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Carole Adams

David Wagner and Renie Adams

Anonymous (5)
David and Chris�e Al-Ashari
Carl and Cynthia Albright
Zachary and Mary Alesandrini
Audrey Anderson
Mark and Karen Anderson
Amy Antkiewicz
Dominick and Judith Archer
Robert Arduini
Charles and Michele Bahr
William and Karen Baker
Richard and Joanne Bales
Robert Balough and Rose Logue
James and Audrey Banovetz
Brad and Patricia Barenbrugge
Sally Barret
Anne Barret Swanson and David Swanson
Dennis and Stacey Barsema
Adela de la Torre and Stephen Bartlet
David Bates
Edward and Irma Bates
Raoul Baumel
Robert N. Beck and Georgena M. Beck
Rick and Tamara Beck
Gary and Marilyn Bellert
David Bengston and Beverly Stewart
Jonathan and Patricia Berg
Norma and Robert Bergland
Charles and Martha Bergren
Susan and Mark Bergren
Warren and Carol Billings
Brian Bird
Tammie Birmann
Judith Bischoff
Lilli and Terrence Bishop
Sean Black
John Blackburn and Connie Lindsey
Paul and Sandra Blandford
Nathan and Tiffany Blasa
Alfred Blater and Marilyn Dvorak Blater
Richard Blommer
Paul and Melanie Boeto
Raymond and Cheryl Bolek
Anthony and Danelle Boose
Cynthia and Robert Borczak
Thomas and Roberta Borrino
Joan Botarini
Thomas Braje
John Brandon
Julius and Joycelyn Brasini
Edward and Lorna Bret
Pamela Brick and Steve Abbey
Gerald and Donna Brookhart
Yvonne Brooks
Mark Brown
William Brown
James and Deborah Brucker
Chananan Bruminhent
Sharon Brunelle and Robert Rosholt
Joseph and Dolores Bryja
Sunshine Charitable Founda�on / Denise Bunning
Gary and Mary Burge
M. Catherine Burkart
John Ket and Jeanne Burns-Ket
David Tainer and Mary Butler
Kathleen Byrne
Mar�n Cabrera
Daniel and Diane Calkins
Marcy and Richard Calkins
Kenneth and Penelope Cameron
Angelo and Linda Capua
Paul and Cindy Caputo
Bartley and Diana Carlson
James and Catherine Carlson
Mary Carlson
Jon and Patricia Carnahan
Mike and Kris Carpenter
Kevin Casebolt
Anita and Larry Cash
Danny and Marge Cash
John and Effie Cassiani
Richard and Karen Cerrone
Donald and Gladys Charleston
Mary Chiappeta
John and Audrey Chirico�
Margaret M. Chris�ano
Jason Christopoulos
King Chung
Salvatore and Sharon Cinquegrani
Scot Miller and Kris�n Clark Miller
Raymond and Joan Clay
Kevin and Roberta Cleary
Sean and Kelly Cocat
Jane Coffey
Andy Cohn
Honoring Ed and Dorothy Bezler
Wheeler and Sharon Coleman
Dennis and Martha Collins
Richard and Thecla Cooler
Francis and Carol Coyle
Darnell and Joy Crenshaw
Elizabeth and Donald Cress
David and Priscilla Cro�
Julie Crouch
Patrick and Jane Crowe
Debra Crowell
Judith and Thomas Crowell
Anthony and Gerilyn Cuda
Linda Culver
Christopher Cur�s
Albert and Nadine Cutler
Chris Dandrow
Dennis Cesaro� and Cynthia Darling
Chris Jones and Gillian Darlow
Ellen and Thomas Davel
Marquita Davis
Ralph and Maria de la Vega
Joyce De Winter
Karla Dearstyne
James and Anne DeCastro
Thomas and Mary Jane Dee
Troy Grospitz and Deborah DeSalvo
Joseph and Anna DeSplinter
Frank and Pa� Deuel
James and Melissa Deutsch
Ryan and Julie Diem
James and Margaret Dolinar
Odie Donald
Jeff Doran
Frederick and Mary Dornback
Thomas and Carol Dozier
Rita Hoey Dragonete
Dean and Brenda DuCray
John and Linda Dunn
J. John Dzuryak and Francine Rajski-Dzuryak
Brent and Megan Eames
Charles Walden and Vernese Edghill-Walden
Anne Edwards
Michael and Kris�e Edwards
Griffith and Nancy Ehrenstrom
Robert and Nikki Eickhoff
Jean and John Eisenbart
Laurie Elish-Piper
Rena and James Ellzy
Paul and Monique Engemann
Bob and Eiko Engling
Jeffrey Entrater
Shelley and Marianne Epstein
Joel and Madonna Erickson
Robert and Connie Erickson
Lidia Vitello and James Erman
Sean and Amy Erwin
Richard and Joyce Escalante
Janyce Fadden
Thomas and Amy Fahey
Marc Falkoff and Alix Reid
Jeffery and Kathleen Farren
Pamela Farris
Cody Feaster
Daniel and Anne Feely
David Feeny and Darrell Tomkins
Richard Feltes
John and Janis Felver
Walid and Molly Fikri
Burney and Barbara Fischer
Melvin Flowers
James R. Fluckey
Bruce and Bonnie Forster
DeWoskin Founda�on
Charles and Kimberly Frame
Barry and Debra Franklin
Pamela Franzen
Sean and Rosa Frazier
Lisa C. Freeman and Douglas Rose
Craig and Mary Kay Funkhouser
Malcolm Weiss and Mary Furner
Peter and Patricia Garrity
Chris�ne L. Gasser
Richard Gaylord
Jim and Darlene Gee
Nicholas Gialamas
Jean and David Giannasi
Barbara Gibson-Schmidt and Thomas Schmidt
Norden Gilbert and Benjamin Thomas
Norman and Marion Gilbert
Diana Gilbertson and Susan Haller
Paul and Margaret Gipson
Vincent Kispersky and Allison Gladfelter
Jerry Goddard
David and Jennifer Gomel
Oleg Grachev
David Graffam
John and Vicky Graham
Linda and Peter Grandolfo
Gianni Greco
Robert and Patricia Gregolunas
Kenneth Greisman
Cary Groth
David and Micaela Haas
George and Denise Haas
William and Sandra Haddad
Roslyn and Lyndon Haddock
Mariam Hafezi
Michael and Janet Hagen
Stephen and Corinne Hajdukovic
Jan Half
Kathleen Halloran
Suzanna and Daniel Halverson
Denise Kennedy and Arnold Hampel
Christopher and Victoria Hanley
Andrew and Linda Hannigan
Julie and James Hansberry
James and Marianne Harkness
Terence Harley
William and Borha Har�g
Michael and Amy Hartke
John Hartmann
Paul and Floy Haschke
Paulete Hasier and Christopher Koontz
Donald and Elizabeth Hatch
James and Karen Hayman
Ryan and Alison Hayman
Douglas and Patricia Heeter
Barbara and Robert Heimerdinger
Jim and Kathy Hendricks
Ronald and Elizabeth Hennis
John and Beverly Henry
Kevin and Jan Herzberg
Jeanete R. Hess
Rosalie Hewit
Cassandra Hill
Joshua Hill
Dan and Michelle Hilliard
Clayton and Ethel Hock
Nicholas and Jennifer Hodgson
Bradley Hoey
Warren and Carol Holdridge
Glenn and Sharon Hollister
Roger and Debra Hopkins
Vanessa Hopkins
Steven and Susan Horn
Paul Houdek
Bryon Hough
Lixin Huang and Anthony Wang
Robert G. Huber
Doressia Huton
Juan Ibarra
Rosalie and Jerry Ippoli�
Stephen Irving and Teresa Swedberg Irving
Dale and Vivian Jackson
Jan Jakobsen
Kris�ne and Robert Jensen
Joseph Jesensky
Terry Jimenez
Jerry and Annete Johns
Amanda Johnson
David and Ruth Johnson
Julie Johnson
Kathy Johnson
Steven Johnson
Yvonne Johnson
Thor and Darlene Jondahl
David and Suzanne Juday
Roger and Jeanete Jungst
Philip and Bete Kadner
Elizabeth Kahn
Stephen Kalber
David Kalinowski
Roger and Cathleen Kalisiak
Tatsuji and Mami Kambayashi
Anthony and Carolyn Kambich
John and Kathryn Kapchinske
Anne Kaplan
Bruce and Chris�ne Kaskey
Paul and Katherine Kassel
Suzanne Kause
Thomas and Ruth Kay
Jason Kaye
James and Tina Kendrick
Stephen and Janet Kenyon
Paul and Laura Kierig
Donald and Donna Kieso
Olive Kimball
Linda Kime
Joseph Kinney
Fred and Janet Kiterle
Dennis Klapperich and Monique Aduddell
Thomas and Bety Knawa
Sandra and Robert Kohlhase
Piyabha Kongsamut and Ban Cheah
Michael Korcek
Robert and Carol Kornecki
Donna J. Kosinski
Kenneth and Corine Kozanda
Daniel Kozera
Mark and Stacey Kramer
Bryan Kreske
Murali Krishnamurthi
Steven Kroll
Michael and Chris�ne Krowka
Maria and Charles Krull
Evelyn Kupec
Bud and Mary Kuppenheimer
Samuel Kusswurm
John and Lili La Tourete
David and Sherry LaCerra
Mark and Donna Lamb
John and Anne Landgraf
Lloyd and Terry Lange
Michael Langen
Donald and Kayval Larson
Frank Laskaris
Nancy and Alexander Laskowski
John and Allison Lausas
James and Leslie Lawson
Rena Cotsones and Marco Lenis
Richard and Pa� Lenkov
Eric Crane and Amy Levin
Jonathan and Erin Levine
Xiaopei Li
Sushil Keswani and Pho�ne Liakos
Tai-Ming and Lichun Liang
Jeffrey and Pam Liesendahl
W. Bruce and Mary Lincoln
Kyle Lindquist
David Lipien and Jill Mailander Lipien
James Locke
Joseph and Lauren Locke
Jeffrey and Eileen Logan
Mark and Sheri Lopez
Sandra Lopez and Brian Watson
Bill and Susan Lorence
Stanley Lot
Timothy Louwers
Kenneth and Jennifer Lovik
John and Doris Ludes
James Luebchow and Harriet Holderness
Thomas Trapnell and Claudia Luther
Janet Macey
E. Leslie and Steven Mahan
Sally and Daniel Maier
Leonard and Stacey Mandell
Joseph and Laura Maniola
Victor Mao
Jeffrey Markert
John and Roberta Marks
William Marutzky
Lawrence Marx
Terence and Lynn McCarthy
E. Phyllis McCormick
John and Carol McDougald
Kathryn McFarland-Wilson
Vincent McGirr
Brian and Tamra McGough
Joseph and Monica McInerney
Michael and Cynthia McInerney
John and Cassandra McKearn
Claude and Lynda McKibben
Richard Gunther and Colleen McLaughlin
David and Marcie McMahon
Thomas McNamee
James and Treva McPhedran
Michael and Patricia McQuillen
Michael and Louise McSweeney
A. John McSweeny
Donald and Marjorie Meanger
Ke� Mebuke
Clem and Susan Mejia
Michael and Marita Menard
Kirsten Menne�
William and Arlene Mickols
James Middleton and Dorothea* Bilder
Mary Milano
Christopher and Lorraine Millington
Dolores and William Minkema
Darren and Melody Mitchell
Rene Mitchell
Christopher Monaghan
Warren Montgomery
John and Mary Moon
Brenda Morgan-Bunley and Randall Bunley
John and Tashia Morgridge
Andrew and Kimberlee Morreale
Salvatore and Lisa Morreale
George and Kathleen Mous�s
Ralph Murdy
Cherilyn and Michael Murer
Kurpad and Lakshmi Murthy
Lewis and Mimi Myers
George and Ann Nahas
Susan Nash
Kris and Sara Nelson
Roger and Marjorie Nelson
Terry and Judith Nichols
Kimberly Nickels
Bill and Joyce Nicklas
Nicholas and Virginia Noe
Gordon and Janice Nuber
Sara Obenchain
Johnathan and Laura OBrien
Mike O'Connor
Mary and Gregory Olson
Renee Olvera
Lydia Omori and Greg Sahli
Ellen and Dennis O'Neill
Gerard A. Oprins and Cynthia A. Christensen
Richard and Sue Orem
Krissy O'Shea
Stephen Gordy and Alcyone Ostberg
Kay Ostberg
Vivian Osth
Nikki and Michael Ostrowski
Walter and Janice Owens
Barbara Palmer
Lawrence Palmer
Frances Panico
Peter and Margene Pappas
Vikas Parab
Melanie A. Parks
Elaine Weber and John Pascu
Mary Ann Pasteris
Sankat Patel and Selina Bartels
John Patrinos and Andrea Patrino
John and Jennifer Patronski
Nicholas Pa�
F. Steven Pearl
Michael Peddle
Michael and Nancy Pehan
Molly and Julian Penny
Penny and Tom Perles
Caroline Perry
Caroline Perry
Vijay and Lakshmi Perumbe�
Keith Peterson
John and Melanie Peterson
Judith and Melvin Phillips
James Pick and Rosalyn Lauda�
Linda and Bradley Pietens
Michael Pitsley
Harvey and Elizabeth Plotnick
Sandra and Arthur Poehlman
Nick and Pamela Polydoros
Randall and Karen Porter
Robert Potorf and Chris�ne Schmitz-Potorf
Phillip and Jennifer Powell
Patrick Powers
SanDee Priser and Kimberley Urech
Mary and Robert Pritchard
Ronald and Nancy Proesel
Robert and Phyllis Pursley
Carole and Richard Pyle
Anthony Querciagrossa
Pamela and Kenneth Quinn
James Raborn
Earl and Cynthia Rachowicz
Jason and Lauren Racine
Balaji Rajagopalan and Sukanya Rangarajan
David and Lyn Rasmussen
Thomas and Janet Reed
Marc and Theresa Reid
Joseph and Patricia Reidy
Michael Reifsnyder
Bety and Jerome Rich
Danny and Candace Richardson
Richard Richter
David Ricke
Thomas and Victoria Riordan
Tom Hayes and Laurie Roberts Hayes
Gabriel and Beth Rodriguez
Carol Rolf
Judith Ronaldson
Melinda Rosales-Byerly and Jerry Byerly
Edward and Debra Rosenow
Ted and Beth Rosenow
Warren Rost
Melvin and Penny Roth
Henry de Fiebre and Karen Rothe
Robert Rothkopf and Catherine McCulley-Rothkopf
Michael Rowan
Stephen and Leslie Roxworthy
Linda Ryan
Richard O. Ryan
Michael and Cari Sacks
John and Virginia Sall
Jeffrey and Mary Anne Salmon
Valerie Salmons and Mark Pit
Michael and Donna Salnick
Velchamy Sankarlingam
Nancy Santacaterina Donohoe
Mathew and Amy Sapp
David Saxe
Stoney Scales
Lynn Scandroli
Mathew and Alicia Schateman
Joseph Sharp and Elizabeth Schewe
Brian and Sheela Scholle
Mary S. Schriber
Margaret and Dennis Schuet
Richard Schwemm
Ryan and Melissa Sedevie
Robert and Lois Self
Peter Braitsch and Sarah Self
Mathew Shaughnessy
Charles Shaw
Ronald and Sandra Short
Richard and Sandra Siakel
Beth Simmons
Deborah Simms
Melvin and Natalie Simon
Ronald Sims
David and Karen Sinason
Robert Singleton
Elizabeth and Patrick Sireta
Leila Sissi
Falicia C. Slavik
Russell and Phyllis Slifer
Steven Sliga
John Smith
Lance and Laura Smith
Chris�ne Sobek
Esther and Patrick Solar
Richard Soller and Nedra Adams-Soller
Linda Sons
Thomas and Cathy Speaker
Anna Sponsel
Leonard Gail and Robin Steans
Charles and Carolyn Stearns
Lawrence Stein
Daniel Steinberg
Shannon Stewart
Dean and Sharon S�eber
Lawrence and Suzanne S�pek
Donald Babo and Cherry Stoddard
Kristen Stoicescu
Andrejs Strauss
Michael Summerhill
Dale and Jacque Swanson
William and Clare Swiatek
Michael and Donna Szymanski
Wayne Szypulski and Virginia Seggerman
Stacy and Thomas Talsma
Daryl Tate
William and Kimberly Tate
David Taylor and Linda S�ckney-Taylor
William and Dian Taylor
Dawnita Teague
Steven and Lori Tesdahl
Reggie and Marda Thomas
Timothy and Amanda Thomas
Diane Tielbur
Jack and Cheryl Tierney
Thomas and Janice Touney
Stanley and B. Ann Trail
Carrie and John Travers
Bret and Cynthia Tucker
Srinivas Tumuluri and Lindsay Weichert
Bryan and Lauren Turner
David and Linda Turner
Trace Tyler
Pamela Tyska
Janet Ulmer
Edward Underhill
Barbara Ann Van Driel
Theadora Van Houten
L. Paul and Janet VanZuiden
Patricia Vary
Roseta Vasquez
Vera Verbel
Joseph Vicicondi
Paula and Jeffrey Vogelsang
Carl and Paula Von Ende
Joseph and Patricia Vrankin
Patrick and Virginia Waite
Lynne Waldeland
Michael and Lori Wallach
Thomas and Kathleen Walsh
Peter and Luann Walton
Darci Waltrip
Nicholas Wanat
Di Wang and Lu Yang
Shei-Chau and Jui-Ching Wang
Mathew and Heather Ward
Ann Warren
John and Amy Warren
Joseph and Kathy Warzecha
Eric Wasowicz and Ann Lawrence
Jordan and Tuesday Webb
Robert and Sally Webber
Amy and Derek Weber
Malcolm Weiss
Charles and Sandra Welch
Kevin Wendt
Judith and William Werbach
Maria Werchowec-Hernandez and Rene Hernandez
Mathew Wetstein and Cynthia Ostberg
Bonnie Wheaton
Robert and Kathy Wheeler
Alice M. Wilbur
Clair D. Williams
Dick and Sonni Williams
Kathleen and Don Wingler
Dennis Evans and Mary Wirth
Phyllis and Daniel Wit
Brian Wodarski and Heather Welsh
Patricia Wolsko
Thomas and Susan Wolsko
Michael and Kathi Wood
Pierrete Wray
Robert and Erica Yopps
Jeffrey and Jennifer Yordon
Sarah Young and Robert Hudson
Donald and Susan Young
Victoria L. Young and Mark W. Cordes
Bruce Zabel
Philip and Chris�ne Zack
Jerrold and Carol Zar
Michael and Judith Zawacke
William and Debra Zielinski
M. Nadine Zimmerman, Ph.D.
Roger Zinser and Elizabeth Burns
Thomas Zydowsky

Corpora�ons / Founda�ons / Businesses

3M Corpora�on
Allstate Founda�on
American Express Founda�on
Andy Frain Services
Anna M. Sponsel Counseling
Arch Mortgage Insurance
Arthur J. Gallagher Founda�on
Bal�more-Washington Area Worldcon
Bayer Fund
Benjamin Moore & Company
Berg Industries, Inc.
BP Founda�on, Inc.
Brookfield Proper�es Retail Inc.
Cabrera Capital Markets LLC.
CAF America
Car�llos, LLC
Catholic Founda�on of Northern Colorado
Chicago Cubs Baseball Club, LLC.
Chicago Financial Services, Inc.
Chicago Fire
Churchill Family Charitable Founda�on
Cintas Corpora�on
Clarksville Elite Gymnas�c Center
Collins Aerospace
Collins Dental Group
Constella�on Energy Group
Country Insurance & Financial Services
Creeden & Associates
Crum-Halsted Agency, Inc.
Cuda Law Offices, Ltd.
DeKalb County Community Founda�on
DeKalb Sycamore Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC
Deloite Founda�on
Downey & Lenkov LLC
Doximity, Inc.
Eames Law Group, Ltd.
EcoLab Inc.
Eli Lilly & Company Founda�on
Energym Gymnas�cs, Inc.
Enterprise Holdings Founda�on
Execu�ve Consultants United, LLC
Exelon Corpora�on
Fastenal Company Services
Ferrara Candy Company
First Midwest Bancorp, Inc.
Forge Resources Group
Friendship Heights, LLC
Geneses Technologies Inc.
George E. and Bety B. Duton Founda�on
GivingForce Founda�on
Glass Solu�ons Founda�on
Grand Victoria Founda�on
Grant Thornton, L.L.P.
Graybar Electric Co.
Har�ord Founda�on for Public Giving
HAVI Global Solu�ons Worldwide LLC
Haymaker Enterprises, Inc.
Ideal Industries Founda�on
IGS Energy
Illini Farms, Inc.
Illinois Farm Bureau
Illinois Women's Golf Associa�on
Inspire Brands Founda�on
Ins�tute of Internal Auditors, Chicago Chapter
Intel Corpora�on
Irving Harris Founda�on
ITW Founda�on
John Deere & Company World Headquarters
Johnson & Johnson Founda�on
Keats Manufacturing Co.
Kishwaukee Family YMCA
Korea Na�onal University of Arts
KPMG LLP Founda�on
Kuehne & Nagel Inc.
Lakeshore Recycling Systems LLC
Lejak and Associates, Inc.
Lincolnshire West Apartments
M.A. Mortenson Company
McKesson Founda�on, Inc.
Meta Pla�orms, Inc.
Metrie Inc.
Micro Scien�fic Industries
Microso� Corpora�on
Midwest Dairy
Midwest Imaging Consultants
Morna Reid-Schwartz Founda�on, Inc.
Morris Family Trust
MSM Home Healthcare Solu�ons, Inc.
Naperso�, Inc.
Natural Distribu�on
Nicor Gas
Novar�s US Founda�on
O'Brien-Vrba Scholarship Trust
OC Crea�ve
Pearson Royalty Accoun�ng
Penske Truck Leasing
Phi Sigma Kappa Alumni Associa�on
Pianoforte Founda�on NFP
Pierce Biotechnology Inc.
Polk Bros. Founda�on
Preserva�on of the Egyp�an Theatre, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Protec Inc.
Pulte Home Corpora�on
Rathje Woodward LLC
Raytheon Technologies
Renaissance Charitable Founda�on, Inc.
Robert R. McCormick Founda�on
RTS Financial Service
Russel E. Benway Trust
RWB Trucking LLC
S.O.A.S. Apparel & Design
Sacks Family Founda�on
Scholarship America
Scientel Solu�ons
Specialized Marke�ng Group, Inc.
State Farm Companies Founda�on
State Farm Insurance Companies
Student Accountancy Society
Sunshine Charitable Founda�on / Denise Bunning
Suter Company, Inc.
Swedberg Electric, Inc.
Taki's To Go LLC
Tess & Crull, L.L.C.
The Concord Group
TOSA Founda�on
Upstaging, Inc.
Victor Envelope Company
VS Verbel, LLC
Wheatland Tube Corp.
William J. Haddad, Atorney At Law
Wintrust Financial Corpora�on
Wipfli Founda�on Inc.
Xeris Pharmaceu�cals, Inc.
Youthful Savings Founda�on

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