Systematic Literature Review of Cyberwarfare

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A systematic literature review of cyberwarfare

and state-sponsored hacking teams
Darshan Harsora∗
∗ School of Engineering,

University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Khushalkumar Khoyani†
† School of Engineering,

University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

arXiv:2212.05166v1 [cs.CR] 10 Dec 2022

It is expected that the creation of next-generation wireless networks would result in the availability
of high-speed and low-latency connectivity for every part of our life. As a result, it is important that
the network is secure. The network’s security environment has grown more complicated as a
result of the growing number of devices and the diversity of services that 5G will provide. This is
why it is important that the development of effective security solutions is carried out early. Our
findings of this review have revealed the various directions that will be pursued in the development
of next-generation wireless networks. Some of these include the use of Artificial Intelligence and
Software Defined Mobile Networks. The threat environment for 5G networks, security weaknesses
in the new technology paradigms that 5G will embrace, and provided solutions presented in the
key studies in the field of 5G cyber security are all described in this systematic literature review for
prospective researchers. Future research directions to protect wireless networks beyond 5G are
also covered.
Index Terms—cyberwarfare, cyber forces, hacked, cyber security, Information warfare, cyberattack.

1 I NTRODUCTION cyber force, which is the fourth force. However, many of

them are informal since they take the shape of task forces
Cyberspace has grown with the Internet’s quick expansion. made up of different community members who have been
The growth of cyberspace is significantly altering and influ- assigned particular duties. This cyber army is made up of
encing communication practices. Cyberspace, after the land, a variety of people with exceptional and distinctive skills
sea, air, and space battlefields, has become more important who work together to create a resilience capacity against
in the military industry. Cyberattacks of all kinds are used new cyberattacks [2].
to advance and produce cyberwarfare in cyberspace [1].In There are some peculiar aspects of cyber warfare. Since
this type of cyber risk environment, it’s critical to swiftly the invention of nuclear weapons and intercontinental mis-
recognize and recognize specific attack information in order siles, it is perhaps the first significant new style of warfare.
to successfully fight against assaults. The current cyber Due to its novelty, there is now a virtual policy space there
defense system, however, is concentrated on repair after are no educated, transparent, political, or public conversa-
damage has been done. The defensive system that is solely tions about what would constitute an ethical and prudent
concerned with recuperation has a drawback since it is hard approach to the employment of such weapons. The ”attri-
to react quickly in between real operations. The recovery bution problem” refers to the difficulty in identifying the
point defense system’s drawback is that it is hard to react source of cyberattacks. Since many nations can credibly as-
quickly in between operational phases. A new framework sert that the cyberattacks may have begun from within their
for cyberwarfare operations is required to support this. borders but that their governments did not start them, this
Every nation develops its hacking teams in a unique way. fact would provide many cyberattacks credible immunity
After the army, navy, and air force, there is a distinct from prosecution [3].

1.1 Prior research TABLE 1

Research questions.
Regarding the cyberwarfare and hacking subject of our
review, we have located a sizable number of publications, Research Questions(RQ) Discussion
research papers, and periodicals. The information on this
subject is still scant and insufficient. According to a study RQ1: What is cyberwarfare? Cyberwarfare includes nation-
state activity.or a foreign gov-
on cyberwarfare by Richardus Eko Indrajit, Marsetio, Rudy ernment or group to engage in
Gultom, and Pujo Widodo [4], the cyber army engage in four harm the information or com-
different types of operations. Each pertains to attempts to: I puters of another country net-
works, such as by computer
defend important national assets; (ii) cope with incoming as- viruses or assaults that disrupt
saults; (iii) launch attacks to render the opposing side help- service.
less; and (iv) wage war on different enemies. Additionally,
RQ2: Is cyberwarfare ethical? To assess the ethically appro-
it is done to develop the knowledge and abilities required to priate military responses eth-
be able to execute these four activities.The findings indicate ical and legal in the face
that thirty professions predominate in the building of the of a cyber-attack Norms fo-
cused primarily on what is
collective cyber army capability. prohibited Physical confronta-
”An operational website whose distinct and distinctive tions are less obvious than rel-
characteristics are framed by the use of devices and the evant to cyberattacks without
emission spectra to create, store, modify, exchange, and taking into account the target
has a serious, damaging phys-
manipulate information through interconnected digitaliza- ical potential irrelevant code
tion (ICT) based systems and their associated infrastruc-
RQ3: What kind of infrastruc- utilities must create effective
tures,” according to Dan Kuehl [5]. This fits with how ture is required to cope with incident response systems. dis-
we initially defined the cyberworld: as any virtual reality cyberwarfare? cuss their network’s best prac-
confined within a group of devices and networks. There tices and make strategies, and
are several cyberworlds, but the Internet is the one that promote openness by alert-
ing authorities to a govern-
has the most bearing on the issue of cyberwarfare right mental body. a number of na-
now. Cyberwarfare combines assault, defense, and special tions have established cyber
technical activities on computer networks [6]. soldiers or armies whose mis-
sion is the protection the na-
Government websites in Ukraine were hacked, taken tion from disasters brought on
over, and flooded with threatening comments during Jan- by online assaults.
uary 14–16, 2022. A report detailing the discovery of ”de-
structive cyberattacks aimed directly against Ukraine’s digi-
talization” was published online by Microsoft’s Threat Infor- •We give a meta-analysis of such current situation with
mation Centre (MSTIC) on January 15; days earlier, attackers relation to the definition of cyber warfare, its moral
were using a Structured Query Language altitude weakness underpinnings, and its effects on vital infrastructure.
to insert ”wiper” ransomware in Ukrainian servers. As a • To encourage more research in this field, we establish
result, several Ukrainian organizations had their data wiped recommendations and make representations.
away on January 18 [7]. The format of this essay is as follows: The techniques
used to choose the primary studies for analysis in a me-
1.2 Research goals thodical manner are described in Section 2. The results of all
the primary research chosen are presented in Section 3. The
The goals of this study are the analysis of previous research
findings in relation to the earlier-presented study topics are
and its conclusions, as well as a summary of the efforts of
discussed in Section 4. The research is concluded in Section
cyberwarfare research. As stated below in table 1, we created
5, which also makes some recommendations for more study.
three research questions to help us concentrate the effort.

1.3 Contribution and Layouts

We conducted a systematic evaluation of several cyber-
For anyone wishing to advance their work in cyberwarfare
warfare research publications in order to reach the goal
and cybersecurity, this SLR offers the following contribu-
of answering the research questions. To prepare for our
systematic literature review, we will evaluate the studies in-
• We find 61 primary studies on hacking and cyberwar-
fare.Other academics might utilize this collection of
papers to deepen their understanding of this topic.
• We further choose 15 primary research that satisfy the 2.1 Selection of primary studies
standards we establish for quality evaluation. These The search capability of a certain magazine or search engine
papers can serve as appropriate comparison points for was emphasized by entering keywords. The keywords were
examination of related research. selected to support the growth of study results that would
• To communicate the concepts and problems in the dis- help in resolving the research’s problems. On a number
ciplines of science of cyberwarfare, hacking, and cyber of websites, we searched for research papers and reviews
security, we undertake an extensive examination of the utilizing keywords as ”cyberwarfare,” ”cyberwar,” ”cyber-
data included in the subset of 15 papers. security,” ”state-sponsored hacking,” etc.

Passing keywords to a particular publication’s or search TABLE 2

engine’s search function highlighted primary studies. The Inclusion and exclusion for primary studies
keywords were chosen to encourage the development of
Criteria for Inclusion Criteria for exclusion
study findings that would aid in addressing the study’s
issues [8]. We looked for research articles and reviews using The paper must present em- Grey literature such as blogs
keywords like ”cyberwarfare,” ”cyberwar,” ”cybersecurity,” pirical data related to cyber- and government documents
warfare and hacking groups.
”state-sponsored hacking,” etc. on a variety of web sites.
The paper must contain infor- Non-English papers
The platforms searched were: mation related to cyberwar-
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library fare, cyber security, and hack-
- SpringerLink ing
- Google Scholar The paper published in a con-
- UOG Library ference proceeding or journal
- ScienceDirect
According to the search platforms, the title, keywords, or
abstract were used in the searches. On October 15, 2022, must be adequately contextualized. This will make it possi-
we did the searches and processed all research that had ble to understand the research correctly.
submitted up to that point. The inclusion/exclusion criteria, Stage 3: Executing Cyberattack The study must have suffi-
which will be provided in Section 2.1, were used to filter the cient information to accurately depict how the cyberattack
results of these searches. is carried out against a particular infrastructure, which will
help to address research questions RQ1 and RQ3.
Stage 4: Ethical context In an effort to help in answering
2.2 Inclusion and Exclusion criteria RQ2, the paper must explain the morality of cyberwarfare.
Studies that are part of this systematic literature review Stage 5: Data acquisition To assess accuracy, specifics re-
should include empirical findings and may include case garding the data’s collection, measurement, and reporting
studies, hypothetical analyses, or studies that address the must be provided.
real consequences of cyberattacks organized by one coun-
try or organization against another. The requirements for 2.5 Data extraction
admission are met by papers that discuss problems and
difficulties in cyberwarfare. They must be written in English Data was then taken from all publications that had survived
and subjected to peer review. Google Scholar might return the quality evaluation in order to evaluate the completeness
papers that are of a lesser caliber, thus all results will be of the data and verify the accuracy of the information in-
examined for conformity with these standards [9]. This cluded within the articles. Before being applied to the whole
Systematic Literature Review will only contain the most set of research studies that have successfully completed the
recent iteration of a study. quality evaluation step, the data extraction technique was
first tested on a sample of five studies. Each study’s data
was taken out, put into categories, and then entered into a
2.3 Selection results spreadsheet. The data was categorized using the following
The initial search results on the chosen platforms turned up categories:
a total of 61 studies. 52 were left after duplicate studies were Context data: Information on the study’s objectives.
eliminated. There were 20 publications left after the research Qualitative data: Results and recommendations offered by
were examined under the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The the authors.
inclusion/exclusion criteria were applied again after read- Quantitative data: Data obtained from testing and research
ing all 20 articles, leaving 15 papers. are then applied to the study. The attrition rate of papers
obtained from the first keyword searches on each platform
through to the final decision of primary studies are shown
2.4 Quality assessment in Figure 1 along with the quantity of articles chosen at each
In accordance with the guidelines established by Kitchen stage of the process.
ham and Charters [10], a review of the main studies’ quality
was conducted. This made it possible to evaluate the papers’
2.6 Data analysis
applicability to the research topics while taking into account
any indications of bias in the study and the reliability We gathered the information included in the qualitative and
of the experimental results. The evaluation procedure was quantitative data categories in order to achieve the goal of
modeled after the method employed by Hosseini et al. [11]. responding to the study questions. We also performed a
Each and every one of the selected main studies is subjected meta-analysis on the studies that were exposed to the last
to the following quality evaluation checklist. step of data extraction.
The stages of finding the excluded studies, as seen in
Table ??, are as follows: 2.6.1 Publications over time
Stage 1: Cyberwarfare The study of cyberwarfare, state- Despite being ubiquitous, the phrase ”cyberwarfare” was
sponsored hacking, and information relating to cyber secu- less well-known due to its limited use.But after 2013, the
rity must be the main topics of the paper. public may access a sizable number of publications on
Stage 2:Context The aims and conclusions of the research cybersecurity and cyberwarfare. This may draw attention to

how novel the concepts of cyberwarfare and cybersecurity TABLE 3

are. The number of initial studies published each year is Counts of the keywords in the primary studies.
depicted in Figure 2 as a chart. The employment of the terms
”cybersecurity” and ”cyberwarfare,” as seen in the image, is Keywords Count
on the rise. In the future, we anticipate seeing a rise in the
cyberwarfare 1029
number of publications related to cyberwarfare. cyber security 526
hacking 120
critical infrastructure 254
breach 20
information warfare 35
cyber conflict 92
cyberspace 74
cyberattacks 141
denial-of-service 210

be incorporated into the data analysis are shown in Figure

Primary Key Qualitative & Quantita- Theme
Study tive Data Reported
[12] The fast expansion of the In- cyberspace
ternet has led to an expan-
sion of cyberspace. Cyber-
warfare has replaced tradi-
tional warfare as a result of
the growth of cyberspace. Cy-
berspace has been recognized
Fig. 1. Attrition of papers through processing as the fifth battleground, af-
ter ground, sea, air, and space,
particularly in the subject of
[13] When compared to conven- cyberwarfare
tional combat, cyberwarfare is
far cheaper and is conducted
without endangering human
life. Attacking a country or
any personal data through
cyberwarfare is on the rise
[14] There has been a lot of dis- cyberattacks
cussion on how cyberattacks,
hacktivists, and underground
cybercrime have contributed
to the war between Russia and
Fig. 2. publication over time Ukraine.
[15] Many cyberattacks on critical critical in-
2.6.2 Significant keyword counts: systems in the past years will frastructure
never be acknowledged ow-
An analysis of keywords across all 42 studies was done
ing to national security con-
in order to identify the recurring characteristics among
the chosen primary research. The frequency of various key
[16] Due to the fast growth and cyberspace
terms in all primary studies is shown in Table 3.
widespread use of computer
technology, cyberspace has
3 F INDINGS evolved into an essential com-
After carefully reading each main research article, pertinent ponent of a government, a so-
qualitative and quantitative information was taken out and ciety, and people’s daily lives.
presented in Table 4. The main issue or emphasis of each
of the key studies was how cyberwarfare is changing the
globe. In Table 4 below, the emphasis of each study is
also listed.The percentages of the 30 main studies’ various
themes that allowed them to pass the quality evaluation and

Primary Key Qualitative & Quantita- Theme Primary Key Qualitative & Quantita- Theme
Study tive Data Reported Study tive Data Reported
[17] Cyberwarfare is the use of denial-of- [23] Cybersecurity for vital infras- Cyber secu-
viral assaults or denial-of- service tructure and services through- rity
service (DOS) attacks by any out the world is changing as a
international body to target result of the hybrid conflict in
and make attempts to destroy Ukraine. For a very long time
the systems, infrastructure, or after the battle is resolved,
data management of another the events will continue to al-
country. ter cybersecurity practices all
[18] Recent cyberattacks have hacking across the world.
blurred the distinction [24] Cyberwarfare is the term used cyberwarfare
between real combatants to describe politically inspired
and political hackers. hacking for destruction and
This essay examines the espionage. It is a sort of cy-
implications of cybermilitias berwarfare that is occasion-
and the potential advantages ally contrasted with tradi-
and disadvantages of tional warfare.
cyberconflict. [25] Cyberwarfare entails opera- cyberwarfare
[19] The conventional tendency of cyberattack tions that have a military or
cyber attacks against physical political purpose. Second, it
computer systems is toward entails using cyberspace to de-
controlling and command of liver straight or compound-
the physical infrastructure. ing kinetic impacts that pro-
[20] Human skills and capaci- cyberwarfare duce outcomes equivalent to
ties, including the capacity to those of conventional military
guard, protect, assault, and forces.Third, it produces out-
win battles, must be tailored comes that either lead to a ma-
to the demands of cyberwar- jor threat to a country’s secu-
fare itself. A cyber unit must rity, or that are taken in reac-
do all of these tasks in a va- tion to such a threat.
riety of ways and in coopera- [26] They can anticipate prolonged cyberwarfare
tion with critical institutions. periods of low-intensity,global
These abilities represent the cyberwarfare, a Digital Cold
collective competency of a cy- War, while a play balance is
ber troop. pursued, and that cyberwar-
[21] Because cyberwarfare differs cyberwarfare fare is not subject to control by
from traditional kinetic war- international agreements.
fare, it is important to examine
TABLE 4. Main findings and themes of the primary studies
fundamental warfare concepts
in order to distinguish it from
traditional armed conflict.
[22] In order to examine the me- Cyber secu-
chanics and ramifications of rity
offensive and defense cy-
berwarfare operations, Offen-
sive and Protective Software
Technologies is designed to
bring along technical and non-
technical cyberwarfare spe-
cialists, academics, and practi-
tioners in relevant domains.

Fig. 3. Chart of themes of primary studies.

Nearly half 48% of all research are focused on cyberwarfare,

according to the themes found in the primary studies. With

a proportion of 24.5% , cyber security is the second most the United States. Following several cyberattacks, the nation
widely discussed subject. With 11.8% of the total themes, has not implemented the required security to ensure against
hacking is the third most prevalent and is largely concerned modern-day crime: cyberwarfare [31].
with how crucial political or financial information might be
stolen by hackers. 4.0.1 RQ1: What is cyberwarfare?
The fourth most frequent subject, with a 6.6% share, is It is crucial to emphasize that the systematic literature
cyberattacks.Cyberspace makes up 3.5% of primary study evaluation under consideration will only concentrate on
themes, whereas Critical Infrastructure makes up 5.6%. cyberattacks and warfare. In light of this, it should be
mentioned that the researchers discovered a large number of
4 D ISCUSSION papers on terrorism and conflict during the attrition process
used to choose the primary studies. But the selection process
Initial search terms reveal that there are several papers gave special attention to research that have cyberwarfare at
that discuss cyberwarfare. Most of the chosen main stud- their core.
ies are experimental hypotheses or notions with limited The term ”cyber warfare,” which is widely used in the
quantitative information and few real-world implications establishment media, has a wide variety of connotations.
for challenges of today [27].”Cyberwar” and ”cyberwarfare” Cyberwarfare, according to Alford’s definition from 2001, is
are two different concepts. Cyberwarfare is the term used to ”any help to improve the overall to compel an adversary to
describe the tactics, methods, and procedures that may be carry out our national will, performed against the program
deployed in a cyberwar. The term ”war” refers to a large- controlling functions inside an adversary’s system.” [32]
scale struggle that frequently lasts a long period and may
This description from Alford represents the idea that
include objectives including the use of force or the intention
nations would use cyberwarfare to further a national ob-
to kill.
jective. However, it may be argued that modern combat
Richard A. Clarke, who served as US President George
does not necessarily strive to further such a cause. Possibly,
W. Bush’s chief cyber security advisor, described cyber war
the objective of modern warfare is to spread non-national
as ”activities by a nation state to infiltrate another nation’s
philosophies and religious convictions. Therefore, it is im-
systems and networks for the objective of causing injury or
prudent to limit a definition of cyberwarfare to having that
damage” (Knake and Clarke, 2010) [28].
goal as its primary objective.
According to the definition of cyberwar provided by the
”Cyber warfare is the science and art of battling without
Oxford English Dictionary, it is only ”another name for cy-
fighting; of conquering an opponent without sacrificing
berwar.” Cyber war, as described by the Oxford Dictionary
their blood,” says Jeffrey Carr in another explanation of
(2013) [29], is ”the use of digital technology to hamper a state
the term [33]. Unlike Alford’s (2001), this term does not try
or institution’s functioning, notably the deliberate attack of
to explain why the opposing sides are fighting. The idea
communications infrastructure by some other country or
that cyberwarfare won’t result in casualties, however, has
organization.” Like the other definitions under discussion,
to be called into doubt. Losses of life might happen from
this one may be viewed as having issues.Like any activity
a cyberattack on vital national infrastructure, including the
that has the potential to hurt, cyberwarfare raises ethical
electrical system.
issues. Particularly nations must comprehend if cyberwar-
fare is morally permissible and how to conduct it morally
4.0.2 RQ2: Is cyberwarfare ethical?
[30].All cyberattacks are currently orchestrated and planned
by people. These tasks are projected to be created and Like any act that has the potential to do harm, cyberwarfare
performed in the future by artificial intelligence. Artificial poses ethical issues. Nations must precisely comprehend
intelligence (AI) technologies will be quicker than humans when and how to conduct such combat in cyberspace in
in analyzing and breaching security measures. They will accordance with moral principles. According to Taddeo, the
have considerably greater ability to disrupt systems than Just War Theory, a set of precisely outlined criteria that
they had in the past. One of the best methods to defend define when a country is ethically justified in starting a war
against cyberattacks will be blockchain. Systems can be kept and how to act decently while at war, governs conventional
safe, and data can be shielded from hackers. battles. Taddeo argues that these ideas are difficult to ap-
Cyberwarfare is the useing of viral attacks or denial-of- ply to cyber warfare and that these difficulties necessitate
service attacks by any international organization to target further research [34].
and try to destroy the computers, infrastructure, or data Taddeo proposes three criteria that make up a ”Just Cy-
management of another country. Cyberwarfare is the use of ber War” in an effort to solve the problem of cyber warfare
pcs, IoTs, and networking in a conflict area or as a compo- ethics. These guidelines are connected to the concept of a
nent of covert warfare. It involves aggressive and sceptical ”infosphere.” This is described by Taddeo as ”the setting in
actions in respect to the risk of cyberattacks, monitoring, which informational things, both alive and lifeless, digital
and collateral/other harm. Whether or not these actions and analog, are ethically judged.”
fall within the definition of ”war” is up for discussion. 1) Only entities that threaten or interfere with the infos-
Transnational cyber-security is still a problem for major phere’s stability should be targeted by cyberwarfare.
national and international entities.Current experts lack the 2) To protect the health of the infosphere, cyberwar should
means to deal with the ongoing change in the cybersecurity be fought.
field since they lack in-depth knowledge of the issue. Both 3) Fighting a cyberwar shouldn’t be done to protect the
the culprit and the victim of these cyberattacks are mostly infosphere.

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