Anti-Mage Build Guide DOTA 2 - Original Anti-Mage

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Anti-Mage Build Guide DOTA 2: Original Anti-mage http://www.dotafire.




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Original Anti-mage
December 13, 2011 by DamonPrinc3
COMMENTS: 34 | VIEWS: 483481 | Like 8 94 Votes

Build 1 Build 2

Build 1: Cookie Vanguard

DotA2 Hero: Anti-Mage

Strength 0 Damage 49-53
Intelligence 0 Attack Speed 0
Agility 0
BASIC STATS Armor 2.08
Health 1442 Evasion 0%
Health Regen 0 Spell Resist 0%
Mana 1014
Mana Regen 0 Movement Speed 315 Anti-Mage
Purchase Order




Hero Skills

3 4 5 7


1 8 9 10


2 12 13 14


6 11 16


15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Original Anti-mage
December 13, 2011

1. Introduction
2. Summary
3. Skills

1 von 6 02.01.2013 11:20

Anti-Mage Build Guide DOTA 2: Original Anti-mage

4. Items
5. Choosing a build
6. Cookie Vanguard
7. Battlefury Rush
8. Other choices

Hey folks, and I've played the original DotA for seven years, with many of these years have been spent in the
semi-competitive scene. There are two builds I will be outlining for Anti-mage. One is the cookie-cutter builds
transferred from DotA 1 called 'Cookie Vanguard' and the other is a 'Battlefury Rush' build which is more risky
and not recommended for newer players. The only serious way to play Anti-mage is as a hard carry and that is
exactly what both builds are made for.

- DamonPrinc3

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has DotA 2 videos.

Anti-Mage is a
- Hard carry with an amazing escape mechanism.
- Hero who can be beaten in the end-game only by Spectre and Mortred with max items/levels.
- Counter to heroes heavily reliant on mana.
- '1' hero. Meaning in any serious game, he is the hero who the team are banking on most, allowing him to get
tower & hero last hits over the other 4 if possible.
- Squishy hero early-game.

Anti-Mage is not a
- Ganker.
- Semi-carry.
- Support.
- Tank until late-game. A big mistake for newer Anti-Mage players is to think that because of Mana Shield, they
can tank nukes to the face even early-mid game and be fine. He can't.
- Counter to heroes with a high mana pool necessarily. It's a double-edged sword as heroes with a high mana
pool will still be able to cast even while being burned but will be more susceptible to Mana Void.

Skill sequences aren't a one size-fits all games thing and the best sequence will change from game to game.
There is currently not an alternative skill sequence system so I can't put in any alternative skill sequences either.
However, the skill sequences I have presented should work fine for most games.

Mana Break
Mana Break will give you the edge against many heroes, especially those with low mana pools but who are very
reliant on mana such as Naix. Use this to harass in lane, early game. Late game, this will allow you to neutralize
heroes very quickly by burning out their mana when coupled with Manta images. (triple mana burn)

Damage type: physical

Deals 0.6 damage per point of mana burnt.
Mana Burn is blocked by magic immunity.
This skill is an Orb Effect.
You can lifeleech the damage dealt by this skill with a Lifesteal aura.

Blink is your key escape mechanism and almost essentially which makes Anti-mage the carry he is. Few carries
have such a great escape mechanism, so make sure to utilize it to its full potential to escape, chase and farm

If you used Blink to teleport to a distance over the maximum range, you'll be teleported 4/5 of the
maximum range instead.
You can use Blink to dodge incoming projectiles.
Blink has a 0.33 seconds teleportation delay.

Spell Shield
Spell Shield is quite self-explanatory, allowing you to tank and survive a lot more nukes, which can be crucial in
team fights. Note that this will not protect you at all from disables. Beware the sheep sticks!

Stacks with spell resistance items.

Mana Void
Mana Void will absolutely destroy enemy heroes with high mana pools, especially after you've burned them
away with Mana Burn. You should generally use it to killsteal as the hardcarry but don't waste the massive
amount of damage it can do. As a ministun, it can also break channeling spells- don't forget this when an enemy
is teleporting out.

Damage type: magical

Stuns target for a short while.
Damage is calculated based on the primary target's mana, but applied to all enemies within the AoE.
Stun works on magic immune units.

2 von 6 02.01.2013 11:20

Anti-Mage Build Guide DOTA 2: Original Anti-mage

Purchase orders aren't a one size-fits all games thing and the best sequence will change from game to game.
Some alternative items are outlined at the bottom of the page.

Key items
The key items for Anti-mage are Vanguard, Power Treads, Battlefury, Vladmir's Offering, Butterfly and Heart of
Tarrasque. I've presented you with two builds but once a player becomes experienced enough, you don't need to
follow a build, you'll just know when to get these items and why.

Vanguard used to be a pubbie item but somewhere in 6.60s or late 6.50s of DotA 1, it made its way in to the
metagame as player began to realize its potential on non-tank heroes early-mid game for survivability.
Vanguard became a byword of heroes such as Medusa, Viper, Batrider and Anti-mage because it gave such
heroes: game-changing survivability.

Power Treads
Power Treads, despite its +10 to +8 nerf in DotA 1, is still an item which is still very much worth its cost and
more. The attack speed and +8 AGI/+8 STR given for a small cost, is crucial on a hero like Anti-mage whose
builds often lack early game survivability and damage. Mana boots and Phase boots just don't give as much as
Treads does for less.

Battle Fury
Battle Fury is an amazing item on Anti-mage, giving him enormously useful things such as regen to spam blink,
cleave for accelerated farming and huge damage. When coupled with blink spam, it allows Anti-mage to farm no

Vladmir's Offering
Vladmir's allows Anti-mage lifesteal while keeping his awesome mana burn, allowing him to keep his HP high
and Roshan effortlessly.

Butterfly & Heart of Tarrasque

Both self-explanatory items for the late-game.

Choosing a build
Which build?
Honestly, in a pub, either build has its pros and cons but I'd say if you're experienced with AM, in pubs go with
the fast Bfury. A fast Battlefury has the potential to absolutely dominate a game if done correctly, but the
cookie-cutter is generally preferred in more competitive games due to the safety of it. For example, in more
competitive games, they will aim to gank AM as much as possible and your laning phase will be far more

Cookie Vanguard
This is the 'normal' or 'cookie-cutter' build if you will. Basically the fast Vanguard and Power Treads, coupled with
Blink makes your Anti-mage hard to stop early-mid game, allowing you to farm your way in to the dominant
mid-late game without being ganked and killed easily.

'Early game'
Vanguard - Power Treads
You want to focus on farming and not worry too much about whatever else is going on in the game. Your role as
a hard carry is to basically farm your *** off and let your teammates worry about protecting you, warding and
ganking. However, to maximize your play, you will also need map awareness and laning skills which will come
from practice. You want to play it very safe, at least until you get your first two items: Ring of Health then
Boots. Also, do not underestimate harassing the enemy with Mana Burn, which is the reason for maxing Mana
Burn quickly. Especially when you hit 5 & 7, you should be aiming to burn some mana off of them whenever you
can because this is when its usefulness will peak. Note: If you're a very new player and don't really know how to
harass with Mana Burn, get it anyway- the alternatives will make minimal difference and may be detrimental
during possible early-mid fights.

'Mid game'
Manta Style - Butterfly or Heart of Tarrasque components
After Vanguard and Treads are complete, you should be able to have the HP to be able to farm without getting
ganked and killed too quickly. Now you want to be farming straight for Manta. Once you've farmed your Manta,
you should actively participate in team fights, pushes and defences because all that's left now are your late
game items. You'll want to start building towards either a Butter or a Heart depending on the situation.

'Late game'
Butterfly - Heart of Tarrasque - Black King Bar
You will most likely want to pick up Butterfly first because you'll simply need the damage late-game after
racking up survivability. The two other usual options are Heart and BKB. Linkens I will also bring up but I don't
like it. In the late game, the gold is better spent on a BKB or towards a Heart if you need survivability. BKB
might sound stupid but when it gets to the late late game, there will be hexes, and oh god will hexes screw you
over. If it ever gets to the point where you need a BKB, you'll know it because you'll spend most of team fights
disabled. In general, you can safely go for Butter-Heart then BKB in most games when they get to the late

Battlefury Rush

3 von 6 02.01.2013 11:20

Anti-Mage Build Guide DOTA 2: Original Anti-mage

Much of the strategy I've outlined above applies to this build as well so I will be focusing on the key differential
aspects. This build is more of an 'advanced' build so I would not recommend it for new players. Basically, it is a
rush straight for Battlefury, and capitalizes on the ridiculous speed Anti-mage can farm neutrals mainly with
Bfury/Blink and even faster with a simple treads. It's hard to explains how such a build works so well when
executed correctly so you should attempt it a few times yourself first before judging. This build works best as a
solo mid with defensive play or when laning with someone babysitting you.

'Early game'
Boots of Speed - Battle Fury
Due to the nature of rushing items, for this build to work, you will need to be a fairly good and experienced
player so that you don't simply get owned in the laning phase. You will not be laning as you traditionally do with
this build due to your lack of items so play defensively, even if you have a babysitter. Your sole purpose early
game is to nab your Battlefury at any cost. You should be focusing on farming absolutely and once again, not
worry too much about whatever other ****'s going down on the map, so long as you survive and farm. As soon
as you have farmed the cash for ROH, go pick it up, at either of the secret shops, depending on which lane you
are in. After which, you can get a Pers or a Boots, but for the sake of simplicity I have written Boots first in the
item build. Once Boots-Pers are picked up, your key Bfury isn't too far away.

'Mid to Late game'

Power Treads - Vladmir's Offering - Manta Style - Butterfly - Heart of Tarrasque - Black King
As soon as you have Bfury, head to the neutrals and begin farming. Blink from camp to camp, as often as you
can to accelerate your farming, and farm lanes when possible. You won't run out of mana ever with the Bfury
regen. You should be able to very, very quickly be able to pick up your Manta-Vlads-Butter (Interchangeable
order) by doing this. Once you have Str Treads, you will be able to help out in fights quite a bit but you should
still focus on farming a Manta-Butter-Vlads. It's once you have Manta or a Butter that you should actively join
team fights and pushes and carry your team to victory.

Other choices
Wraith Band?
For either build, it is not unknown for players to pick up a Wraith Band amidst the farm for Van-Treads or Bfury-
Treads. I personally do not advocate it because it slows these key items but it does give you a little extra
damage and survivability early so it can be useful if you are getting owned early. One death saved or one kill
made will make up the gold, but you won't be able to guarantee that.

Magic Stick? Magic Wand?

I would call these two items situational/playstyle choices for AM. If you are laning against Batrider, Bristleback
or Zeus I would say pick a Stick up then possibly make a Wand of it, but be warned that it will slow your key
items a bit, so make certain the gold and the item slot will pay off before getting them.

Quelling Blade in 'Cookie Vanguard'

In the Vanguard Cookie-cutter, a Quelling Blade can also be gotten for easier farm. It's not a bad option because
the 225 gold can be made up with extra farm gotten throughout the game, but it will slow down your Vanguard

Vladmir's Offering in 'Cookie Vanguard'

You probably won't need it due to the survivability you'll already have from Vanguard but don't completely rule
it out from your build since it can help out your team if no one else is getting it and can be crucial for Roshaning.


1 2 3 4 >>

by eGam » December 13, 2011 4:32pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Against any good player battle fury rush makes you too vulnerable, especially if you're
going to max blink last. If you're going vanguard, you don't need vlads, and if you need
a BKB you get it first(supposedly after manta). If your lane is rough because there are
nukers, I suggest you level spell shield more early game, while if you are freefarming I
suggest that you also max blink 2nd, assuming your going to max mana break first. I still eGam
think maxing blink last is too big of a risk if you are trying to carry against any
non-******ed player.
Unremarkable (1)
Posts: 21

by DamonPrinc3 » December 13, 2011 4:45pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

I've played Bfury rush against good players. Sometimes you won't get any farm at all
early game but if you keep at it and manage to pick up that Bfury, it can turn a game
around. It will almost always work in pubs though and it can often work in even higher
level games if you're good enough. It's an alternative aggressive build for players try,
not necessarily what Navi are doing. :) I personally think it works well enough to be a DamonPrinc3
viable option in most games though.
Unremarkable (2)
For the skills and items, I've changed it up a bit so tell me what you think. Posts: 7

4 von 6 02.01.2013 11:20

Anti-Mage Build Guide DOTA 2: Original Anti-mage

by PotatisFarfar » December 13, 2011 6:10pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

One point in spell shield is enough for early game. Blink is most times better. Only in
some games when the enemy have like 4 nukers / gankers. And in that case, you
shouldn't have picked AM any way...


Unremarkable (10)
Posts: 167
Steam: Tryhard Luna

by DamonPrinc3 » December 13, 2011 6:17pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Well, changed up the skill sequences a bit. Tell me what you think.

Also, how do I make the skills and items highlight like they do in some other guides?


Unremarkable (2)
Posts: 7

by Loveless » December 13, 2011 6:54pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

DamonPrinc3 wrote:

Well, changed up the skill sequences a bit. Tell me what you think. Loveless
Also, how do I make the skills and items highlight like they do in some other Notable (28)
guides? Posts: 307
View My Blog



by DamonPrinc3 » December 13, 2011 7:04pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep



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Posts: 7

by zucchini1822 » December 27, 2011 10:45am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Just wanted to say I was the thousandth viewer of this guide : ) Good work, and I'm
trying out the build now.


Posts: 1

by DamonPrinc3 » January 4, 2012 5:44pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Thanks, hope it goes well. I'm making a few tweaks now after proofreading a couple
more times. :)


Unremarkable (2)
Posts: 7

by rahrah112 » February 9, 2012 11:10am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Nice guide got 23/2 first time using it


Posts: 1

by EnviedProfit21 » February 12, 2012 7:46pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep


Unremarkable (2)
Posts: 3

5 von 6 02.01.2013 11:20

Anti-Mage Build Guide DOTA 2: Original Anti-mage

i just went 17/1 with battle furry build

amazing guide

1 2 3 4 >>

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6 von 6 02.01.2013 11:20

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