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10 French Adjectives
intermediate / advanced level

1- Bitter
Masculine: amer /a.mɛʁ/
Feminine: amère /a.mɛʁ/


- Elle est très amère.

- She’s very bitter.

2- Chubby
Masculine: potelé /pɔt(ə)le/
Feminine: potelée /pɔt(ə)le/


- The first ‘e’ in potelé(e) is usually omitted in speech.


This adjective is normally used when talking about babies or animals. Using it when referring to an adult
could be seen as offensive.


- C’est vrai qu’il est potelé, mais il est trop mignon !

- He’s definitely chubby, but he’s so cute!

3- Exhausted / Worn Out

Masculine: épuisé /e.pɥi.ze/

Feminine: épuisée /e.pɥi.ze/


- Je suis épuisé(e) ce soir !

- I’m exhausted tonight!

10 French Adjectives
intermediate / advanced level

4- Open-minded
Masculine: ouvert d’esprit /u.vɛʁ dɛs.pʁi/

Feminine: ouverte d’esprit /u.vɛʁt dɛs.pʁi/


- C’est la personne la plus ouverte d’esprit que je connaisse.

- She’s the most open-minded person I know.

5- Tipsy / Merry
Masculine: pompette /pɔ̃.pɛt/

Feminine: pompette /pɔ̃.pɛt/


Pompette is an informal word.


- Quand il est pompette, il fait l’imbécile.

- When he’s tipsy, he acts silly.

6- Wasted / Hammered
Masculine: bourré /bu.ʁe/

Feminine: bourrée /bu.ʁe/


Bourré(e) is an informal word.


- Ma sœur est rentrée bourrée la nuit dernière !

- My sister came home wasted last night!

10 French Adjectives
intermediate / advanced level

7- Silly / Daft
Masculine: bébête /be.bɛt/
Feminine: bébête /be.bɛt/


bébête is an informal word.


- Je sais qu’il est bébête, mais quand même …

- I know he’s silly, but still …

8- Sensitive
Masculine: sensible /sɑ̃.sibl/

Feminine: sensible /sɑ̃.sibl/


- Tu es trop sensible !
- You’re too sensitive!

9- Angry / Upset / Allergic To*

Masculine: fâché /fɑ.ʃe/

Feminine: fâchée /fɑ.ʃe/


Fâché(e) can be used in a figurative way, to mean “allergic to” when referring to something the subject
doesn’t like or get on with.


- Elle est fâchée contre moi.

- She’s upset with me.
- Je suis fâché(e) avec les maths.
- I’m allergic to maths.

10 French Adjectives
intermediate / advanced level

10- Sorry / Regretful / Apologetic

Masculine: navré /na.vʀe/

Feminine: navrée /na.vʀe/


- Je suis navré(e).
- I’m sorry.

How To Make Adjectives Plural

Adjectives have to agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. This means that if the noun the
adjective refers to is feminine, you’ll have to use the feminine version of the adjective; and if the noun is
plural, you’ll also have to ensure the adjective is in its plural form.

In most cases, to make an adjective plural, all you need to do is add an S at the end of either the masculine
or feminine version, whichever is needed. However, there are two exceptions to this rule. If the adjective
already ends in an S or an X, then no changes are needed to make it plural. You do not add an S in this


- heureux (masculine singular)

- heureux (masculine plural)
- heureuse (feminine singular)
- heureuses (feminine plural)

- court (masculine singular)

- courts (masculine plural)
- courte (feminine singular)
- courtes (feminine plural)

100 French Adjectives
all levels

masculine feminine Translation

agé âgée old / elderly

ancien ancienne old / ancient / antique
beau belle handsome / beautiful
bizarre bizarre strange / odd / weird
blanc blanche white
bleu bleue blue
bon bonne good / decent / tasty
bronzé bronzée tanned
certain certaine certain / sure / positive
chaud chaude hot
cher chère dear / cherished / expensive
content contente happy / pleased / glad
courageux courageuse brave
dernier dernière last / latest / final
désolé désolée sorry
désorienté désorientée disorientated
différent différente different
difficile difficile difficult / hard / tough
doux douce soft / gentle / mild
drôle drôle funny / odd / weird / strange
effrayé effrayée scared / frightened / afraid
ennuyeux ennuyeux boring
épuisé épuisée exhausted / worn out
étrange étrange strange / odd / weird
fâché fâchée upset / angry / allergic to*
facile facile easy
faible faible weak
fatigué fatiguée tired
faux fausse false / wrong / untrue
fort forte strong / large (big)
frais fraîche cool / chilly / fresh
froid froide cold / distant (unfriendly)
gelé gelée frozen / freezing
gentil gentille nice / kind / sweet

100 French Adjectives
all levels

masculine feminine Translation

grand grande tall / big / large

grave grave grave / serious
gris grise grey
gros grosse fat / big / large
haut haute high / tall / upper
heureux heureuse happy / pleased / glad
humide humide humid / damp / moist
impatient impatiente impatient
important importante important / essential / significant
impossible impossible impossible
inquiet inquiète worried
intelligent intelligente intelligent / clever / smart
intéressant intéressante interesting
jaune jaune yellow
jeune jeune young
joli jolie pretty / lovely / nice
laid laide ugly
léger légère light / slight / subtle
libre libre free / available / vacant
long longue long
lourd lourde heavy
malade malade ill / sick / unwell
mauvais mauvaise bad / poor / wrong / nasty
méchant méchante nasty / mean
meilleur meilleure better
mince mince thin / slim
mort morte dead
naïf naïve naïve / gullible
navré navrée sorry / regretful / apologetic
nerveux nerveuse nervous / fretful / irritable
noir noire black
nouveau nouvelle new
nuageux nuageuse cloudy / overcast
100 French Adjectives
all levels

masculine feminine Translation

orageux orageuse stormy

orange orange orange
ouvert ouverte open
paresseux paresseuse lazy
patient patiente patient
pauvre pauvre poor
petit petite small / little / young / short (height)
plein pleine full / filled
possible possible possible / feasible
premier première first / primary / main / original
pressé pressée in a hurry
prêt prête ready
prochain prochaine next
propre propre clean / neat / toilet trained / own
ravi ravie delighted / overjoyed
rose rose pink
rouge rouge red
sale sale dirty / filthy / nasty
sérieux sérieuse serious / conscientious
seul seule alone / single / only
simple simple simple / easy / straightforward
solitaire solitaire solitary / solo
sportif sportive sporty / athletic
stupide stupide stupid / foolish / silly / senseless
sympa sympa nice / kind / friendly
timide timide shy
tranquille tranquille quiet / peaceful / tranquil / calm
triste triste sad / upset
vert verte green
vide vide empty
vieux vieille old
vivant vivante living / alive / lively
vrai vraie true / genuine / real

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