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Academic Writing -2

By Dr. Rawda Lotfy Mostafa Mansour

ESL 72V1-Winter Intake 2023

Literature Review
Service Marketing

I. Introduction.
New economy required high quality goods followed by proper service solutions and smart information
technology. In this paper we will discuss about the view of the service lifecycle, also discuss approaches
to explore the real-time dynamics of service systems and networks.

Clients are hard to win and hard to keep. So much about looking after that precious relationship is
obvious but frequently not done because we are too busy delivering the basic service. Those who do the
obvious will win!’ – Mark Burns, Clarion Solicitors.

At the same time – and this is not appreciated in the service literature – we have more goods than ever
before in the history of mankind. How can that be? It is because mass manufacturing systems are now
so mechanized, robotized and digitalized that they need few workers; they need supportive services. So
contrary to what the employment statistics indicate, goods are more critical than ever (JOURNAL OF
SERVICES MARKETING, VOL. 16 NO. 7 2002). Forgotten of service solutions will lead to dramatically lose
market shares and relationships with customer. The success road to achieve marketing goals is Wearing
Customer Shoes Before Corporate Hat.


The word “service” has many connotations, varying with domains and settings. We must understand and
deal with its extant variability, in order to decipher and capture its inherent nature in business (Morris
and Johnston, 1987).

Service is frequently defined as an act of beneficial activity. A service that is considered as an act of
beneficial activity has a long history.

Our view for service to be defined as a value with sharing and transformation process. As such, we can
holistically analyze the performance of service systems that enable and execute complex and
heterogeneous services.

By leveraging the advances in computing and network technologies, social science, management
science, and other relevant fields, we present the concept and principles of putting people first in service
and demonstrate that service networks considering service encounters can be comprehensively
explored in a closed-loop and real-time manner.
Academic Writing -2

By Dr. Rawda Lotfy Mostafa Mansour

ESL 72V1-Winter Intake 2023

Literature Review
Service Marketing
majority of human beings, resulting in many service organizations offering and delivering their services
using manufacturing mindsets. Consequently, the advances in social science, management science,
computing technologies, and others are not well integrated and thus leveraged in support of effective
service engineering and management as needed in the service industry.

In addition to the product, price, place, and promotion considerations that are part of marketing
effort, a service firm needs to manage the personnel and customers who are involved in the service
experience, the physical aspects of the service, and the process by which the service is created and
delivered.( Handbook of Services Marketing and Management,1991)

III. Services and The Marketing Mix.

Over the years, there has been a realization that the traditional marketing mix (McCarthy 1960)—
the tools or activities s that are essential to organizations marketing efforts—does not adequately
capture the special circumstances that are present when marketing a service product .

Managing a service activity is a task which demands more focus on marketing of services. The main
objective of any business will be earning profit. Service. being a business. should effectively sell its
features to earn profit. This means that the service providers should sell their service skills in an efficient
way to stay in the business. Marketing of Services differs from goods marketing. as services have certain
distinct features compared to goods. (Krishna, D.S. Gopala, et al. Services Management)

In recent years, those charged with developing the application of marketing in the service sector have
questioned whether the 4Ps approach to the marketing mix was sufficien tly comprehensive. As a result,
there has been a marked shift of opinion and most service marketers now consider that an expanded
marketing mix is appropriate for service businesses – one that ensures that all important elements are
not overlooked.( Payne, Adrian, et al. Marketing Plans for Services)

IV. The Challenges.

it is evident from recent Client care research that looking at business through the lens of the Client,
rather than that of the firm, is still the key challenge facing many professional service
organizations(Berkovi, Jack. Effective Client Management in Professional Services )
Academic Writing -2

By Dr. Rawda Lotfy Mostafa Mansour

ESL 72V1-Winter Intake 2023

Literature Review
Service Marketing
We believe that we look after our Clients extremely well, as evidenced by our retention levels, but we
have no mechanism to measure the validity of this view.’ – Anon. accountants. ‘It’s a given that we know
the law and can apply it – service has to be the differentiator. However, it’s easy to say we have great
Client service, the art is how to communicate and demonstrate this.(Mandy Reynolds, Marketing
Director, Stephens Scown, law firm.)

V. Service Business Strategy and Planning.

as an organization is diving into building a highly profitable service-oriented business by taking
advantage of its own unique engineering expertise and service knowledge, aimed at shifting gears
toward creating superior outcomes to best meet customer needs, an adequate business service strategy
will be vital for the organization’s growth in the long run.( Daskin, Mark S.. Service Science).

To introduce marketing planning is more than a cognitive process because inherent in this new appr
oach are implications that can impact on all parts of the business, from the boardroom down. If the
planning task is tackled properly, no organizational areas are immune. Marketing planning needs to
permeate all parts of the organization, to the extent that even its structure and traditional power
patterns have to stand up to scrutiny and change if they are found wanting. ( Payne, Adrian, et
al. Marketing Plans for Services)

In general, the development of business strategy for enterprises adaptable to a current service business
environment requires extensive understandings of incorporation of solutions to address at least the
following challenges in the service-led economy (Cherbakov et al., 2005; Wright et al., 2005; IBM, 2011;
Bharadwaj et al., 2013; Korsten et al., 2013):

VI. How to Build Successful Client Relationships.

Within the area of service recovery, perceived justice/ fairness is increasingly identified as a key
influence in the formation of consumers’ evaluative judgments of the recovery process (e.g. Tax et al. ,
1998). Although emotions are also thought to have an important role to play in consumer evaluations
(Bagozzi et al. 1999),

In a growing market or booming economy, they may ignore dissatisfied customers because new
customers await. They may ignore service details when performance indicators all seem to be pointing
up, up, and up. They may invest heavily in new facilities, as if the economic boom will continue forever.
( Service Recovery And Service Continuity, edited by Steve Baro)
Academic Writing -2

By Dr. Rawda Lotfy Mostafa Mansour

ESL 72V1-Winter Intake 2023

Literature Review
Service Marketing

The need for management of customer relationships implies the need for systems which manage data
on the whole of the customer interaction, throughout the customer lifecycle, from initial contact,
through configuration and sales, to delivery and post-sales service. The multiple channels by which the
consumer demands to be able to reach the supplier implies that this data must also be integrated across
communication mechanisms, so a telephone salesperson knows about a service request that was sent
yesterday by email, and a sales representative in the field can call on information about previous
purchases and customer profitability to assist judgements about discount levels.( Payne, Adrian, et
al. Marketing Plans for Services)

VII. Conclusion
Rust (2004) remarks “[Today’s] business reality is that goods are commodities; the service sells the
product.” It is not a secret; that the quality of services essentially leads to a high level of customer
satisfaction. It is satisfaction characterized as a superior outcome that further drives customer purchase
decisions. In other words, the service-led total solutions that are measured by performances of
delivering customers’ final benefit rather than the functionality of physical goods lead to winning the
competition in the global service-led marketplaces.

Most firms would agree that a key measure of a successful Client relationship is the level of trust that

Concluding thoughts and recommendations Choosing the right combination Full range of linkages There
seems to be widespread agreement that long-term business success depends on organizations’ abilities
to build positive relationships with their customers.

VIII. References

 Handbook of Services Marketing and Management, edited by Teresa A. Swartz, and Dawn
Iacobucci, SAGE Publications, Incorporated, 1999. ProQuest Ebook Central,
 Kaynak, Erdener. Service Industries in Developing Countries, Taylor & Francis Group,
2004. ProQuest Ebook Central, .
 Service Recovery And Service Continuity, edited by Steve Baron, et al., Emerald Publishing
Limited, 2005. ProQuest Ebook Central,
 Krishna, D.S. Gopala, et al. Services Management, Global Media, 2009. ProQuest Ebook
Central, .
Academic Writing -2

By Dr. Rawda Lotfy Mostafa Mansour

ESL 72V1-Winter Intake 2023

Literature Review
Service Marketing
 Daskin, Mark S.. Service Science : Service Operations for Managers and Engineers, John
Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2010. ProQuest Ebook Central, .
 Payne, Adrian, et al. Marketing Plans for Services : A Complete Guide, John Wiley & Sons,
Incorporated, 2011. ProQuest Ebook Central,
 Payne, Adrian, et al. Marketing Plans for Services : A Complete Guide, John Wiley & Sons,
Incorporated, 2011. ProQuest Ebook Central,
 Qiu, Robin G.. Service Science : The Foundations of Service Engineering and Management,
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central, .
 Berkovi, Jack. Effective Client Management in Professional Services : How to Build
Successful Client Relationships, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central, .

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