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A. As apologist, how would you counteract the heresy that the Divine would not unite
with flesh, hence Christ seemed to be only man?


I would counteract with the notion that the Divine would not unite with
flesh, hence Christ seemed to be only man that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully
man. He is both perfectly divine and perfectly human, having two complete distinct
natures at once. The Athanasian Creed recognized this doctrine and affirmed its
importance, stating that “He is God from the essence of the Father, begotten before time
and he is human from the essence of his mother, born in time wherein He is completely
God and completely human.

A. Do you believe that Christ is true man but not true God? because according to the
account of Timothy “There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the
man Christ Jesus”, in effect if Christ is true God how could He be as one mediator
between God and men when in fact He is God Himself. Comprehensively elucidate
your response.


No, I don’t believe that Christ is true man but not true God because Jesus
Christ is both true man and true God. That’s the mystery of incarnation. His disciples
testify to this. After He rose from the dead, Jesus was still careful to show His followers
that He was fully a human, eating with them and so forth. At the same time, He had
become more glorious than any other human being and could do things that no other
person can like appearing suddenly in locked rooms. Even before His death, He was
known for performing miracles such as healing the sick, raising the dead, commanding
the weather and feeding huge crowds.

A. Does God has human soul and human volition? Explain your answer.
Yes, Jesus Christ had a human soul and human volition because He
could not be truly God and truly human without a human soul and human volition.
Otherwise, He would only have pretended to be human. According to Hebrews 4:15 to
Jesus: “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our
weaknesses but one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin.”

B. If Christ is truly God, why He called the Father to save Him from the dark hour of
His life and the suffering or the cup be taken from Him? Explain your answer


Jesus Christ called the Father to save Him from the dark hour of His life
because He knew what was awaiting Him. He had to purge our sins with his torture
and crucifixion. As He was fully God and fully man. All sins of all humans that have
ever existed were charged on Him. We do not know how awful spiritually that feels.
That is the victory that defeated satan. Jesus Christ did the will of the Father even his
flesh was weak as ours. If He had not purged our sins on the cross, all humans would
go to hell since Adam. Justice had to be served. If God did not punish sin, He would
be an unjust and a liar God. He cannot break His own decrees. He would be against
His nature. He is truthful, righteous and holy God.

C. If your answer in letter A is “No”, how would you justify your faith that Jesus
Christ is true God and if your answer is “Yes”, how would you qualify the truth
that Jesus Christ is true man, never sinned, when He has human volition an
element to do wrong and sin? Give your utmost faithly response.

I would qualify the truth that Jesus Christ is true man, never sinned
when He has human volition an element to do wrong and sin by Jesus because
Jesus Christ was a true man and sinless for He lived by the spirit of God. In
addition, although He was born of flesh, His divine nature would not allow Him to
sin. As scripture says that “Jesus was like man in all ways but sin.”

3. Do you agree to Apollinarius that Jesus Christ as the “Word” has become flesh without
having assumed a human mind but which exists as an immutable and heavenly divine
mind; henceforth Jesus Christ became flesh but He did not become fully human? Give
some strong points and Church teachings to your disagreement or agreement to the
former wisdom.


No, I don’t agree that Jesus Christ became flesh but He did not become
fully human because He was fully human and He was also fully divine. That’s what
makes Him unique and qualified to be our Savior. It can be read in first 14 verses of the
Gospel of John and Philippians Chapter 2 verses 5-7. The Bible insists on Jesus’ full
humanity and on His full deity. If He was not have been our representative when He
lived for 33 years a righteous life before God, nor could He have really died when He
laid that perfectly righteous life down on the cross. But if He was not fully divine, His
sacrifice on the cross would not have been powerful and valuable enough to atone the
sins of all mankind. He was the absolutely one of a kind God-Man and therefore the
only one qualified to be our Savior.
1. John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his
glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
What is your understanding about Augustine’s idea, “The Word did not take on a human
person but a human nature? Which means the human nature of Christ was non-personal.

My understanding on Augustine’s idea that “The Word did not take on a
human person but a human nature” is that the Holy Scripture teaches us all how to deal
with the ways of life. Though people have to go through trials, there is only one hope to
be victorious in life which is to put our whole trust and faith in God and to make Him the
first love in our lives so that we will not be lost in this life.

A. Do you really believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, when the truth He is true God
and His human nature was not subject to death because He had no sin? Explain your


Yes, I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, when the truth He is true
God and His human nature was not subject to death because He had no sin because He
wanted to die for us so we can be reconciled to God. Jesus and His death was the only way
to destroy sin. He wanted to bring many people to glory. He fulfilled the intention of God
to be the life of all believers that are and have been born again. Only by His blood shed
was sin and could sin be destroyed. It was determined from the foundations of the world
that by Christ as the seed of God. God could and would birth His own children that Jesus
Christ be the one that fills all with Himself.

B. If you believe that Jesus Christ died, do you mean that Jesus Christ nature as true God
was absent or He is not true God when He was on the cross? Explain your response.

I do not mean that Jesus Christ nature as true God was absent or He is not
true God when He was on the cross because Jesus Christ died by virtue of also being
fully human. He died in the human sense. With that, His human soul was separated from
His human body for a time. He did not completely cease to exist, either as human or as
God because that’s not what die means in Christianity. In addition, because Jesus Christ
was fully God and fully human, everything that happened to Him – even the things that
could only happen because of being a human can truthfully be said to have happened to
God. God died in the human sense but that doesn’t mean that God ceased to exist or
God is not eternal.

C. When Jesus Christ was suffering all the pains and agony of being tortured physically
on the cross, did you doubt or do you still subscribe the two natures of Christ?

No, I don’t doubt and I still subscribe the two natures of Christ when Jesus
Christ was suffering all the pains and agony of being tortured physically on the cross,
God had to crush His only son, like He deals with a sin offering. On the cross, Jesus
Christ had to bear all the sins of the whole world of those who had lived before He
came to earth, of those who were living at the time He was on earth and those would be
born in the future. God punished Him for those sins so that you and I may go


1. Explain the doctrine of “Paschal Mystery”.


The doctrine of Paschal Mystery is the process of dying and rising, death and
new life. We see this all around us and in our own lives. Like for instance, a grandparent
dies or a baby is born. Likewise, an experience of dying might be when you have an
argument with a friend that leaves you feeling upset or you see a homeless mother and
child and don’t know what to do to help. An experience of rising might be reconciling
with someone you hurt or who hurt you, talking with your family about the homeless
mother and child. These are some of the dyings and risings that we experience everyday.

2. What is the significance of “Lenten Season”, “Holy Thursday”, “Good Friday” and
“Easter Sunday” to you as a Catholic faithful or Christian who believes in Christ as
redeemer and savior?

The significance of “Lenten Season”, “Holy Thursday”, “Good Friday” and
“Easter Sunday” to me as a Christian who believes in Christ as redeemer and savior are
Lenten Season is the preparation period of prayer and fasting. Jesus Christ prayed and
fasted forty days in the desert, repelling the temptations of satan. His followers are invited
to do something similar in Lent. In addition, it is a season of spiritual training and
renewal with the emphasis on prayer, self-denial and works of charity: the prayer, fasting
and almsgiving which Jesus Christ speaks about in the gospel.

3. Enumerate or give the “Seven Last Words” uttered by our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross
before His last breath or He gave up His earthly life. Briefly make a reflection on each
word and try to contemplate how does these words have relevance to you as a person and
believer of Christ Jesus.

The Seven Last Words uttered by our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross
before His last breath were the following:

1. “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”.
(Luke 23:34)
These words from Jesus Christ means that His act was the very beginning of
redemption of all humanity if people seek Him first. The relevance of these words to
me is that God seeks out for me as one of His people.

2. “You will be with Me in Paradise”. (Luke 23:43)

It is implied that there is no interval between the moment of death and time
of arrival in Christ’s presence. The relevance is that if I accept the Lord Jesus Christ
as my Savior, I will be assured that when death comes, I will be with the abode of
God Almighty.

3. “Woman, behold your Son!” (John 19:26-27)

Jesus was fulfilling His family responsibility as a devoted Son. The

relevance of these words is that I am part of God’s new family being born if I
continuously allow God as the Lord in my life.

4. “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46)
This describes what Jesus Christ was going through. The relevance of these
words for me is that Jesus Christ showed His true love for me. With that, He allowed
Himself to go through pain and agony to bring me back to Him as the Lord and
Savior of my life.

5. “I thirst!” (John 19:30)

Christ’s call to hunger and thirst after righteousness. The relevance of

these words is through reading the Bible, it may lead to deepen my faith in God and to
uncovering the truths for our lives.

6. “It is finished!” (John 19:30)

Jesus Christ was moments away from death and knew that He had
completed and fulfilled His mission to sacrifice a sinless life to buy back the potential
for eternal life for all mankind. These words have relevance to me because through
the life offering of Jesus Christ on the cross, I am restored back to Him.

7. “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit”. (Luke 23:46)

Jesus Christ intentionally had to choose to no longer hold unto life. His
spirit reaches upward for relief with a strong confidence in the One who alone is a
worthy refuge. The relevance is that whatever trials that I will be facing in life, I
should always trust in the Lord.

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