• WAERK: SD Document Currency
• KUNNR: Customer Number

VBRK – Billing Documents Header

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

• MANDT: Client
• VBELN: SD Document
• VBTYP: SD Document Category
• WAERK: SD Document Currency
• BUKRS: Company Code

LIPS – Delivery Documents Items

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 13
• MANDT: Client
• VBELN: SD Document
• POSNR: Item of SD Document
• ERDAT: Document Creation Date
• MATKL: Material Group
• LFIMG: Actual quantity delivered (in sales units)
• VRKME: Sales Unit
• NETPR: Net Order Price
• NETWR: Net Order Value
• ERZET: Document Creation Time
• MATNR: Material
• ERNAM: Name of Person who Created the Object

VBAP – Sales Documents Items

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

• MANDT: Client
• VBELN: SD document
• POSNR: Item of SD Document
• MATNR: Material
• MATKL: Material Group
• MEINS: Order Unit
• ERDAT: Document Creation Date
• ERZET: Document Creation Time
• NETPR: Net Order Price
• NETWR: Net Order Value
• SMENG: Scale quantity in base unit of measure
• ERNAM: Name of Person who Created the Object

VBRP – Billing Documents Items

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 14
It contains the following fields:

• MANDT: Client
• NETWR: Net Order Value
• VBELN: SD Document
• POSNR: Item of SD Document
• FKIMG: Actual Invoiced Quantity
• VRKME: Sales Unit
• MATNR: Material
• MATKL: Material Group
• ERDAT: Document Creation Date
• ERZET: Document Creation Time
• ERNAM: Name of Person who Created the Object
• BUKRS: Company Code

CDHDR – Change Documents Header

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

• MANDT: Client
• OBJECTCLAS: Object Class
• CHANGENR: Change Number of Document
• UDATE: Change Event Date
• UTIME: Change Event Time
• TCODE: Transaction Code
• CHNGIND: Change Indicator

CDPOS – Change Documents Items

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 15
• MANDT: Client
• OBJECTCLAS: Object Class
• CHANGENR: Change Number of Document
• TABNAME: Table Name
• TABKEY: Changed Table Record Key
• FNAME: Field Name
• CHNGIND: Change Indicator
• UNIT_OLD: Old Unit
• UNIT_NEW: New Unit
• CUKY_OLD: Old Currency
• CUKY_NEW: New Currency
• VALUE_OLD: Old Value
• VALUE_NEW: New Value

BKPF – Accounting Documents Header

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

• BELNR: Accounting Document Number

• BLART: Document Type
• BLDAT: Document Date in the Document
• BUDAT: Posting Date in the Document
• BUKRS: Company Code
• CPUDT: Date of Entry
• CPUTM: Time of Entry
• GJAHR: Fiscal Year
• TCODE: Transaction Code
• MANDT: Client
• USNAM: User Names

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 16
BSEG – Accounting Documents Items

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions.

It contains the following fields:

• AUGBL: Document Number of Clearing Document

• BELNR: Accounting Document Number
• AUGDT: Clearing Date
• BSCHL: Posting Key
• BUKRS: Company Code
• BUZEI: Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
• DMBTR: Amount in Local Currency
• GJAHR: Fiscal Year
• H_HWAER: Local Currency
• KOART: Account Type
• KUNNR: Customer Number
• MANDT: Client
• ZFBDT: Baseline Date for Due Date Calculation
• VBELN: SD Document
• POSNR: Item of SD Document

USR02 – Logon Data

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and lists different types of user in O2C process
that can be utilized to determine user types.

It contains the following fields:

• MANDT: Client
• BNAME: User name
• USTYP: User type

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 17
Automatic Transactions

This function lists all combinations of automatic transaction in O2C process and allows for it to be
utilized to determine automation rate.

It contains the following fields:

• USTYP: User Type

• TCODE: Transaction Code
• AUT_FLAG: Automation Flag
• AUTID: Automation ID

Process Compliance Rules

This function replicates the data from the ERP system and allows for it to be utilized as a data source
for downstream functions

It contains the following fields:

• ACT_ID: Activity ID
• ACT_PREC: Preceding Activity ID
• ACT_FOLL: Following Activity ID
• COMCSS: Compliance Class
• COMID: Compliance ID

Process Forecast Data

This Model Table consists of all available fields in the last Start and End JOJHT function and it is used
for simulation purposes.

3.2 Data Review and Update

These Query functions are used to provide read and update data access to input data for the Process
Mining calculation.

For more information about the fields, see the corresponding model tables in section Integrate Data

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 18
Review Customer Master Data

This Query function provides read data access to Customer Master Data, which serves as an input for
the Process Mining calculation.

See KNA1 - Customer Master Data model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the fields.

Review SD Documents Flow

This Query function provides read data access to SD Documents Flow data, which serves as an input
for the Process Mining calculation.

See VBFA - SD Documents Flow model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the fields.

Review Delivery Documents Header

This Query function provides read data access to Delivery Documents Header data, which serves as
an input for the Process Mining calculation.

See LIKP - Delivery Documents Header model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the

Review Sales Documents Header

This Query function provides read data access to Sales Documents Header data, which serves as an
input for the Process Mining calculation.

See VBAK - Sales Documents Header model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the

Review Billing Documents Header

This Query function provides read data access to Billing Documents Header data, which serves as an
input for the Process Mining calculation.

See VBRK - Billing Documents Header model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 19
Review Delivery Documents Item

This Query function provides read data access to Delivery Documents Items data, which serves as an
input for the Process Mining calculation.

See LIPS - Delivery Documents Items model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the

Review Sales Documents Items

This Query function provides read data access to Sales Documents Items data, which serves as an input
for the Process Mining calculation.

See VBAP - Sales Documents Items model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the fields.

Review Billing Documents Items

This Query function provides read data access to Billing Documents Items data, which serves as an
input for the Process Mining calculation.

See VBRP - Billing Documents Items model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the

Review Change Documents Header

This Query function is used to provide read data access to Change Documents Header data, which
serves as an input for the Process Mining calculation.

See CDHDR - Change Documents Header model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the

Review Change Documents Items

This Query function is used to provide read data access to Change Documents Items data, which serves
as an input for the Process Mining calculation.

See CDPOS - Change Documents Items model table in Integrate Data Sources for details about the

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 20
Review Accounting Documents Header

This Query function is used to provide read data access to Accounting Documents Header data, which
serves as an input for the Process Mining calculation.

See BKPF - Accounting Documents Header model table in Integrate Data Sources for details about the

Review Accounting Documents Items

This Query function is used to provide read data access to Accounting Documents Items data, which
serves as an input for the Process Mining calculation.

See BSEG - Accounting Documents Items model table in Integrate Data Sources for details about the

Review Logon Data

This Query function is used to provide read data access to Logon Data, which serves as an input for
the Process Mining calculation.

See USR02 - Logon Data model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the fields.

Update Automatic Transactions

This Query function is used to provide read and update data access to Automatic Transactions data,
which serves as an input for the Process Mining calculation.

See Automatic Transactions model table in Integrate Data Sources for details about the fields.

Update Process Compliance Rules

This Query function is used to provide read and update data access to Process Compliance Rules data,
which serves as an input for the Process Mining calculation.

See Process Compliance Rules model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the fields.

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 21
Review Process Forecast Data

This Query function is used to provide read data access to Process Forecast Data, which serves as an
input for the Process Mining calculation.

See Process Forecast Data model table in “Integrate Data Sources” for details about the fields.

3.3 Processing

In this section, the core functions of the model are executed.

This stream takes the Delivery, Sales and Billing Document from the SAP SD tables and analyzes its
processes. Each document corresponds to a single activity and the relationships between documents
are found in the VBFA - Documents Flow Table.

Processing part starts with Join function - Generating Case ID, where all preceding and subsequent
documents that are related to each other are presented by specific Case ID. Regarding preceding and
subsequent documents, there are their categories and based on them are derived activities following
in processing. The result is a list of documents with the corresponding Case ID. The documents are
then enriched with data from their header tables (LIKP, VBAK, VBRK), line items table (LIPS, VBAP,
VBRP), customer table (KNA1), keeping the highest level of granularity possible for each field. An
Activity for each document is derived. The cases are then grouped based on the concatenation of their
ordered Activities IDs into different variants which are ranked by frequency. KPIs are then computed
to provide some useful information to understand the process and where, when and how it deviates
from the standard variant.


• Start and End

• KNA1 – Customer Master Data
• VBFA - SD Documents Flow
• LIKP - Delivery Documents Header
• VBAK - Sales Documents Header
• VBRK - Billing Documents Header
• LIPS - Delivery Documents Items
• VBAP - Sales Documents Items
• VBRP - Billing Documents Items
• CDHDR - Change Documents Header
• CDPOS - Change Documents Items
• BKPF - Accounting Documents Header

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 22
• BSEG - Accounting Documents Items
• USR02 – Logon Data
• Automatic Transactions
• Process Compliance Rules
• Process Forecast Data

• Generating Case ID
• Header Level Enrichment
• Item Level Enrichment
• Customer Data Enrichment
• Join Change Documents Data
• Join Accounting Document Data
• Prepare for Activity Generation
• Derive Activities
• Join Variant ID to Activities
• Calculate KPIs
• Determine Automation and Compliance
• Determine Happy Path
• Start and End

Generating Case ID

This Join function as input uses SD Documents Flow model table as main data input in the whole O2C
process. In five rules, it is achieved to generate Case ID and every case ID contains all preceding and
subsequent documents and their categories that are relevant for that Case ID.


In this section, the main enrichment of O2C data set is performed. In this purpose the following next
functions are used:
• Header Level Enrichment
• Item Level Enrichment
• Customer/Vendor Enrichment

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 23
Header Level Enrichment

This Join function is used to enhance the data stored and created in Generating Case ID function with
additional descriptive fields from the below mentioned SAP Standard ERP header level tables. They
are joined via Lookup rule to extract the below mentioned fields which enrich the results of the
Iterative join.

• LIKP - Delivery Header
• VBAK - Sales Document Header
• VBRK - Billing Document Header

• SD Document Currency
• Department (Sales, Billing, Delivery)

Item Level Enrichment

This Join function is used to additionally enhance the data which is output from the Header Level
enrichment with further additional descriptive fields from the below mentioned SAP Standard ERP
item level tables. They are joined via Lookup rule to extract the below mentioned fields which further
enrich the results of the Header Level enrichment join.

• LIPS - Shipping Delivery Items
• VBAP - Sales Document Items
• VBRP - Billing Items

• Temp Event Timestamp
• Customer Number
• Material
• Material Group
• Unit
• Quantity
• Net Order Value
• Price

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 24
Customer Data Enrichment

This Join function is an additional level of enrichment used to enhance the data which is output from
the Item Level enrichment with further additional descriptive fields from the below mentioned SAP
Standard ERP Customer/Vendor tables. They are joined via Lookup rule to extract the below
mentioned fields which further enrich the results of the Header Level enrichment join.

• KNA1 - Customer Data

• City
• Country / Region

Join Change Documents Data

This function joins the Header and Line Item level Document Changes.

The changes are treated differently whether they are line level changes or header level changes. Since
each case is the path of a line in the document the Level Header changes are multiplied for each of
the line of the document. This way the changes can be matched to their documents with the Customer
Data Enrichment.

Join Accounting Document Data

In this function the Header and Line Item level Accounting Documents Data BKPF and BESG tables
are joined through left outer join model.

Prepare for Activity Generation

This join function is used to determine all relevant preceding and subsequent categories that should
be used for activity generation in following function. Transaction codes are assigned to each
subsequent category through Lookup function. Joined Change Documents Data and Joined
Accounting Documents Data are attached via Union All.

Derive Activities

This derivation function is used to derive an Activity ID for each Document category type.

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 25
Each line coming from Prepare for Activity Generation corresponds to a single document line and
usually gives more than one activity. Common activities are the creation of the document and its
clearing. Each rule defines an activity.

Join Variant ID to Activities

This Join function is used to create the Variant ID field and then join (via Left Outer Join of same table)
output from Derive Activities Derivation with newly created Variant ID field. The join is predicated on
the Case ID from both and the output includes a variant ID assigned per each activity.

The Variant ID field is created using string aggregation of activity IDs, ordered by timestamp and
ACT_ID and grouped on Case ID level. A hash value is then produced for each unique value.

The data is also enriched with field from the USR02 - Logon Data (User Type).

Calculate KPIs

This Calculation function takes the results of Join Variant ID to Activities join and calculates several Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs):
• Preceding Activity ID
• Following Activity ID
• Activity Frequency
• Duration (Seconds)
• Duration (Days)
• Variant Frequency
• Activity Sequence
• Quantity
• Right First Time Flag
• Net Order Value
• Right First Time Rate (%)
• Variant Rank by Frequency

Determine Automation and Compliance

This function generates automation / compliance flag in every record and user type / compliance class
for automation / non-compliance in each record.

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 26
There are two types of violation, sequence and outright. Sequence violation means that particular
activity sequence represents violation and outright violation that existence of activity by itself
represents violation. Non-compliant records have compliance flag set to '0', else are set to ‘1’.

There are also two types of user, dialog (type A and S) and batch (type B, C and L). Dialog user means
that the tagged activity has been processed manually and batch user that the tagged activity has been
processed automatically. In addition to user type, transaction code also has been taken into
consideration. If the combination of transaction code and user type indicates an automatic
transaction, the tagged activity is supposed to be automatically processed. Automation records have
automation flag set to '1', else are set to '0'.

Determine Happy Path

This function generates Happy Path Flag for every record. Records satisfying happy path sequence
have flag value '1', else have '0'.

Start and End

This Join function takes as input Determine Happy Path and creates two new lines for each CASE_ID
corresponding to a start and end point common to each. Variables QCOUNTER, VALUE and VAR_FREQ
are assigned only to the first or the last line providing a quick way to sum over all CASE_IDs without
multiplying by the number of activities.

3.4 Reporting

In this section, several reporting queries are defined, to facilitate review of results by execution users.
• Most Common Variants
• Automation Trend
• Automation Trend [Side-by-Side Simulation]
• Process Compliance
• Process Compliance [Side-by-Side Simulation]
• Right First Time
• Happy Path Rate
• Order Processing Performance
• Throughput Days of Case
• Throughput Days of Case [Side-by-Side Simulation]
• Order To Cash Results

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 27
• Order To Cash Results [Side-by-Side Simulation]

The sample content does not define any specific chart types. Instead, the reports use the default "Column" chart type.
However, end users can change this type on the fly and save their chart type as default layout.

Most Common Variants

This report ranks the variants (specific sequence of activities) according to their frequency of
occurrence. It shows for each variant the number of Cases, Total value, Activity Average Duration
(Days) and Duration (Days).

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Number of Cases
• Value (EUR)
• Activity Average Throughput (Days)
• Case Average Throughput (Days)
• Value
• Duration (Days)
• Variant Rank by Frequency

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Activity ID
• Case ID
• Activity Sequence
• Variant ID
• Scenario

Automation Trend

This report shows the percentage of activities that are automated. This is best presented as a 100%
column or bar chart.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Automation Rate
• Manual Rate
• Period

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 28
Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Activity ID
• Customer Number
• Case ID
• Scenario
• Quarter

Automation Trend [Side-by-Side Simulation]

This report shows the percentage of activities that are automated. This is best presented as a 100%
column or bar chart.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Automation Rate
• Manual Rate
• Period

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Activity ID
• Customer Number
• Case ID
• Scenario
• Quarter

Process Compliance

This report shows the percentage of activities that are compliant. This is best presented as a 100%
column or bar chart.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Non-Compliance Rate
• Compliance Rate
• Period

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Module ID

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 29
• Material
• Customer Number
• Country
• City
• Material Group
• Quarter
• Activity ID
• Case ID
• Scenario

Process Compliance [Side-by-Side Simulation]

This report shows the percentage of activities that are compliant. This is best presented as a 100%
column or bar chart.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Non-Compliance Rate
• Compliance Rate
• Period

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Module ID
• Material
• Customer Number
• Country
• City
• Material Group
• Quarter
• Activity ID
• Case ID
• Scenario

Right First Time

This report shows the percentage of activities that are done right the first time (i.e. no subsequent
changes made). This is best presented as a 100% column or bar chart.

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 30
The following fields are preconfigured in this report:
• Right First Time
• With Subsequent Changes
• Period

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Activity ID
• Case ID
• Scenario
• Quarter

Happy Path Rate

This report shows the percentage of cases that follow happy path. This is best presented as a 100%
column or bar chart.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Happy Path Rate
• Without Happy Path
• Period

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Quarter
• Activity ID
• Scenario
• Case ID

Order Processing Performance

This report shows the overall order process performance in different ranges of order process time
when customer payments were received. This report is best presented as a data grid.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Value of Cases
• Number of Cases
• Number of Invoiced Cases
• Number of Cases with Changes in Critical Field

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 31
• Number of Canceled Cases
• Number of Cases with Payment
• Average Processing Days
• Duration of Cases
• Process Time Range

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Activity ID
• Scenario
• Case ID
• Country / Region
• Quarter
• Period
• Status of Order
• Payment Collection

Throughput Days of Case

This report shows Throughput Days of Case (Duration Days of Case) across periods. This is best
presented as a column or bar chart.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Duration (Days)
• Duration (Days) of Case
• Period

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Activity ID
• Customer Number
• Case ID
• Scenario
• Quarter

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 32
Throughput Days of Case [Side-by-Side Simulation]

This report shows Throughput Days of Case (Duration Days of Case) across periods. This is best
presented as a column or bar chart.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Duration (Days)
• Duration (Days) of Case
• Period

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Activity ID
• Customer Number
• Case ID
• Scenario
• Quarter

Order to Cash Results

This report shows the results of process mining for Order to Cash module. This is best presented as a
data grid.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Value
• Activity Frequency
• Variant Frequency
• Throughput (Days)
• Throughput (Days) of Case
• Throughput (Days) of Case (selection)
• Automation Rate
• Compliance Rate
• Manual Rate
• Non-Compliance Rate
• Right First Time Rate
• With Subsequent Change
• Happy Path Rate
• Without Happy Path

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 33
• Case ID
• Activity Sequence

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Activity ID
• Customer Number
• Following Activity ID
• Preceding Activity ID
• Variant Rank by Frequency
• Variant ID
• Country
• Material
• City
• Customer Name
• Quarter
• Period
• Material Group
• Scenario

Order to Cash Results [Side-by-Side Simulation]

This report shows the results of process mining for Order to Cash module. This is best presented as a
data grid.

The following fields are preconfigured in this report:

• Value
• Activity Frequency
• Variant Frequency
• Throughput (Days)
• Throughput (Days) of Case
• Throughput (Days) of Case (selection)
• Automation Rate
• Compliance Rate
• Manual Rate
• Non-Compliance Rate
• Right First Time Rate
• With Subsequent Change

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 34
• Happy Path Rate
• Without Happy Path
• Case ID
• Activity Sequence

Some dimensions are available as free characteristics which can be added anytime to help with
analysis, such as:
• Activity ID
• Customer Number
• Following Activity ID
• Preceding Activity ID
• Variant Rank by Frequency
• Variant ID
• Country
• Material
• City
• Customer Name
• Quarter
• Period
• Material Group
• Scenario

Sample Content for Process Mining on SAP S/4HANA – Order to Cash PUBLIC 35
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