Abaddon Build Guide DOTA 2 - Abaddon in A Nutshell

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Abaddon Build Guide DOTA 2: Abaddon in a nutshell http://www.dotafire.




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Abaddon in a nutshell
September 1, 2012 by justanasian
COMMENTS: 9 | VIEWS: 6076 | Like 0 2 Votes

Build 1

Build 1: Typical me
DotA2 Hero: Abaddon

Strength 0 Damage 55-65
Intelligence 0 Attack Speed 0
Agility 0
BASIC STATS Armor 4.38
Health 2183 Evasion 0%
Health Regen 0 Spell Resist 0%
Mana 1157
Mana Regen 0 Movement Speed 300 Abaddon
Purchase Order







Hero Skills

2 8 9 10


1 3 5 7


4 12 13 14


6 11 16


15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 von 7 02.01.2013 11:17

Abaddon Build Guide DOTA 2: Abaddon in a nutshell http://www.dotafire.com/dota-2/guide/abaddon-in-a-nutshell-1830

Abaddon in a nutshell
September 1, 2012

1. Intro
2. When to pick abaddon
3. Skills
4. Item reasoning
5. Early game
6. Mid game
7. Late game
8. People you do, and don't want to be against
9. Final words?

BOOM, you have just picked abaddon, what u gonns do. No but seriously why did you pick abaddon?

-His tankiness can push :3 (shield)
-If you can time death coil correctly, not only can you self deny yourself but you can kill someone else at the
same time (which is hella fun), and its a pretty good nuke as well, it's got an insane range and cast speed
-If you have a teammate that you have good communication with, you can usually get first blood all the time if
you put frostmourne first and have a slow (eg veno) or a stunner etc
-The shield can farm to high hell and harass the enemy ****loads earlygame as well as saving teammates
-Ult is a free aegis?
-Does pretty well even at ~300GPM

-Isn't really supposed to carry
-Death coil takes off hp from abaddon (that can be a advantage as well)
-Pretty much every item you go for builds hp unless you get really fat
-You're going to be the primary target some of the times making you die quite a bit unless you have the

When to pick abaddon
-Team has 2 carries or so
-Team doesn't have a tank
-You're cool
-You can multitask (aka kill the enemy team, tank and save teams life at the same time [actually easier than it

-You suck
-You can't lane really great, abaddon may seem like a right click and win hero but a **** abaddon really is ****
-Team is full of melee's (unless you're sure abaddon will be fine
-Team has no carries
-Team has noone that can mid efficiently

Death Coil
At a low level, i only use it to last hit enemy heroes or self deny. HOWEVER, it can heal allies as well, maybe
babysit a carry and dump this on them before they die. Otherwise it only gets full capabilities later on where it
actually does decent damage to nuke people.

Aphotic Shield
Abaddons signature move, also one of my favourite skills in the game. Using this to full potential will make
abaddon a pushing machine throughout the entire game. Use it early game as well and try to rack up some kills,
tower diving? No problem! The more the tower attacks the more likely you are able to kill an enemy hero :). I
usually chuck it either on myself or the creep (on your side) that is most exposed to the enemy OR dump it on a
teammate to save their life. It's pretty much a free temporary hp boost as well as a small aoe nuke.

I'm not going to go into this much, all i can say is it slows whatever is attacked, it's sort of like a disable, but not
really a disable :\. Not the most important but nevertheless, pretty decent.

Borrowed Time

2 von 7 02.01.2013 11:17

Abaddon Build Guide DOTA 2: Abaddon in a nutshell http://www.dotafire.com/dota-2/guide/abaddon-in-a-nutshell-1830

With ulti stick it lasts 7 seconds and has a cooldown of 60 seconds, imagine that every tenth of a minute you are
completely unkillable (assuming you don't always rely on autocast). It pretty much 'nope's everything there is,
but be wary if you have 401hp and you're a nub and don't cast ur ult and lina casually comes and gank's you,
you WILL die (when uses laguna blade etc)

Item reasoning
Stout Shield
This item is a no brainer, 20 damage blocked from most attacks (60% proc) saves a lot of hp and possibly $$$.
Also builds to vanguard which is well, a bread and butter for most tanks.


Sage's Mask
I get this on abaddon all the time (well as far as i know), the mp regen helps me spam shield, also builds to basi
(ring of basi/whatever it's called) which builds to vlad's, if i tend to start with sages/sobi mask (i still prefer the
legacy names :[ ) i build into vlads, otherwise well. I get whatever. So i could either start with a ring of basi +
tango unless you randomed abaddom (you lucky son of a..) or get the stout shield + gg branch + tango or
sobi/sage's mask + gg + tango.

Iron Branch
Ok, you can either start off with 3 branches OR 1 gauntlet of strength. Ironwood branches build into magic stick
which is a really nice item early game as it restores 15 hp+mp every charge. The stat bonus is nice as well.

Healing Salve, Tango

Basic regen, get it. I can't garuntee aphotic shield will keep your head above water.

Urn of Shadows
Strength bonus, mana regen helps you spam shield. It also acts like a better version of magic stick except the
charge doesn't regenerate the hp instantly.

Ring of Health
More hp regeneration so you can farm longer :3 and it also builds to vanguard which is a bread and butter

Town Portal Scroll

o_o, it's like a taxi except it takes you to places nearly instantly. Helps pushing as you can go lane to lane
without having to use your horsey to do the work.

Which boot to get?

Tranquil Boots? lolno. Arcane Boots, i don't think you would even consider getting this but maybe you
would because of the mana bump it gives so you can spam shield, but no, other boots are better. Power
Treads, this is one set of shoes you can go for, 8 strength and 25 attack speed is nice, pretty much a core on
most heroes as treads is like, a staple food, it gives a bit a of everything and doesn't really have a negative side
HOWEVER, imo, you should go for Phase Boots, attack bonus helps you last hit/deny, harass whatever, but
no the main reason is that you can phase, which is why it makes aphotic shield so annoying as you can run right
through creeps, chase etc w.e.

Now onto lifesteal

You have two choices, get either Vladmir's Offering or Mask of Madness
Both are situational but here are the things i follow
Team has decent carries that aren't completely ******ed and/or you feel like pushing - Get vlads, just
push2win. I can solo a few towers before the 10 minute mark. The lifesteal aura will help creeps regen hp while
well, it just helps regenerate hp, dump a shield on whatever and you're good to go.
However, this is debatable, mask of madness, why? Well, first of all it synergises with abaddons ultimate, the
30% extra damage taken means you will, well gain 30% more hp EVERY hit/nuke whatever gets thrown at you
(during ult), thus, more longevity ftw? Also gives a chasing ability , killing ability and well, yes killing ability :|
The bonus AS will help turn abaddon into a semi carry/tank if fat enough.

Herp derp, hp regen and moar hp to tank, i've never played abaddon without it. I usually tend to get vanguard,
boot, urn stick and lifesteal before the 15 minute mark.

Also, by the 20-25 or so minute mark you'd want to start building your first HoT unless you have something else
in mind, otherwise just grab a vitality booster.

Heart of Tarrasque
By now i'd find it quite hard to die, you don't even need a full heart of tarrasque to kill ROSH, get someone that
can deal damage and just keep spamming shield (as well as tanking rosh) and make sure you have a lifesteal
beforehand -.-. Heart just makes any tank well... tankier, i can't say no to heart unless the enemy is ******ed
and you just want to go for damage items.

Black King Bar

Magic invuln, nuff' said. Get it if you need it, otherwise Abaddon can cope without it.

Assault Cuirass
Attack speed, armour, attack speed aura, helps the pushing you know ;), also grants some killing ability but
other than that, i use the AS to help me farm, sometimes i don't finish off assault i just use the Hyperstone to
help me farm. However i've never tried MJO (hammer v2), if anyone wants to try it out tell me how it works

Blade Mail
Sometimes you may go for this, but i rarely get it, IMO it's a waste of money because people would hardly be
aiming at you when you have you ult on, they just wont attack you because your hp is waaaay too high. It's all
situational so if you need it get it, otherwise i wouldn't bother.

Aghanim's Scepter

3 von 7 02.01.2013 11:17

Abaddon Build Guide DOTA 2: Abaddon in a nutshell http://www.dotafire.com/dota-2/guide/abaddon-in-a-nutshell-1830

Only get if you need the 7 second ult at max level, otherwise don't bother i don't very like this item :(

Hood of Defiance
Just one of those item's to extend you longevity (against nukers etc)

Heart of Tarrasque
Who says you can only get one >:3, if i ever manage to get more than one i get it around the 50 minute mark,
but by the time you get a second heart the game should nearly be over anyway :\.

Heaven's Halberd
Another item that makes abaddon a carry (if you really want to), i've only gotten this on abaddon a few times
but it is ANNOYING AS HELL. The 25% evasion on top of massive hp pool just makes me laugh at anyone *miss
miss miss*. The disarm is another big fat *nope* to anyone as you can just run up to anyone and dump the
disable, activate shield, mask of madness (if you have one, if i have vlads the game is already over :3) and hit

Heh, well, as abaddon has no real killing capability, this item will help you ****loads, the extra damage bonus
as well as 40 damage in an aoe PER second. Once i was in a 1v5, i did ****loads of damage TOO BAD I WAS
FIGHTING ****IN PEOPLE WITH SLOW/STUN ETC, i was close to killing windrunner nope, shackle shot :(/ Oh
hey look orge hes right next to me *hit hit hit* nearly dead CMON DIE, *nope* i get stunned :( sad face, and
here we go i was stuck in invokers ice wall all along. Was aimed at for a whole minute and ended up self denying
myself and killing a nub gondar at the same time whereas i could have just gotten a radiance and they probably
would have died, 60x40 = 2400dmg, im pretty sure thats enough to kill most people, even with magic reduction.
Abaddon is so tank, by getting this item you can just roll around the battlefield and suck on their hp.

Shiva's Guard
A slow blast so you can help chase whoever, whatever and kill any stragglers and also drop their attack speed so
you can either use this when you're gapping is or when you're chasing someone.

Monkey King Bar

:|, i only recall getting this item on abaddon once, give a damage bonus and ministun, with AC/hyperstone it's
nice but it's not priority.

Heart of Tarrasque
I don't think you'll need a third but this will pretty much allow you to tank the fountain and kill whoever, by this
time you might have like 4k+ hp.

Don't get

No... just no. =_= I got this once because my carry would solo the other team, otherwise get this if
1 - you feel like trolling
2 - you're going to win regardless of the decisions you make in buying stuff
3 - enemy is derp ****

- Abaddon isn't a carry
- Not an agi hero
- Basic attack to win? no
- Heavens halberd gives evasion and is a better item compared to bfly, afaik bfly costs around 6k, when you
could have just bought HoT :3

Divine Rapier
Not a hard carry, even mkb would be better than this unless the enemy team is really ****/ you are very fed.

Again, there are better items than this

Abyssal Blade
I guess you COULD get this, it costs even more than a divine rapier so unless you're just so fed i guess you could
get this as it doesn't drop when you die, otherwise this item should be last priority.

Early game
Generally, abaddon is able to play all lanes except mid lane. Farm (if needed), otherwise i just deny, and get
last hits whenever i can, pull the creeps if needed and chuck on shield to make the enemy heroes not be able to
farm without being hit ****loads of times.
To use the shield effectively, chuck shield on and dive between the enemy ranged creep and the melee creep.
Occasionally creep close to the enemy hero and whack when you get the chance, babysit the carry but dealing
with the other 2 enemy heroes and pull (if you can). Otherwise, do whatever you think you can do, save
teammates with shield/coil, let them dive with shield/coil etc. (the latter is not recommended). Make sure the
team gets a courier because Abaddon can stay in the lane for as long as he wants (when he has sobi mask/
sage's mask) which is why the courier would save so much time as well as money :D cha-ching!. If you're laning
with a stunner/disabler/slower whatever, don't be afraid to jump on a ******* whenever they dive too far,
simple, ping, then get a carry/someone that actually does better damage than you to harass whoever, then get
close a bit with shield, if they keep attacking whatever, whack them. If they run back, 1 - if they're low hp you
can dive , 2 - keep farming :3
Now heres the thing, abaddon is one of my favourite divers, because the more damage done to abaddon
(usually 2-3 tower hits will break the shield), more damage done to his surroundings (aka his shield).
This tends to only work on squishier heroes though. And when the shield breaks, chuck another on and you can
probably kill and enemy hero without even taking 1 damage.
Don't forget to abuse the tp scroll, i tend to carry 2 at a time, 1 to tp to the far tower, the second to tp to
another tower so you can gank/ defend whatever. Don't be afraid to gank early game, rack up some kills and
assists, and after 15 minutes you should have lifesteal+boots+urn+maybe magic wand if you went for it
aaaaaaaand some tp scrolls :3.

4 von 7 02.01.2013 11:17

Abaddon Build Guide DOTA 2: Abaddon in a nutshell http://www.dotafire.com/dota-2/guide/abaddon-in-a-nutshell-1830

The only thing that is going to delay your pushing early game other than a 3+ v 1 gank up your *** is when the
enemy hero right clicks you, thus making all the creeps go towards him, thus, you are probably the only one left
attacking the tower. When this happens, you wont be able to tank the tower (as this is sadly only early game).
Instead attacking the tower, quickly skim the minimap to see if enemy heroes are there, if you see them, good,
if you don't, they're probably hiding in the jungle ready to kill you if you go too far. If on the otherhand, your
judgement tells you that theres noone in the jungle, and there is only 1 lan partner (or noone with a disable),
push the lane, the lifesteal aura (assuming you got vlads) will help the creeps regenerate hp while they attack,
thus giving you the upper hand,.
During the push, your lanes creeps will attack the tower, with no creeps from the opposing lane, a few groups of
creeps should be able to take down the tower.
By the end of early game you should have most of your cores and start building better items.

Mid game
By this time, hardly anyone should stay solid in lane and should be fluid in terms if moving lanes (but don't move
too much), whenever you see a lane with hardly any enemy heroes, go push it. The typical public game is too
unorganised to be able to defend from a push whenever they first see it, they end up coming in late and well...
The tower is gone. However, if the enemy team seems to be smarter, just because abaddon is a tank doesn't
mean he can tank everything (unless you got all the cores and a heart within the 25 minute mark). Stay back a
bit and chuck a shield on the second creep from the front, they tend to be attacked after the first creep but the
other lane. This usually stalls a second or two which will allow your team to land some more hits as well as
harassing the enemy with the shield. If you have all the cores and half a HoT, get someone that can do decent
damage to come rosh with you, i usually go rosh around the level 14/15 mark, and believe me, you can really
tank roshan, just keep chucking shield on yourself and roshan should be dead before you can say
Keep pushing and ganking, making sure your carries get fed so you can win :3
If you manage to do decently (as well as the carry/ies) the game should end soon. Otherwise just gank/push
/farm2win. Thus ending the mid game phase.

Late game
Now late game is where abaddon turns to utter **** because you suck at farming or have no sense of
teamwork. Or you were outplayed :|. Otherwise, you are a super tank, a carry, someone that will carry the
team if there is every a base race.
After you get your first heart of tarrasque (which should have been in midgame), the rate at which your money
comes in (cha-ching! :D) will increase insanely. After 10 minutes you should be easily able to farm an assault
cuirass/ bkb (if you need it but i never do) or blademail (which i highly recommend you don't get as it is highly
Go for your 2nd heart after assault cuirass (which i normally get) or radiance if you feel the enemy won't do
enough damage to chuck you off your horse. Otherwise get a heavens halberd if the enemy team has a carry
which is well farmed (which you should have harassed!), the halberd gives a 1/4 chance to nope.avi
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14) the damage, otherwise the disarm ability works heavens, it
will seriously give someone a bad day. Other than that if you are in the situation where you would need an aoe
disable b/c the enemy team has no particular carry but they do decently when stuck together like glue, grab
shivas and pick out (abaddon) the main carry from the other team, slow him the hell down while your team
picks off everyone else, while you annoying their carry and prevent him from doing jack.
But in all seriousness, but lategame (eg 40-50 minutes) i'd usually have phase,vlads, a heart or 2, a/c and ONE
of the 'late game items' which tends to be heavens halberd (#1). I've never stretched a game that long as when
i get that fed it's gg and you can tank anything with the rest of your team killing the tower.
However, there has been a situation where i was in a base race (both teams have all towers down and most
people are dead), i was with a slardar i think, what you want to do is rush the hell to the enemy base, and chuck
the shield on whoever is the slowest in terms of movement. Once you get to the enemy tower, whack whack
whack, whenever a disabler comes along chuck ur ult on OR chuck ult on whenever they cast something, i think
either the ult or shield disables stun projectiles i forgot :|.
Try to end to game as fast as you can as you may end up getting fatter than the carry in your team, and you
don't generally want that to happen unless you know how to play abaddon efficiently, otherwise grab a high end
dps item (don't get divine) and hope the game will end soon.

People you do, and don't want to be against
Generally, you'd want to be laning with people with stuns/disables (and also preferably ranged people).

is probably my favourite laning partner, with his and your pushing ability, towers and kills should be
down in no time. Simply place shield on a creep (your team), once in a while the enemy will come along and go
for a last hit and deny, and get hit with the shield :D. Once their hp goes to a moderate amount (just not max or
anything above 2/3 or w.e) just get leshrac to harass. Then chuck shield on yourself and start harassing the
target, and get leshrac to stun (under the assumption the leshrac isn't ****) and whack away, when the shield
explodes the target should be dead, rinse and repeat for the next 6 minutes and you should get ALL the cores by
the 10-12 minute mark (seriously =D)
Otherwise, you tend to want to be laning with people with orbs (aka searing arrow/burning spear etc) but esp
huskar because you can dump shield on him before he ults :D. Disables stuns etc.
People you don't generally want to lane against is people with orbs as well or similar. Worst situation is probably
venomancer+drow ranger. Otherwise abaddon can handle most situations.

Final words?
Well, there are no final words, if i was to talk about all i know about abaddon it'd become a thesis which would
take an eternity to write. Other than that, this is only a brief guide if you actually look at it. More will come :o

5 von 7 02.01.2013 11:17

Abaddon Build Guide DOTA 2: Abaddon in a nutshell http://www.dotafire.com/dota-2/guide/abaddon-in-a-nutshell-1830


by Hades4u » September 1, 2012 1:39am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Did you ever play Abaddon? From what I read you don't even know what's going on.


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Posts: 1291
Steam: hades4you

by justanasian » September 1, 2012 2:03am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

probably didnt write the guide how you guys would like me to :\ never written one
before and i used to play abaddon 24/7 lol


Posts: 7

by NotSureIf » September 1, 2012 2:45am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Just a quick question. Is this build to build Abaddon as a semi-carry, support or tank?


Unremarkable (14)
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by justanasian » September 1, 2012 4:11am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

You can pick either, abaddon is a pretty flexible hero, if you want tank go for the tanky
items, carry go for the damage items. If you feel you won't be getting early kills, don't
touch frostmourne and keep leveling aphotic shield with death coil right behind it. And
imo IF you're building abaddon into a tank it builds him into a semi carry anyway, being
able to clash so long in a teamfight you'll deal so much damage anyway, not only with justanasian
your basic attack but with death coil and the constant aphotic shield spam.
Posts: 7

by NotSureIf » September 1, 2012 12:35pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

It appears to be another one of those discussions about Abaddon's true role. I used to
main him on HoN (He was called Accursed on HoN) and IF by chance you weren't building
him as a support other players would indeed hound you for it. However he is a very very
powerful early game carry if you build him like I did which was Shield > Frostmourne >
Nuke > Nuke > Nuke > Ulti because even though your shield is supposed to only block a NotSureIf
set amount of damage, it acted more like a spell block for instance if the shielded target
was hit by Lina's Laguna Blade, he wouldn't take any of the damage even though Unremarkable (14)
its supposed to only block 200 damage and so on. Posts: 287
Steam: Bugger
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by wilddeonpwn » September 1, 2012 2:06pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

I Luv abbadon, just rite your next guide better. And make the skill build a lot tidier


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by justanasian » September 14, 2012 3:46am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

NotSureIf wrote:
It appears to be another one of those discussions about Abaddon's true
role. I used to main him on HoN (He was called Accursed on HoN) and IF by
chance you weren't building him as a support other players would indeed Posts: 7
hound you for it. However he is a very very powerful early game carry if you
build him like I did which was Shield > Frostmourne > Nuke > Nuke > Nuke >
Ulti because even though your shield is supposed to only block a set amount of
damage, it acted more like a spell block for instance if the shielded target was
hit by Lina's Laguna Blade, he wouldn't take any of the damage even
though its supposed to only block 200 damage and so on.

6 von 7 02.01.2013 11:17

Abaddon Build Guide DOTA 2: Abaddon in a nutshell http://www.dotafire.com/dota-2/guide/abaddon-in-a-nutshell-1830

id still remain to keep my main stat going for shield, the cooldown makes it one of my
favorite pushing abilites, sure you may find it might not do amazing damage but it's a
hella good chasing skill with phase boots

by Raiden » October 1, 2012 3:35am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

hey aghanims has no effect.....



Posts: 5

by justanasian » October 3, 2012 4:31am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Raiden wrote:

hey aghanims has no effect..... justanasian

Posts: 7

last time i checked it extends his ulti

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