A Group of Friends Takes On The Zombie Apocalypse

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On a summer night a group of friends from school decided to make a campsite in the
middle of the forest near the town. Their names were Karla, Michael, Isabel, John, Stuart
and Cameron. It was a cold night and wolves were heard howling. While the night passed
they decided to make a fire, eat and tell horror stories. John started a story about a zombie
apocalypse that made everyone scared. But then, a very loud noise was heard. It sounded
like animals running through the bushes.
They all decided to investigate as a group. They found a dead animal that was torn to
pieces. they heard noises further down the trail. As they walked closer to the noise they
could see what looked like people eating a dead animal. These people looked like zombies!
Karla screamed and the zombies saw the group. They all started to run in different
directions as the undead chased them.
Michael, Isabel, Karla and John managed to escape while Stuart and Cameron hid in some
However, zombies could smell them both and attacked. Stuart and Cameron fought for their
lives and barely escaped the zombies by climbing up a tree. They spent the whole night
there until the zombies left the area. The next morning Cameron woke up next to the camp
fire to realize he had just dreamed the whole thing.

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