Analysis of WODC July Consultation 260811

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Analysis of WODC DCS June 2011 Consultation

Analysis of West Oxfordshires Draft Core Strategy Opportunity for Further Comments June 2011
1. Introduction
This paper analyses and summarises the responses to the latest request for comments from WODC in respect to the Draft Core Strategy. It is an objective analysis based on views stated by respondents with regard to the options presented by WODC for a strategic site located in the Carterton area. The analysis focuses on which site the respondent prefers (FOR) and which site the respondent particularly objects to (AGAINST). It should be noted that not all respondents state a FOR and AGAINST position, and in some instances, actually state a number of preferences as opposed to one only. A minor number of responses are not attributable to a Parish. The Strategic Site Options presented as part of this consultation were: West Carterton in the parish of Alvescot East Carterton - in the parish of Brize Norton North Carterton in the parishes of Shilton and Carterton Kilkenny Farm In the parishes of Shilton and Brize Norton The responses have been divided into the following groups: Individual Responses this summarises all the responses with an additional focus on Carterton, Alvescot, Brize Norton and Shilton residents Parish / Town Council responses Responses from other organisations

2. Opinion Expressed Against a Particular Strategic Site

The responses analysed below are based on the 266 responses posted on the WODC Planning Portal. The grouping by parish is based on the explicit information contained in the response.

2.1. Individual Responses

Overall there were a total of 207 individual responses, but as some respondents may have objected to more than one site (or even none at all), there were 233 objections. AGAINST West 147 63% East 32 14% North 23 10% Figbury 13 6% All Sites 18 8%

In the West vs. East debate alone, there were 179 objections of which the West attracted 82% of the objections. This supports and confirms the evidence gathered at the previous consultation 2.1.1. Carterton Responses There were 75 individual responses from Carterton with a total of 79 objections. AGAINST West 67 85% 97% East 2 3% 3% North 7 9% Figbury 1 1% All Sites 2 3%

West vs. East

Again, in the West vs. East debate alone, there were 69 objections of which the West attracted 97%. This supports and confirms the evidence gathered as a result of the recent petition against the West option by Carterton residents. When the petition was carried out, only the West and East options were proposed and 93% were against Carterton West.

Justine and Andrew Garbutt

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Analysis of WODC DCS June 2011 Consultation

2.1.2. Alvescot Responses Overall there were 29 individual responses with a total of 29 objections. AGAINST West 28 97% East 0 0% North 1 3% Figbury 0 0% All Sites 0 0%

As expected, Alvescot residents are almost unanimous (97%) in their objection to the West option. 2.1.3. Brize Norton Responses Overall there were 43 individual responses with a total of 57 objections. AGAINST West 0 0% East 26 46% North 10 18% Figbury 9 16% All Sites 12 21%

As expected, none of the Brize residents object to the West Option and around half (46%) have objected to the East. It is noticeable that there are a number of residents (21%) against any form of development, as well as opposition to the two northern options. 2.1.4. Shilton Responses Overall there were 9 individual responses with a total of 12 objections. AGAINST West 5 42% East 0 0% North 4 33% Figbury 2 17% All Sites 1 8%

This is a relatively small sample so the only conclusion to be drawn here is that there are a range of objections to all the sites with the exception of the East.

2.2. Parish / Town Council Responses

The Parish Councils in and around Carterton all submitted responses in the form of detailed reports, letters or e-mails. The overall position with regard to objecting to the proposed sites is set out below. AGAINST Brize Norton Broadwell Carterton Filkins & BP Kencot Langford Clanfield Alvescot Shilton West X X X X X X East North Figbury All Sites X


Brize Norton and Shilton expressed an objection to any strategic site, Alvescot are opposed to any strategic site, but in particular the West. Broadwell, Filkins, Kencot, Langford and Clanfield are opposed to the West option. Carterton TC did not register any objection at all.

2.3. Responses From Other Interested Parties

Of the remaining groups of respondents, the following observations can be made: Burford Road NWS, a Brize Norton based group, objected to the East, North and Figbury schemes Burford School objected to the North

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Analysis of WODC DCS June 2011 Consultation

Barton Wilmore (based in Reading) commented on the unsuitability of both the West and the East schemes

3. Opinion Expressed For a Particular Strategic Site

The responses analysed below are based on the 266 responses posted on the WODC Planning Portal. The grouping by parish is based on the explicit information contained in the response.

3.1. Individual Responses

Overall there were a total of 227 individual responses regarding the expansion of Carterton, but only 123 preferences were registered against a specific site. More significantly, 123 (54%) respondents indicated that they did not prefer any of the strategic option, suggesting either no expansion or a solution based on infill and smaller sites. We suspect that this would be a higher percentage if No Expansion was one of the options in the consultation. FOR West 22 18% East 54 44% North 42 34% Figbury 5 4%

The East option proved to be the most popular, with the North option being the second most popular. Of the 22 respondents supporting the West option, at least 18 of these were residents of Brize Norton, where a leaflet was circulated advising them to do so. This has been posted on the WODC Planning Portal. 3.1.1. Carterton Responses There were a total of 76 individual responses, but only 49 supporting statements were registered against a specific site. Again more significantly, 35 out of the 76 respondents (46%) indicated that they did not prefer any of the strategic options, suggesting either no expansion or a solution based on infill and smaller sites. FOR West 1 2% East 33 67% North 14 29% Figbury 1 2%

The East option proved to be the most popular, with the North option being the second most popular. 3.1.2. Alvescot Responses There were a total of 29 individual responses, but only 17 preferences were registered against a specific site. In this village 15 out of the 29 respondents (52%) indicated that they did not prefer any of the strategic options, suggesting either no expansion or a solution based on infill and smaller sites. FOR West 0 0% East 3 18% North 13 76% Figbury 1 6%

In Alvescot the North option proved to be the most popular, with the East option being the second most popular. 3.1.3. Brize Norton Responses There were a total of 42 individual responses, but again only 19 preferences were registered against a specific site. In Brize Norton 22 out of the 42 respondents (52%) indicated that they did not prefer any of the strategic options, suggesting either no expansion or a solution based on infill and smaller sites.

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Analysis of WODC DCS June 2011 Consultation


West 18 95%

East 1 5%

North 0 0%

Figbury 0 0%

In Brize Norton, those respondents that favoured a specific site indicated almost unanimously that the West was their preferred option. 3.1.4. Shilton Responses There were a total of 7 individual responses, with only 1 respondent indicating that he preferred the North options. The remaining respondents indicated that they did not support any of the strategic site options

3.2. Parish / Town Council Responses

The Parish Councils in and around Carterton all submitted responses in the form of detailed reports, letters or e-mails. The overall position with regard to supporting the proposed sites is set out below. FOR Brize Norton Broadwell Carterton Filkins & BP Kencot Langford Clanfield Alvescot Shilton West East X X X X North X Figbury

Broadwell and Kencot expressed support to a combination of the East and North sites. Carterton expressly supported the West option. None of the other PCs supported a specific strategic site. Some PCs indicated a solution based on an infill approach or a combination of a number of the identified sites was preferred. Whilst Brize Norton did not expressly favour the West option, they did attempt to list a number of perceived advantages.

3.3. Responses From Other Interested Parties

Of the remaining groups of respondents, the following observations can be made: Burford Road NWS, a Brize Norton based group, support the West Burford School supports the East, whilst Carterton Community College supports the West As expected, all the Developers / Agents support their respective sites

4. Summary
The conclusions of this analysis are: The West Option still remains the site with the most objections The East option is the most popular with the North option as second most popular A significant number of respondents do not support any strategic site, preferring a solution based on infill and / or a combination of the East and North schemes Discounting the views of Brize Norton and Alvescot, which are obviously going to be anti East and anti West respectively, the overwhelming objection to the West from Carterton residents and the remaining surrounding villages is significant. There are strong levels of support across the district for o The East Option o A combination of the East and North schemes

Justine and Andrew Garbutt

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